Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1723 The Secret Words of the Goddess (sixty-eight)

In the second half of the 18th century, such repertoires were often staged in the Comic Opera in Paris. The shepherd wins the citizens or nobles in the love field, the prince fell in love with the shepherdess, in order to marry the shepherdess, he designed to break up a pair of rural lovers, and let one of his maids seduce an honest young man from the countryside, but the dull farmer He didn't know how to flirt at all, and as a result, no matter how the lady made a fuss, he didn't respond.

People in the city find this idyllic love novelty and fun, but how do the country people react?

In the analysis of Freud's dreams, dreams are often the side that cannot be obtained in reality and needs compensation most. In reality, there are very few examples of shepherds winning noble lords in love. Such acting in comedies is equivalent to moving their dreams to the stage. Therefore, the peasants or low-level citizens who like to watch this kind of drama most like to watch this kind of drama?

No, no, no, no, no, the little nobles in Paris like this kind of idyllic love the most. If there is such a shepherdess in the play in reality, he will marry her back to Paris and show it to his friends. What is it? It's real simplicity, innocence, kindness, chastity, etc., which have dried up in the city. When "Pastoral Love" was staged in Paris, the petty aristocrats were captivated by the natural beauty of the shepherdess's sunny spring, and the idea that true happiness and true marriage could only be found in the countryside spread, Seeing the rustic happy smiles on the faces of the peasant couple, their faces turned blue with envy.

I don't know if it's because of the corset, or because I drank too much coffee, women in the city faint easily, and it's difficult to conceive, and they can't breastfeed. Rural women, on the contrary, not to mention their physical strength, can at least nurse their children if they are not as fertile as the family hopes.

They imagined the countryside as a vast storehouse of purity, a sanctuary for insensitive city dwellers to escape reality.

So what is the countryman's view of love?

Most of the marriages, especially women, were within the parish, and almost all of the marriages were within ten miles, the distance that could be walked back and forth in the day. The matchmaker will usually find out how much the other party's family property is, such as how many sheep and cows there are in the family, and they can discuss marriage when they feel that it is almost enough. The miller's son abandons the merchant's daughter because "he thinks she doesn't have enough money", and the 17-year-old girl who pursues the boy she likes will directly say how much dowry she has, and sometimes the matchmaker will say that the girl will have five inheritances Do lure.

In the play, the status of the shepherd is higher than that of the farmer, but the reality is that the farmer is the first-class character, and the status of the farmer is second only to the noble. Wealthy farmers' daughters are struggling to live when they marry, and rural notaries who "hold a pen" don't feel that they are superior to scholars at all. With rare exceptions, rural people are actually more realistic than urban people, and Sarah Osborne's Irish husband married her only because of her ex-husband's inheritance.

However, this lawsuit has been fought for 10 years, and Osborne was paralyzed in bed due to illness. According to his testimony in court, it has been 14 months. He can't get an inheritance, and he has to take care of a paralyzed woman, oh no, she is a witch, what else would he do if he didn't draw a line with Sarah Osborne immediately?

Martha Corey was the third wife of Giles Corey. At the end of the 17th century, even a man who married three times was a dishonorable thing, not to mention that he was not a model citizen. The old man was seventy years old I still have a disagreement fight with the young people in the village in the tavern.

He and Martha had been married seven years ago, and when he heard that Ann Putnam had accused his wife of being a witch, he took the stick and planned to teach a little girl of twelve a lesson.

Martha persuaded him, because he was going to provoke the Putnam family, a prominent family in the town.

This is actually easy to distinguish. Among the four victims, two are the daughters and relatives of the pastor, and one is a maid. Although the maid is relatively old, she lives under the roof of Dr. Griggs.

The pastor's daughter, Betty, was only 8 years old. Abigail Wilps was a beautiful blonde girl with little education. The leader of the gang of little girls.

