Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1717 The Secret Words of the Goddess (sixty-two)

It is not just one person who studies in a school. For example, John Wise, a Harvard classmate of the new pastor Paris in Salem, did not encounter the early death of his father like Paris did. He became an adult after graduation. Pastor, also in Ipswich, Massachusetts.

There are many cities in the United States with the same name as the United Kingdom. For example, Ipswich in New England has the same name as Ipswich in Scotland. Creeks and wetlands, all in all, it is a good place for smuggling and smuggling.

There are many European immigrants who maintain their original habits when they lived in Europe. For example, people in England and Ireland like to drink tea, and tea shipped from India will pay customs duties.

In short, regardless of the background of the Boston Tea Party, which was the fuse of the American Revolutionary War, the bureaucrats in Ipswich had reason to believe that the townspeople cooperated with smugglers and sheltered fugitives wanted in the country. Pastor John Wise protested against the government An abuse of power, he is eloquent, bold, and charismatic, and is regarded by the locals as a hero, and people are happy to go to church to listen to his sermons.

We have all arrived in the New World. Of course, we can no longer continue the European theocracy and secular power. John Wise was imprisoned by the government and was not released until the people protested.

Such a person with a criminal record is supposed to be over for a lifetime, and there are many people at the bottom of American society who have made minor mistakes and left a criminal record.

In fact, American prisons are not bad. At least they have a roof that can shelter from the wind and rain, and free three meals a day. It is much better than being a homeless person sleeping on the street.

However, being sentenced to prison also requires "skills". That is to say, if the criminals in the United States do not commit enough crimes to go to prison, they will serve their sentences outside the prison, such as the crime of attempting to hurt (saaault). On the street, I met three big black men head on. These three men may not like him, or because they don't like others blocking their way, one of them pushed the unlucky man.

"Hey man, what's the matter, man, you don't have eyes, do you? You can't see me because it's too dark, can you?"

All in all, the words and deeds of the other party made the victim feel fearful, worrying that his personal safety was threatened. Although no actual harm was caused, waving a fruit knife or a bat, pointing at the other party and saying that he would break the other party's leg will be charged with attempted injury. A big black guy who threatened you got arrested.

The three men who threatened harm would go to jail, be locked up for a period of time, and then be released, and then it would be difficult to find a job because they left a criminal record. When the steel plant was still in the United States, those at the bottom could easily find a job in the steel company, but because of the labor unions, the cost of employment in the United States continued to increase, and these steel companies moved to foreign countries with lower labor costs. Money is still earned and more, but it is difficult for people at the bottom to find jobs. Between those with a criminal record and those without a criminal record, the workplace will of course choose the one without a criminal record, and those with a criminal record also need to survive, and they do serious work. If not, you can only go sideways, and the crime rate in the United States will remain high.

Hermione Granger is a typical top student, this is the habit she developed in the Muggle school, there is a lot of competition pressure, she needs to learn a lot in order to stand out from her peers, even if she is not good at a certain subject. If she is not interested, she still takes electives, such as Muggle Studies, what is she doing in that course?

Perhaps it was just to create a small advantage for herself in the competition, but after graduating from Hogwarts, there were no prestigious schools such as Harvard and Cambridge that required her to apply for the exam, and competed with her peers for the limited number of admissions. She was very tired and under a lot of pressure, and she used the time-turner to attend classes, overdrawing her life. This looks good in the eyes of some teachers, she is very diligent, such as Pomona, but not good in the eyes of some teachers, such as Severus, Draco's grades are actually not bad, but unlike He Min was working so hard, losing Quidditch to Gryffindor in Slytherin was annoying enough, but it was even more annoying not to be the first in the class in studies. Fortunately, Hermione can still clearly realize that she is just a little clever, especially after Voldemort's resurrection, the direction of her efforts has turned to more practical spells, rather than blindly pursuing points. As for Draco, he was not in the mood to study after such a big incident at home. At that time, the future of these children who went to school together had already been decided.

