Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1718 The Secret Words of the Goddess (sixty-three)

Fate seems to be in favor of the Potter family. When James Potter was in school, he only cared about playing with Sirius Black and his group, and he didn't recruit people everywhere like Draco did. popularity.

The same goes for Harry, Lucius thought they were both Quidditch players and could bring victory to Gryffindor, so he gave the Slytherin team one by one in Draco's second year The newest broomstick has allowed the team to accept Draco as the Chaser.

Harry Potter rode a professional-level broom to compete with the amateur team. He cheated and favored, and he almost missed the whistle. Lucius planned to buy one for Draco, but Narcissa found out. There is only one son in total, who will be responsible if something goes wrong?

Later, Draco quit the Quidditch team in a rage, and now I think Draco's rebellious character was developed at that time.

Harry Potter had a hard time in the Department of Enforcement of the Ministry of Magic. He was lucky to be the head of the Department at his age, although many wizards hoped that he would become the Minister of Magic after defeating the Dark Lord.

There are a lot of things to learn to be a judge, and anyone with a discerning eye can actually see that he wants to be an Auror more, but now there are undercurrents among various factions in the Ministry of Magic, and a puppet is needed to sit in that position. Hermione Granger's return to the Ministry of Magic made some people wary. Later, when they heard that she had gone to housekeeper to raise elves, everyone relaxed a little.

Hufflepuff sided with Gryffindor in the last war, which made them one of the winners. Originally, everyone followed the old habit of asking the House-Elf Affairs Committee to send house-elves to do house-elf cleaning after the New Year's holiday , As a result, the Hufflepuff prefect closed the door of her office, and all the paper airplanes were rejected.

Does it mean that the wizard needs to clean the office by himself?

But who made Hermione a war hero? Everyone held back for a while, and later found out that the house elves would clean the office at a fixed time every day, and it wasn't really for the wizard to do the cleaning, so everyone acquiesced in this new atmosphere.

Hufflepuff College has been a lot tougher in the hands of Pomona Sprout, the dean, and even trained Cedraco Diggory to represent Hogwarts in the Tournament of the Three Wizards, making him Many people were taken aback.

She also taught a few good students. Justin Finch-Fonriely, who was also a Muggle-born, was admitted to the Cambridge Department of Philosophy, which is one of the most difficult departments in all universities in the world. , but Justin didn't take the philosophy department at the beginning, but Cambridge Law School, where the professor of the philosophy department asked him to come here.

Justin's grandfather was a World War II hero, and his father was a member of parliament. His starting point was higher than that of ordinary children. Even in his grandfather's eyes, Justin's failure to go to a military academy was a complete embarrassment to him.

All in all, leave that old man alone.

Every candidate has to take a video to introduce himself, so that the teachers can have a preliminary understanding, which can save the round-trip travel expenses, and also allow the teachers to arrange time conveniently. In the video, you can talk about anything you want, dreams, professional views, your own experience, etc., but Justin talked about "human rights in prisons".

This may be directly related to Sirius Black's 12 years of inhuman torture in Azkaban. A healthy, cheerful person became thin and haggard in that living hell, and even neurotic, and the 17th century Salem, Boston jails are similar.

Wizards are also stubbornly sticking to the tradition in this field. In other words, Azkaban is the place where executions are executed, but instead of guillotines and gallows, monsters like dementors are used.

This is cruel. Of course, Justin didn’t mention Azkaban. Justin agrees with Denning’s idea that the law to him is not a collection of cold rules, but a story that warms the world. Every story They are full of meaning, not the root of shackles, but the source of freedom, not a helpless response to social ills, but the foundation of justice for good governance and social harmony.

In the words of his Scottish counterpart, did the Emperor (Denning) wear new clothes? Isn't his judgment based on instinct, whim, even prejudice a flagrant offense to the true law? Doesn't the law emphasize a high degree of consistency and predictability? Isn't the justice he so often upholds as a guiding light in the haze of bad precedent itself a flickering and capricious flashlight? How can such brazen judicial law-making behavior be in harmony with the idea of ​​parliamentary democracy?

Denning's controversy is that he often regards himself as a "breaker of old habits".

