Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1689 The Secret Words of the Goddess (34)

The ease of occupying Jaffa has made many people a little ecstatic, thinking that it would be that easy to occupy Saint-Jean-Ac.

The situation in these two cities is very different. In Jaffa, the French had sufficient ammunition and only had to deal with the local defenders, while in St. Jean Acre not only lacked ammunition and food, but also had to deal with the local residents, as well as British warships and European science.

Eugene and the others killed Turkish captives on the banks of the Nile. One or two people escaped by swimming in the blood-stained river. They spread the news, which made all the Turkish villagers near St. A city with strong walls.

The cries of women will arouse the desperate resistance of male residents, and those originally "peaceful residents" will become soldiers, even if their original rulers are brutal.

Generally speaking, poisoning wells in the desert basically means using "scorched earth warfare". Not only soldiers can drink well water, but civilians and livestock living around the well can also drink it. After the well water is poisoned Not only the soldiers couldn't drink it, but the local civilians and livestock couldn't drink it either, and that area couldn't be inhabited.

Saint-Jean-ac is next to the coastline, overlooking the blue sea, but the salt water is not drinkable.

When the expeditionary force entered Syria on February 28, it looked green everywhere, but the wheat seedlings were not yet mature, so they were inedible.

Napoleon could choose to go to the locals to collect food, but because the drinking water soldiers have already complained, letting them touch the civilians will only cause conflicts. The middle and high-level officers still have food to eat, and the bottom soldiers can only rely on hunting dogs and other animals. up.

The fact that the search team found rye and vegetables in the ruins was a military secret, and only a handful of people knew about it, and these few people were also given the food, and they kept it secret.

Napoleon was very kind to his stepson Eugene, and he gave Eugene the food that the literati and scholars who had always been preferential treatment did not get.

Doctors believe that these people may have eaten food contaminated by the plague, and many people are as fine as Eugene ate those foods.

Josephine is very superstitious, and she used to tell her friends in the living room like a story about the omens that happened to Marie Antoinette when she married France.

In Compiègne, the temporary residence for the handover ceremony of the Austrian-French border, the bride was going to change her new clothes here, but the officials hung the wrong tapestry here. It should have been a statue of the Virgin, but it was hung with content about Medea.

In Strasbourg, the temporary stopover, the clergy who gave the welcome speech happened to be Cardinal Rohan after the "necklace incident".

Napoleon didn't believe this. He would scare Hortans with ghost stories, but he was tired of Eugene talking about it. He hoped that Eugene could look at the problem in a rational and scientific way.

Under the influence of his stepfather, Ou Ren also thought so, but deep down in his heart, he still had a sense of uneasy fear. Many people sang hymns during the march to Jerusalem. Esdude is not far from the city of Ascaro. This city was besieged during the Crusades and was the battlefield of many battles.

Insiders were given a ban order to avoid shaking the morale of the army. Soldiers who didn't know continued to fight according to the order, or moved those "old stones" that they thought were dead and worthless.

Eugene didn't think of these things until many years later, when a veteran living in distress came to Eugene, hoping that he could help. He may have been one of the first soldiers to follow Napoleon Bonaparte, not everyone can be a marshal like Murat, not everyone can save money, and certainly not everyone can live to his age .

Jean-François Champollion became famous overseas after Napoleon's death in 1821. He deciphered the content of the Rosetta Stone, edited a complete comparison table of Egyptian characters and Greek letters, and became a new favorite of the world. The age of genius, of military genius, seems to have passed.

The veteran had once been invited to lead a group of people as a guide to the place where Napoleon had been stationed when he besieged Jaffa.

At first, the veteran thought that these people were admirers of Napoleon, and they were well paid and he was short of money, so he was very happy and agreed.

However, after arriving in the desert, he discovered that those people went to the inaccessible ancient ruins, especially those places where he had moved "old stones" before.

After the outbreak of the Jaffa plague, the field hospitals were quickly filled with mentally broken soldiers. The bubonic plague was not as deadly as the pneumonic plague. Many soldiers were not seriously ill, but they were frightened crazy when they heard that they had contracted the plague. up. In order to boost morale, Napoleon not only visited the wounded in the hospital, but also touched the place where a soldier had pus and blood with his hands, so that everyone didn't feel that they had an incurable disease and regained their confidence.