If Lucius Malfoy's influence in the Ministry of Magic does not fall, it will be easy for Draco to work in the Ministry of Magic in the future, and he will definitely stay in London, not like Arthur Weasley's child Same, being sent to Romania to raise dragons, or to work at Gringotts in Egypt.

Percy could see this, he wanted to stay in London, and he probably wanted to impress the Ravenclaw prefect who abandoned him. Yes, he wanted to work hard to climb up, but Weasley's identity as a pure-blood traitor made it difficult for him. He broke off his relationship with his family for the sake of his political future.

Crabbe and Goyle's father was an ally of Old Malfoy. They both had experience as Death Eaters, but they both escaped the liquidation of the First Wizarding War, unlike Sirius Black and Buddy Crouch Jr. Into Azkaban to serve his sentence.

This has something to do with old Malfoy's good use of money, mainly because he still has contacts. At that time, he was not as embarrassed to get rid of the accusation as the second time. Named all the Death Eaters, and he was still holding on to his former "friends", so he didn't go to jail.

Draco is like Paris, he is not good at competing with those sinister uncles, if Lucius goes to prison, the Malfoy family may be divided up by these uncles.

If instead of Ron Weasley, Draco had become Harry's best friend, the story would have been completely different.

Because of the Marshall Plan, the British common people have a good image of the United States, and their inspirational stories. The founder of Microsoft was also a student at Harvard University. He dropped out of school to start a business, and now he has become the richest man in the world.

Newt Scamander also dropped out of school because of Where are the Fantastic Beasts? Now he has become a big celebrity in the wizarding world. Except for a few students in Harry Potter's class who completed the Newt exam in grade 7, most of them Most of them didn't read any more.

The era of Newt Scamander is different from now, and there is Albus Dumbledore behind him. After he drops out of school, he doesn't have to worry about work and life. His family has assets, and those in the wizarding world How could a Muggleborn without any roots compare to him?

As for the high-achieving Harvard dropout, his mother is a banker, his father is a lawyer, and Seattle is the base of Boeing. Consultation, phone calls, etc., in a busy airport, if there is any error in the control tower, it will be the consequence of the crash of the plane. People today cannot imagine the airport control tower without computers, just as people in the past could not imagine the future What does the command tower look like.

Ordinary parents at most take their children outside the airport to watch the planes take off and land. Bill can enter the control tower under the guidance of his mother to watch how it operates. The Boeing 777 is the first plane ever designed and manufactured entirely in computer virtual reality. All the equipment used was provided by IBM. During the test flight, the president of Boeing Company was very enthusiastic to invite the technical director of IBM to participate in the test flight.

Later, Bill's first order came from IBM, which is unimaginable for ordinary children. How did he do it?

Bill spent his childhood in Seattle, Washington, attending Lakeside Middle School, where many children of Boeing employees also studied. The teacher gave all the fourth-grade students an essay on the special functions of the human body, which required four or five pages. Bill used the encyclopedia and other books on medicine, physiology, and psychology in his father's study to write More than thirty pages.

The same composition is given to a fourth-grade child in an ordinary public school. Regardless of whether he has that kind of thinking or not, he knows how to conceive it. Does his father have a study room? There is a wine cabinet that is similar, and there are all kinds of wine in it. It smells like the solution of formalin, but the solution of formalin is not drinkable. As for the child asking daddy why, the middle school curriculum Daddy had long forgotten that he couldn't hold back even one page, let alone more than 30 pages.

The same is true for Hogwarts students writing papers. Papers that are a few inches long have to be cheated and tricked. They should be finished early and played early. These people are not worth Draco to win over. Bill’s roommate at school, Steve Ballmer, later became the CEO of Microsoft. Before dropping out of school, Bill also found a Harvard classmate Clark. Clark also predicted the development prospects of computers, but Clark thought that his knowledge Not enough, did not agree to Bill's invitation.

By the time Clark received his bachelor’s degree, Bill had already obtained an entrepreneurial project. When Clark received his Ph. Compete with these people after a postdoc?

