Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1705 The Secret Words of the Goddess (Fifty)

There once was a little match girl who didn’t sell a single match on Christmas Day. She was cold and hungry, so she decided to light a match to keep warm. Then she saw a roast chicken.

When she lit the second match, she saw the beautiful Christmas tree, and when she lit the third match, she saw the long-lost grandma, but when the match went out, everything disappeared.

In the fantasy, she flies to heaven with her grandma, looking for a life without cold, famine, and pain.

However, in reality, she froze to death during the family reunion indoors and the cold and dark night outside.

In the movie when happiness comes knocking, the hero first lied to his son that the bone density analyzer he sold was a time machine, maybe he really wanted it to be a time machine so he could go back in time and stop himself from doing it Wrong decision.

But even his son didn't believe this lie, and then he told another lie. When his son closed his eyes and opened them again, he could see dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are gone.

They need to find a cave to spend the night safely like primitive people, and then they go to the toilet.

The hero held his son and let him sleep in his arms. The boy fell asleep quickly, but he couldn't sleep himself. Then he heard a knock on the door.

He didn't open the door for that person, as if he was afraid that the person who came in was a dinosaur.

This is a very simple question. If someone goes to the toilet, it will be very strange to find someone asleep in it. If that person and the few "elites" they met with the clown ridicule like wanton, this down-and-out middle-aged man will probably be overwhelmed. living.

Fleck used to be a clown who brought joy to the children in the ward. His dream was to become a comedian, but he didn't succeed. People just laughed at him.

He has a strange disease, and when he is under a lot of pressure, he will let out a frightening laugh. He saw the girl being molested in the subway, he didn't want to cause trouble, but this strange disease broke out, his wild laughter made the elites of Wayne Company turn their heads and target him , punched and kicked him.

Fleck had just had a really bad day, and eventually he couldn't take it anymore, pulled out his pistol, and fired back at the few people who were violent to him.

Is this wrong? When a few unarmed people beat up a person who has the strength to fight back, the person with the strength must stand by and wait to die?

Europe is not as rampant with guns as in France. This is because of the ban on guns. If a person is beaten by a group of people, can't he use steel pipes or something to defend himself?

Harry learned magic, and if he didn't use a wand when he met a dementor, he and his cousin Dudley might both be dead.

However, the situation of the clown is different. Some people have to see how powerful others are to understand that they should not be so arrogant. After killing two people, one of the three people who surrounded Fleck and beat him escaped. There was make-up on it, and the fleeing man should not be able to recognize it, but he didn't dare to take that risk.

He was going to kill the grass and kill everyone, and he fired all the bullets in the revolver, and the huge echo echoed in the subway and made his ears ring.

At this time, his behavior had nothing to do with self-defense, but murder, which was used to cover up his crime.

However, this "嗙嗙嗙" cathartic shooting method won the support of the onlookers. Many people thought he was cool, and even put on a mask to go out on the street like him.

He found the supporter he had been longing for for a long time. If he couldn't get the support of others by telling jokes, he would change the way. The former angel fell into a demon, and the clown, Batman's natural enemy, was born.

Bruce Wayne is a poor child. Although his family is rich, his parents were murdered by criminals in front of him when he was a child. He even witnessed the murder process.

Fortunately, he has a loyal housekeeper, Alfred, so that his family property will not be divided up by other "relatives". He dresses up as Batman to fight criminals, and they are all criminals who have not committed major crimes in the eyes of outsiders. In fact, they are also avenging their parents, not completely upholding justice. What if there is a murderer among these people who killed his parents? ?

But gradually, he became the night knight and the guardian of the city he lived in.

The rich kid likes the Batmobile, which is high-tech and cool, although the Batmobile that ordinary people can't afford in a lifetime is just a toy to him.

Two homeless people met because of crime and fighting crime.

"Joker" likes to rob banks very much. Of course, the robbery in the movie is different from the real situation. According to the movie, the robber will definitely be caught.

There will be a tracker hidden in the banknotes. It is so thin that it cannot be detected in the pile of money, but it can continuously send out signals, and it will be found even if it hides in the sewer.

There are a lot of creative people who think that the sewers are a good way to escape, it can hide from the camera or something.

The underground city is completely different from the aboveground city. Not to mention the complicated route, there will be such and such situations, such as a dredger driving a dredging truck suddenly.

These dredging workers are all civil servants in France. They have the same low benefits as the police, but they have a sense of justice. What if they hit a robber fleeing on a motorcycle with a water glass?

