Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1697 The Secret Words of the Goddess (42)

Paris VII University was founded in 1971. Like Paris VI University, it is one of the main successors of the former Paris Sorbonne University Academy of Sciences, and it is also a top research university in France and Europe.

Unlike the Sixth University of Paris, which focuses on physics, engineering and geology, the Seventh University focuses on medicine, mathematics and probability theory.

According to what Eugène said before, when soldiers are injured, sick, and lying in the desert, crying and no one to help them, training more doctors is also to provide services for themselves. What's more, the plague was prevalent at that time, and the hospital was the last line of defense. If it was broken, there would be countless casualties.

People tend to believe in experienced doctors. The problem is that experienced doctors also start from "0". You can't expect a fresh graduate to have more than ten years of experience right away.

The Paris Public Medical Assistance Center located on the old beach square has a cooperative relationship with Paris VII University. It is facing the aid center. The main palace hospital on the Ile de la Cité is the real hospital. It was circular in the Napoleon era. This design was influenced by the Enlightenment philosophy and the general belief at that time that the plague was caused by miasma and that good ventilation was needed. Now it has been transformed into a boxy one.

Being homeless in France does not mean that there is no job. Many homeless people are still willing to work to improve their living conditions.

But if they get sick, they can't afford it with their meager savings. French law stipulates that as long as citizens can provide a real and identifiable address, they can get medical assistance from public relief agencies, such as Severus and the others At the moment, the Paris public medical assistance center is located, but the homeless and the homeless need to attach to an institution that has been reviewed and approved by the government to obtain this kind of social security.

Sometimes wandering on the streets will get strange diseases, and research-oriented medical institutions will provide treatment for patients for research purposes, or in other words, patients are guinea pigs for attending physicians and medical students to study and study as cases. Although no one is willing to become a test product by themselves, there will still be people who compromise in the face of huge medical expenses.

Every era has its own difficulties. Maybe people during the war feel that they can’t get enough to eat, and they feel that they are suffering when they have to face artillery fire. Today’s young people have enough material, so they don’t have to worry about the things they worried about when they were young. They are not suffering. .

Only when you wear the boots on your own feet will you know where it hurts. You can’t put your uncomfortable boots on other people’s feet and force others to empathize with you. Young people don’t need someone they don’t know to stand on the moral high ground and put on a pose. The appearance of a life mentor pointing fingers.

They are tired of watching Hollywood films where Yankees save the world or pursue special effects. France also has its own film industry. You watch your "Independence Day" and I watch my "Amelie". When the plot of Amélie was naive, I could also say that the aliens in "Independence Day" looked fake, and the computer virus made by humans would actually paralyze a spaceship capable of interstellar navigation? Does anyone really believe such a plot?

"Baldwin" is such a hacker who loves to watch French literary films, and is also a staff member of a public welfare organization. It is through this relationship that he got in touch with the homeless.

The movie "When Happiness Knocks on the Door" seems to be very inspirational. It plays how a small person at the bottom of society is called a financier who can drive a supercar. In fact, it reflects the large-scale arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union after the Cold War. Consuming a lot of manpower and material resources, the society lacks jobs, and the hero is forced to start a business.

Technicians who received financial support developed some seemingly useful machines, but in fact lacked practical value, such as the portable bone density analyzer carried by the salesman.

The hero made the same mistake as the President of the United States, hey, I think the local army and police trained by American instructors and dollars will work, so that the US troops can withdraw instead of staying in the polluted desert after bombing with depleted uranium bombs, lying Drinking Coke and watching popcorn movies at home will have a steady stream of oil shipped to the country.

This works, once and for all, but in fact the bone density analyzer cannot be sold, normal people will go to the hospital to check the bone density, the professional machine is huge, and there is no place for this thing in a big hospital, the hero finally sold it to a German doctor.

The male protagonist puts a lot of energy and time into selling these instruments, and consumes his youth. In the end, he not only fails to make a fortune, but also almost goes bankrupt, and his wife and children are separated. in the toilet.

It's also a kind of American Dream, and it's not a good situation to be in. "Loser" is like a curse. "Loser" has replaced "illegitimate child" as the most swearing word.

It's just that "When Happiness Knocks on the Door" is an inspirational movie. The hero finally succeeds and lives an elite life. It gives people an illusory dream, and hard work will lead to success. But if you want to change the way of understanding, it is that you must have the ability to resist setbacks and failures. If the male protagonist can't bear the pressure at that time, walk out of the toilet, and jump off the platform when the subway passes by, then this movie The movie needs a new name.

Who was it that knocked on the toilet door? Is it happiness? The person who knocked on the door was just an unlucky guy who wanted to go to the toilet, but the toilet door couldn't be opened. He had to leave the toilet to go to the toilet elsewhere.

Facing the reasonable demands of others, the male protagonist who needs a place to sleep has the cheek not to open the door for him. You never know what a desperate situation will turn a person into.

