Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1696 The Secret Words of the Goddess (41)

The September 11 incident occurred in the United States in 2001. Although it was two years away from Nostradamus’ prophecy that “in the year of 1999, above July, a terrifying king descended from the sky”, some people still far-fetched that incident to this prophecy. come up.

There are many prophecies about the end of the world, but none of them are fulfilled—in fact, even if one is fulfilled, all human beings living on this blue planet will be finished.

After prophesying so many times without a single fulfillment, no one believed those prophets. However, for the Iraqi people, the "King of Terror" has indeed come, but this "King of Terror" is not a cloaked Grim Reaper. It was the Americans flying the planes, who finally found a reason to exercise their "right of self-defense".

The British people did not want to join them in the war, and it was useless to demonstrate in front of Whitehall. The prime minister could not hear the "voice of the people" in the face of the temptation of huge interests.

Just as the Ottoman Empire bribed the Mamluk generals before they attacked Egypt, the Americans also used dollars to bribe the Iraqi generals before the war, so that the U.S. ground forces almost won the battle without seeing the Iraqi armed forces. 25 The regular army, which was not badly equipped, fell apart, and soon the president announced that the war was completely over with the victory of the Americans.

Those Westerners thought they were bringing freedom and democracy to this conservative land. It seemed that those girls who were bound by religion could finally take off their black veils and bask in the sun on the beaches of the Persian Gulf in bikinis.

However, there are many things in the folk that often lack sufficient rationality. This kind of emotion is irrational and cannot be underestimated, but it has a very important role, enough to have an impact on the development trend of the world that cannot be underestimated.

The official attitude is completely different from the needs of the people. At the beginning of the war, Western soldiers who could still walk on the streets of the occupied areas quickly fell into endless guerrilla warfare. They would be attacked by guerrillas with poor equipment, causing The losses were even higher than their casualties on the frontal battlefield.

So the United States supported a government that obeyed the words of the United States of America, and used American instructors and US dollars to provide training for the army and police of this government, so that these local police and troops will assume more and more security responsibilities in 2005 , and the number of U.S. troops will be gradually reduced.

This kind of ideal is very beautiful, but the reality is that as the local armed conflicts continue to escalate, the number of garrisons has been increasing unabated, just like a quagmire in which the Americans are deeply trapped and unable to extricate themselves. If it is said that the benefits brought by oil resources minus the cost of garrisoning troops become losses, and the longer you persist, the greater the losses will be. Is it meaningful to continue to garrison troops?

In the past, the Abbasid Empire sent troops to attack Western Europe, and they were invincible all the way. They crossed Spain and wiped out the Visigoths. They were about to go north and invade Frank. Blocked the Saxons.

The victory of Charles the Hammer spared the entire Christian Europe from the threat of the Saxons, and Charles also accumulated enough popularity at this time to overthrow the Merovingian royal family.

At this point, it was only a matter of time and technology for the Pepin family to usurp the throne. Later, the dwarf Pepin invented the divine right of kings, and the crown of the Franks smoothly transitioned from the Merovingian royal family to his own head.

The monarchs in the Middle Ages liked to flaunt that they were supported by the church and established the legitimacy of their status, so that they could do anything.

Similarly, the United States of America can do whatever it wants now. During the Iraq war, the U.S. military used a large number of depleted uranium bombs. Its half-life is 4.5 billion years, and its power is comparable to nuclear weapons. Not only the civilians in the Gulf War, but even the U.S. soldiers themselves will also be contaminated by radioactivity. No one knows whether they will be genetically mutated, and then suddenly become Hulk or Spider-Man just like in American cartoons.

The United States is equivalent to Constantinople. Once it withdraws its troops, if the forces it supports in the Middle East cannot withstand Muhammad's revenge, then with the current military strength of Western Europe, it basically means another meal from God. whipping. Germany was able to fight very well during World War II because they fully mobilized the troops composed of their own nationals. After the defeat, it was split into two countries and was only allowed to have one self-defense force. If it is used for national defense and military expenditure, it will provoke many people. Nerves, only France, one of the five permanent members, is free to expand its military.

In France's overseas policy, the control of colonies is not through indirect control like the Anglo-Saxons, but direct rule and cultural identity. After Napoleon sold Louisiana, the focus of France's colonial development shifted to Africa. The French established a complete French education system in Africa. Excellent students can obtain French citizenship, which makes Paris, France, their heart. Xiang, Yusuf Kama's father, old Kama, a pure-blood wizard from Senegal, also came to France at that time.

Class solidification makes many people feel that it is unfair, but some people work very hard just to pay the hard work of a generation, and some people have worked hard for several generations to have the current capital. How can you be sure that all of your descendants are talented? Outstanding person, not a prodigal son or unable to keep the family business?

These problems belong to the people's internal problems. Before sending troops to fight the Saxons, Charlie the Hammer also resolved the internal problems of the kingdom before going out. When the army was fighting outside, it had no time to take care of the rear.

