Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1695 The Secret Words of the Goddess (Forty)

In the era of medieval castles in Europe, strong walls were indispensable. Most of the existing ancient castle sites in Europe are made of stones, and it is rare to see walls rammed with mud.

Clay walls are not uncommon in Asia, especially in areas where there is a shortage of stone materials. Unless the cost is not considered as the Egyptians built the pyramids, the cost of transporting stone materials from a distance is too expensive.

This will definitely consume manpower, material and financial resources, but people who live in cities without walls have no sense of security, but at that time only important cities such as Jerusalem and Constantinople would build all-stone walls.

The prosperity of Paris is constantly attracting new threats, such as Viking pirates and Eastern pagans. During the period of King Philip Augustus, in order to defend the Arabs and France, it was necessary to expand its troops and at the same time strengthen the city defense. It is unrealistic to use all stones At that time, people came up with a compromise method, mixing gravel and bricks into the city wall, and covering the outside with a layer of stone. No one knows whether it is actually strong or not, but at least it seems that the city wall is very strong. At that time, the Louvre was not a palace for displaying artworks, but a part of the city's defense system. In addition, there are pastures, farmland and vegetable gardens to ensure that the food supply can still be maintained when the city is besieged.

If the mud is too thin, it will not be able to paste the bricks on the wall; if the bricks are not fired properly, they will not be able to build a strong city wall.

Napoleon himself was originally an Italian, but after he abdicated, when he was imprisoned on the island of Elba, he said that Italy was lazy and weak when he was chatting with British visitors, and the French were at least in Napoleon's time. the same.

Anyone can go to the front line, except Victor Hugo, he will do what only Victor Hugo can do.

Napoleon was already on the front line. Napoleon Bonaparte was small and thin, like a puss in boots, physically inferior to other soldiers in the legion, but the soldiers were willing to give up their lives to protect Napoleon's safety.

He found a sense of belonging in France, especially in the French army. This is like love. There is no feeling of unilateral contribution, and it takes two people to hit it off. Women let him down, but the army did not. He did not treat the veterans as tools. The reason why he was buried in the Invalides was because he often visited the soldiers who lived in the Invalides. After he abdicated and was imprisoned, he still took care of the veterans.

He defined his attributes as soldiers, so he understood soldiers and what they needed. After Napoleon came to power, he began to build a large-scale construction, including the construction of a defensive wall. This wall also played a role during the Franco-Prussian War in 1870. In 1874, the city wall was not only not demolished, but was strengthened. It was not until after the First World War in 1919 that the city wall had lost its role in the face of modern war weapons that people partially demolished the city wall. This city wall not only became the final dividing line between the urban area and the suburbs of Paris, but also It is also a distribution center for antiques, second-hand goods, poor people and homeless people.

If you are poor, you can't avoid petty theft. If you steal something and sell it for money, the rich don't need it. But sometimes the difference between a thief and a thief is not so clear. For example, a thief can steal the Mona Lisa from the Louvre if he is brave enough, while a thief is always thinking about how to get the words out of the pockets of the poor. Now that you have a golden mountain, you still have to take it by force under the cloak of legality.

The reconstruction in the Haussman era was essentially no different from the British enclosure movement, except that the British enclosure occupied a large area of ​​land in the countryside, and those builders and banks who built high-end apartments chose the most beautiful locations in Paris, one by one. It's just heavy.

When the house gets bigger, each room will have its own function, such as study room, reception room and bedroom. After the enclosure, the houses of the British nobles were quite large, with cloakrooms and game halls. At that time, Parisians generally had only one bedroom, which served as a study, cloakroom, and dining room. Some poor families also had kitchens and toilets. , even Londoners in high-end apartments have difficulty adapting to the crowded living environment in Paris.

Although Malfoy is a pure-blood and Anglo-Saxon in disguise, his living habits are no different from the ancient pure-blood family. The Malfoy family doesn't own property in Paris, they own wineries in the wine regions of the French countryside.

