Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1709: The Secret Words of the Goddess (54)

Severus came to the library phone and was about to pick up the receiver when the phone rang by itself.

"Hi." He said into the microphone.

"Good night, Mr. Snape." Lyle Meyer said on the other end of the phone, "Please forgive my faux pas, your friend is with us."

"I know." Severus said calmly, "Put Irma on the phone."

"I don't think this can be done. She is not at the manor where we met last time." Lyle said, "Please don't worry, she will be properly taken care of and no one will be hurt."

"How can I trust you?" Severus asked.

"I suppose you have no choice now but to trust me," Lyall said, "and I can help you more than that young lady was searching aimlessly."

"What can you tell me?" Severus asked.

"It depends on how much you know? If you have any questions, you can just ask." Lyle said in a mentor's tone.

"What happened in 1870?" Severus asked.

"About what?" Lyle asked.

"Aurora," Severus said.

After being silent for a while, Lyle said, "At that time, there was a war between Prussia and Prussia, and a group of Prussian spies sneaked into the city. I don't know whether their original purpose was to spy on intelligence, accidentally discovered those secrets, or they were originally aiming at those secrets." Come, anyway, they caused trouble, in order to prevent Paris from falling into a bigger crisis, someone made up for their fault."

"And why did the lake in the Parc Montsouris dry up?" Severus asked.

"That's another mistake," Lyell said. "The traveler from Egypt polluted the water of the Montsouri reservoir in revenge."

"Who is it?" Severus asked.

"How did you know about Aurora?" Lyle asked.

"I read a man's diary," Severus said. "He also saw a gorgeous hearse and thought it belonged to Alexandre Dumas."

"Why does he think that?" Lyle asked.

"The hearse has a letter h surrounded by silver stars."

"I don't understand why he would associate this car with Alexandre Dumas. The initial letter of Dumas' family name is the letter d, and his grandfather's surname is not handwritten. They don't want to inherit the noble grandfather's surname, but Inherited the surname of the slave girl's grandmother." Lyle said softly.

"Wait..." Severus recalled carefully, "He received the news that Dumas died on December 5th on December 29th, and he saw the hearse on December 5th."

"So he didn't say he thought the hearse was the Dumas family's funeral?" Lyle asked.

"No." Severus said.

"In French, h is silent, and it was even kicked out of the alphabet at one point. Adding h back to the alphabet is to express foreign words, and in order to meet the needs of letter combinations, some people say that its return to the alphabet is a commemorative return. "

"What?" Severus asked confused.

"It's a mute or virtual voice, and it will only have a place when you breathe out, like this." Lyle blew on the other end of the phone, "You can understand it as existence and non-existence."

"So he lied?" Severus said.

"Is he a believable man?" Lyall asked.

Severus didn't answer.

Novelist Victor Hugo is a world celebrity, but can he be trusted?

"December 5 was right after the aurora, and I thought it was that late, everyone was asleep," Lyle said.

"Someone used an onyx cup to collect donations in October, and now I have that cup," Severus said. "It was once buried in the sewer."

"You don't have to worry about that, if I remember correctly, it's supposed to be full of water, unless it hits a mechanism in the wall and the water disappears," Lyall said.

"Now it's the other way around, when they found it the canal was dry, a torrent came out, and one of my people was missing," Severus said.


"A Muggle boy."

"He's not with me," Lyle said.

"I know." Severus said softly, "You don't have to be so nervous."

"You don't seem to be in any hurry to find him," Lyle said.

"He's a man who can take care of himself," Severus said nonchalantly.

"Do you really think so, or is it because he's a Muggle?" Lyle asked.

"Those Prussian spies, what happened to them?" Severus asked.

"They disappeared like they never existed," Lyle said. "Do you want to be like them? Young man."

"I'm dead," Severus said flatly.

"So I'm talking to dead people now?"

"I have the same question, am I talking to the living or the dead?" Severus answered unwillingly.

Lyle laughed.

"We exist and we don't exist, just like the h in French." Lyle said with a smile, "only breath proves we are living."

"People in a coma can breathe, but that doesn't mean they're alive," Severus said seriously.

"I believe that boy has his own destiny, just like what you are experiencing now, no one will stop you, because this is destiny, but they will block the way you go after you leave, you need to find your own way back. "

"The house-elf..."

"It's not so powerful that it can open a channel for you all the time." Lyall said, "And do you trust them?"

Severus smiled.

"You can force them to work for you, but you'd better have a backup plan," Lyle said. "Do you know what to do?"

‘Have you heard the sound of destruction? '

Severus seemed to hear someone say it behind him, it was from a man in a gorgeous coat in the Church of Our Lady of the Flowers.

"That door will open when I really need it," Severus said.

"There are many people who will choose to stay after entering that world by mistake and will not come back. It is the same for you. Because of the nature of my work, I can go to a world that ordinary people cannot go to, but I am not like you guys. Wu, this is your talent."

Severus didn't answer.

"He's very jealous of you, you have everything he wants." Lyall said after a moment "Are you jealous of him?"

"Why should I be jealous of a Muggle?"

"He's the emperor and you're a slug," Lyle said.

Severus laughed again. "Potions are indeed a 'joke' to some people."

"Aren't you afraid of being a laughing stock?" Lyle asked.

"I spent my life building a reputation, but in the end I found that all my hard work can be crushed with a single finger. He took everything from me, and the only thing left was a woman. Said that it is as common as water, until I walked in the desert, I didn't know how precious she is." Severus said, "Lily is a mirage, she is dead, and I saw her when she was dying. eyes, she has forgiven me."

"Is this real or your hallucination?" Lyle asked.

"That boy, he has his mother's eyes," Severus said. "No fancy hearse should hold his body."

"You believe that hearse exists?" Lyall asked.

"It depends on what you think, priest," Severus said. "Do you believe it was a real event or a hallucination?"

"Is there anything else you want to ask?" Lyle asked.

"I'll call you when I have a problem," Severus said. "You just have to stay by the phone."

After speaking, Severus hung up the phone.

"You know what's the saddest thing about my mom?" Severus looked at the phone and said, "It's not that my dad yells at her, it's that she's always there by the phone, waiting for him to remember Just called her, he was already with another woman at that time."

No one answered his words.

Later Severus left the table and returned to the one occupied by Mrs. Pince, scanning the manuscripts on it bathed in orange light.

"Let me see what you find, Irma," he whispered, and raised his wand.

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