Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1722 The Secret Words of the Goddess (sixty-seven)

On July 5, 1687, Isaac Newton published the theory of universal gravitation in "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy". However, this theory was not immediately accepted by people, and he was still promoting it in 1692.

Unlike what most people think, science is used to break "superstitions". In 1692, Newton wrote in a letter to the British priest Bentley, "When I wrote about the system of the universe, I paid special attention to Nothing could have pleased me more than to find my writings useful for the purpose of those principles sufficient to convince thoughtful men of God."

That is to say, universal gravitation is the mathematical principle that Newton thought could make people believe in the existence of God. If it were not so, his theory would have been banned by the church long ago, just like Copernicus' heliocentric theory.

The Salem trials took place during the reigns of William III and Mary II, around the same time that the International Statute of Secrecy was enacted. At that time the wizard delegation tried to get the king to pass a law against witchcraft persecution, but for some unknown reason the king didn't agree.

If they don't believe in witchcraft, then they are like the title page of Witch's Hammer said, not believing in witchcraft is the greatest heresy.

Witchcraft and religion are in a symbiotic relationship. Without mysterious things, there is no faith. However, because of the cruelty and madness of witchcraft persecution, some rational people have begun to doubt the authenticity of witchcraft. Is there really a witch or is someone pretending to be this reason? For the disaster of the world.

Witches became a topic of discussion among the elite, scholars and learned priests.

While the European continent was busy discussing these things, America was still hunting witches. Hunters always need hunting dogs. Next to Orion in the sky are Canes Hunting, Canis Minor, and Canis Major. They follow the hunter's instructions to hunt down rabbits, bears and other animals around them.

Among them, the Canes Venetian star is called the heart of Charles. It is said that it was very bright when Charles II returned to London from France. Charles II's father, Headless Charles, was once beheaded by Lord Protector Cromwell. Charles I may be the only king whose head was beheaded in British history. His exaggerated wigs and extravagance angered the Puritans. Theater It's a place for entertainment, but also for all sorts of resentment, jealousy, especially when people see actors dressed up in fancy dress. The English Longbowmen used to be the main combat force in the UK, but a qualified archer is not born with it, and requires a lot of training. In England's "Charitable Use Act", it is mentioned that bows and arrows should be provided for young people aged 7 to 17 , for many parents and hostesses are legally bound to furnish arms, but cannot meet them because of poverty.

Although it is inevitable to face death as a longbowman, they also have the opportunity to be promoted because of their military exploits and become generals and nobles. As for the characters that soldiers hate the most, apart from the extravagant royal family, they are those actors who have not done anything serious but have gained both fame and fortune.

When they died for the country, no one remembered their names, but the names of those actors became household names. The screenwriters will use the deeds of the soldiers to write scripts, and the actors only need to put on a show and perform on the stage to get applause and applause.

After Lord Protector Cromwell came to power, many theaters were closed. The education he received since childhood was from the Puritans, and he himself supported the Puritans.

But he has not been in power for a long time, and many people can't bear the Puritan way of life. After Cromwell's downfall, he welcomed back Charles II, who was in exile in France.

Charles II is also known as the Happy King. He changed the Puritan lifestyle during Cromwell's reign, reopened theaters, and vigorously developed comedy. As for the New World, because most of the local people were Puritans, By 1692 there was still not a single theater. There were rumors of witches and witchcraft everywhere in Boston at that time. The first residents there were immigrants from England, and many of them were from the most enchanted counties. Instead of alerting the parents that it was a seizure, the parents were told that a witch lived nearby.

The land of New England is very suitable for the growth of witchcraft. In this desolate wilderness, there are not only New Englanders, but also French and Indians. Most people's understanding of Indian civilization is limited to the scalp and the colorful feathers on their bodies. Decoration, only a small number of people engaged in the fur business, or those who make a living from hunting will come into contact with the Indians.

These people were also solitary and rarely attended church, but no one dared to mess with them.

Martial force is very necessary in that place, but it is a pity that pulling a longbow requires arm strength, which is difficult for women to do. Perhaps it is not until the age of firearms that women have the real power to defend themselves.

Unless, she is a real witch.

Sarah Goode had a chance to escape. She was wandering around, and leaving Salem was just a place to live. However, the woman's motherhood made her fall back, and then she was caught by the "hunters" who were waiting for the rabbit.

In ancient Rome, infanticide was not a sin when a mother would put a child on a baby yard if it wasn't strong enough.

But later, female infanticide became a felony and would be exiled to the New World by a judge. How would these women survive there?

In every town there are some "disreputable" women, such as fortune-telling witches and women who don't go out to work, but always have money to spend, who dress better than the laundry men who are worth it and work with their hands Wife is even more beautiful.

Boston is a cosmopolitan city, much more open about it than Salem, and men in Salem don't need to go to flirtatious women the way men in Boston do.

They took in a lot of war orphans as their maids, not to mention slaves, but there was one woman in town who was stained, Martha Corey, who lived on the southwestern edge of Salem.

She is not absent from church like Goode and Osman, but she is very quiet every time she goes to church, trying not to talk to people, because she always brings her own children with her every time she attends.

This in itself is not surprising, many people take their children to church, but this teenager is a bit special because he is mixed.

When Columbus discovered the New World, he believed that the earth was round. He thought that he could change the direction and reach India, which is full of spices and gold, without going around the Cape of Good Hope in Africa. These early explorers regarded the aborigines of North America as Indians, Then call them Indians.

At the beginning of the 17th century, Britain established the East India Company, and the British at that time had a deeper understanding of the real "India", including India's caste system.

At the beginning of the founding of the New World, this caste system was already embedded in the collective subconscious of the people of the New World.

