Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1716 The Secret Words of the Goddess (61)

For most young people fresh out of school, they face a question, where do I go? What should I do?

This problem is not only faced by graduates of ordinary secular schools, but also by graduates of seminaries.

Hey, what else can a seminary graduate do if he doesn't become a priest?

In the 17th century, studying was for the rich. Even the original founders of Harvard University were Oxford and Cambridge graduates from wealthy families. Moreover, in that era when theocracy had not completely disappeared, even a Harvard Master of Arts could not find a priesthood. Work. A man who can write and speak can also run a newspaper, or become a tutor, in short, he does not necessarily have to be a priest.

Samuel Parris, a member of First Church in Boston, was a young pastor, inexperienced, and father of three when representatives of the Salem church approached him. Born in England, he spent most of his youth in Barbados. His family was engaged in farming, with a plantation and seventy slaves. He had attended Harvard for several years, but dropped out because of his father's death.

At that time Barbados used to be very rich because of the sugar industry, but it was like the antebellum South, only balls, bragging and wig-wearing "nobility".

The business environment there is not good, and the export channels of Barbados products mainly rely on Europe. If you want to broaden your own sales, you have to annex others. After Paris’s father died, his father’s channels were taken away by others, and he is still Boy, the bookish Paris is not good at business competition. A few years later, Paris bought those properties at a low price, came to Boston, married Elizabeth, and claimed to be a merchant in the West Indies. At first his life was prosperous and peaceful, but despite the much more prosperous and more favorable business environment of Massachusetts and Barbados, his career began to fail.

He grew as used to business competition as he was to trading, but though opportunities often presented themselves to him, he failed to seize them every time. Paris was in and out of court several times for a competitive loan one year.

Under this background, he had to become a pastor again. His elder brother was a pastor in England, and his uncle preached in Boston First Church. Under the recommendation of the two, the church asked him to serve in a very remote village in Massachusetts.

Paris is not a Dominican priest. He does not have a lofty sense of mission. He goes to those poor and backward places in order to eradicate ignorance and preach light.

He has connections with his family. After staying in that village for a few years, he was transferred back to Boston, just like a "general" who graduated from West Point during World War II and went to the front for two years of qualifications. After returning to the United States, he can go to the Department of Defense.

There are many types of hell, such as a battlefield full of bombs and limbs, or a countryside with nothing but countless ignorant peasants. A college student who graduated from a prestigious school, he can obviously stay in the big city and enjoy the life of a civilized person, why would he go to a poor country?

No, of course not!

Paris thought so too. Although Salem was about the same size as Boston, it was not international. It was just a "poor little village", far less glamorous than Boston, and it didn't even have a theater. It was a Puritan enclave, where people dressed in dusky purples, dark browns, and pastel greens, and Bostonians in crimson coats trimmed with silver lace, and once he went there he felt happy buried.

He didn't want to go at all, but he couldn't stay in Boston, his uncle was only a preaching priest, not the bishop of Boston, and there was no way to put him in a Boston church.

Although Paris has no talent for business, he is not a person without talent. He has many pastor friends, many of whom are also acquainted with the former pastor of Salem, Deodat Rosen. These people help the villagers of Salem to boast How good that place is in Salem, it's like a matchmaker who says marry a beautiful woman to a rich dwarf. Paris hesitated to make a decision, refusing to say that the farmer would decide his fate when necessary.

General Marshall said from the Harvard pulpit: You college students are like torches that have just been lit, but you are about to disperse.

These farmers will gather together with torches and burn the priests who speak wrong words and spread heresy.

This is not a strange thing, every organization will clean up its internal affairs, even though witch hunts and witch trials have been banned in Europe, the Inquisition still burned priests to death in 1691, and there was a heliocentric theory at that time. In order to save trouble, and because the heliocentric theory is more in line with his own rule, Louis XIV dismissed all witchcraft accusations, including those against priests. During this period, missionaries who knew astronomy and surveying and mapping went to the east to meet Emperor Kangxi went.

At that time, the Eight Banners were not like in the late Qing Dynasty, carrying cages and carrying birds, wandering around the streets all day long with nothing to do. They defeated Tsarist Russia, signed the Treaty of Nerchinsk, and occupied Sakhalin Island. The HLJ and the Ussuri River Valley can also be regarded as the hometown of the Manchus. For the Ming Dynasty residents living in Guanzhong, it was a bitter cold place. No one wanted to go there. Only exiled prisoners would go there, even if they lost their right. The Han Chinese were also unaffected.

Of course, working for yourself is different from working for others. If you don't care about your own family business, of course you can't expect outsiders to treat it as your own business.

If the British aristocrats hadn't gone to the North American colonies, of course America would not have developed to the current scale, but the British would not be able to enjoy the resources in the Americas either.

The independence of North America is also related to the reluctance of the British lords to rule in the Americas, which gave too much power to the colonial parliament. It is precisely because no one is willing to go that the slaves are sent there to open up wasteland.

As long as the young master still considers this land his own property, even if he takes a thug like Gore with him.

Selecting common people's children to enter prestigious schools is also selecting your own future team, young master, so you don't have to take over the people your father gave you that are easy for you to use and difficult for you to use.

Not everyone in this world is civilized, polite and reasonable. European immigrants occupied the land of the local indigenous Indians. There will be so many orphans and widows displaced.

Odat Rosen was old, he couldn't take it, the pressure was too much, the parishioners of Salem were too lazy and uneducated, and they didn't do anything until they were sweetened.

