Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1690 The Secret Words of the Goddess (35)

Severus didn't go to Place Vendome.

In 1871, the pillar had been toppled by angry Parisian citizens, and everyone knew what secrets lay below, so he went to the "Place de la Sand".

This square has disappeared from the map, but it is located near the center of the ellipse with the Invalides and Père Lachaise as focal points.

He put down the map and looked at the surrounding terrain.

Since 2002, Paris has held a beach festival every year, so that those who have no way to go on vacation can enjoy "sun, sand and ice cream". The city government will spread a lot of sand on the open space by the Seine River. Lots of Muggle teenage girls in bikinis sunbathing again.

He shook his head with a smile, and looked back at the Ile de la Cité on the other side. This square was just opposite Notre Dame Cathedral, and he didn't know how the monks in the church would react when they saw that scene.

In the 19th century, the French did not know how to bask in the sun. At that time, people regarded "blue blood" as their beauty, and the paler the skin, the better. In modern times, bronze and wheat colors were regarded as the most beautiful.

"Why did you build this square?" Severus asked to himself, his eyes unconsciously looking at the Paris City Hall, where Napoleon and Josephine held a secular wedding, and he was promoted to Commander-in-Chief of Italy It should be a very proud time in his life.

As for Notre Dame, where he was crowned, it was another moment in his life.

Then Severus looked towards Jacob's Tower and walked towards it along the tree-lined riverside.

If the tower looks abstract, it looks like a pillar, full of Gothic style. It is the tallest building in the vicinity, including new buildings built during the Ottoman period. There is nothing around the tower, only some lawns and bushes, which looks a bit bleak.

Severus walked to the first floor of the tower. St. James was one of the Twelve Apostles. According to logic, the property of the church should have statues of saints, but here is the sculpture of physicist Pascal.

Then he took out the tour guide.

This tower was not originally alone. During the French Revolution in 1797, people demolished the church near the tower, and Nick Lemay was buried under this church.

Severus couldn't help laughing, and looked at the hospital in "Sand Plaza". After refining the Philosopher's Stone, Nicole Flamel used the money he earned to build 14 hospitals and renovate churches.

Pascal was a French mathematician, but he studied under Italian physicist Galileo, and he also proposed Pascal's theory of atmospheric pressure.

"You've picked a good place." Severus said, looking around. "Is there anything else I haven't found?"

In 1417, after the 87-year-old Nicholas died, the tomb he donated was full of strange symbols and incomprehensible reliefs, which attracted alchemists from all over the world to salivate, and tomb robbers dug up the coffins of Nicholas and his wife , there was nothing in the coffin, people believed that he was resurrected from the dead, and lived forever.

In 1612, someone claimed to have sorted out a book from the manuscripts left by Nicholas called "Explanation of the Incomprehensible Symbols Carved by Nicola Lemay on the Vault Wall of the Fourth Chamber of the Holy Child Cemetery". At the end of that century, the last The famous alchemist Newton translated it from the original text into English.

Diagonally opposite the Saint-Jacquet Tower is the Chatelet Opera House. There is a fountain in front of the Opera House. The Marchioness of Chatelet was Voltaire's mistress. She was the first to translate Newton's "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy" into French. . This book presents the three laws of gravitation and mechanics, which are derived from Kepler's laws.

The Chatelet Theater is still performing tonight, and melodious singing can be heard from the brightly lit opera house.

Music is everywhere in Huadu.

Severus flipped through the travel magazine again. In front of the Châtelet Opera House, there is Chatelet Square, but the name of the square is not based on the Marquise of Chatelet, but from the ancient Chatelet defense castle, which was built by Napoleon. It was ordered to be demolished during the reign of King I. In the center of the square is the Victory Column and fountain. The goddess of victory on the Victory Column holds a palm circle, symbolizing the glorious victory of Napoleon's campaign. There are Sphinxes spraying water around the pedestal, so this fountain is Called the Victory or Palm Fountain.

He still wanted to continue deciphering, but a gust of cold wind blew from the back of his neck. He looked back and found that it was Monica's father who was looking at him.

"Severus!" Lucius Malfoy yelled.

Severus took out his crystal ball.

"That woman is gone!" Lucius said hastily.

"When did you see me?" Severus asked calmly.

"I don't know," Lucius said.

Severus sighed slowly, then smiled and said "Thanks for letting me know, Lucius."

After he finished speaking, he put the communication crystal back into his pocket.

"See you later," he said to the air, and then Disapparated.

==================================================== ==============

Palaeontological Anatomy and Comparison Museum, Jardin des Plantes, Paris.

I don’t know how many generations of archaeologists have sorted out the bones from the ground with brushes, and now they are all over the ground. Tyrannosaurus rex is fighting with velociraptors and elks, and knights riding skeleton horses are fighting with humanoid specimens holding hand axes. group.

"Stop!" Goncey tried to reason with the woman, "Who will clean up later!"

"Of course not me!" said the woman, of course, and cast a spell at Conseil.

"Aren't you the master?" Conseil hid behind a table, and the spell hit a glass bottle, spilling its contents and specimens.

"I'm the master, do I have to clean like a maid?" the woman asked.

"Since you don't want to clean up, don't destroy it!" said Conseil. "Can we talk calmly?"

The other side was silent.

"Who are you?" asked Conseil.

"It's up to you to tell who you are first!" the woman said, "This is the most basic courtesy."

"Well, my name is Conseil Leroy, what about you?"

"You can call me ma'am," the woman said.

"There are tens of millions of ladies in this world, how do I know that you will agree to me when I call you this name." Conseil said.

"How do I know if you're talking about your real name or a fake name," said the woman.

"Can you be reasonable?"

"Tell me what you are doing?" said the woman.

"To tell you the truth, I don't know," said Conseil. "We seem to be led by him again."


"You won't believe it," said Conseil despondently.

"Is it related to Napoleon?" said the woman. "Today I met an Englishman who is also inquiring about Napoleon Bonaparte."

"Greasy hair, always sneering, and laughing with a sneer?" asked Conseil.

"I don't remember him smiling, but he does have oily hair," the woman said.

"I think I know him," said Conseil. "That's a poor fellow."

"I thought he was dead," said the woman.

"I feel the same way, but now I think he's just trying to avoid people who don't matter," Gonceil said.

"I've heard many people want his potion recipe," the woman said.

"He's not just talented in potions." Conseil sighed. "Working with him is much more efficient than me alone."

"What exactly are you looking for?"

"The entrance to another world," said Conseil. "Have you heard about it?"

The woman didn't answer.

"His wife's soul is trapped in that world, and now I'm going with him to save her," Gonceil said.

"Lily?" the woman asked.

Conseil did not answer.

"It is better for the dead to rest in peace," the woman said. "He can try a new beginning."

"I think it's difficult for a man like him." Conseil took out his watch and looked at it. "He's running out of time."

"That's the beginning of life for a man in his 40s," the woman said.

"What's your name?" asked Conseil.

"You can call me Grace," the woman said.

"Well, Grace, can we now talk face to face like adults instead of throwing chalk stubs at each other like schoolchildren?" Conseil asked.

"What are you doing here?" Grace asked.

"I'm looking for the wax figure that Napoleon brought back from Florence." Goncey said, looking at the opposite window, which was like a butcher's shop, displaying wax figures of spines, ribs and the like.

"What do you do when you find it?" Grace asked.

"I don't know," said Conseil despondently, "I really don't know."

It's you again, Nick Flamel!

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