No matter how those "desperate to death" slave owners later advocated freedom and equality, it was after Newton's universal gravitation became popular in the 18th century that nature was deified and replaced God as the ruler of the world. "Genius" refers to the power that a natural person possesses, so what is the definition of a person?

Slaves were objectified by him. In the 1882 law, women's status and value were no more than a piece of furniture. Thanks to this law, the court will "give justice to the bank and mercy to the wife".

People who are also oppressed and hell will develop empathy, and sometimes British women will give birth to children who look different from their peers.

In light of this, the Virginia law of 1662 declared that a child born in this country was a slave or a free person depending solely on the mother.

A child born to a slave mother is still a slave, even if his father is a slave owner.

A child born to a slave owner's mother is free, even if his father is a slave.

This is different from the caste system. The caste system is patrilineal. Even if the mother of the child is from a low caste, the child born to her will still inherit the high caste of the father. This is also a way for the low caste to escape from the original caste. Generally speaking, she will grow up Very beautiful, so the high castes in India generally look more beautiful than the low castes.

The child born of a European woman and an African man is ugly to others, and Mary Corey, who gave birth to it, is disreputable.

After three witches were taken, a Boston woman and a white-haired man were not caught, and who could be more suspicious than Martha Corey?

If she hadn't been tempted by the devil, how could she have given birth to that hybrid?

Ever since the Boston jailers put the three suspects in Salem behind bars, Ann Putnam Jr. has been pinched by a new ghost, Goode's five-year-old daughter Dorothy, but that child is missing and people I searched all the caves and shelters with hounds, but no one could find her, as if she had left.

Because the witch was not completely arrested, Paris decided to separate the enchanted girls in his family. The blond Abigail Wilms was more deeply affected, while Betty's symptoms were much milder, so the pastor separated himself His daughter was sent to the home of court clerk Stephen Sewell so that the priests could pray around the clock and continue to exorcise Abigail.

The priests were clearly not available, and it was up to the townspeople to sort out Ann Putnam Jr., so Edward Putnam, church deacon and brother of John Putnam, and Ezekiel Cheever, court reporter and stableman, Together visited Martha Corey on the morning of March 12.

Martha smiled and politely let them into the room. Before they could sit down, Martha said solemnly, "I know why you came here. You came here to say that I am a witch."

The two guests were speechless.

"I'm not," said Martha, "but I can't stop people from talking about me."

Edward Putnam said now, "But Ann gave your name."

"Did she mention what I was wearing?" Martha asked.

"Excuse me, what did you say?" Edward asked in surprise.

"Your niece, did she mention what I was wearing?" said Martha.

Edward and Ezekiel looked at each other, and then said, "A 12-year-old girl may not be able to see clearly, let alone you blinded her eyes."

"She can also say that I said I went to her at night, so she couldn't see me clearly, and she just wouldn't tell you what I was wearing." Martha smiled and said, "I have no reason to worry about Ann's accusation, I She is a devout woman who has already professed her faith in Christ and always joyfully listens to God's words, I am a 'gospel woman'."

"I heard that you once prevented your husband from going to the trial," said Ezekiel.

"I don't think there's anything interesting about that." Martha said coldly, "What good will such a trial bring? I heard that girls can identify ghosts by their clothes. This is a dangerous signal."

"I don't think you seem to take the accusation seriously," Edward threatened, the same tone Hassan used to treat the "witches" in court.

"As the pastor said, the angry devil has come among us. I am not surprised that Tituba, Goode, and Osborne are treated as witches. They are lazy and mindless. I told them It’s different!” Martha touched the cross on her chest and said, “My faith is indestructible, God will bear witness for me, let judges and pastors open their eyes.”

The two visitors returned bitterly, they did not catch any of Martha's tricks, and then they passed by Thomas Putnam's house, and Ann recovered her calm until that night, Ann's convulsions broke out again, and lasted until the second day. sky.

This time she regained consciousness and said her ghost was a pale, serious woman who had taken Ann's grandmother's old seat in the church pews.

There used to be many bison running on the North American continent, but they were hunted to near extinction by humans.

Men sometimes hunt them not for their meat or their skins, but for fun.

It is difficult for modern wizards to understand why there are scavengers who have magical talents but kill their own kind. Wizard historians believe that at least two of the so-called judges in Salem at that time were known to be scavengers. Influenced by the Salem Incident, the Magical Congress of America was established in 1693 and began to judge those purgers who betrayed their kind.

Some notorious scavengers, however, eluded capture, disappearing among the No-Maj after international warrants were issued.

If the children born have magical talents, they will be abandoned, leaving only offspring without magical talents. They will firmly pass on a belief to their descendants: magicians really exist, and once they are discovered, they should be eliminated. .

But Muggles have the "Charitable Use Act". These abandoned children will be taken in and raised. Will they want to know why they were abandoned when they grow up?

What will they think when they know what their parents have done?

If he may be a kind of "criminal evidence", why should he be born?

If Venus, Athena, and Hera were vying to let the prince of Troy choose who to give the golden apple to, then the priest Paris held a rotten apple in his hand, and whoever caught it would represent dishonor. The "Goddess" wanted it.

Perhaps Samuel Parris had not heeded the terms of the Salem congregation and pastors, and agreed to leave Boston and become a pastor in that "poor village," and he would have other opportunities in the city.

So don't listen too much to some people's one-sided words, and rush to places you don't understand, especially the young master of a wealthy family, because you never know what kind of hell is waiting for you.

Otherwise Samuel Parris would have been a lesson, and you would have been dragged into that quagmire from which you would never get out, even though Paris was in a situation where it seemed like he had no other choice.

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