Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1731 The Queen of Hell (2)

In the Oval Hall of the Richelieu Library, among the 16 cities representing civilizations, Florence is located between Athens and Washington.

Both Florence and Athens represent freedom and democracy, but now Washington has taken the opportunity of Greece to light the Olympic torch, not only to detonate Greece's debt crisis, but also to bring the entire euro zone down for a bloodbath.

They have completed the layout, and now they are just waiting for the right time to wait for the Greek debt to grow and grow like a tumor. The Germans will not kick Greece out of the EU at will because they want to form the EU to deal with the United States.

This method is essentially similar to Viking robbery, except that the Vikings wanted to kill and set fire. After changing this civilized method, the people responsible for setting fire and smashing became the people of the victimized country.

What is the use of overthrowing the existing government after they have vented their anger?

Debts still have to be repaid. In addition to their developed industry, the good credit of the Germans is also related to their efforts to repay the war reparations from World War I and World War II. The Second World War was directly related to the excessive indemnity of the First World War. After the Second World War, Europe was crippled like that, and the victorious countries did not push Germany as hard as they did in the First World War. If you push them, they will come to power. A Hitler, another world war, smashing everything that has been built after so many years of hard work and starting again?

The United States doesn't care. They are watching the fire from the other side across the Atlantic Ocean. Anyway, the refugees can't swim there. It seems that there is no way to deal with them except for the Yellowstone volcano eruption.

The range of missiles in various countries is sufficient, but the United States has the "Patriot" anti-missile system, and the intercepted missiles can only perform a gorgeous fireworks show in the sky, especially the expensive ones, a missile costs hundreds of dollars. ten thousand dollars.

Human flesh and blood can't stop it, so Grindelwald replaces Muggles and rules them. It won't work, but it will give Muggles a chance to shirk responsibility.

Under the democratic system, the French police and army will not shoot to suppress. Once they shoot, the opposition party will criticize the ruling party who ordered the shooting, and the people will abandon them in the next election. Do dirty work with the ruling party, but the fruits of victory are picked by others.

Sometimes the internal enemy is more difficult to deal with than the external enemy. Nas and Putnam are both villagers of Salem, and Nas also occupies the right to arbitrate the land, but no matter how hard he tries to disassociate her from supernatural events It doesn't work. Don't you know what uncles and uncles can do?

Fighting alone is sure to be difficult with two fists and four hands. Francis Nurse's family has 8 children, and Putnam's family has 5 children. In theory, the Nas family has an advantage in numbers, but if they are all useless, the same It wasn't the Putnam rivals who were entwined, and he lost his wife in the end.

Mom was killed, do you want revenge? How to take revenge? The land and property were also taken by others, but in the eyes of the townspeople, the Putnam family was the victim, and Rebecca Nass was a witch, and there was no room for justice or justice.

This is how the so-called feud began.

In the runes, "seven" is represented by a mysterious creature. In addition, there is another mysterious number "five", which can be represented by a five-legged monster or a pentagram. The star is the symbol of Eros.

Turning the pentagram upside down is the symbol of Satan. Demons don't necessarily have horns like goats, and they may look exactly like humans.

George Burroughs was taken back to Salem from the Wells front line by fifteen wanted warrants without knowing what was going on, and then he was accused of being the leader of the witches, that is, the devil.

He died saying he was innocent, but it was no use. His special treatment was to give a sermon before he died, and he was hanged after saying it.

The noose twisted by the five Putnam brothers was put around his head, and perhaps the executioner gave him a push, and his mark on school history is that he was the only one to be hanged on charges of witchcraft. of Harvard graduates.

However, George Burroughs was not the first victim. The first to die was Sarah Osborne. She was unable to go to church because of her weakness, and the living conditions in the prison were even worse. She persisted in the prison. 14 weeks, died of loneliness in May.

At this time, the girls have become veteran witch hunters. They may only be eleven or twelve years old, but the parents of those sick children have turned to them with a pilgrimage.

Under the guidance of Paris, these girls can clearly explain how several cows in the community have frozen to death in the past six years. Salem seems to be under their rule, but in fact they are just puppets. If there is a problem, these girls will still be used to take the blame.

They once turned themselves into the shining focus, and they will be responsible for their crazy behavior in the future, but Muggles have not yet seen through this. Witches are the theme of Halloween in Salem. These injustices and the evil carnival people behind them They don't care at all, they just want to play dress-up and trick-or-treating.

