Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1706: The Secret Words of the Goddess (51)

Paris Commune, April 4, 1871:

Paris has become a free city, sir, do you understand?

Alas, Paris has become the property of the proletarians, the rent has been reduced, and it is almost the death of poor millionaires, speculators, small traders, servants and priests. We're going to have a dreaded off-season shortly, with months of rent gone and secretly happy old ladies saying "it's finally time to get the hang of it."

Ah, my lord, you are not to blame for all this, but in the time of the monarchy, those around you knew our methods better. Trochu said he was playing cards with the Parisians, that he could change the mind of the great king, the heir to the old king you miss in your dreams.

Upon listening to Trochu's promise, the commune will lower the rent to less than one-third. Your Excellency, you must protect us from the lavish life of those who create wealth for us and for you big men. The goddamn workers who provide the financial resources are under strict control.

What do you think about the abolition of conscription?

Foreseeing what was coming at the beginning of the siege, we formed a regiment of volunteers to guard our tills and safes. The Volunteers don't stand guard, don't work, and don't take on the exhausting responsibilities of defending the country that only the lowly people take on... We leave Paris with a smile on our face, and we want to check on these poor people who have nothing to eat You hateful civilians, these civilians, your experts have long said that the best way to subdue them is to let them starve. We're going to settle with these fools, although they've actually kept our property intact, and what we want is money, aren't you right, sir? They were taught badly by Daddy Duchet's words, and they said to us "you're just kidding", they regarded us as incompetent people, and forced us to play with guns, such crude weapons, which made us more likely to be injured. possible! My lord, what is the use of having tenants if they insist on us protecting our neighbour's property?

Abolish conscription, that's what they call equality!

What does conscription have to do with us? Conscription is for the common people. Can't our children spend two or three thousand francs to recruit someone to replace them? But money is no good now.

Look at this workman, this insignificant creature, who wants to live by his labor and reap the fruits of his labor and wisdom! These people simply want to overthrow the entire society! How beautiful they thought, my lord! Why are the workers unwilling to pay for the lazy and corrupt life of a court any more? The court didn't ask them for anything else, so why didn't they pay? Do the workers understand that what they are doing is wrong? It's really unreasonable! They want to compete with us for their interests, damn it!

Your Excellency, you see how exasperating this is!

Your Excellency, we ask the blessing of you who are so great and so lovely.

signature (omitted)

On October 5, 1789, it was raining heavily. A group of women who had no bread and flour because of their livelihoods believed that the king could provide them with bread, so they went to Versailles with their aprons and stood in the heavy rain to petition.

Compared with men's political power and demands, women pay more attention to living conditions and prices. And they easily believed that the extravagant life of the king and queen led to an empty treasury. After all, the War of Independence was won, and North America was far away across the ocean. How could they know such a distant thing.

Generally speaking, women obey the order, but once a woman gets angry, she is not "vicious" and can be appeased by coaxing.

Especially when there is an element of jealousy in it.

When a man is dying of starvation, he cannot bear the difference of being next to someone who is full enough to vomit.

Similarly, a woman who lives a luxurious and elegant life and another woman who has to work in the fields will not sincerely envy her beautiful life.

Your son got into a good school, but mine didn't. She would remind her friends sourly that her son couldn't find a job after graduation.

Why can't I find a job after graduating from a prestigious school?

How can a graduate from a prestigious school be bound to enter a good company? Or test the stability of civil servants.

"Good sisters" have to argue.

I also want what you have. There was such a scene in the Santo Domingo rebellion recorded by Victor Hugo. The slaves were the winners of that rebellion, two ugly women dressed like marquises in tutus decorated with ribbons, with feathers and lace ribbons on their heads, vying for a gorgeous china silk fabrics.

One of them tightly grasped the silk fabric with its fingernails, and the other bit its teeth, perhaps because of fighting and scratching, so that their breasts were exposed. At their feet, many children were scrambling for the broken silk box.

If the goods in the luxury store are robbed, they are thugs. Isn't this just like what the Minister of the Interior said, the participants are all social dregs that need to be cleaned up?

The Paris Commune set fire to the Tuileries Palace, and these luxuries can also be burned. If these things are gone, no one will compete fiercely like those two "Marquises".

In the past in England, the Muggles were persecuted by the pure-bloods. They not only lost their jobs in the Ministry of Magic, but also became homeless and lived on the streets. They even had their lives in danger. In order to protect their own rights and interests, they overthrew the Ministry of Magic controlled by Voldemort, but They weren't completely revolutionary per se, because the International Statute of Secrecy wasn't overturned.

The Ministry of Magic was established to maintain the International Law of Secrecy. Once the International Law of Secrecy is stopped, it means that the wizarding world is completely open to the Muggle world, and mankind will enter a new era. It is believed that magic is the mainstream thinking.

Unless you are a big fool, you will do that. Magic and electricity will never blend. Muggle communications and electrical appliances will be affected by magic. There are still many cables in the underground sewer. When you are not sure what they are for, Severer Lucius and Lucius left the tunnel and came to the banks of the Seine.

At this time, there was no one on the bank of the river. There were many tables with chess pieces in the park, and some chess pieces were placed crookedly on the tables.

Lucius found a place to sit down, Severus took out the communication crystal, and soon Mrs. Pince appeared.

"How's it going?" Severus asked.

"I found something," said Mrs. Pince, "about Kamose I."

"How?" Severus asked.

"It was a French translation of Kamose's speech, and he yelled 'Look at me, here I am, successful, victorious! Even after I leave, I will never let you set foot on my land, you Dirty and wicked invaders, admit defeat, look, I drink from your vineyards, I destroy your palaces, cut down your trees, and your women enter my ships to serve, I have taken your horses, and your thousands of cedar ships, filled with gold and lapis lazuli and silver beyond measure, are all mine now, and I will not leave you a single plank, Stay in Avallis'." Mrs. Pince said, "Camose did not capture Avalis, but occupied most of the northern lands. After returning to Thebes victoriously, he obtained a The meniscus dagger given to him by God Amon."

Severus held two pharaoh's daggers in his hands.

The dagger I got from the Pensieve was indeed bent.

"He also said that he was determined to save Egypt and drive away all the invaders." Mrs. Pince paused and picked up another piece of paper. "In addition, he also mentioned a bow. In the coffin, which was not there when the pharaoh's coffin was opened, there is also a hymn about the pharaoh's mother, the mistress of the land and land, the mistress of the northern islands and coasts, who is the ruler of all peoples and cares The wise man of Egypt, she guards and protects the army here, she cares about the exiles in the land, unites the desert tribes, she calms down the south, and kills anyone who dares to offend."

"What do you mean?" Lucius asked.

"Kamose is the elder brother of Ahmose, the son of the moon god," said Severus. "Their mother is the moon god."

"Isn't Pharaoh generally claiming to be the son of the sun god Amon?" Lucius asked.

"But it was women who bore them," Severus said.

At this moment, Mrs. Pince let out a slight exclamation.

"What's wrong?" Severus asked.

"I seem to have heard something," said Mrs. Pince.

"Where are you?" Severus asked immediately.

"I'm in the library, where you met me earlier," said Mrs. Pince.

"I'll be right over," Severus said, putting the crystal back in his pocket.

"What's wrong?" Lucius grumbled.

"I don't know, I only found out when I went there." Severus said, "You contact Leroy and see where he went?"

With that, Severus Apparated.

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