Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1693 The Secret Words of the Goddess (38)

If we say that Paris before 1870 was the Paris of all French people, then Paris after 1870 is the Paris of provincials and even foreigners.

The twenty years from 1870 to 1890 were a period of economic depression. At that time, there was a state of near standstill in all parts of France. The active commercial atmosphere of the Empire era was no longer seen. People were no longer interested in opening new roads, with the exception of Unfortunately, land prices in Paris have been soaring all the way.

Osman adopted such a policy in order to play the "urban symphony" in his heart. All the old houses in the area he "marked" will be demolished. It is impossible to directly order the original residents to move out, and they must be compensated , So Osman hooked up with the bankers, the bankers paid compensation to those residents, and the government sent people to force the removal of those residents who wanted to leave, and the land that originally belonged to them was bought by the bank and built into a building. New, high-end apartments in Parisian image.

This kind of thing makes people feel sad. Of course there is a difference in the quality of life between a worker earning 1,300 francs a month and raising 5 children with a monthly income of 14,000 francs. However, the difference in food and clothing is tolerable. The biggest difference is housing. , both housing prices and rents have risen sharply with land development, and the money compensated by bankers to original homeowners is simply not enough for them to buy back houses in the same area, so native Parisians had to be squeezed to the suburbs.

Huge municipal projects require a large number of foreign laborers, but they are not those who live in high-end apartments, but people with higher social status. Two-thirds of the people who live in the most beautiful areas of Paris are not Parisians.

During that time, many construction contractors emerged. After acquiring the land, they built according to the architectural style of the Ottoman period. Ottoman-style buildings have very strict regulations on architectural elements, decoration styles, the integrity of the block, and even the details of balcony doors and windows. This made the architectural grandeur of the Ottoman period quite successful. However, this style was criticized during the Ottoman period, and the golden age of Ottomanism was after 1870. At that time, the municipal planning was relaxed, and the unified architectural style of the imperial era was further strengthened, and the initiative was in the hands of a few investors.

In order to pursue efficiency and interests, it is of course a good deal for these people to save a design fee. Most people don't look at the foundation when looking at a house. In order to prove that the house they built is solid and reliable, contractors in the 1870s often repaired the walls very thickly. , but at that time, the provincials who brought their furniture to live in the city thought that buying a house in Paris would be enough.

Buildings got taller and taller, walls got thicker, and the construction industry required heavier investment until the fragile foundations of the hollowed-out Paris could no longer support the superstructure. This is not the same as the superstructure that Marx said, it is the exact "superstructure". The sense of security and belonging brought by the thick walls can make people calm down to run a business-family, but the flu in 1890 once again The sanitation problems of such a big city were exposed, and a large number of residents died as a result.

The epidemic hit the old towns hardest, and these areas also suffered the highest death toll during the cholera pandemic of 1830. Cholera was caused by water problems, which was not accepted by the world until 1856, not the miasma that was generally believed before.

Influenza is indeed transmitted through the air, and too dense buildings will cause air circulation. Those who own real estate in Paris will only live here during the most beautiful season in Paris, and move to other cities or abroad every summer to enjoy the fresh air.

People who can’t leave can pretend that they are on vacation on a temporary sandy beach in the city center if they live in the 21st century. People in the 19th century have to go to the beach plaza for “vacation”.

Paris today does not see so many homeless people appearing on the streets in the 19th century, not because there are really no low-income people in France who cannot even afford houses, but because France has a law. If a house is illegally occupied and the house is not the owner's main residence, the owner must report to the police within 48 hours. Homeowners must go through judicial procedures to file a lawsuit. This judicial procedure usually takes two years and is very expensive, so landlords usually do not go through this expensive and time-consuming judicial procedure.

Understanding this legal loophole, which only applies to non-primary residences, low-income people in Paris have formed gangs to find houses that have been vacant for a long time, because houses that have been vacant for a long time will definitely not be the main residence. After forming a gang, these people can take care of each other, and share information, and know where there are vacant houses in the first place. They scout around to find houses that meet the requirements, and then mark the door or insert the subway ticket into the house. In the crack of the door, so they would have a place to live.

Paris is a ball of thread played by cats. It is a mess above and below ground. Poor municipal planning makes the traffic so congested that the rich can't bear it and move to the suburbs.

