Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1707 The Secret Words of the Goddess (52)

After nightfall, there were almost no people in the National Library, and the only sound of Severus' footsteps was in the empty reading room.

The table occupied by Mrs. Pince was empty, save for some documents lying open on the table.

"Irma!" Severus yelled, but there was no answer.

So he raised his wand and began to scan the bookshelves.

When Napoleon's army landed in Alexandria, he ordered the expeditionary force to advance in the desert, which even the native Egyptians were afraid of, and let Seth, who represented chaos and evil, rule the area.

The conditions at that time were not the same as those of soldiers in the 21st century. They almost relied on the soldiers' own willpower, physical fitness and physical strength to win the battle. The horizontal team had to face the continuous cavalry attack from Mamluk.

Victory and defeat are commonplace for military strategists. Compared with spreading rumors and instigating riots, the method of inciting riots is not so straightforward. However, the person who planned the conspiracy was an old man. He could not ride a horse or wield a knife. He was not as good as Napoleon in his prime. .

Pharaoh Kamose also died in battle in his prime, and if the living could not drive away the invaders, he would be replaced. The former colonists used force, and the methods were cruel and inefficient. Using trade and system to search was not only easy but also civilized.

The construction of the Suez Canal killed 100,000 workers, and the CFA franc made West Africa, which has a lot of resources, impoverished and backward. As the suzerain country, France not only did not invest in the construction, but also caused disputes, sending foreign legion mercenaries to suppress local rebellions.

A businessman needs to sell what other people need, so that his goods can be sold. In the 19th century, it was food, and in the 21st century, it was housing. A lot of money pouring into it will make the price jump up, like a rising tide, and when the money leaves , the water level went down.

The funds that had previously poured into grains later poured into railways, and the prices of railway stocks also skyrocketed. It was once considered a sure-fire business. Later, there were aviation and finance, and the money went to those fields again. The price of railway stocks also began to fall. Now the British Railways has also become sluggish, and the railways in Severus's hometown of Cokeworth are almost deserted.

Before the construction of Dujiangyan, the Minjiang River was also a place full of floods. Later, the prefect Li Bing built a treasure bottle mouth to divert the water from the Minjiang River.

Similarly, if the funds are diverted to other cities and fields in France, and people settle in other cities to develop industries other than real estate, the social conflicts caused by housing prices in Paris will not be so sharp. However, rich people from all over France and even the world are pouring into Paris. These capitals have brought job opportunities and attracted more talents. At the same time, it is impossible to build houses in Paris too high. It will rise, and coupled with the relationship between supply and demand fanning the flames, the fire will burn even more.

In fact, the landlord himself is also suffering. He bought a house at a high price, and needs to increase the rent in order to repay the loan. When the rent rises, tenants who rent a house will be in a situation where they may be displaced and homeless at any time. The landlord has transferred his risk to others, just like the bankers who came up with the "American Dream". Starting a business requires capital, and opening a bakery requires capital. It is almost impossible for Jacob to persuade a banker to give him a loan with a few donuts. How many bakeries are there on the streets of the United States?

It is too risky for bankers to lend money to entrepreneurs. If the entrepreneurs fail, they will lose all the money they borrowed, and it is different if they have collateral. The essence of real estate and the American dream is the new slavery of the American banking industry. They want to enslave people all over the world to become their own slaves. In the past, they used whips to force slaves to work for themselves in the cotton fields, but now they used the dream of "home" to spur people to work, and they even pretended that they didn't succeed because the mules didn't work hard enough. And these bankers who lend money can make money by lying on beach chairs and drinking fruit juice while basking in the sun in Hawaii by eating interest.

Time is money for them, and every second that passes represents an increase in interest. This method of exploitation is invisible. There are many cults in the United States, and brainwashing is what cult organizations are good at. In the past, Hitler published a book called "Mein Kampf". At that time, everyone in Germany had a copy, which was similar to the "Bible". The leader of the cult is good at distorting a good scripture to suit his own interests, so that believers not only donate all their property, but also send their wives and daughters to the leader of the cult to sleep. Outsiders find it inconceivable, but people in the cult can't recognize it clearly, and they may not understand what they have experienced until they die.

The modern American education system needs to train workers and technicians to provide replaceable parts for the operation of the national machinery, and at the same time provide enthusiastic and impulsive consumers, so that they will buy products produced in factories that do not know what they are used for.