In the words of "Baldwin", all American movies are standard commodities produced by "DreamWorks", which are used by them to spread their money-oriented values ​​to the world and achieve cultural brainwashing, pretending to be a duo like Alessandro. Lucius Malfoy, a teenager, has no idea what "Baldwin" is talking about, and they look at each other like aliens.

People will kill people, Lucius Malfoy did not complete Voldemort's mission, did not get back the prophecy ball, he not only lost the sovereignty of his own house, his son Draco Malfoy was forced by Voldemort to complete a The mission, to assassinate Albus Dumbledore.

That's what a tyrant is like, he doesn't care about his subordinates, Draco Malfoy was forced by him to cry in the boys' bathroom, which is actually a toilet, and later Harry Potter injured him with a sharp edge.

With Draco's popularity, it is inevitable to be isolated by others. Fortunately, the students at Hogwarts are not bad. When they saw that he was injured, some people would call the teacher. If it wasn't because the godfather saved his life, Draco would He fell in a pool of his own blood.

Snow White ate the apples given by others casually, and almost died of poisoning. Similarly, the chicken soup given by others should not be drunk indiscriminately, who knows if there is poison in it.

Serial killers sometimes target these homeless people, they are the disadvantaged group in the city, and there is also a prejudice in society that the homeless end up in this field because they are lazy, or have other problems, even There are criminal records, and removing them is like removing garbage from the street, it can make the city look better.

Similarly, people can also push out their potential. Compared with strange diseases, low-income groups are more prone to fractures or other traumas, because many of them are engaged in high-altitude operations. The good thing is high paraplegia and death. Rehabilitation training is required to regain mobility. There is a rehabilitation center in the building next to the medical assistance center. It is also located on the beach square, but half of that building is rented out as a car wash and business. used.

After all, this kind of semi-public welfare institution that relies entirely on government subsidies can't make money. It can't compare with the private hospital and the main palace hospital that is supported by the church opposite. If they don't want to make some money, their lives will be tight. As long as those involved in rehabilitation do not give up hope, with the help of doctors and nurses, they may still have hope to abandon their wheelchairs and get back on their feet and return to normal life.

Confucius' "benevolence" means keeping love in the heart, self-restraint, disregarding the rich and the poor, and not doing to others what you don't want to be done to others, or another way of saying it is the mean.

For example, the dome of the Church of Santa Maria del Fiore, a project that professional architects thought impossible was done by a watchmaker. Even a Mongolian doctor cured the disease.

If the officials of Siena also hold this idea, after the plague, taxation is tight and they insist on repairing the Church of Our Lady to the previous scale, and continue to pursue "perfection", the end result will be unfinished, and they want to force the workers to follow their own ideas. Construction is impossible, and no one will work without money. Is it decent to see a half-repaired house standing in the city center?

Change the design, smaller, maybe not as magnificent as before, Notre Dame still has a place to shine.

If survival is a clearance game, some people are forced to choose the difficulty of hell at the beginning, while others choose the easy mode. Those who choose the difficulty of hell don’t want to play anymore, but the players in the easy mode blame those players for not working hard enough. Then tell them that the common people have no bread to eat. Why don't they have cake like Marie Antoinette.

Vernon Dursley was the guy who was always yelling at his employees at the mining company, louder than the mining machines he was selling.

Fortunately, he loves his family more. Although his career is not successful, he is still happy.

If you step on a golden mountain, you will go higher and higher, and it seems to be rising, but this golden mountain is as unstable as a sand mountain.

Once you go bankrupt and fall from a high place, if you are lucky enough to survive, you will live a life at the bottom. At that time, social relief of one kind or another will be needed, and the life of the bottom class is not so bad. All churches are shelters, where you can go to sleep at night, and there is also a "canteen for homeless people" organized by non-governmental organizations. Nick LeMay used to It opened, and that canteen is now a restaurant.

Everything has not reached the point of despair, as long as you are still alive, you still have a chance to make a comeback.

Victor Hugo said that love is an idealistic thing, even in hell.

If the movie "When Happiness Comes Knocking" is really adapted from real people, then many years ago in a toilet in the New York subway, there was a desperate man curled up on the ground, and he hugged himself tightly son, as if holding all his wealth.

It wasn't Porsches and mansions with swimming pools or gods who saved him, but love and hope.

What kind of man would abandon his wife and son.

While looking for clues in the rescue organization, Severus saw a woman who was beaten up and bruised when passing by a consulting room. When she cried to the social worker, her son stood behind her, his eyes were not panic and Anger, but a precocious calm.

The kid seemed to sense Severus' gaze at the door and looked at him.

"Sometimes we have mothers who have suffered domestic violence and are homeless with their children," Baldwin said. "They don't have the guts to break into other people's vacant houses like us, but they don't sleep on the street. The nuns will take them away. .”

Severus didn't answer.

"You still hate your father?" Lucius asked in his ear.

Severus looked at him.

"I now think it's a bad idea for you to drink Polyjuice Potion and pretend to be someone else, Lucius," Severus said.

"We'll have to pass tonight first." Lucius shrugged with a smile. "I'm helping you, sir."

Severus smiled and moved on to the next location.

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