Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1711 The Secret Words of the Goddess (56)

There are many once glorious countries and civilizations that have declined due to various reasons, and have even disappeared since then.

Such as Greece, Rome, Byzantine Empire, Babylon, Egypt, etc. The story of Cleopatra and Caesar is familiar to everyone, but she is the last pharaoh of the Ptolemaic dynasty in ancient Egypt. In the end, Octavian declared Egypt a Roman province after her death, and the heirs to the Ptolemaic throne were all murdered shortly thereafter.

Relying on others is better than relying on oneself after all, but what Cleopatra can do is already the limit of what a woman can do. In Egyptian hieroglyphs, the male representative is the Jiede column, which symbolizes stability and the spine. In Western culture, Mars, the shield and spear symbol, refers to men.

In the face of the chaos brought about by war, if the Jiede Pillar cannot maintain stability and falls, the world it supports will also fall. If Ptolemy XIII is a reliable pillar, why should his sister rule Egypt in his stead.

Military disasters are not like floods or droughts. When civilians hear that the army is under pressure, they will flee with all their property. Sometimes they will never come back once they flee. The once prosperous city has become empty and it will take many years to recover. come over.

But sometimes civilians don’t run away, because they heard that the army came to liberate them from the previous rulers. At this time, not only would they not run away, but they would open the city gates to welcome them. The scene and feeling It is the best comfort for soldiers who have experienced the war.

How many men don't want to be heroes?

In Hollywood movies, Americans always talk about saving the world. It seems that the Americans can’t beat the aliens, and the whole world will surrender. Those who watched the movie accepted their setting, as if the Yankees are the best. Truss, they can't take it anymore and the world is coming to an end.

A good reputation is one of the benefits that the United States gained after World War II. The United States did not suffer as much in the Second World War as it did in Eurasia. Many famous cities, such as Warsaw and Berlin, were reduced to ruins. Even London was destroyed by German planes. It was devastated by the bombing and left millions homeless.

Not only that, the war caused serious damage to agriculture and transportation. Therefore, although the war was over, the people did not immediately live a peaceful and beautiful life, and famine spread in many parts of Europe.

At the beginning, everyone thought that Britain and France could quickly recover their economies through their colonies, but in fact it was very slow. Later, US Secretary of State Marshall announced the "European Aid" plan at Harvard University. If you only look at the surface, the United States really helped Europe a lot. Thanks to his help, not only ended the food shortage, but also restored the European economy.

This plan was later called the Marshall Plan. The United States allocated 13.15 billion US dollars, 90% of which were grants, and only 10% were loans. It felt as if all Americans had become philanthropists.

Of course not. The Americans took this opportunity to occupy the European market. The money they donated to Western Europe was used by Western Europe to buy goods exported by the United States. Occupied the market in Western Europe and achieved penetration and ideological expansion.

During World War II, many scientists such as Einstein went to the United States, and the talents in Western Europe were also "inspired" to go to the United States after experiencing the war. etc. Priority is given to the introduction, art and literature will be considered later.

This is exactly the same as what the Communists did in the concentration camps, but they came to help Europe recover. These talents made the industry and agriculture that the United States had an advantage after the war more developed. Western European countries have to adjust if they want to receive assistance from the United States. Their own policies, such as the removal of tariff barriers between countries, it can be said that the Marshall Plan played a great role in promoting the integration of the European Union.

If Europeans were forced to go to the New World in the past, now going to the United States of America is like going on a pilgrimage. Staying in the United States has become the dream of immigrants, and it was at this time that the "American Dream" began to affect the whole world.

North America is no longer a poor colony. There are bustling cities, beautiful scenery, and fair opportunities. All people can succeed if they work hard.

The coffin shop owner who asked Victor Kryon to avenge his daughter also believed this before. He believed that the United States is a society ruled by law and would give justice to his daughter. What is the truth? Those top students who ruined his daughter walked away in court with a little apologetic smile.

The coffin shop owner asked his daughter to give her freedom like an American, read like an American, and speak like an American, but she is still a conservative Catholic girl at heart, and there is really no way to agree to their demands like some girls .

To what extent do you want to give up? It's for the girls to line up, clamoring for "Master" to be lucky, so he can do whatever he wants?

