Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1691 The Secret Words of the Goddess (36)

"What's going on, why can't Sonny get through?" Monica yelled into the phone.

"He may have gone somewhere with poor reception," Gianluca said dryly, "or somewhere with interference."

"What distractions can Paris have?" Monica asked.

"You forgot those magic guys..." Gianluca's voice suddenly became inaudible, and there was a little noise.

"Hello!" Monica asked.

"Hey!" At this moment, Monica was patted on the shoulder, and she turned around in surprise, and found that it was Bruni who was meeting at the stadium in the afternoon.

"Hi." Monica said with a smile, and continued the call with her back turned to him.

"Who was that? The guy you were dating?" Gianluca asked.

"Find Sonny, or I'll come back and kill you." Monica hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

"Who are you calling? Boyfriend?" Bruni asked.

"A relative," Monica said with a smirk.

"Who's Sonny?" Bruni asked again.

"My dog." Monica looked around and continued to smirk, "I asked my relative to look after my dog ​​for me, but he seems to have lost it."

Bruni shrugged, then said, "Let's go."

"Wait," Monica said.

"Waiting for what?" Bruni asked.


"Are you scared?" Bruni said when Monica was thinking about how to answer.

"Afraid? Me? No!" Monica said quickly.

"Then what do you want to do?" Bruni asked.

"She's waiting for me." Severus' voice sounded suddenly, and Bruni turned to look at him.

"I thought you were the only one." Bruni looked at Severus. "Who is he? Your uncle?"

"I'm her boss," Severus said. "I was the one who thought of the catacombs."

"I think a rich person like you will definitely find a way to find a better 'tour guide' than me." Bruni said sarcastically.

"Have you ever seen embossed stones in the catacombs?" Severus asked. "Those embossments look like occult symbols."

"Of course there is," Bruni said.

"Where?" Severus asked.

"I can take you there, but it's not free." Bruni glanced back at Monica and then at Severus.

"How much do you want?" Severus asked.

"It depends on what you want to see."

"Is there any keystone left by Nick Flamel?" Severus asked.

"What? Who?" Bruni asked.

Severus smirked and reached out to Monica "Give me the phone."

Monica gave Severus the phone and he called Gianluca.

After a few rings, the phone was connected.

"Look up the beach square for me," Severus said to Gianluca. "It's on the other side of Notre Dame Cathedral."

"Are you with Monica now?" Gianluca asked.

"I guess." Severus said.

"Is there a kid next to her?" Gianluca asked.

"That's right." Severus said coldly.

"How do they look?" Gianluca asked.

Severus looked back at Monica and Bruni, who were chatting and laughing.

"I don't see anything." Severus said, "Check what I just said."

"By the beach square you mean the beach festival that takes place every year in Paris?" Gianluca asked.

"No, it's about Napoleon."

"Do you know how much Paris has changed in the last 100 years?" Gianluca asked.

"That's why I asked you to check."

"Any other clues?" Gianluca asked.


"Then you may have to wait a while," Gianluca said.

"As soon as possible, call Lawrence after investigating, my friend is over there," Severus said, before hanging up.

"What did he say?" Monica asked after picking up the phone.

"He will contact me, I have other things, you wait for me here for a while." Severus said, took out his wallet, and took a stack of banknotes to Monica, "Find a place to sit for a while .”

"Wow, you are really rich." Bruni exclaimed.

"Sonny can't be reached." Monica said after taking the money. "I heard that the last place he was seen was Saint-Subiers."

"I'll go find him." Severus looked at Bruni, "Can you wait?"

"Of course!" Bruni said excitedly.

Severus smiled, then looked at Monica.

"I can take care of myself," Monica said.

"Don't worry, he will tell me as soon as you are in danger."

Monica looked at Severus in bewilderment.

She couldn't see that her father was looking at her kindly.

"You have a guardian angel," Severus said meaningfully, before turning to leave.

"Don't forget Sonny!" Monica yelled after him.

Severus ignored her and walked into a nearby alley.

"Hey, it's a dead end there," Bruni said, but by then Severus had disappeared.

"Let's go, what's interesting around here." Monica said warmly to Bruni, but Bruni looked at the dark alley suspiciously and didn't look back for a long time. ==================================================== ===================

"Wait, did you hear that?" Alessandro said suddenly.

"What?" Felix asked.

"It's kind of loud, it's hoarse," Alejandro said.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Mrs. Loris, who was walking in front of them, meowed at him twice, as if urging them.

It was a weird circular open space that suddenly appeared in the tunnel. It seemed to be the intersection of several passages. It was not paved with cement or stones like other tunnels, but was covered with sand. People will rustle when they step on it.

"Is this what you heard just now?" Haji deliberately stepped on the sand with the sole of his shoe.

"What is this place?" Felix said, looking around.

Although the ground was not paved with bricks, the walls were paved, but the stone carvings looked very strange.

"I saw a bird." Haji pointed a flashlight at a relief. "How do you say that word?"

"Phoenix," said Alessandro, looking at the cameo illuminated by Haji's torch.

"Yes, Phoenix," Haji said. "Why is it here?"

"Maybe it used to be a canal," said Alejandro. "We're stepping on the bottom of the river."

"So these sculptures are the edge of the canal?" Felix patted the relief on the wall "Sesame Carmen."

Of course, none of the doors actually opened, but Alessandro seemed to be inspired by Felix's actions, and he followed Felix's example and slapped the relief on the wall.

It didn't take long to shoot, and it seemed that he was really fooled. One of the reliefs sank a little bit. That relief looked like an "O" from a distance, but it was a pattern composed of a snake biting its own tail. There was the sound of gears turning and machinery moving, and when they were quiet, the center of the open space suddenly collapsed.

Haji walked over.

"It's a box," he said, and opened the lid of the box with a dagger.

"It's a cup," Hage said, and Alessandro and Felix moved closer together.

This is an onyx cup from the Egyptian pharaonic period, engraved with the moon, the sun, the Big Dipper, and the Southern Cross, and the handles of the cup are two statues of Anubis with dog heads and human bodies.

"Are we going to take it out?" Haji asked.

"Wait," said Alessandro. "Be careful with the mechanism."

As soon as he had finished speaking, Mrs. Loris ran away.

Alessandro cursed.

They have come all this way thanks to the cat, and if it runs away, they can't find their way back.

"Listen!" Haji said, lying on the ground.

"What?" asked Alessandro.

"Run!" Haji grabbed the box and the onyx cup as he stood up. In just a short while, there was a rumbling sound in the quiet tunnel, which sounded like thunder.

Alessandro quickly ran away with Mrs. Loris, and Felix and his father were together. At first they were able to return along the same road, but when the flood came, they panicked and started running wildly in the tunnel.

Although the water of the Seine River is not so clear, it is not as dirty as it was a hundred years ago, but there are still many residents in the tunnel.

The mice, which had been missing before, jumped out like crazy and ran with Alessandro.

There are so many mice, layered on top of each other, looking like ocean waves, with no place to get down. However, the flood that followed left Alessandro no choice but to run on the rat.

With that kick, not only is it soft, but the mice will also scream "cheep!"

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" said Alessandro, and of course no mouse would really listen.

And at this moment, Paris on the ground is still a bustling scene, but I don't know how long the foundation that has been hollowed out like termites can last under the scour of the flood.

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