In the days of Tobias Snape, the role of the refrigerator as a cold storage was an incidental function. At that time, the advertisement advertised that the refrigerator could make jelly. From the Middle Ages to modern times, eating jelly was enjoyed by rich people, because the only substance that can form a gel is meat jelly. Making jelly requires not only meat, but also people spend more than a day and ice cubes to obtain. Each of these is time-consuming, and it is much easier to make jelly with a refrigerator and fish gelatin powder.

People bought refrigerators for this purpose at the beginning, and they could also enjoy the life of the former aristocrats. The library collected an American cookbook from that period, and everything had to do with jelly, darker than British stargazing pie.

Similarly, the culture they export is also for business, full of random fabrications and demonization, the scarab that represents resurrection has become a terrifying monster that can penetrate into the body, and the god of scribes and the builder of the pyramid, Imerton He also became the flower monk who had an affair with the pharaoh's favorite concubine.

All my life I long to be well collected, properly placed, and carefully preserved. Don't be surprised, don't suffer, don't wander around, don't have branches to cling to.

This is just an excerpt from one of the "Egyptian Book of the Dead". The Book of the Dead is not used to call the dead back from the underworld, but to send the newly dead to the underworld to be judged by Osiris.

Ghosts are afraid of becoming wandering ghosts and wandering around, let alone people? France played a good hand of cards to pieces, not only lost the hearts and minds of the colonies, could not seize resources, and could no longer suck blood like in the past, and finally caused civil riots, and revolution was about to take place.

The fuel tax increase is just a trigger. In the final analysis, it is because of inaction that the "Your Excellency" and "Madam" are greedy for the prosperity of the city and do not want to go to such a poor and backward place.

Celebrities who sit down the runway looking at models are like those sitting in caves, looking at shadows. They don't understand what the world outside the cave looks like, and they don't want to understand it. In a world where wealth determines social status, they can't communicate with people of different "levels".

Isn’t the money for the charity canteen given by Jehovah? It fell from the sky just like it was given to the Israelites wandering in the desert. There are also donations, including many celebrities and rich people. They are willing to see the bottom society different from the bustling upper class, and they are willing to make some changes. Sometimes they will mix with the crowd who just stare at the runway, that is part of their social life, and they do not maintain the "pipeline" , Just blindly giving will sooner or later be exhausted.

There are a lot of expired food in the relief meals, which are provided by Air France and supermarkets. If those kind-hearted people don’t fight for them, these edible foods will eventually be thrown away or made into organic fertilizers.

There are still many people in this world who are hungry, not because some people deliberately starve themselves in order to lose weight, such as Haiti, and Niger, where food production has been reduced due to water shortage and drought, and there is a famine.

The highest goodness is like water, water benefits all things without fighting.

The reservoirs built by the French in India in the past are still usable. Today, the French don’t build reservoirs or irrigation canals for the Nigerians. They only know how to plunder other people’s crude oil, and they don’t maintain the “pipelines” that should be maintained by themselves. , I was anxious when someone snatched it away.

Others know some people's methods, they will not find reasons on themselves, but instead blame others for their own faults, this is also one of the methods used by politicians to attack opponents and maintain their own rule.

This has not changed since the Middle Ages. At that time, the victims were witches. The weather changed drastically because the witches used weather magic. The Black Death broke out because the witches cast a curse. Burn them to death and the problem is solved?

Of course, witches are not those girls who can only dress up in front of the mirror, they are used by men to show off their success. They have thoughts, souls, and are not so easy to control, but their bodies are still weak, not as strong as men, especially a witch like Mrs. Pince who stays in the library all year round and has little combat experience. Muggles, who were harmless to her, were dangerous to her.

Women are sometimes very irrational. Muggles have burned so many "witches" to death, and there are real witches who deliberately let Muggles burn, and were burned dozens of times.

There are also people who just want to live quietly, pretending to be Muggles, making a living by being a tailor making clothes for others, but maybe she was seen from the window when she was using the cutting spell, and those Muggles besieged her place, planning to Capture her.

The witch disapparated and escaped when she was about to be captured. This was the only way for non-combat wizards to face the situation at the time.

So Severus had to hope that Mrs. Pince also Apparated away.


After finding the last bookshelf and missing Mrs. Pince, Severus yelled again.

Still no one answered, and in the library shrouded in warm yellow lights, there was only the sound of "squeaking" papers, as if they were being flipped through by an invisible hand.

The wind must have blown in through the open door, right?

Although Irma Pins recited a hymn about the pharaoh and queen mother in English not long ago.

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