When girls say no it really means no, maybe their parents will say it's their way of bargaining, everyone has their own plus, just add money and they will agree.

However, there are also parents who will tell their daughters not to shame their family. But the young masters who have been going smoothly don't accept it, she resisted desperately, in order to keep her own glory, then she was beaten, her face was destroyed, and those who harmed her have not accepted any legal sanctions.

The girl's father has always considered himself a law-abiding person—abiding by the laws of the United States. Like those decent residents of the United States, he feels that it is shameful to get involved with the mafia. Victor Kryon called Godfather.

Some people will only think of the people they despise when they have nothing to do, and there is no way to ask for help. The coffin shop owner eventually became the "godson" of the "godfather", doing things for the godfather, such as destroying corpses and destroying traces. .

Who could be more plausible and unobtrusive than the coffin shop owner's presence in a cemetery?

The crime rate in the United States ranks first in the world, and there are many vicious crimes, and at the same time, there is a lot of exclusivity. They don’t care what the real Egyptian history is, anyway, they make it up for the box office. This is similar to the British colonial period. Friends, only forever interests" is somewhat similar, but more extreme.

Professors at Harvard University are also subject to management. In addition to the prescribed papers and scientific research results, there is also a KPI assessment. Professors need to obtain "donations" from students' parents.

Generally speaking, famous professors do not need to undertake this KPI assessment. They are the faces of famous Ivy League schools and attract students to apply for the examination. Coaches such as sailing and equestrian have this indicator.

There will be students with sports talents in prestigious American schools. These students may be the only way out for students from poor families. Their success will also become the subject of inspirational movies, such as equestrianism, sailing, and golf. None of them can be learned by ordinary middle-class families.

These equestrian and sailing clubs gather rich people, the coaches and students can communicate easily, and it is easy to ask the students' parents to donate. In fact, many of these students came in through donations.

With these donations, Harvard is not used to increase teachers' salaries, school building maintenance, scientific research investment, and student subsidies. 95% of the donations are used to buy hedge funds and invest in the real estate market.

For example, people like Filch, although Hogwarts is a famous school, Muggles don't know it, and the mortgage managers thought he just gave a false name and lied that he had a job.

But it doesn't matter.

One loan can be extended nine times, and they can also package the credit of people like Filch in order to obtain commissions. Prudent customers will not buy mortgage securities from people like Filch, but Harvard's money is blown by the wind Yes, its hedge fund buys this derivative.

At the same time, while Harvard University is shouting to train the leaders of the world, it is also buying agricultural companies overseas that will damage the local environment. At the same time, they also cooperated with the sugar industry group to invent a calorie system, claiming that the calorie intake of sugar is lower than that of fat, regardless of how many people are at risk of diabetes due to their misleading.

The girl named Yuki Nakamura was a member of the anti-sugar movement. She didn't know Draco. When Draco was attending a lecture at the University of Padua, she chatted with her friends about Linda Smith. , she told her companions that married people think about divorce all the time, which is in line with her idea of ​​​​unmarriageism. At that time, Draco sat in the front row with his back to the girls. When he got home, he told him about it. His godfather is gone.

There is no impenetrable wall in this world, and it was Pomona who encouraged Draco to attend the Muggle University. Although she was his godmother, Draco still felt that the godfather was closer.

When Harry was fighting Voldemort, he said that Severus Snape loved his mother, and that he was not with the Death Eaters. This may be for motivation, but also to improve momentum, but after the war, it was rejected by people——Rita Kester smelled fish, and she wrote a book titled "Saint or Sinner?" ", turned the past of the "Love Saint" and related personnel upside down, and naturally Harry's father, James Potter, was not spared.

When the world sings about the love between Caesar and Cleopatra, what mood does Ptolemy XIII feel as her husband? If James Potter is still alive, it will be the same mood.

The more people root for Lily and Severus to be together for "true love", the more James Potter looks like a fool with antlers.

Everyone has their own choices, Lily has gone a different way by doing what she feels is a reliable choice, James Potter is not that bad, although he is a big egomaniac, and later changed after marrying Lily, and He will not use violence against women.

Public opinion is unfair to James. Although he is often invisible and has no sense of existence, he is Harry Potter's father, and this fact cannot be changed.