She is the capital of France, and at the same time stands on the opposite side of France. From 1872 to 1911, the population of Paris increased by 66%, and at the same time there was an outflow of rural population. During the occupation of Paris by the Paris Commune, people in the provinces doubted whether Paris had the ability to continue to lead France and whether Paris wanted to become an independent city republic.

If the Paris Commune successfully resists the attack of the "Versailles", then Paris may become a city republic like Siena, but the Paris Commune emphasized in the newspaper that they will not be independent.

Paris is a place suitable for eating, drinking and having fun, and a place suitable for shopping and meeting friends. This is a "utopia", but it is not Plato's utopia, but the utopia of consumerism.

Similarly, it is not a place where wealth gathers. Thrift is not advocated here, and it is difficult to earn enough wealth to meet one's material needs by honest work.

There is a group of people who don't even live in houses inhabited by humans, but live underground like rats, which is unimaginable to people who spend a lot of money in restaurants near the Place Vendome, but in fact it is There is such a group of people.

They are familiar with the intricate structure of the underground, and they may suddenly run out from a certain manhole cover and snatch the wallets of passers-by. Some even dig tunnels directly to someone's home and steal the good wine hidden in the cellar by that person.

The archives of the Paris Police Department have a lot of this kind of information. Rather than being outraged at the loss of money, at this time, it should be more fortunate that they did not cause any personal harm to the owner.

The disappearance of a person in such a big city is a trivial matter. Grindelwald took a fancy to a house in Paris, went in, killed the owner, lived in it himself, and transported his body away in a gorgeous hearse.

Even if there were so many people on the street and the police saw it, they would not suspect that it was a process of moving a murder case, just like when Victor Hugo saw a gorgeous hearse on December 5, 1870, he would not suspect it. Knowing who is dead, and even knowing that Dumas died, he suspected that Dumas's family was holding a funeral. Dumas was not in Paris at all at the time, and even for a funeral, the gorgeous coffin was empty. Grindelwald repeated the trick in 1926, and it still works.

Sometimes "crossing the sea with the sky" is not only a strategy, but also requires creativity and courage. These urban homeless people often have cars. Having a car can not only carry luggage, but also avoid the police. How can people with cars be proletarians in the perception of ordinary people?

Sometimes the aging water pipes will leak. Seepage will continuously corrode the underground stone layer, making it fragile. When the thin surface layer is unable to support it, it will collapse. In fact, more than 20% of Parisians live in watch This is also the reason why many good-looking houses in the city center are empty and unoccupied in the seemingly safe dangerous area.

Homeless people take a fancy to these vacant houses and live in them. Zero risk does not exist, but they have no choice but to live in this kind of house. The rent in Paris is so high that they have to sleep on the streets if they don’t live in it.

Theoretically, the wealthy group in the center of Paris has already gone on vacation. In fact, there are still many people in the center, so I don’t know if other geological disasters will happen after the underground flood. Anyway, Haji will not bear this responsibility. After handing it over to Severus, he took Felix away from the "land of right and wrong".

A hacker friend Gianluca knew also drove around the streets in his small broken car, but his car was loaded with his equipment. He was very familiar with those urban homeless people. Through this relationship, Gianluca I found out about the former Beach Plaza, now the Paris Hospital.

This area, like the Palace of Versailles, was once a swamp. Napoleon I filled the muddy area with 57 carts of Seine sand before his coronation in 1804. The wages at that time were 4 francs a night, which was unprecedented. high price.

At that time, it was generally believed that Napoleon Bonaparte did this to create momentum for his coronation ceremony, so that more people could watch the ceremony up close. No one really knew what happened, just like no one knew what he did in Egypt. .

The sculpture of Napoleon on the copper column of the Place Vendome was thrown into the Seine, and was later dug out of the river and placed in the Invalides.

The people overthrew the Vendome Column in 1870, why not destroy Napoleon's tomb as they did during the French Revolution? The tomb of the church in the Netherlands was destroyed. If they had dug his body out of the stone coffin at that time and burned it with the Tuileries Palace, how much trouble would have been saved.

"Are you sure Alejandro is missing?" Gianluca asked wearily.

"I'm not sure." Severus sighed. "Maybe he managed to escape."

"Monica will kill me," Gianluca said. "I sent them to help you."

Severus said nothing, this was the second person to go missing under his care.

"There's a way to determine if he's dead or alive," Severus said after a moment. "As long as the target is alive, the Polyjuice Potion won't lose its effect."

"What do you want?" Gianluca said.

"Tell me where your friend is," Severus whispered. "Give the evening a go anyway."

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