Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1694 The Secret Words of the Goddess (39)

Severus took the Anubis Chalice to the Fountain of Innocence.

This place has changed a lot since the last time I left. The dead branches and leaves in the water channel have disappeared, exposing the bottom of the fountain.

There are often people who take advantage of the turmoil to seek personal gain. This is not only hoarding goods to make money, but also taking away things that they usually want to steal but can’t. Reliefs in the churchyard. They were originally guarded by priests. When the Cemetery of the Holy Child was moved, some people demolished the vault of Cemetery No. 4, and even the entire church was demolished during the French Revolution. There is no culture or history. People don't know what the "old stones" these people took away are for. They only pay attention to gold, silver, jewelry, furniture, and clothes.

There are also reliefs on the bottom of this pool, but there are no mystical symbols, just patterns of vines and fig trees.

"Egypt also has wine, and the modern wine labels are also derived from ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptians had made very detailed labels according to the place of origin and year 3,600 years ago." Gonseil once said to Severus, "Even They will also record the brewer, just like the bricks on the wall of the Great Wall, if the Pharaoh drinks wine and has problems, he can find the brewer to be responsible.”

As the goddess of love, dance, and wine, Hathor was once regarded as the god of death in Thebes. In addition to cows, she would also turn into a fig tree and send the fruits to the messengers of hell. After getting the "God's Eye", Hathor once made the world flow into rivers of blood. In order to stop her from continuing to kill, the god Ra made her drunk with bright red wine made from pomegranates, turning her from a goddess of war into a beautiful woman. Eros.

In theory, don't mess with that girl, but the French shipped the Dendera Constellation Board back to France.

Sometimes people are not afraid of opponents who are like gods. Now Severus can fully understand the feelings of Grandpa Justin, the veteran who participated in the Dunkirk evacuation.

"Nice place." Lucius Malfoy, with long platinum hair, looked at the fountain and the sculpture next to it and said, "How did you find out?"

Severus looked at Lucius.

"I need your help with something."

"What do you want from me?" Lucius smirked.

Severus produced a silver test tube and "drank it."

"What's that?" Lucius asked cautiously.

"Poison Potion," Severus said. "I need to make sure a person is dead or alive."

"Who's that guy?" Lucius asked.

"A boy who works for me," Severus said.

"Why are you looking for me?" Lucius asked.

"Did you find Susannah?" Severus asked, "Or did you manage to convince the Muggles to close the tunnel?"

Lucius smiled and took the test tube.

"Cheers." Lucius said in French, and drank the potion in the test tube.

Soon Platinum Malfoy turned into Alessandro, but the "Alejandro" in a formal suit did not have the sunshine of a real Alessandro, but a kind of cruel evil.

"You made me a Muggle?" Lucius said, looking at himself in disbelief.

Severus laughed. "I thought you'd say no because you cared too much about your appearance, Lucius."

"We're friends, and of course I'll help if a friend asks." Lucius said in a pretentious manner, reaching out to Severus.

"What are you doing?"

"The antidote."

"The effect will wear off after a while," Severus said.

"I can't go back to see Sissy like this." Lucius said loudly.

"I need to remind you that the French seem to have really mastered the technology that can make us lose our magic. Can you imagine losing your magic?"

Lucius looked at Severus in bewilderment.

"Experience how, and you're not really out of magic," Severus said.

"I don't want to." Lucius shook his head.

"I don't want to either." Severus said, "When I lost my magic power, my first thought was to restore it, which made me fall into his trick. Muggles are very cunning, but Mr. Potter and his My friends don't think so."

"And Arthur Weasley." Lucius smiled arrogantly and ironically.

"I think it's because most of his contacts are Muggle civilians, and he prefers to live in his own imaginary world and study those Muggle supplies." Severus said lazily, "Do you still remember the Dark Lord and us?" Did you say that? Once the Muggles have researched and mastered Dragonpox, they will use it to exterminate us."

"Sometimes I don't know who you are, Severus, I never thought that after all these years you would betray the Dark Lord for red-haired Lily."

"I need the trust of the White Wizard, that old fool believes in love," Severus said.

"Then why did he plan to frame you?" Lucius asked.

"Obviously he has a prejudice against Slytherins and people who use the Dark Arts, just like the rest of the Gryffindors," Severus said.

"Not because of Pomona?" Lucius asked.

"Maybe there's a part of it," Severus whispered, "but I'm more convinced he did it 'for the greater good'."

"Are you still defending him?" Lucius asked.

"Obviously he has already secured the position of the hero of the century. He defeated two Dark Lords. Continuing to slander him will hinder your demeanor, Lucius."

Lucius Malfoy looked displeased.