The operation and management of prisons require taxpayers’ money. If spending is reduced and prison conditions are too bad, prisoners will lie to avoid prison, increase police costs, and even catch the wrong suspects. Not everyone in prison is hopeless, and there may be wrongful convictions caused by improper judgments by judges. It is also unfeasible to industrialize prisons like in the United States. The bottom layer of the United States is realizing a direct train from schools to prisons, and it may also cause the police to arrest innocent people in prisons in order to generate income.

Similarly, inmates in prisons get "human rights" and live better than those outside prisons, which not only incurs additional costs, which is unfair to the taxpayers who work hard to support them, but also creates people who want to pass crime. Go to prison to serve your sentence and "enjoy" free housing, medical care and food.

This is an idealist's speech, but it also cheers up those teachers who have heard too much "I went to Africa to build houses".

Among these candidates who emphasized their excellence, held a lot of award certificates, and wished that some professional organization would issue them a "child prodigy" certificate, there was one who registered later than others, did not have any certificates, and was not famous. Candidates for high school graduation, discuss justice when introducing themselves.

Justin was quickly invited to interview with a professor in the philosophy department. The essence of the Cambridge Department of Philosophy is weekly, one-on-one supervision. The torture class will conduct "torture" on metaphysics, ethics, political philosophy, and philosophy of logic. This is a bit similar to interrogation, and Harry Potter should be familiar with it In the past, when the old bat gave him a separate "remedial class", when the professor used Legilimency on him, Harry had to use Occlumency to defend.

In the torture class, the teacher will question the students' articles and let the students defend their own claims, which is somewhat similar to court defense, but not exactly, because the students are not defending others, but defending themselves.

The most important thing in philosophy is what you think is right, but don't be confused by so many schools and opinions in the field of philosophy, you have to have your own opinions, and your opinions need enough Argument arguments to support, but you have to believe that your point of view is correct.

For example, Clark thinks that computers are the future, but he has a point of view, but he is not confident that his point of view is correct, so he didn't drop out of school with Bill to start a business.

Confidence is hard to find at Hufflepuff, humility and softness are a lot, but Justin's grandfather was a loud soldier and his father was a speaker.

After the professor announces that he can start, Justin gets to his argument.

Eventually he was accepted.

Pomona chose this kid to deal with France's affairs. At first Lucius thought it was a Scamander-like Fantastic Beast incident, but only now did he realize that he was involved in such a big deal.

Jean Monnet set his sights on Germany after negotiating fruitlessly with Great Britain. He tied French and German coal and copper together, which would deprive one of the privileged position and eliminate the threat of war for the other, making the two countries To achieve peace together.

This plan was quickly adopted by Charles de Gaulle, because the core of this plan is that France can rely on controlling the coal mines and copper mines in Alsace and Lorraine in northern Germany to control the development of Germany after World War II.

Later, Monet participated in the Schuman project, the European atomic energy community project and the economic community, and the bond between Germany and France deepened day by day. So much so that Germany promoted the euro, and France really gave up the exchange of francs and CFA francs, and agreed at the risk of being dragged down by the "German fairy tale".

Under these conditions, the project of France and England becoming a single country is almost impossible.

The cases that Denning handled were almost entirely intended to avoid "great injustice", such as the abandoned wife case named "Bendell case", which was called "the most robust baby that English law conceived".

In 1952, the husband was the owner of the freehold land, and later abandoned his wife. The wife still lived in the property. The husband was declared bankrupt. The freehold of the property belonged to the bankruptcy trustee, and the bankruptcy trustee requested a recovery order. Ask the wife to leave.

The particularity of the case is that the wife is not the licensee of the legal status, nor the bank as the mortgagee, but is allowed to live in it by the husband because of the marriage relationship. If the court ruled that the wife should leave, the house would belong to the bank, and the rent would be her only income. She would end up living on the streets, and her income might be cut off.

Denning advocated ruling in favor of his wife, but his path and reasoning were by no means related to the equity of abandoning his wife.

He checked the cases of the 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, and finally found an article in the "Married Women's Property Act" in 1882. At that time, the status of the wife was almost the same as that of the furniture at home, and it was part of the husband's property. One's own rights are out of the question.

However, after the law determined that married women own their own property, after the development of case law in the 1940s, Denning believed that under the protection of Article 17, married women, including divorced wives, at least have the right to not be evicted from the marital house by their husbands. Power, because the provision handed over the power of eviction to judges, so the power not to be evicted has also been extended to fight against property owners who intend to evict their abandoned wives through a series of precedents.