Her name is taken after her mother's name. Ann Putnam Sr. is 30 years old and has 7 children. Ann Putnam Jr. is the eldest daughter, and she is the only child who lives with her parents.

Older Ann Putnam's sister married Bailey, the village's first priest, and their father was rich, and she's fighting a 10-year estate lawsuit like Osborne, only to leave her Father of Ann Putnam Sr., which included several islands, several pastures and a ferry boat, which was a lot more than Osborne's ex-husband left behind.

Ann Putnam Sr. has looked out of shape since she had a miscarriage last year, and Ann Putnam Jr. has been undisciplined because of it, and Martha thinks the bloodthirsty little girl knows she'll let go when she messes with bad characters. up.

The Indian female slave accused the Boston witch. She thought that there must be reasonable people in a big city like Boston. This may be because the pastor’s family missed life in Boston and often talked at home, so she remembered it, but Pat Although the Nan family was a prominent family in Salem, they were not in Boston, let alone Wales or London.

The ignorant little Ann Putnam thinks that she can do whatever she wants in Salem, and she can do whatever she wants in the whole world?

If there are too many accusations of witchcraft, it will be reported in the newspapers, and Hassan may not be in charge of the investigation and interrogation by then.

Giles was persuaded by Martha, who was also 60 years old and could not argue with a little girl who could be her granddaughter, but two days later, Thomas Putnam summoned Martha to his house, when Giles also No longer, Martha rode alone.

But what Martha didn't expect was that as soon as she got off the horse and entered the room, little Ann Putnam began to be breathless, her tongue kept sticking out, and her hands and feet were twisted and deformed, which looked terrifying.

Everyone else became tense and surrounded Ann Putnam to "first aid", while Martha watched coldly from the side.

Finally, little Ann Putnam regained her ability to speak. She pointed to Martha's finger and said in a hoarse voice, "There is a canary sucking between your ring finger and middle finger. I have to get closer to see it clearly." .”

"Then you come." Martha challenged Ann Putnam, and deliberately rubbed her empty fingers.

Little Ann Putnam stood up and slowly approached Martha, but in the middle she suddenly collapsed on the ground and covered her eyes with her hands.

"You're going to lose another woman's eyesight at this week's rally!" yelled Ann Putnam Jr. "And a man's going to be roasting on a dimly lit spit."

Everyone was stunned. There was a 19-year-old maid in the Putnam family named Mosey Lewis. When she heard Ann's complaint, she immediately picked up a stick and waved it at Martha.

"No!" Xiao An yelled, "If you love yourself, don't do that!"

But it was too late, the stick was almost hitting Martha, and at this moment, as if by an invisible force, Lewis' stick was bounced back, and her arm was hit hard, forcing her to take a step back.

"You beat Mosey Lewis with an iron rod!" Just as Martha watched all this happen in shock, Xiao An shouted, "Evil spirit!"

"I think you can go back." Thomas Putnam said to Martha, and the servants of Putnam's family forced Martha to leave.

The daughter and maid at home were attacked by evil spirits. Thomas Putnam was already worried. Thomas immediately asked his brother Edward to call "Superstar" Cotton Mather.

With Cotton Mather's help, the family stabilized. The girls were so frightened that they sat weeping in their chairs by the fire, and the others were silent, and the atmosphere in the room was very dull and eerie.

"Have you seen these before, Reverend?" Thomas Putnam asked Mather.

Mather didn't answer him.

"You're young," Putnam said. "Like Reverend Parris, do you know why the townspeople asked him to come to our parish?"

"I heard it was because of Father Rosen's introduction," Mather said.

"No, it's because no other pastor wants to come to Salem," Putnam said. "There's got to be some evil going on here."

Mather seemed to be thinking about how to answer Thomas.

"You may not know that Pastor Paris' predecessor, the wife and daughter of Pastor Rosen, were all killed by witchcraft." Thomas went on to say, "Their ghosts are wandering around this area looking for revenge."

"What?" Mercer asked in surprise.