Even if the young master goes to a prestigious school and doesn’t work hard and doesn’t cherish teaching resources, don’t drive a supercar and compete with commoner classmates for college girlfriends, let alone occupy commoner degrees and snatch their college loan scholarships, and then buy a broken camera Take photos everywhere. You are looking for an alignment of talent. Bill's father doesn't understand computers at all, and the "old man" he uses well can't adapt to the computer age. If Bill takes over his father's company and finds that he can't use it smoothly, and then interviews those applicants who don't know the basics and fake resumes, he can find them. Is Steve Ballmer such a desirable executive?

You won the scholarship only in exchange for a compliment from your parents at banquets and receptions, but it made your ordinary classmates hate you for a lifetime. In the future, because of tax issues or other cases that fall into their hands, you will never treat them lightly for the sake of old classmates. They "Clear grievances and grievances" are very clear. You don't remember how you offended them at the beginning, but they remember it clearly. There are so many federal laws, and there are different legal provisions in each state. Oh, the United States is not civil law, but common law, independent With so many cases after the war, do you know which one they will choose to deal with you?

If you want to find your father's former "friends", it's not bad for them to be wise and stay out of the way. What's more, they will step on your father's political opponents together to prevent the scandal from sticking to themselves.

It feels unreal to suddenly change from the proud child of heaven to the abandoned baby of the world. It's like a dream. When you wake up from the dream, you will still be the master.

Who can go to a prestigious school is not a good person. Clark said that his lack of knowledge is a lie. He dropped out of school without a diploma and Bill started a business. The risk is too high. It is true that he dare not take risks.

The judges' association does not accept your case out of "avoidance of suspicion", but it can lead jurors to find the defendant guilty like a magistrate in Salem in the 17th century.

They don't look like bad people, but bad people don't write bad people on their faces, or look bad like Slytherin, not to mention they don't think they are bad people, they are upholding the law and upholding justice, Do not bow to the privileged class.

Those pro-Muggle wizards of Muggle-class origin who think it's good for Muggles to be as good as anyone they know, think Muggles need their protection.

In 2004, something else happened besides the horror. The Olympic Games in Athens took place.

Hosting the Olympic Games requires money. The initial budget for the Athens Olympic Games was 4.6 billion euros, but Greece’s industry is mainly the tertiary industry—tourism, which accounts for 60% of the tertiary industry, and only 12% of agriculture, which requires a large amount of food and industrial imports Products, which led to Greece can only borrow money to survive.

The huge foreign debt prevented Greece from becoming a euro zone, and it was also difficult to raise a budget for hosting the Olympic Games. If Greece joins the euro zone, Greece can enjoy the development dividends of other provinces. This is like the "Greek Goddess" getting a "German husband" credit card, which can be swiped at will. Therefore, joining the euro zone is imminent for Greece.

Just when the "Greek Goddess" was scratching his head for this question, Goldman Sachs, the old wolf of Wall Street, came, "Little beauty, do you know about financial magic?".

In order to join the prince's ball, Cinderella asked the fairy godmother to make a gorgeous dress for herself. I don't know whether the prince was blinded by the dress or the beauty's smile. In short, the prince must marry Cinderella.

A woman's makeup will make herself more beautiful, and her real appearance will have a certain deviation from the reality, but this skill has gradually become a "magic", and the difference between the real person and the makeup is huge.

The "financial magic" that Goldman Sachs gave to Greece is actually a cosmetic technique, which beautifies the ugly Greek debt problem on the surface, such as using the future income of the national lottery and aviation tax as collateral, and using asset securitization to obtain Cash, but this kind of collateral is not included in the liabilities, so the ugly fiscal deficit has been filled.

The second "magic" is that Goldman Sachs asked Greece to issue 10-15 year government bonds, and Goldman Sachs bought them and exchanged them for euros, so that Greece would have a lot of income in euros, and because the duration of government bonds is very long, the amount of public debt entering the year will be very small , getting a huge sum of euros out of thin air on the balance sheet.

And Goldman Sachs can also allow Greece to obtain an additional 1 billion euros through currency swap transactions. The sincerity of such real money and the good reputation of the United States since the Marshall Plan are really hard for Greece to refuse. Although Greece's own economy has not improved, after a "magic", Greece's debt ratio in 2001 has reached the level required to enter the euro zone. standard.