"We followed a leader who was increasingly crazy, and even though he was charming and wise at first, he was the one who got us to where we are now," Severus said. "How many people do you think Napoleon Bonaparte wants?" Resurrection?"

"What a ridiculous hypothesis." Lucius smirked. "A Muggle, resurrected like the Dark Lord?"

"I went to a place where a cloak mound is enshrined. Sometimes there are some incomprehensible phenomena on Muggles, such as the immortality of the corpse."

"How do you know he wasn't mummified?" Lucius asked.

"First of all, St. Hena's climate is not suitable. It's too humid and hot there." Severus said, "Unless he uses mercury and other preservatives."

"I heard he died of arsenic poisoning," said Lucius.

"Napoleon was also crazy in the later period, but I think he felt that the goddess of fate no longer favored him. Do you know what a loser would do to save his own fate?" Severus said.

"Are you assuming that I'm a loser?" Lucius said in a long tone.

"His will was to be buried on the banks of the Seine," Severus went on, "but he arranged for his own burial in the Pere Lachaise cemetery when he was alive, which is the Lestrange used by Grindelwald in his lectures." Family grave."

"What does that matter?"

Severus froze.

"Are you okay?" Lucius asked.

"Do you think Grindelwald is a failure?" Severus asked.

"I barely touched him," Lucius said.

"The God of Destiny must be a capricious woman. You don't know when she will fall in love with you and when she will betray you." Severus smirked. "Failure makes the loser noble."

"I don't want the Dark Lord back," Lucius said. "You know what they did to Karkaroff, so I don't think failure made him any more noble."

"You don't think the Dark Lord's resurrection is a great thing, he even shook the white wizard who always thought he was right." Severus teased "He thought it was right to stop Grindelwald, and put him in a cage is merciful."

Lucius stared at Severus.

"He became unneeded, to the corner of the world, forgotten," Severus said. A Slytherin, born a Slytherin, died a Slytherin, and even when I failed, I never regretted that I was a Slytherin, we came from the mud, but we won't live in the mud forever, because..."

"I know what you're going to say." Lucius interrupted Severus. "The Dark Lord used to use this trick."

"I need your help so that Draco and the descendants of the Malfoy family will not live in hiding," Severus said. "I need your attention, Lucius."

"What does your business have to do with my son?" Lucius asked.

"Because I am Draco's godfather, we are a family." Severus said, "Suffering will not tear us apart, but will bring us closer."

"But you let him elope with Astonia!" Lucius said angrily.

"Do you know what I've learned through all this? A good wife is important, and political marriages are not reliable, or are you going to accept Pansy Parkinson again?" Severus asked.

Old Malfoy was furious, but said nothing.

"Although the Greengrass family has fallen and is not a strong ally, Astonia will wash away the stain on Draco and let the wizarding society accept him again. I think this is what is important." Severus Say "You know how intolerant those people are."

"Of course I know, because I'm one of them," Malfoy said. "If we're winners..."

"Do you still remember the topic we talked about last time, the Muggle governments in Europe handed over their military power to the United States, and only paid the military expenditures that the United States required them to pay, so that they could reduce military expenditures and spend more money on Social welfare is on." Severus interrupted Malfoy, "This is the only way to solve their tax problems due to population."

"No God's Whip now," said Malfoy.

"Then have you ever thought about the possibility that the United States will withdraw from the Middle East." Severus sneered. "How long do you think the fairy tale of the European Union can last?"

"There is no Whip of God now," Malfoy repeated, "and you think the Arabs will invade Europe as they did in the Middle Ages?"

"They have already started." Severus said with a smile, "it was introduced by the Muggles themselves, in order to solve their shortage of low- and middle-class labor. As for the Whip of God, have you heard of Napoleon's other foreigner?" No, new Attila."

"He won't be resurrected!" Malfoy repeated again.

"Do you want to live in the Middle Ages, or in the modern age?" Severus looked at the lights of the night scene of the Parisian city. "Imagine all of these disappearing."

"Your idea is crazy," Lucius said, "and if Napoleon does come back to life, how do you know it will be Attila and not someone else?"

"Like Charlemagne?" Severus laughed sarcastically. "I don't know if you've ever heard the saying, 'Being a king is to not obey orders', you think those Muggle politicians would obey others' orders ?"

Lucius sneered.

"In order to do whatever they want and sanctify their selfishness, they overthrew the gods that restrained themselves, but these people don't know how terrible it would be without religion in such a big city." Severus said with emotion, "You just have to imagine , what would become of the city if there were riots and the French army and police were the same as they were during the Revolution?"

"I don't care." Lucius smiled happily.

"We are foreigners, but for people who love this country and the land, they are willing to do anything to save the country." Severus said, "including bringing him back to life."

"Others don't have this ability?"

Severus didn't answer, he seemed to be thinking about who else could take on this important task.

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