The key is the spies and terrorists who have infiltrated France. In 2004, the Sunday Times reported that a former French intelligence officer had a listening post under Napoleon's Paris mausoleum, and France reacted strongly. The secret police are hated by people. In the past, the Gestapo of the Germans caught many people from the Free France. The other is that they violated the privacy of others. The French privacy protection organization filed a lawsuit in the court, which forced the French intelligence organization to act in a low-key manner.

Because the headquarters of the Intelligence Agency was set up in the old Modier barracks near the Tourville swimming pool in the 20th arrondissement of Paris, this organization was also called "the swimming pool".

Modier is still related to Napoleon Bonaparte. He was one of the 18 marshals conferred by Napoleon. He participated in the French Revolution and captured Hanover, which is now the birthplace of the British royal family.

Modier once served as the commander of the Seventeenth Army in Paris. In Victor Hugo's diary, Lieutenant Marley Charles, who raised money to buy the "Strasbourg" cannon with an onyx cup, also came from the National The Seventeenth Battalion of the Self-Defense Forces.

They are touching a no-go zone, like those urban homeless who break into someone else's empty house, although the general landlord will not go through the judicial process, once they go through the judicial process, and the homeless lose the lawsuit , they will also go to jail.

These people have serious jobs, but their incomes are not high enough to afford the housing prices in Paris. Moreover, they are still law-abiding people, and they dare not go to the suburbs where the law and order is chaotic.

They also want to live with human dignity, but unfortunately the reality does not allow it. There are always good neighbors who notify the owner that their vacant house has been occupied. Start a new round of wandering.

Carefully observe those animals that have wandered outside for a long time, they are almost not fat, and those urban homeless are also very thin, which is caused by the long-term lack of peace and proper rest. , have children.

To strengthen his position, Cronus would eat his own children so that no one would rebel against him.

It's just that he also ate the "future" in this way. If foreign enemies invaded him, he could only fight alone. If he lost, he would lose his own territory and the status of a god king.

Severus gave these young people a job through "Baldwin", and helped him check November 20, 1870, whether it was magazines, newspapers, or observatories. Is there anyone other than Victor Hugo Witnessed the aurora.

For those who need to control their food intake, stay in shape, and wear the clothes they want, the feeling of hunger should be familiar, but members of the Paris Commune during the siege discussed the "way of eating" like this:

How much food needs to be eaten to maintain physical strength is uncertain. Hunger is not the only regulator because it does not account for the amount required. When we feel full, we often eat more than we need to satisfy hunger, especially more than we really need. nutritional needs.

Outstanding physiologists have made calculations in this regard. A healthy person consumes 120-130 grams of protein a day, so he should try his best to supplement 100 grams of protein.

In addition, we need 280 grams of carbon every day due to internal combustion, which is excreted from the mouth through breathing. This part of carbon must be supplemented, and less than this amount is not enough. Therefore, there must be a balance between the consumption of the organism and the absorption of food. good balance.

How much food does this equate to?

There are 21 grams of protein in 100 grams of meat, 2 eggs can supplement 80 grams of protein, 40 grams of chocolate has 48 grams of carbon, and bread contains 30% of carbon, so people can survive by consuming 1800 grams of bread every day, but just eating bread Will make the digestive tract feel tired, the newspaper recommended intake is 1000 grams of bread and an egg, or replace it with dried vegetables or chocolate, which means that a person eats less food than a sandwich in a whole day, and there is no peanut butter and cream.

One-and-a-half-year-old babies can drink milk. They can be allocated two liters of milk. They are in the growth and development period and have a strong metabolism. They will not grow if they have less than this amount.

Men who fight will eat more, they need it for physical exertion, but any meal of them may be the "last supper".

The night wind blows in through the car window, bringing "free air". I think it must be a pleasant feeling to drive a large-displacement car on the American interstate highway, but I don't know if it feels pleasant to drive along the Seine River. .

No, there is no subway,

Nothing from July to September,

You buy a ticket, spend a lot of money, but the car just won't drive,

It's useless to come to the station,

It's hot as hell in the car,

Might as well find another place to cool off,

Only two lines will open,

Suburban trains are a thing of the past,

I want to go to Sevres for the weekend,

Go in your own little wreck, oh,

No, there is no subway,

Oh, even if it doesn't work, go protest

Maybe the law will pass.

When passing by a subway station, a homeless singer sang, and Severus' eyes stayed on him, so much so that he couldn't help but look back.

"It's annoying, isn't it," Baldwin said while driving. "The subway strike doesn't affect the rich, and they don't take the subway. In the end, it's ordinary people who have to commute to suffer."

Severus ignored him.

This is his country's internal affairs. The two of them are not like the former British Minister of Magic, who sent Aurors all over the world and let Leta Lestrange die.

"I agree." Lucius said from the backseat. "What are these things for?"

"We're almost there," said Baldwin. "Paris Hospital is ahead."

Severus looked at the scene in front of him, comparing it to what he saw in the other world.

"Too much has changed here," Severus said. "Everything has changed except Notre Dame."

Baldwin looked at him strangely.

"Are you a vampire?"

Severus looked at Baldwin coldly.

Lucius laughed out loud, this is not his usual style, but who made the snake disguised in human skin at present.

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