It's time for Old Rosen to live in the city to enjoy the blessings. Although Paris is young, he is not a passionate youth from Harvard. With his lofty ambitions and Marshall's words, he followed him to Europe after the war. To engage in construction. He gave eight conditions, and he would not go if he didn’t agree to one of them. The Salem church group all nodded and agreed. Paris was very reluctant, and pretended to be full of enthusiasm, wanting to bring a little change to Salem. With his wife and children, he moved into the residence arranged by the locals for the pastor.

The house stood on a two-acre lot at the crossroads of the village.

The house had a big chimney with four fireplaces that was in dire need of repair, the fence was rotten and falling, and two-thirds of the lawn was taken up by bushes. The cold air, filled with resentment, worry, and frustration, was blown through the walls and into the house, and it was hard to say which was warmer, inside or outside.

Fortunately, Paris had the foresight to ask the diocese to provide firewood in his request. As a result, Paris only received two carts of firewood after living there for three weeks.

There was only a writing-table and a looking-glass in the parsonage, and the rest of the furniture had to be bought by the vicar himself, who luckily brought them from Boston, and after whitewashing the four rooms with fireplaces he built a large lean-to for his and his wife. The slaves who came with them lived.

On the communion table stood pewter cups, while richer parishes used silver goblets at that time, and Paris's own silver goblets were superior to the communion cups.

The bleaker life than imagined made Paris unhappy, which made his mood dull and stubborn. Delivering firewood was a burden to the locality, and it was Paris's fight for respect, perhaps, that whenever the firewood didn't arrive or didn't meet the standards, the complaint would be "Isn't that some cork?"

Later, a believer unloaded the firewood and said to him, "Aren't we also very weak when we listen to the sermon?"

In this way, the issue of firewood became a major issue. The village council hoped to raise funds for the pastor to arrange for himself, while Paris hoped that someone in the village urgently needed to deliver firewood to him. The relationship between the two sides became increasingly tense. However, the price of firewood will fluctuate with the king's restrictions on logging and exporting in New England, and may rise at any time. Most of 1689 was debated about this matter.

Parris was ordained in the presence of pastors from several neighboring villages, as well as two other Salem pastors, an important step for Salem and its new pastor—Li Cheng, no matter how reluctant the beautiful woman is , she has married the rich dwarf, and she is not allowed to divorce without the permission of the church, although the dwarf's family does not seem to be very rich.

Paris’ speech at the beginning mentioned Joshua and looked forward to the future. Farmers can work together, and everyone will love each other in the future.

In fact, those villagers wanted to go home, and while their wives were out collecting rent, they harassed the maids at home. The fathers and elder brothers of these maids may have died because of the war, and they became servants in desperation, but men in the 17th century, from kings to farmers, were like this. Maybe they did not have the status of kings, but they could be treated like kings. Otherwise, how could Sarah Goode come to Salem with a three-month-old child in her arms after her husband died a few years ago.

If the maid dared to disobey her order, she would be kicked out. Under the threat, some people agreed, and some refused to obey and entered the factory as female workers, but they still had to be harassed by the factory owner.

The best way is to wear a wedding ring, which can drive away some people. The wedding ring can't drive away, so I have to ask a male friend for help.

If one day the "clown" really robs the bank in decent clothes and threatens the blonde teller in the pink coat, if she doesn't cooperate, just look back at his accomplice, and his accomplice will pull out a pistol to the head of the lobby manager Make a hole in it.

Yes, the surroundings looked normal at that time, unlike the scenes in some movies, where the robbers shouted everyone to get down as soon as they appeared, only the female teller was threatened.

At this time, the female teller said to the "clown" with an excited smile, "Then please look back at him."

Her father sent her to gymnastics school, which gave her a beautiful physique, but she preferred baseball, but it was a boy's sport, and more importantly, she could swing a metal bat and drive away those who harassed her.

If the clown solves this problem for her, there will be an extra follower, and because she is a woman, she can be called "The Clown".

Who says every blonde is dumb, or that blondes are naturally blonde?

When a woman is determined to leave that house, nothing can stop her, no matter how that person shouts "come back".

So small things like disobedience, non-cooperation, and resistance are really big things.

Just like Madame du Barry, she ordered her slave to leave the revolutionaries, but the slave reported her instead, and the revolutionaries sent her to the guillotine.

She was dying and wanted to make amends, planning to exchange her own gem for her life.

These people were expecting a good show, and it wasn't every day that a mistress who killed a king had a chance to meet, and besides, she was so beautiful.

Yes, witch hunts stopped at the end of the 18th century, but are people still those people?

Without taking back the African colonies, France will decline after the British, economic problems cause political problems, and Paris will become a city that needs military control. Although it is troublesome and illegal to bring the foreign legion back, what else way?

The Americans tried it in the 1970s. Their own soldiers would not shoot at their own citizens, and it was only convenient for foreigners to do it.

It's all here, are you still thinking about the female models on the catwalk?

If you don't want your own family business, you can't blame others to take it over for the young master. The new political system may not be a bourgeois republic that believes in the sanctity of private property. This is a revolution.

Tsarist Russia was overthrown by the wave of revolution, otherwise the Anglo-Saxons would have fought an intracranial war at all costs.

The Yankees in the 1950s still knew how to confuse people. Now it is easy to exchange fame and fortune, but this is the old foundation left by the ancestors of eating. The Bourbon nobles who sold their land to live a luxurious life in Paris are similar.

It's really worse than one generation after another. No wonder there are wizards like Grindelwald who think that they can rule all mankind with their small population.

It's a pity that the young masters won't listen, as if they are as inert as the farmers in Salem.

Today is Children's Day, war orphans are also very pitiful

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