Greece allowed Goldman Sachs to earn a huge commission of 300 million yuan, and after entering the euro zone, Greece can be satisfied with swiping a German credit card to hold the Olympic Games.

In the past, Greece relied on its own income, lived a tight life, and knew how to save money. After getting a German credit card, it spent a lot of money. After the Olympics, it spent a total of 14 billion, almost three times the budget, excluding the income brought by tourism. , Greece lost 9.1 billion euros.

In order to maintain the stability of the euro zone, Germany will still be burdened with the debt of Greece's extravagant spending?

The "divorce" kicked Greece out of the euro zone, and it was possible for the "goddess" to pay back the money, but Goldman Sachs knew very well that Greece would definitely not be able to pay back the money, unless they sold the "remains" of the Parthenon to pay off the debt.

The British colonists valued these, but the United States may not necessarily, not to mention that Goldman Sachs had other purposes to transfer Greek debts to Germany.

Hedge funds need to avoid risks through hedging transactions. Maybe the investment team of Goldman Sachs graduated from Harvard, but they are different from their college days. A large number of 20-year credit default swaps.

This is similar to the CDS in the real estate market. They are all gambling agreements. Goldman Sachs is betting on Greece’s trick of borrowing new money to repay the old, and the increasingly huge debts. up.

This matter was carried out by Greece and Goldman Sachs in private, and other EU member states do not know. If Germany sees through the makeup of Greece's accounts, it may not allow Greece to enter the euro zone.

Through this one-handed operation, Goldman Sachs tied Greece and Germany together, kept its own property safety, and obtained a large number of high-quality CDs, which can be sold in the secondary market for profit. The CDS of these German banks will increase in price, and once the Greek debt crisis explodes, they can also bloodbath the euro zone and pass on the turmoil caused by the bursting of their own domestic real estate market bubble.

People will have doubts about Greece's sovereign credit, and the domestic media will not pay attention to Wall Street when they report on Europe, Greece, and the euro.

The United States trusts the United Kingdom very much. After all, the two have the same origin. When the German Chancellor invited the United Kingdom to enter the euro zone, the Minister of Finance repeatedly evaded it. After all, it is not only Greece that wants to use German credit cards, but also Ireland and other countries. The Germans have to pay not only the war reparations from World War I, but also the war reparations from World War II. One is that they don’t want to be dragged into the water, and the other is that they are afraid that Germany’s domestic sentiment will be detonated again during World War II. The UK will not go into this muddy water.

The United States relies on its own good reputation to do these things, and sooner or later it will ruin its good reputation. In the future, other countries should be wary of him no matter what he wants to do. When Lucius Malfoy proposed to close the undersea tunnel, someone proposed the "Jean Monnet" plan, which made a bold proposal to merge Britain and France into one country, one government, one parliament and one army, Combine the power of the two countries to deal with Japan's Germany.

Although France was defeated later, Monet did not give up this plan. Four years after the war, that is, in 1949, Monet and like-minded friends came to London to discuss the possibility of implementing this plan. However, the discussion ended without a problem.

If there is still a royal family in France, it is possible to marry the British royal family and the French royal family. Just like England and Scotland became the United Kingdom in the past, the king of Scotland can be the king of England, and the king of England can be the king of Scotland. Anyway, after the constitutional monarchy, the king’s power is limited. Parliament and the Prime Minister.

But what...

Now the Bonaparte family and the Bourbon royal family are married. This child is Napoleon VII. He is not yet married. The Prince of Wales has no daughter, but if he is willing to wait, he can also wait for other princesses to grow up. that location.

The number "7" is magical, although many people don't believe it.

It was Hufflepuff who discovered the magic of this number, and it was Hufflepuff who also believed that Harry was not the seventh Horcrux. After Derek, the prosthetic hand made for Wormtail.

Sometimes it's hard to tell the truth from a lie, and that's Adam and Eve's punishment for eating the forbidden fruit.

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