Gang crimes are too variable and do not fit the criminal profile of "Joker" acting alone. On the contrary, another way of robbing banks may be more suitable for him.

Now that you are already planning to rob the bank, what are you doing saving money? Buy a coat you like and walk into the bank like a decent person.

But when he walked into the bank, he deliberately turned his head and looked at a stranger, as if confirming his eyes with his accomplices, and then he patrolled the counter and selected a female counter worker in a pink coat, blond hair, and a sweet smile.

He walked over with a smile, stood in front of the counter like a normal customer, and told her calmly while filling out the documents: Did you see that man with the handbag?

She said she saw it.

The clown told her that was my accomplice and he had a gun in his bag, if you don't listen to me or try to stop me from robbing a bank, I just have to look back at my accomplice and he'll be in your lobby The manager has a hole in his head.

Yep, most robbers will be yelling with their guns up and everyone getting down, face down, etc. But there are also situations where everything around is as usual, only she has received a threatening message, and she can't ask for help from her surroundings.

She would not know how to handle the situation.

She was not taught in the textbook, nor did her parents. She has always obeyed the law. Why did such a thing happen to her?

There is a 90% probability that the female counter attendant will cooperate obediently, unless she hates the lobby manager so much that she wants the robber to shoot him.

The next thing "Joker" needs is to say the number he wants, wait for her to count out the money, take it, and it's over.

After he left, the female counter attendant might feel that there was something wrong. She didn't know it was a "joke" until she told the manager or the security guard to catch the "accomplice".

"Joker" has a serious anti-social personality. When a smile no longer represents happiness and joy, laughter represents chaos and madness.

After leaving the stone chamber in the gap, Severus looked at the graffiti on the wall in the underground waterway.

"Le demon était un ange, even devil once an angel," Baldwin said, "like Lucifer."

Severus looked at the line and said nothing.

"I'm leaving. How are you, Reverend?" Baldwin asked Arlette.

"I will continue to stay here." Arlette said softly.

"How do you explain to your superiors that one of the marbles is missing?" Severus asked.

"I believe there are more important things to worry about, wizard." Arlette said, "According to the prophecies you have seen, will the church and believers suffer losses in this riot?"

Severus didn't answer.

"Maybe this is God's will." Arlette drew the sign of the cross on his chest, "Our new pope also tried to protect the clergy during the coup."

"Coup?" Lucius asked. "Not a riot?"

"What do you think is the difference between a revolution and a riot?" Arlette asked.

Lucius didn't answer.

"I know a Muggle woman who said the Great War in the wizarding world of England was a revolution," Severus said. "Do you think she's right?"

"It's not a revolution," Baldwin said.

"Do you know the origin of the word revolution?" Severus said with a smile, "It was proposed in Copernicus' theory of celestial movement, and in astronomy it means reincarnation, and we have to go back to the beginning It's the origin."

"Do you believe there will be a revolution in France?" Lucius asked.

"I don't know," Severus said.

"Who renovated this place?" Baldwin asked Arlette.

"I can't tell you his name," Arlette said, "but since you are a friend of the poor, you can ask them if anyone has ever appeared in the antique market with a snow globe."

"Why?" Baldwin asked.

"I don't know," Arlette said dryly. "I think of snow globes when I look at the glass globes on the wall."

"Me too," Severus said.

Several people looked at each other, and finally Baldwin turned around with a strange expression, and got on the dredging truck parked in the waterway.

The dredger started the car and let it move forward slowly. There was not much smell except for a little water vapor.

"Do you think you'll see him again?" Lucius said.

"Mountains don't meet mountains, people always meet." Severus looked at Baldwin's back and said, "We will meet again when we should meet."

"Where do we go next?" Lucius asked.

"Let's go first, Father." Severus said to Arlette, who was wearing a security uniform.

"May God bless you." Arlette said, but did not cross them, probably to prevent the two wizards from being burned to death by the holy light.

Severus and Lucius walked along the platform next to the waterway for a while, and finally disappeared into the darkness, only the subway roared by as usual, as if nothing happened.

Every time I saw the movie where the little girl in the human resources department knocked on the door with happiness, I remembered Beethoven's "Fate" when I saw the part of knocking on the door

Maybe the hero fell asleep, and everything that happened after daytime the next day was a dream, and when he woke up from the dream, he was still in the toilet

Of course, such an ending is too dark, not inspirational at all, and fails to achieve the purpose of hypnosis.

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