Although scholars such as Cicero attributed both the Anglo-Saxons and the Gauls to barbarism in ancient Rome, there was a difference between the two peoples.

Anglo-Saxons are natural gamblers. They don't think about what will happen if they lose, but instinctively think "what if they win?".

Even if they have no more chips in their hands, they will still continue to gamble, but at this time they will tear off the disguise of civilization, and will use any insidious, vicious and cruel methods. Anyway, they will bite the enemy until the end to see who wins first. die.

The Gauls are arrogant by nature. They don't engage in agricultural production, they also look down on farmers and advocate force. Some soldiers have no way to continue to live the rural backwater life after they are rehabilitated and discharged. Even if they survived the plague and war by chance, the life of civilians will knock them down. It might still be a good destination to die on the battlefield, at least not on the streets.

If the Paris Commune declares the establishment of an urban republic, even if the "Versailles" do not block the roads, they will not be able to obtain supplies from the countryside and suburbs. France will not allow division, and hunger will wake up some hot-headed people.

Hugo wrote in his diary: An egg costs two francs and seventy centimes, elephant meat costs forty francs per pound, and a bag of onions costs 800 francs. It cost only seven hundred francs to repair all the broken glass in the Luohan Pavilion.

Someone will starve to death, that's war.

Whether you will be the next person to be starved to death is human nature.

After eating human flesh, it is guaranteed to be ruddy than those who are suffering from hunger. People who are besieged in the city look down on such people, but at that time they cannot find suitable food, should they eat it or not?

There are a lot of people who can't adjust to going from peace to wartime, the rest of the EU has handed over their armies to the US and mercenaries, France's army has two components, one is the Foreign Legion, that's France's main combat force, and often executes Some tough tasks. The other is the national army. Before World War II, the biggest advantage was the ability to mobilize too many troops. However, they surrendered as soon as the Maginot Line was breached. The fortifications that cost a lot of money to repair are now It has been reduced to a mushroom cultivation base. If it didn't cost money to blow it up, many people would want to demolish it.

Since the restoration of the Bourbon dynasty, they have revived the previous reliance on mercenaries, and the new monarchy acquired by the armed forces of others will eventually be subject to those mercenaries. The Emperor Heraclius of the Eastern Roman Empire was also a mercenary himself. After self-examination, it was Tiny I who intended to take back Western Rome, and after the plague and civil riots severely damaged the vitality of the Eastern Roman Empire, the mercenary dinar system has been integrated into the Eastern Roman Empire. system of the Roman Empire. Heraclius easily won the crown, but what he faced was a mess. Later, he borrowed the military system of the Great Eastern Empire and set up military commanders similar to Jiedushi, and only then did he restore the stability of the empire in a short period of time. .

However, this stability was temporary. At that time, the Tang Empire was mutinied by the envoy of Youzhou Jiedu. The emperor left Chang'an in a panic and fled to the Bashu area. On the way, he passed Maweipo. The soldiers coerced the emperor to kill his beloved concubine Yang. Yuhuan, they thought that as long as this woman died, their once wise "Jade Dragon Son" who led them out of Wu Zetian's dark rule would come back.

Throughout history, women have always been used as scapegoats, but they all have one thing in common. Whether it is Marie Antoinette or Yang Yuhuan, they will be associated with arrogance, and then they will be accused of "deficit" and "disaster in the court" and so on.

It is useless for contemporary people to sympathize with them. This is a proven crime. Reversing the case for them will cause countless troubles, and make some people who thought the storm was over start to panic again, and then do irrational things. Only the past becomes history. Only when the relevant parties are all dead, will someone go to the pile of old papers to find them.

Louis XVI spent so much money and people to help the United States become independent, and finally ruined his own country, and there are no traces left in history. The Americans did not regard him as the father of the country. American textbooks all It is well known that the founding father of the United States is George Washington.