"There are a lot of towns that make life miserable for priests, but none like Salem," Thomas said. "My wife's sister, who married Father Bailey, died, and then Father Rosen's wife and daughter also Dead, and one more man, his name was George Burroughs, he was Bailey's successor, but he was only in town for 4 years before he suddenly left Salem and was succeeded by Deodat Rosen, who asked Paris to come to us."

"Where's he gone, I mean George Burroughs," Mather said.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the clock in the living room rang suddenly, and the hour hand pointed to 9 o'clock.

The annoying voice echoed in the empty room, making people feel disturbed.

At this moment, Moxie's chair seemed to be pulled by an invisible hand, and she was pushed together with the chair to the burning fire, and the brothers Mather and Putnam rushed over and grabbed her up.

Moxie kept screaming, the chair she had just been sitting in was burning in flames, three men grabbed her upper body tightly, and her legs were pulled towards the stove by a huge force.

"Help me!" Moxi said to Xiao An Putnam, but Xiao An seemed frightened and didn't dare to move.

After a stalemate for about a minute or two, the huge force disappeared, and Mossy Lewis began to twitch. Edward Putnam was frightened and crawled back two steps. After a long while, he pointed to Mossy's arm and said, "She... She has a witch's brand on her arm."

Mather immediately went to examine Lewis' arm, and there was indeed a wound that looked like a flea bite.

After the epidemic of the Black Death, many people found this mark on the corpse, so it became the so-called "witch's brand".

After a few days of peace and quiet, Mather began to run between Paris's house and Putnam's house.

Old Ann Putnam was in poor health due to a miscarriage, but she was pregnant again not long after. She was exhausted and lay on the bed to rest. At three o'clock in the afternoon on March 18, she felt A heavy pressure almost made her breathless, she desperately called her maid, and finally regained her strength with the help of Mercer.

Not long after, the ghost of Martha Corey appeared and tormented Xiao An unspeakably. If there were no other men in the family, she would have been forced to sign her name on a little red book.

The tortured Putnam family filed witchcraft charges in court against Martha Corey, while Hassan was still looking for the Boston woman Tituba had mentioned.

Martha Corey did not comply with Tituba's statement, which allowed her to attend worship on the day of rest.

When the believers knew that the court had issued an arrest warrant to arrest Martha Corey, everyone was terrified. They didn't expect to pray with a living witch. Didn't they say that the devil is afraid of prayer?

Originally, Giles believed that Martha was not a witch. Later, he was interrogated by Hassan alone to see if there was anything weird about his wife.

Then Giles remembered an incident many years ago, when they were just married seven years ago, Martha told him to go to bed quickly, and Giles said he wanted to pray, but he couldn't say it shortly after he knelt by the fire Here comes the word.

He could not even open his mouth, and Martha, aware of this, helped him lie down.

Shortly thereafter, a cat on the farm became abnormal, and Martha also asked him to deal with a cow's pain, which was completely unnecessary, and she would always get up after he fell asleep.

"I could feel her kneeling by the hearth, as if praying," Giles said. "But instead of hearing her prayers, I heard broken grunts."

"Why would a woman kneel by the fire late at night?" Hassan asked suggestively.

Giles didn't answer Hassan's question.

Although that means he didn't accuse Martha, nor, like Osborne's husband, distance himself from Martha.

There is a painting called "American Gothic", in which the elderly peasants and women in the countryside look very serious, without the "smile of simple happiness" that urban people hope to see on the faces of peasants, but Who says they are not happy?

This "hunting game" has changed. It is no longer a man hunting a woman. There is another man who will become a victim. Who is it?

By the way, it should be the pastor named George Burroughs who graduated from Harvard. He is the only graduate in the history of Harvard who was accused of witchcraft. Although he seemed to have foreseen the danger in advance and fled Salem, But what should come will come, some things cannot escape, for example, death.

I'm not gothic, I always say die~ die

Love and peace~y∩__∩y

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