Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1710 The Secret Words of the Goddess (55)

There is a saying that all roads lead to Rome, but if you were born in Rome, do you still need to build roads?

The once magnificent "Eternal City" Rome was broken because of the slave riots when the Goths attacked, and Rome also declined. The theater was in ruins.

Machiavelli believes that the weakness of Rome is that the Romans handed over the military to the Goths. It seems that they have forgotten how Caesar became the most powerful person in the Roman Republic step by step.

Gaius Julius Caesar once went to Egypt, but he did not come to see Cleopatra. In the brutal Roman civil war, he defeated Pompey, and Pompey fled. to Egypt.

It is a good excuse to send troops to invade Egypt in order to pursue traitors, just like Cambyses II of the Persian Empire. Threatened by the need to conquer an ancient and powerful empire to consolidate his rule, he tried his best to find excuses. At first he asked the Pharaoh to send an ophthalmologist. The Pharaoh sent a doctor who was completely unwilling to leave his hometown and go to the barbaric Persian Empire. Willing to marry his own daughter, he sent the daughter of the former pharaoh to marry far away, and the daughter of the former pharaoh instigated Cambyses II, and then Cambyses II found an excuse.

After Caesar drove Pompey away, there was another potential threat. He was called Labienus. Labienus was once Caesar's most powerful assistant when he conquered Gaul, and he was also the highest-ranking officer under Caesar.

Although Anthony is also an officer with outstanding military exploits under Caesar, Anthony and Caesar are considered distant relatives, and Anthony's political talents are average, while Rabbienus is a star second only to Caesar, and Rabbienus has a close relationship with Pompey. The Pompey family was his family's patrons, and he himself had fought under Pompey's command for a long time. After Pompey's death, Labienus became the military pillar of Pompey's faction and Caesar's most difficult enemy.

Caesar was worried that he had no excuse to send troops, so Ptolemy XIII sent him to the door. Ptolemy XIII killed Pompey for "treachery" and dedicated Pompey's head to Caesar. Caesar saw Pompey After Pompey's head was "furious", he angrily reprimanded Ptolemy XIII. Although Pompey was his political enemy, he was also a hero who expanded the territory of Rome. Even if he died, he should not die in the hands of foreigners.

Just at the very moment, when Ptolemy XIII's wife, Cleopatra VII, appeared.

Although Cleopatra is beautiful and moving, Caesar is not Antony. He is a politician first and then a priest of Venus. Many people know that Cleopatra met Caesar in private. She ordered herself to be wrapped in a beautiful blanket and sent to Caesar's residence. At that time, Cleopatra was young, beautiful and full of exotic style, but Caesar had never seen anything in the reception in Rome.

She made him feel fresh, but he would not fall in love at first sight. He was dazzled by her beauty, so how did Cleopatra convince Caesar?

Cleopatra hoped that Caesar would support her as a female pharaoh, but no one knows what the two said specifically. Anyway, according to the descriptions of the servants, Cleopatra left Caesar's room as usual, as if Nothing ever happened.

Cleopatra is the queen of Egypt, but not a maid who warms the bed. What else can happen when they meet for the first time?

But according to "diplomatic etiquette", although this bloody way of meeting is no longer etiquette, gifts still have to be given. Cleopatra gave Caesar a gold fly necklace. Although things like flies and maggots are disgusting, they are symbols of warriors in Egyptian civilization, representing endless harassment.

The most annoying thing for conquerors and occupiers is the guerrillas. Gaul was the last one to give up its independence after resisting. Is Caesar going to kill every Egyptian who tried to resist like he conquered Gaul? ?

After the civil war, Anthony still used force to suppress, resulting in the killing of many Roman citizens, which made many citizens of Rome complain. In order to calm the public anger, Caesar lifted all of Anthony's powers.