Napoleon's way of fighting was forced marching. Some people who were not in good health or were injured could not keep up with the front team and were quickly left behind. Later people saw them and did not come forward to help, they were afraid that those people would be infected with the plague. Some people who were injured in the war tore off their uniforms to let them see their wounds. Making wounds, pretending to be the wounded, crying out for help.

At that time, the good Samaritans could be damned, and the healthy people behind were all busy on their way, turning a blind eye to the wounded and sick.

The old soldier had seen that scene before. He loved money but cherished his life more. He had a dispute with the captain of the expedition team. The old soldier took them to the scorpion-infested place until the "sir" who was rich but lived a peaceful life promised to double his reward. The place.

The ruins of the ancient city are located by the sea, and half of them have sunk in the bottom of the sea. The part on the ground was removed by the scholars who followed Napoleon’s expedition. In the eyes of the veterans, they were all ruins, but the explorers saw everything as a novelty.

The veteran remembered that the commander-in-chief listened to the Bible recited in the tent at night, so he told them that they had to leave before the sun set. Those people promised well on the surface, and they followed the veteran when the sun began to set. Camp where they once camped.

After going there twice, they probably had memorized the route from the camp to the ruins, so they no longer let veterans lead the way. The veteran got half of the salary, which was actually the original agreed salary, and he didn't bother to go to that ghost place with those people anymore, either staying in the camp to sleep, or going to a nearby village for leisure.

Half a month passed without incident. One night, the veteran came back half drunk and found the camp was empty.

In fact, he was not surprised. He knew that sooner or later these people would go to the ruins at night for "exploration and discovery". What he cared about was the remaining half of his reward.

He waited for them in the camp, just as Kléber's vanguard had waited for Napoleon before, and when no one came back at noon, he packed his luggage and rode away on a dromedary.

Many people have disappeared and died in wars throughout the ages. Before Zaya Shuijing joined forces, five people died of heat stroke and lost their way. However, even if it is an adventure to cross the desert alone, the veterans will not continue to wait in that place.

On the way, he met an Arab caravan, and the veteran joined them. When they camped in the oasis at night, they chatted around the bonfire. The Bedouin asked him why he was alone in the desert. The veteran didn’t tell him the truth, only that he was lost. Yes, and later the Bedouin talked about a legend.

Cyrus the Great of the ancient Persian Empire conquered Babylon, and his successor, Cambyses II, wanted to conquer Egypt, which was then ruled by Ahmose II.

Ahmose I was the founder of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt. He was the younger brother of Pharaoh Kamose and the son of the moon god. Ahmose II was the pharaoh of Egypt's twenty-sixth dynasty. He was originally an army commander. He was suppressed by an uprising in Egypt, but he joined the ranks of the insurgents, and was later supported by the army and the pharaoh as pharaoh.

At that time, Egypt relied more and more on incompetent Greek mercenaries, and military expenses were often embezzled by temple monks with too much power. The pharaoh's army could no longer be compared with the glory of ancient times.

An excuse was needed for sending troops. Cambyses II sent an envoy to ask Egypt for the best ophthalmologist, so Ahmose II selected a doctor from Egypt and sent it to Persia forcibly.

The disgruntled ophthalmologist instigated Cambyses II to propose marriage to the daughter of Ahmose II, who was unwilling to marry his daughter or make an enemy of the mighty Persia, so let the former pharaoh His daughter married in place of his own.

After the Egyptian princess married to Persia, she told Cambyses II what had happened, and Cambyses II was "in a rage". After falling out and being hunted down, the Persian emperor decided to take this opportunity to send troops.

After defeating Egypt, Cambyses heard about a small country called Amon in the desert next to Egypt when he was returning to the court. He had the idea of ​​annexing it and sent 50,000 troops to attack it.

However, these 50,000 people disappeared after marching in the desert for six days. Cambyses sent many teams to search but failed to find this army.

After Cambyses II returned to Persia, he was afraid that the disappearance of this army was controlled by someone, such as his "lovely brother" Bardia, but this army did not appear until the death of Cambyses II.

No one knew where the small country called Amun was. The Bedouins had heard that the armies of Napoleon and Kleber had been separated in the desert. They were lucky to join forces after being separated.

In front of the great eastern powers, the 20,000-strong French army was not half as good as the missing Persian army. What really shocked the Egyptians was the French's science, astronomy and other technologies. They could predict the flooding of the Nile more accurately than the Egyptians. , and those "bang bang" muskets.

