Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1721 The Secret Words of the Goddess (sixty-six)

In the early morning of March 2, 1692, the chapel was packed with people who were not so diligent when they usually came to listen to Paris's sermon.

The order in the chapel was evidently out of order, and the villagers sat on black wooden benches, whispering to each other so much that Sheriff Herrick had to shout "Keep quiet."

Sarah Osborne and Sarah Goode are both marginalized people in this town, but compared with Goode, who is obviously down and out, Osborn is unable to go to church because of illness.

Osborne's first husband named Thomas and John Putnam as testamentary heirs, but the two men embezzled the property in the will, and Osborn had to start a long-term relationship with the famous family of Salem. Ten years of litigation.

After the trial, Hassan asked her, "The guard said he heard you talking alone last night, what were you talking about?"

Osborn looked at Hassan calmly: "I heard a suspicious voice."

"Is the devil talking to you?" Hassan asked.

"I don't know the devil you're talking about." Osborne replied blankly, "I heard a voice telling me not to participate in religious gatherings."

"Why did you succumb to the devil and never go to church after that?" Hassan kept asking.

"She hasn't been to church for 14 months," Osborne's Irish husband said to the crowd.

There were whispers again from the crowd.

"Keep quiet!" Hassan said, patting the table with his hands, and the villagers immediately fell silent.

"I had a dream," whispered Osborne. "An Indian, maybe, pulled me by the hair and dragged me to the front door, and I, like every New England woman, would rather die than Willing to be captured alive by him."

"What happened next?" Hassan asked.

"I woke up and I sat here," said Osborne. "Waiting for your trial, Judge."

"You think the Indians cursed you?" Hassan asked.

"Otherwise who else?" Osborn asked back.

"I know who it is!" said 12-year-old Ann Putnam, one of the four girls killed. "The priest had an Indian slave called Tituba who did it, and her husband, who also Well, I saw her in and out of many houses during the rainy week, and she was going to kill me."

Tituba's husband, John, was the one who baked the witch cakes according to Mary Sibley's instructions, but he was a man, not a witch, so he was not arraigned, and Tituba was arrested instead.

Pastors in Massachusetts agree that the only defense against the devil is prayer, and earlier it was believed that fasting was a defense against witchcraft.

Witches are generally marginal people, they behave strangely and behave abnormally, like Goode and Osborn, but Tituba is not like this, she loves Betty, is proficient in the Bible, prays with the priest's girls, Eating, sleeping together at night, and singing hymns in front of the Paris family fireplace, she didn't look like a suspect by any means.

But Tituba was still brought to the court. As soon as Hassan saw her, he thought she was guilty, and asked, "Why did you hurt the child?"

Tituba replied in broken English "I don't hurt them, not at all."

"Who is hurting those girls?" Hassan asked again.

"As far as I know, it must be the devil!" said Tituba. "While I was cleaning the lean-to for the priest, a tall white-haired man in a dark wool coat came and ordered me to hurt the children. Four accomplices, Good and Osborne, and two Bostonians, threatened to kill me if I did not torture the girl."

"Then has this man appeared in any other guise?" Hassan asked.

"There was also a yellow bird, and two red cats, a big black cat, a black dog, and a pig, and he said I'd get the yellow bird if I worked for him, Sarah Goode I had one in my hand too, and she was accompanied by a translucent cat, and when she cast spells on the girls she blocked my ears so I couldn't hear her scriptures, the man in the woolen coat , she came four times in total, he threatened me to screw my head if I mentioned him, Good and Osman pretended to be ghosts and made me work for them, they sent me to the doctor and screwed his Maid, you even sent me to Putnam's house to kill Ann Putnam..."

Indians are good at telling stories. Tituba told every detail of the story very carefully and clearly. In addition, she also mentioned the wolf that once followed Elizabeth Harbert. .

She didn't know the white-haired man's name, but she knew that the Boston woman who came with him had white underwear, and she answered Hassan's leading question.

In short, she cooperated very well, and emphasized that she loved Betty and Abigail very much. She obeyed her master's orders with a little fear. The pastor cared more about children than deterred them, while he deterred more than cared about servants.

