Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1729 The Secret Words of the Goddess (74)

Well, maybe the way to die under the stars is beautiful, but that's too surreal, only urbanites think that way, why can't a wife figure out a way to kill her tall husband, inherit his inheritance, and live alone What about the quiet days?

Although I don’t know how Bishop did it, people didn’t know the poisonous plant white snakeroot in the 17th century. It is very common on the grasslands of North America. If humans drink the milk produced by cows that eat this plant, they can get "milk disease", which can be fatal. Abraham Lincoln's mother died of drinking poisoned milk.

This is a feasible way. Feed him to drink this kind of poisonous milk, and ask him to drink more. The poisoning must be done without leaving any traces. Otherwise, when the police come to ask questions, they will wipe their tears with an apron and cry and say, " I didn't know this thing was poisonous." Anyway, you are a weak-willed, ignorant woman, maybe the police will deal with it as accident and witchcraft.

Generally, male police officers are not so careful, they will pay attention to the micro-expression of the prisoner, but when Martha was being interrogated, the clerk of the court noticed. When Martha clasped her hands, the girls shuddered, when she shifted her weight they stomped, and when she bit her lip, the girls got teeth marks on their arms and wrists.

When people are nervous, they will swallow. Because there is no food in the mouth at that time, what they swallow is saliva. Some people will bite their nails and pencil ends when facing pressure to relieve pressure. These actions can tell their own emotions through the mouth. Nervous system "Don't be afraid, I'm eating."

Chewing and swallowing actions will directly transmit the information of "eating" to the central nervous system. From the perspective of the brain, it is good to have something to eat, because something to eat represents survival and long-term evolution. Grind your teeth, or bite your lip, like Martha did in court.

No matter how calm she looks on the surface, even a little rash, but her micro-expression can not lie, she is very nervous, maybe it is facing pressure, or it may be lying, subconsciously clenched her hands is also a response Comfort yourself, professionally trained and experienced actors will subtract those redundant movements during the performance, and perform some small movements according to the emotions of the characters.

Even if a woman is born to be an actor, there is still a certain gap in this aspect between the actor who has been specially trained and acquired, which requires meticulous observation to find out.

The girls obviously colluded. At first they said they wanted to sign the book, but later changed it to just put their hands on the book. Before 1692, New England was the most educated place in the world. Books were extremely scarce, and the Bible was the easiest to obtain. Those who could own as many books as Elizabeth did were even richer. At least she had a rich father. So she doesn't need to be afraid of her husband at all.

Most of the girls in Salem can read, but only a few can sign. Ann Putnam Jr. is one of them, and the other is the maid Mary Warren. She can even write complete sentences and write them as thank you signs. Affixed to a pillar in the chapel to inform everyone that she is back to normal.

In a sense, this maid has a higher level of education than the eldest daughter of the prominent Salem Putnam family. Lun became the defendant, but her beautiful appearance saved her life again, and she didn't have to be locked up in prison like Bishop.

Bishop also has a stepson, and half of her ex-husband's property will be distributed to him after his death. The reason why people suspect that she is a witch is also related to his ex-husband's bizarre death. Many people think that he was cursed to death by her.

Just as Martha couldn't control people talking about her behind her back, Bishop couldn't control others. Salem Village and Salem Town are not the same place. The village is near the creek in the woods, while the town is in the north. Bishop never lived in the village, and she didn't know anyone in court, but the Putnams' cousin, Mary Walcott, accused Bishop of being attacked by her ghost.

But that trial happened on April 19, and many things happened before that. For example, Ingrid Mather brought a charter issued by the king, allowing New England to no longer have a governor and deputy governor.

This does not mean that the United States is independent. Other North American colonies also have governors and vice-governors from the British aristocracy, and this is just a slight political concession. New Englanders still have to continue to pay taxes to England.

To make people actively participate in the war, apart from hatred is profit, the pastors intentionally quoted some stories when preaching, such as how a group of immigrants escaped from the hands of the brutal Indians, and then were saved by their compatriots.

This is the traditional routine of the United States of America. During World War II, the Indians were replaced by Communists, and those who fled were replaced by persecuted Americans and advanced elements longing for democracy and freedom.

Paris would not tell these stories, but priests like Burroughs, Mather, and Rosen would tell, especially Burroughs, who was not only a personal experiencer of one of the legendary stories, but also saw scenes of tragedy on the front line. He even put down the book in his hand, picked up the gun, and became a combat priest.

His name for Indians has also become pagan, and there is an Indian slave Tituba in the Paris family. Although he disciplines the servants severely, he never has the idea of ​​​​bullying her. She also has an Indian husband named John. Injun, the two of them who baked that damned witch cake.

In such an era, it would make people feel weak not to say these things in a sermon, but after saying these things, it aroused a frenzy. Can people calm down and think?

Chapter 3 of Revelation says: Some churches use "artificial" charisma in order to "live", some use "lively" music, and some churches use "inspiring" activities, and even more Some hold spiritual revival specials, or use the method of "calling and pray-reading" in meetings to create a phenomenon where everyone can function. Actually, in the eyes of the Lord, these methods are alive outwardly but dead inwardly.

While the secular people are busy dealing with the French, Indians, and concerned about the charter to restore their power, the pastors such as Cotton Mather are paying close attention to the "Second Coming of Christ", and it is accurate to say that they are counting the end of the world. How long it will come, of course, this is not announced to the public, just like this is already chaotic enough, if you know that doom is coming, you don't know what kind of chaos it will be.

Many priests are actually involved in alchemy, magic, and astrology, but they lash out at magic, so that they give the world the illusion that these priests are pedantic, corrupt, and superstitious with a book.

Witchcraft and theology are two sides of the same coin, like two sides of a coin, the coin cannot be used without either, or they exist together and are destroyed at the same time.

Even if temporarily reconciled for the greater good, wizards and priests will one day go from allies to sworn enemies like the Indians allying themselves with the immigrants.

This rule has existed since the day when Druidism was destroyed by the Romans. They knew nature to conquer nature, not to conform to it.

Even charismatic gifts can be created "artificially", what else can't be created by man?

If man is really created by God in his own image, then man should also understand that when something becomes a threat to his own survival, he must destroy it.

So when people become stronger and closer to gods, gods will destroy human beings for their own safety.

Or like Cronus eating his own children.

Hope human beings have a mother like Rhea, and a grandmother like Gaia.

Maybe one day, a fat little boy accidentally pushed a female goat while playing with her and broke one of her horns. The fairy immediately came to heal her and the little boy picked up the goat. A ram's horn and gave it to the fairy, as long as it is blown, it can bring abundant food, so this horn is also called "the horn of abundance".

Perhaps that simple horn sound is the most beautiful music.

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