Denning concluded that she was not her husband's sub-tenant nor his licensee, she had only her own rights, which were derived from her husband, but she could still claim When the tenant has the right to lease the house, even if the claim is made in the name of the husband, it is still a right that belongs to her.

It would be great if Merope met such a judge at the time, so that she would not have to live on the streets and end up in an orphanage to give birth.

But Merope's case is a bit different. It was her husband who deported her, and the Bendale case is void in her case.

The Bendale case involves the bankruptcy trustee, usually a bank. The mortgaged house cannot be recovered, and the interests of the wife are protected. Who will protect the interests of the bank?

Some judges criticized the harm caused by the abandonment of a wife as "infringement of the public interest". He believed that the "concealment" of the abandonment of a wife would put the husband's creditors in a dangerous situation like a "minefield", threatening the security of the transaction, and it was harmful to commercial security. the greatest infringement on the public interest.

Well then, justice goes to the bank, so who's going to show mercy to a jilted wife? Just do it? Is it right?

The house was originally a neutral thing, but now it has been endowed with ethical attributes. If it is ethical to abandon a wife and child, then sending the child directly to prison is also an option.

Does this make sense? This is unreasonable, but it is reasonable to abandon a wife and child, why is it unreasonable to send the child to prison? Shouldn't people like Voldemort be sent to prison?

The balance of abandoned wives is only an equitable interest that does not involve property rights, and the issue of house property rights does not fall within the scope of equitable rights of abandoned wives. Denning’s judgment first establishes a power independent of the husband for abandoned wives. In equity, "both are bound by conscience", in other words, if the transferee of the title knows that there is a licensee occupying the land when he accepts the title, then the transferee of the title does not allow the transferee in conscience to know that the licensee is in possession of the land The law of equity does not protect knowledgeable transferees because the licensor remains blind to the latter in the presence of the licensor.

The bank complained loudly, what should we do?

When lending money to people whose real estate is used as collateral, one more question should be asked, are you divorced, and where does your wife live? How likely are you to get a divorce?

This is very troublesome to deal with. The banker uses real estate as collateral to save trouble. If he has to judge the probability of the client's divorce and the probability of his wife being abandoned like the detective and the psychiatrist, he will bear all the losses if he fails to win the bet. .

Therefore, real estate in the UK has not been hyped up like in the United States. As long as capital does not flow to the real estate market, the bubble will not be very big. When American bankers lend to customers, they don't consider these issues at all, even including whether customers can repay the loan on time. This is also the origin of the next round of financial crisis.

The way Goldman Sachs came up with was to blow up Greece and pass on the domestic political crisis.

During the French Revolution, women were cornered and surrounded the Palace of Versailles with their aprons. If Denning had given justice and mercy to the bank, women who had nowhere to go had only one way to go, surrounding Buckingham Palace. Ask the king for orders.

This may cause social turmoil, and it may also give British women who have little desire to have children more reasons not to marry and have children. After all, Britain is not Russia. Many "hero mothers" emerged after Stalin's order.

Lucius told Severus that Pomona had tried to persuade Narcissa to open a witch asylum to accommodate witches like Merope, so as to avoid the appearance of a second Voldemort.

He has no problem with doing charity. Thanks to the donation to St. Mungo's, Draco can work as a doctor there. The key is that he thinks it is very inappropriate.

Under the Muggle Charitable Use Act, assisting needy women to deliver babies was a relief, exempting residents from paying tax on illegitimate children, since parishes were obliged to support them when their parents were unable to support them.

Muggles are already doing this, and there is no need for wizards to do it again. If Merope had no help at that time, one dead body and two dead, so many people would not have died.

In order to escape the United Kingdom controlled by bloodism, many wizards took the train and fled to France to escape. Now the United Kingdom should not close the undersea tunnel when France is in trouble.

That's what those who refuse to close the tunnel say.

This is risky, but it will also make people cautious and vigilant, which is also a means of avoiding risks.

1940 case, with 1882 law

Bank of England lends money to buy a house to call a lawyer, not directly to the buyer, and the risk of communicating between two lawyers who understand the law will be less

The newlyweds were smiling and looking forward to the future, while the lawyer opposite was thinking about the possibility of the woman being abandoned...

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