There was once a pardoned witch named Suzanne Martin, who was asked by Hassan three hundred years ago, "Do you think they (the twitching girls) are witched?"

"No, I don't think so." Suzanne Martin replied without hesitation.

There was also a woman named Suzanne in the small group around Severus, but her more common name was the English form of Suzanne, Susan, who made up a pseudonym to deceive Goncey Leroy, who was actually It was unnecessary for her to do that, because now she was exposed, but she still did it subconsciously.

Whatever the motive, a liar seeks advantage and avoids disadvantage.

This woman full of mysteries approached them proactively, which seemed even more suspicious, especially since she was still a member of the Napoleon Foundation and had a certain blood relationship with Napoleon Bonaparte.

Defense by day and night, no matter how you defend, you never thought that it was a Muggle who had been dead for more than two hundred years.

Perhaps Bonaparte himself wasn't great, but he had been to Egypt, an ancient ruin infested with scorpions, and had been lost in the desert for a while. The two people who led the way, Kleber died of assassination, while Napoleon has been living in the shadow of assassination. Even when he was imprisoned on St. Hena Island, he thought he was assassinated by the British. Some people even found out that the arsenic content in his body exceeded the standard through his hair, and used it as evidence of Napoleon's assassination.

It is impossible to open the coffin for an autopsy, and it is impossible to open the coffin for DNA testing to see if the person lying in it is really Napoleon. The crown of thorns at Notre Dame de Paris is really the one he wore during his crucifixion. It wasn’t a beggar on the side of the road who pulled a little thorns and randomly made it up. No matter how suspicious you are, you can only endure it. Now you don’t need scientists to seek the truth. Spirit.

In the Natural History Anatomy and Comparison Museum, Gonseil found a wax figure that Napoleon brought back from Florence, that is, the wax figure with all the skin peeled off to reveal the musculature inside. He held up a hand, As if he was leading the army of thousands of skeletons behind him, Goncey originally wanted to destroy it and look for the "bugs" hidden inside, but then Susanna appeared to stop him.

Maybe tomorrow morning the museum staff will see the bones all over the floor, but Gonseil can't restore them. Although they have been petrified, they were once living things, and they cannot be repaired by "recovering as new."

It was a forbidden area for gods, and even wizards had to abide by certain rules, such as using toads to hatch male eggs when hatching basilisks.

Rooster laying eggs is not as common as hen laying eggs, but the existence of common sense is to break through. With the advancement of technology, human beings can communicate with each other by telephone. Who would have thought that more than 300 years ago? Maybe someday a man can get pregnant too. At that time, it will also trigger a social change, just like the popularization of computers.

Suzanne prevented Conseil from destroying the wax figure, but let him assemble all the human wax organs in the specimen room like parts, and finally spelled out a person again, only this wax figure was a child.

They found nothing in the wax figure, only a circular dent. It seemed that there was something there, but it was dug away.

There is also a line of hieroglyphs, it is unclear whether it was carved at the time of manufacture or later. This line of words means "Beloved of Hathor".

In the history of ancient Egypt, there was a pharaoh whose title was Amenemhat I, the founder of the Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt.

He was a former minister, perhaps because his throne was obtained by usurping the throne, so he let his son become his deputy and co-govern. This practice was later removed by the Roman emperor, especially in the Eastern Roman Empire. Co-government emperor.

He left behind an "Amenenhamut Oracle", and the pharaoh needed to make himself a myth. One of them mentioned: Don't trust the people around you, including your followers and ministers.

But it was such a person who was finally assassinated by his captain of the guards. The official document at the time said that "the king's soul left his body, ascended to heaven, and merged with the disc of the sun, and his sacred body and the creator of him The great gods have merged into one", including the assassin who stabbed the king to death.

And he proclaimed himself "the Beloved of Hathor" when he was alive, although Thebes worshiped the sun god at that time.

From the present point of view, Hathor wanted to "see" Napoleon very much. It would be better to engrave this "Hartor's favorite" on his corpse. What's the use of engraving it on a wax figure of a child?

Hathor's image was changed according to Ramses II's favorite queen Nefertari. Can the short man who shot at the Sphinx compare with Ramses II?

That person was no different from ordinary people. When riots broke out, he still had to hide from the East and West, and he had to follow the words of the mob and admit that he was a southerner.

How could such a commoner person be born a superior person?

"If you had to choose, which is more free, Athens or Washington?" Severus asked Susannah with a smile.

"Do I have to answer your question?" Susannah asked.

"No." Severus sighed. "I just want to know what women are thinking."

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