Although the veteran didn't know what those explorers were going to do, he still knew who Amon was. He was the Egyptian god of creation. His worship center was in Thebes, where there were many small statues dug up by tomb robbers for sale. .

The veteran planned to use the money he earned this time to buy some ancient Egyptian relics and resell them in Europe. Unfortunately, he met a counterfeiter, and no one accepted his "cultural relics". Frustrated, he used the rest of the money to borrow wine to drown his sorrows , and finally fell into the current situation.

Among those who entered the pyramid in 1799 was Denon, the first curator of the Louvre and designer of the Place Vendome.

When Napoleon married Princess Marie Louise of Austria and returned to Paris, the obelisk at the Place de la Concorde had not been transported to Paris. Although the obelisk belonged to Ramses II, it was not complete, and the spire was stolen. People had to use pure gold instead.

In 1810, when the Tuileries Palace celebrated the emperor's wedding, the Austrian prince also celebrated at the Austrian Embassy in France. However, when the banquet was in full swing, a fire suddenly broke out, which killed more than a dozen people. The diplomatic dispute was finally resolved properly, but the "bad omen" still hangs over some people's hearts.

Josephine loves dressing up very much, and it takes more than an hour to do it at a time, and Malmaison has mirrors everywhere. But since she lived in the Tuileries Palace for a while, she asked people to cover all Malmaison's mirrors with black veil.

Later, France had a new queen, and to celebrate the Parisians gave Mary Louise a new dressing table, but she didn't see anything strange like Josephine.

She didn't go to Malmaison, but Josephine really wanted to see the little Roman king. Mary Louise was reluctant at first, but she couldn't stand the people around her. She agreed, and Josephine hugged him and cried when she saw the child. .

It was a child who had attracted attention from birth, surrounded by such and such glory. Eugene was not hostile to that child. After marrying the princess of Bavaria, he occasionally cared about the life of the little Roman king in the Austrian court. This child was very rebellious, especially after hearing that Napoleon had died, all the teachers had nothing to do with him. , including the teacher Napoleon had chosen for him.

Eugene wanted to remind him, but he didn't expect that he would die suddenly. When he "woke up", he returned to Paris, returned to the Louvre, and became himself in his teens who had just left his mother and went out with his stepfather. when. In the Louvre, he met Champollion who also died in an unknown manner, but that Champollion was more like a "shadow", and he himself was much more alert than the one who stayed in the Louvre.

"You still haven't told me where he is," Severus said.

"Pillars played a very important role in ancient civilizations. The story of Solomon's seventy-two pillars had been spread before the Great Revolution. These "heroic spirits" and "demons" were kept in containers, and the Babylonians thought they were treasures when they saw them. Just opened the container that sealed them." Eugene said in a low voice, "There are nine pillar gods in Egypt, and Osiris is among the nine pillar gods."

"The Vendome Column?" Severus asked.

"There is another place, the Beach Plaza. My father was in a hurry to build that square, and even paid extra for it, saying it was to welcome the distinguished guests from Austria, but we entered the Tuileries Palace from the Place de la Concorde."

"Where is that place now?"

"Opposite the Paris City Hall, next to the Saint-Jacques Tower, but it is no longer a square."

"Do you know what was repaired?"

"Hospital." Eugene said, "I think you might as well go over there to investigate if you waste time here, and destroying his coffin will cause diplomatic disputes."

"You think I'm afraid of this?" Severus asked.

"No." Eugene said, "but it will add unnecessary trouble to you."

Severus looked at him.

"Soldiers are also human beings. Although our identity as human beings is weakened by 'soldiers' the moment we put on our uniforms, we are also afraid of getting hurt and dying," Eugene said.

"When you massacre unarmed people..."

"Others will kill us like that." Eugene said, "I heard soldiers say that when they bathe in the sea, they often see headless corpses. If we are captured, we will end up with those headless corpses." , I once felt that siege was the only option when the goal could not be achieved through any lobbying and diplomacy."

"Do you have any other options?"

"Of course, retreat, surrender, but that's not my father's character." Eugene said, "You still have a chance to choose now."

"Me too," Severus said quietly, before stepping away from the catacombs.

After Severus left, Eugene looked at the golden cup with the ashes of the King of Rome not far away, and stood there motionless for a long time.

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