Similarly, the United States has messed up the Mediterranean and the Middle East as they are now, and refugees will not swim across the Atlantic to reach them. What the Abbasid Empire failed to accomplish in the past has been accomplished now.

Perhaps Catholicism is still the number one religion in France, but these Muhammad followers are more devout.

Refusing to believe in God is a Western value. People with faith are ignorant. Let people with faith give up their faith and live the same "informal" life as Westerners. Some people can't do it. Too many people force others to accept their own. Opinions, thinking you are right.

It doesn't feel good to try to change and get rejected by wishful thinking, but imagine whose home was blown up by a missile and would feel happy?

When the Black Death was prevalent, Nicola Malfoy opened a hotel, and it is said that many Muggle tenants were killed, but Nicola Malfoy was not punished.

The Wizarding Council is not an inquisition, and you cannot rely on rumors and conjectures to convict without evidence.

Muggle townspeople, dangerous to witches and young wizards, are no threat to wizards, but that depends on the circumstances, and the lack of exercise and lack of vigilance of the Duke of Vincent de Téfleur-Pic made America The scavengers who came were caught and nearly beheaded on the guillotine.

The "group" can avoid fighting alone and have a support for each other. Severus and Lucius, who drank compound potion and pretended to be Alessandro, smoked while waiting for others in the Chapel of Atonement.

Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI were once buried here. It was built according to the order of Louis XVIII. The king and queen were beheaded and the bodies were thrown into the mass grave. In 1802, this land Bought by a royalist judge, he marked the place where the king and queen were buried, and set up a fence and two willow and cypress trees around it. The bones of the two were dug up after the restoration of Louis XVIII. At that time, the two had already ossified, and Marie Antoinette's body was still identified from the garter and lower jaw in the bones.

Their bones were moved to St. Nieder's Cathedral. These two people were not bad. People at that time had the habit of painting with exotic materials, such as using mummy powder, or painting with corpse oil. The Jews gave corpses The custom of anointing with oil, some people specially dug up the tombs of these Jews and sold the oil to painters.

Louis XIV's body was well preserved, and it didn't smell terrible like Louis XV. His heart was taken out and sold to the painter. The painter used Louis XIV's heart to smear the canvas. The painting is still in the Palace of Versailles.

The strange thing about Napoleon is that apart from his body that has not been decomposed for 20 years, there is also his strange living habits before his death. People have to sleep. He regained his energy after taking a bath, and he also has a super memory. He still remembered the name of the soldier who gave him a piece of cake in the Italian battle, and he also called out the other party's name accurately.

He's more like a monster than a superman.

The point is that there was nothing strange about him when he was young, and he ate, drank and slept like normal people.

Either he had an adventure, or he was possessed by the devil.

The two were chatting, and saw a beam of lights approaching from a distance, and a minivan stopped in front of them not long after.

The car was not turned off, a pair of glasses were about the thickness of the bottom of a beer bottle, and a young man in a plaid shirt poked his head out of the car window, looking at the two well-dressed people.

"The eagle spreads its wings," said the young man.

"Sing triumphantly," Severus smirked.

"Where are the documents?" asked the young man.

"What document?" Lucius asked subconsciously.

The young man immediately became alert.

"I'm just telling you that nothing will be recorded." Severus continued, "Whether it's paper or digital."

"How can I trust you?" asked the young man.

"How about this, for example?" Severus said, raising his wand and levitating a trash can.

The young man didn't look very surprised.

"It's magic." Lucius said displeased.

"Come on, I'm not a chick, magic is magic, what magic!" said the young man.

Lucius turned his head and whispered in Severus' ear, "Can I teach him a lesson?"

"How about a Stinging Charm?" Severus said.

"That's a child's spell," Lucius grumbled.

"Trust me, it's not a child's spell for Muggles." Severus said with a smile, and then he turned and walked aside, and it wasn't long before he heard a scream.

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