Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1692 The Secret Words of the Goddess (37)

Severus used a tracking spell to track down Alejandro near the Saint-Sulpice fountain.

The word "Enlightenment" is the enlightenment in English, siècle des lumières in French, and Zei talter der Aufklrung in German, both of which mean light driving away darkness. In Italian, illuminismo is used to express this word, which only means "transmitting light". Chiaroscuro is composed of chiaro and oscuro, with a letter "O" missing in the middle, and it can also be seen as a round shape.

Severus circled the old Saint-Subiers Seminary almost once on the ground, and stopped only in front of Rimbaud's statue, from where the spell stopped working.

Just when he was about to go underground to find out, the Galleon in his pocket heated up, and a line of words appeared on it:

We are at the big pool in Luxembourg.

Severus didn't use Death Eater fly or Apparate this time, but went on foot, searching for Alejandro along the way.

However, until he got to the big pool and saw Felix, Haji, and Mrs. Norris, he didn't find Alejandro. They all looked wet, as if they had just been picked up from the water. Mrs. Norris hid away when she saw him appear.


"I destroyed the dome of the sewer, and the water pressure ejected Dad and the cat together," Felix said. "I'll show you."

"And this." Haji took out the box and the wine glass inside from his backpack, and handed them to Severus together. "This is what you want."

Severus reached out and took them, holding them in his hand and looking at them.

"Do you know what this is?" Haji asked, wiping the water from his face.

"I saw it in Victor Hugo's diary." Severus said, looking at the two statues of Anubis on the cup.

On October 23, 1870, the 17th Battalion begged me to take the lead in setting up a "one sou a man" fundraising campaign for the purchase of a cannon. They planned to raise 300,000 sous, or 15,000 francs. , to purchase a gun with a diameter of 24 cm and a range of 8,500 meters.

Lieutenant Mare Shire came to collect donations, and in his hand was an Egyptian onyx cup from the Pharaonic period, engraved with the moon, sun, Big Dipper and Southern Cross, with two dog-headed demons on the handle and a human It takes a lifetime to carve this thing. I donated money, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund de Alton and Paul Morris who were present at the time, and the two servants Mariette and Clements all donated money. The cannon was called "Victor Hugo", but I told them to call it "Strasbourg" so that the Prussians would be bombarded by Strasbourg.

We had a good chat with the officers of the 17th Battalion, the two dog-headed demons of the Holy Grail who were charged with taking souls to hell, when Édouard Thier came to ask me to allow him to read Stella , to raise money for the wounded living in the Théâtre de France.

I surprised him by letting him read any part of Stella aloud, and offered that the proceeds of the reading should be used for the purchase of a cannon.

"So, this cup is the one that was used to collect donations?" Felix asked.

"He didn't mention using this cup to raise donations, but said that Lieutenant Marley Charles had this agate cup." Severus said, "Hugo saw the aurora in Paris on November 20."

"How can Paris see the aurora?" Haji asked.

"Some people thought that the scene in Grindelwald was a firework show. At least we understand one thing. Before the aurora appeared, the cup was not where you found it, but after the aurora appeared, it was inside." Sif Les said.

"Someone put it?" Felix asked.

"Could it be able to walk on its own legs." Severus said coldly, "I guess I know where it's going to be placed?"


"Fountain of Innocence." Severus answered Haji's question.

"Where is it?" Haji asked.

"East side of the park," Severus said, then looked at Felix. "Show me that exit."

Felix trotted to lead the way.

They came to the west side of the Luxembourg Gardens. On a piece of lawn, there was a sculpture standing beside it.

"Paul Verlaine?" Severus read the name on the sculpture.

"Do you know who he is?" Felix asked.

Severus didn't know how to explain it to Felix for a moment.

Paul Verlaine is a poet and a homosexual. His lover is Jean-Nicolas Arthur Rimbaud next to the Saint-Subiers Seminary. Both he and Paul Verlaine joined the Paris Commune .

Before meeting Rimbaud, Verlaine married a 16-year-old girl and had a son. After meeting Rimbaud, Verlaine fell in love with him, and lived together with Rimbaud in London and Brussels regardless of public opinion.

Then he walked towards the hole that was blasted by Felix. The water in the tunnel was very deep and the flow was still fast, but the water was the same as the water in the fountain of the Louvre Pyramid last time, and what appeared inside was the daytime scene .

Fountains in Paris are not open 24 hours a day all year round. Sometimes individual fountains stop working. Even if you can see the sculptures in the fountain more clearly, it is still a pity if you can’t see the water droplets jumping.

Severus had no interest in poetry, he only heard the White Wizard comment on Rimbaud, the poet known as "the psychic", who wrote the first poem in 1871 in which he was in a psychic state, called Drunk boat, I don't know if this title refers to Rimbaud's hallucinations caused by strong alcohol dama, and he wrote incomprehensible things in a state of insanity, or the boat floating in the ruthless river is out of control, just like drunk driving uncertain.

The cost of building the Canal Saint-Martin was drawn from the wine tax, as if the canal flowed both green fresh water and red wine.

The "trick" of turning water into wine was performed at a wedding in Ghana.

"The guy said that the disappearance of the water in the park of Montsouris is the revenge of the Egyptians." As Severus was thinking, Felix said "They are going to make the drinking water in Paris as bright red as the water of the Nile and be unusable .”

"You've done a good job," Severus said, "Leave the rest to me."

"The boat you got from Krich and Crimean..."

"You two rest." Severus interrupted Felix. "Alejandro may not be in this world by now."

"Where is he?" Felix asked.

"Who knows? He offended Hathor." Severus said deadpan, "Don't offend anyone, don't offend that woman."

Felix nodded solemnly, looking down at the rushing water underground.

Severus looked diagonally at the direction of the Louvre, where there was a Ghanaian wedding that was exactly the same as that in the Church of Our Lady of the Ancon in Venice. It was just opposite the Mona Lisa. It's a pity that there are so many tourists from all over the world. Looking at the Mona Lisa without turning around to look at another painting, even if it is so large that it takes up almost the entire wall.

Rimbaud was later shot in the arm by Verlaine. I don’t like the works of French poetry in that period. Here is just a quote. The love of the world, Albus and Grindelwald, they were also young

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