If Cleopatra were made Pharaoh of Egypt, Egypt would promise to provide Rome with gold, horses, food, etc. No man would refuse the necklace representing warriors and glory from Cleopatra, let alone Caesar. Although Caesar sent the Queen of Egypt away, the gift she gave could be kept. Anyway, the servant saw Ke When Leopatra left Caesar's room, the golden fly necklace she wore around her neck was gone.

When Ptolemy XIII met Caesar, the scene where Caesar scolded him excitedly was indeed a scene, but it was not just a fake show. If Cleopatra was a timid woman, she would not dare to stand up and say something at this time What, then Caesar will really meet with each other, and the secret conversation on that beautiful night before will be regarded as non-existent.

But Cleopatra stood up, and "Cleopatra" became the "Queen of Egypt" who protected Egypt and avoided war between the two countries.

Are the Romans notoriously barbarians? After arriving in Egypt, the first thing Caesar did was to set fire to the city of Alexandria. His purpose was to destroy the troops of Aquilas, and he did not want the Romans to continue to fight with them in the city. The street fighting was also to prevent Akiras' troops from seizing the warships and cut off Rome's retreat, so they set fire to the warships moored in the port.

It is a pity that the fire and water were merciless, and the fire blew towards the city of Alexandria with the sea breeze. The Alexandria Library was burned. Although some documents were rescued, many documents in the library were still burned. This was a fatal blow to the civilized Egyptians.

As long as these Roman soldiers can be sent away with money, and they are not allowed to continue to wreak havoc in Egypt, and then do things like burning Alexander, the Egyptian nobles and monks are still willing to "negotiate".

It also happened that Rome’s treasury was empty due to repeated military campaigns, so Cleopatra and Caesar hit it off, and the “business” was concluded.

In the years since the founding of Egypt, there are very few women who are eligible to wear gold fly necklaces, including Yahhotep, the mother of Ahmose I and Kamose I. The "Heroine of Land and Land", "Heroine of the Northern Coast", "Emperor's Wife", and "Emperor's Sister" are not the traditional images in the murals wearing lotus flowers, nor are they holding chess pieces or scrolls. , her crown is the stars, and the scepter in her hand is the head of Seth.

Thebes is the city of scepters. Using Seth's head as the head of the scepter means that her power comes from the desert god Seth. Although it is the desert god of darkness and chaos, it also represents the protection of Egypt. fend off foreign powers. In some ancient myths, Seth did not rule the darkness voluntarily, but because he lost the battle with Horus, he became the god of darkness.

Seth lost a thigh in the battle, and that thigh was placed in the sky by Seth to become the Big Dipper. In the eyes of the ancient Egyptians, the flooding of the Nile River was related to Sirius, and the Thuban star next to the Big Dipper was the North Star. People at that time had limited surveying and mapping technology, so they used the North Star as a benchmark to build pyramids. Some people estimated that the Thuban star more than 4,000 years ago was the sky. brightest star. But this is also inaccurate. The Pyramids of Giza near Memphis correspond to the "belt" of Orion. The size of the three pyramids corresponds to the brightness of the three stars of Orion. When the belt of Orion is perfectly matched, the Sphinx faces the constellation Leo.

However, the calculation of the starry sky 10,500 years ago was not done by humans. It was deduced by Muggles through astronomy computer programs. Mrs. Pince was also friends with the astronomy professor Sinistra.

If Napoleon said that four thousand years of history is looking down on you, then the portrait of Yakhhotep means that the stars guide me, or that the stars give me wisdom. In the matter of resisting invaders, the "old woman" Not the same as "Little Women".

Before Yakhhotep, there was no concept of "beauty" in Egyptian hieroglyphs. For example, the concept of zero was developed by humans later on. Her name means "the daughter of the moon god, as beautiful as Yi". Neveu The meaning of Er includes the meaning of perfection, kindness and success in giving birth to new things.