If it was just two people, Pomona and Severus would be happy forever, but when she returned to human society, she would have to face this kind of pressure from public opinion. Everyone thought that Severus and Lily were the perfect match, and she was completely Redundant, or I posted it myself.

She is a pathetic ordinary woman, although she doesn't mind her husband ignoring her emotional needs and can entertain herself, but she can't be "corrected" again and again, you think Severus loves you what? He loves Lily, you are so stupid.

Even Hufflepuff, who resigned himself to his fate and felt like a fool, couldn't stand it. She finally chose to be a deserter, fled to a place where no one knew her, and started anew with a man who seemed to be okay.

She was divorced, and it was Severus who said it himself before they set off to explore the crypt. Although he was pissed at the time, the problem of blurting out his words has not been completely corrected. Sometimes people show when they are excited. is the true self.

However, in Gonseil's view, an emperor who has been dead for many years should not come to snatch the wife of a living person. It is immoral to do so. If the Corsicans use their power to prevent Severus from getting justice, he and those who abused The king of power does not make any difference.

Perhaps Josephine had not been unfaithful to Napoleon after marriage, but she had become such a terrible woman in rumors that even her son dared not recognize her.

People's words are terrible, and the lies told by many people will become true. Everyone seems to have found her unknown side, including her relatives. If Napoleon still believed her, he would be a fool. He has multiple lovers, and being unfaithful in marriage is even worse, because he will lose his prestige in the army, who would listen to the command of such a fool, not to mention he has so many potential enemies.

Westerners call this "freedom of speech," while Easterners call it "speaking karma." Of course, Westerners don't believe in Buddhism. They have even abandoned their own gods, and some even believe in Satan.

Harvard University has a longevity plan, and investors can have priority access to this technology. In essence, it is the same as the nobles who made elixir for longevity 2,000 years ago.

Gunpowder was smelted last time, let's see what we smelt this time.

It is difficult for a person who has been brainwashed by cults and liars to get out. When Grindelwald brainwashed pure-blood wizards, he said that wizards want to save the world.

The United States may have the best resources and technology in the world, but their inability to defeat aliens on the frontal battlefield does not mean that humans of other nations will give up resistance like them. It must rely on Americans to come up with "genius" ideas , turned defeat into victory under the leadership of the United States of America.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that they are deeply mired in the quagmire of war.

They think that the use of depleted uranium bombs and high-tech weapons will make the locals succumb and dare not fight. That is what they take for granted, just as they take it for granted that they are the ones who save the world. World War II was won because of the participation of the United States.

The Marshall Plan allowed the United States to rule Europe. Pro-American politicians cut military spending for campaigns and high welfare. The Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier is almost old and still in service.

The United States is so confident that it can conquer the world by itself, and other countries must rely on it.

After World War II, all European countries are not as strong as before. If he withdraws his troops back to the United States without solving the Middle East issue, the people of those oppressed countries will not do anything to the American mainland on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. First of all, his allies will be unlucky.

It is useless to run away, and it is better to take up arms to fight than to leave the back to the beast.

Make America great again.

The country has never been great, it was only by luck that both rises were associated with Europe. The first time was Louis XVI, the founding father of the United States, and the second time was the sale of arms during World War II and the Marshall Plan after World War II.

Although the gap between the rich and the poor in the United States is getting bigger and bigger, and the lives of the people at the bottom are getting more and more overwhelmed, but the more this is the case, the more wealth the elites can enjoy, and the better their lives will be. Because no one can get a little bit of benefits from them, as long as the new immigrants can enter the elite circle of the United States, they can enjoy the resources of the world, and enjoy the harvest at a very low cost or even zero payment. Benefits from all over the world. Therefore, even if these people saw the evil, they would not say it. It is a pity that the early immigrants in the United States had formed a fixed circle, and it was not so easy for these newcomers to enter and divide up the benefits, so they would never be able to integrate into the upper class of the United States.

If that country is really so "perfect" and "kind", how could there be a character like "Joker"? There are so many people supporting him.

Even the devil was once an angel, and it's truly a tragedy to watch a good person become that way.

But the "clown" was laughing maniacally. This laughter sounded creepy, and I don't know how anyone would call this entertainment.

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