Her interrogation took more than five times as long as Goode's, and finally Tituba finished her testimony just as the girls started to twitch again.

"Who do you think is torturing these children now?" Hassan asked.

"It's Sarah Goode," Tituba said with certainty.

The girls shouted their agreement, but Tituba was at a loss for words, and after a while she said "I'm blind, I can't see anything".

In this way, the trial ended, and the last prayer was supposed to be held, and this time Tituba protested.

In the evening, both Tituba and Osborn were imprisoned in Salem's prison. After the judge left, the townspeople began to hold a meeting. It was supposed to be held at 1 o'clock, but it actually started very late. Salem villagers Arguing with the townspeople about their duties.

The town seems to have regained its "quietness" once again.

After a week of rain the sky cleared up and a full moon appeared in the sky.

To celebrate that the witches were all caught, the village laborers and barrel-builders William Allen and John Hughes were having a little wine at Sibley's to discuss the matter when they heard a strange noise on their way back. sound.

As they approached the sound, they found a strange and rare monster dancing. It sensed their approach and dissolved under the silver moonlight. At the same time, Elizabeth Hubbard, who was a guest at Griggs' house Started throwing up, and then she said to Samuel Sibley "Sarah Goode is standing on the table next to you!"

This really startled Samuel, because Sarah Goode was now locked up on her family's farm by Sheriff Joseph Herrick, and was to be escorted to the prison in Ibswich the next day.

Samuel picked up the cane and hit the table next to him as Elizabeth said. His cane actually hit a ghostly female beggar.

Later, Samuel went to find the sheriff's farm, and the two went to the farmhouse where Goode was held, but she actually ran away.

The two went out to hunt together, and Sarah disappeared into the darkness for a while. At this time, Samuel suggested that she might have gone to find the child she had with the devil, so the two returned to the town and caught Sarah on the way. La Goode, with her three-month-old baby in her arms.

The maternal love in a woman's nature made Sarah lose the chance to escape, and she was captured back to the farm. In the early morning of the next day, when Herrick's wife took care of her, she found that Sarah's arm was covered with bruises from elbow to wrist. It was scratched, and there was no trace of it from the night before. The villagers did not suspect that it was Sarah who hurt herself when she broke free from the shackles in order to escape, but that it was Samuel's crutches.

Sarah was sent to Ibswich Prison that day, but the town was haunted. It was the laborers and tube repairers who saw the monster last night, William Allen and John Hughes. The soul of Sarah Goode, one saw a fat gray cat squatting beside the bed, a blinding light in its eyes.

Both were terrified, and when Ann Putnam awoke from her sleep the next morning, she found Goode's five-year-old daughter, Dorothy, in her room with her arms around her neck. , ordered her to sign a pact with the devil.

Terrified, she fled her room screaming, then woke up again, this time alone in the room.

At the same time, Hassan was still consummating the "confession" with Tituba for later reading in the Boston court. Good later laughed at him for believing what a glib slave said.

A week after the arrest, Goode, Osborn, Tituba, and Goode's three-month-old child were all put on a carriage to Boston, a day's journey that required a day's travel.

The Massachusetts prison lacked chains, but it was also evidence of witches' superpowers, so it was removed from the wall and sent to the car.

It's over? Of course not, this was the beginning, and Hassan was still looking for a white-haired man, a Boston woman, and Goode's daughter Dorothy, and witches' daughters were usually witches.

After this incident, Paris's family was almost destroyed, and his reputation was discredited. The devil invaded the pastor's house, presumably because he was not pious enough.

Obviously, not everyone who graduates from Harvard has a bright future.

Before the accident, the villagers were discussing firing him. They begged him to come to this place to be a pastor back then.

Maybe he knew this earlier, and when signing the contract, he shouldn't mention firewood, but dismissal is not allowed. He is 39 years old and has experienced these things. Who would want him?

Anger took hold of the pastor, and it all started when the daughters hoped that their father would stay at home more, so they played together in a scene.

Of course, everything cannot be verified, this is just a guess, and this turmoil is far from over.

"it's not finished yet."

The pastor drank the wine in the bottle, angrily put the empty bottle on the table, and left the table.

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