However, this "great female ancestor" was just a thin, dry old lady with thinning hair when she died. During the rule of Thebes by the Luna family, there were constant conflicts between Thebes and Avaris, so fortifications were necessary. Ahmose I did not continue to build the pyramids left by the previous dynasty. After the construction of other pyramids, the pharaoh nobles after the new dynasty were no longer buried in the pyramids, but moved to the Valley of the Kings, but Yakhhotep was not buried in the Valley of the Kings.

In 1859 locals discovered Yakhhotep's tomb in Dera Abu-Naja. Her mummy is still in the huge gold-plated coffin, but all the gold jewelry is gone, including the golden fly necklace around her neck. And matching four pairs of eight gold bracelets.

The queens and queens of Egypt are responsible for sacrifices. In the new dynasty, the queen is the second limited spokesperson of Amon and the deputy of the highest priest. Of course, they can also become regulars, depending on the power struggle.

Although the gold jewelry was not found, a buried armory was found. In addition to gilded mirrors and fans, there were also complete sets of weapons, both for ceremonies and for actual combat, from archer's bracers to battle axes. Short swords are available.

The weapons buried in the women's tombs predated Egypt's new dynasty two thousand years ago, but there are mixed reviews of Yakhhotep's military achievements, with claims that the medals and weapons belonged to the queen's male relatives.

As for the crescent moon knife bestowed by God Amon that Kamose obtained in the Karnak Temple, whether it was bestowed by the God himself, or by the priest Amon, or by the old queen, there is no evidence to test That's right, this section of inscription has been flattened, and it is completely unclear what is written.

During the struggle against the Hyksos, Egypt formed an ally with Crete in the far Mediterranean, and Crete was the most advanced and powerful sea power at the time.

According to records, the queen's bracelet should contain expensive gemstones and Mediterranean glass, and royal women should also wear these ornaments.

Reconstruction was needed after the great war. Egypt during the reign of Ahmose I was happy and peaceful, except that the Hyksos rarely launched foreign wars. The golden age of Egypt, the eighteenth dynasty of the New Kingdom, also began to rise from then on.

But the queen has always seen Sobek, the crocodile god, as a threat.

Sobek was the patron saint of the ancient kingdom in the pyramid era and a symbol of royal authority. During the reign of Queen Kentavis I, the water level of the Nile River rose. Although the flooding of the Nile River was necessary for Egyptian planting, if it rose too high, it would Causing floods, Kentavis' solution at the time was to meet a new temple in Avallis, which housed her sculptures, as well as the sculptures of the god Sobek.

After Ahmose captured Avaris and solved the Hyksos, the Sobek Temple and other buildings in the city of Avaris were leveled, and stones were used to build defenses Walls and huge granaries, and the city had a new name, Perunefer, where Egyptian soldiers, Nubian and Aegean mercenaries, and Cretan shipwrights were stationed.

The Battle of Hyksos took place at the end of Mycenaean civilization, around the same time as the Trojan War. Both the Mycenaean royal family and nobles had the experience of being mercenaries in Egypt and Crete. With the close contact with advanced civilizations, the Mycenaean civilization has also become stronger. If they want to expand abroad, they also need excuses, Aga It was just an excuse for Memnon to send troops to rob Helen.

"How's it going?"

Just as Severus was looking at the documents floating in the air, Gonseil appeared, accompanied by Suzanne and Lucius Malfoy disguised as Alessandro.

It was a bit strange at first, but the attraction was turned away when Severus saw the little monster lying on Gonseil's back.

That may be the skeleton of a conjoined twin. Their lower body is joined together, and the upper body is no different from a normal baby. In ancient times, this is definitely a monster. Now they are lying on Conseil's back with joy, looking like two little monkeys.

"What's wrong with you?" Severus said, looking at Goncey, who looked as if he'd rolled in ashes.

"Forget it." Gonseil glanced at Susannah, then at Severus. "Found something."

"I found the reason why the crocodile was eliminated." Severus floated a page in front of Goncey. "We may have been used as mercenaries by the pharaoh and queen."

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