Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1686 The Secret Words of the Goddess (31)

In the "Oriental" funeral customs, death is like life, from dignitaries, tombs of emperors and kings, to common people, as long as they can afford to buy a coffin, there will often be many funeral objects.

Even if it is not in troubled times, there will be people stealing and digging. The magnificent buildings on the ground of the emperor's mausoleum are also prepared for the mausoleum guards. Misappropriating troops, robbing graves with explosives.

For Orientals, "ancestral graves" cannot be desecrated, especially when digging other people's ancestral graves without the consent of the living relatives of the deceased. This happened to the "missionaries" in the late Qing Dynasty. Like the Valley of the Kings in Egypt, you can dig as much as you want.

If the East gets emergency money from the dead, then the "Romans" get emergency money from the church. During the French Revolution, Britain, Austria, Spain and other "neighbors" invaded France together, intending to turn France into a second country. In Burgundy, the property of the French Church was sold. Part of the money was used for disaster relief, and part of it was used to pay soldiers and collect food for casting military supplies to resist invasion in the Great Patriotic War.

Leo III of the Byzantine Empire held an iconoclasm campaign in the 8th century. For ordinary believers with low cultural levels, it is difficult to let them understand the theory of transubstantiation. Worshiping the bones of saints is easier to understand, such as Bernadette It is a miracle that there is no decomposed corpse at all for more than 100 years.

Leo III took the opportunity of destroying the icon to suppress the luxurious church, acquired their land and property, and forced some monks to return to secular life. This eased the financial problems of the Byzantine government and rewarded those with military merits. Ended the anarchy that had begun in 711 and defended against Ottoman invasion.

Since Pepin offered the soil and turned the city of God into a city of earth, the Italian people have been under spiritual oppression for a long time.

Even the Medici family only wanted to have someone from their own family be chosen as the Pope to benefit the family. They would definitely not arrest the Pope to Avignon like the French king and let him be at his mercy.

As for smashing the holy statues, I dare not. Seeing that there are more and more saints in the sky, St. Ambrose was canonized alone, and his sister and younger brother were also canonized together. Before the 14th century, they could still rely on the Crusades to "atone for their sins". After the 14th century, there were indulgences, so many saints were conferred, and they accumulated so many merits to become the "Holy Duke's Good Treasury". use. Because the church is the successor of St. Peter, it has the authority to forgive sins. It can replace God to redeem the sins of specific people and open the door from purgatory to heaven.

Next to the Invalides is the Rodin Museum of Art, which has a gate of hell. It is said that when Rodin conceived this work, the first thing that Rodin thought of was the gate of heaven in the baptistery of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence.

The door to heaven is of course golden, but the door to hell seems to be pitch-black. That is obviously a road of no return. Naturally, no one wants to go to hell to suffer and suffer. Everyone wants to go to heaven after death.

Not only farmers, but scientists like Galileo were also afraid of the Inquisition. Farmers were afraid of being sentenced to hell after death, and Galileo was afraid of what kind of punishment he would receive.

Bruno was burned to death in 1600, more than 30 years after Galileo was tried, but even if the witch hunt in Italy is not as rampant as in the Alps and the Holy Roman Empire, occasionally you will hear about another sentence by the Inquisition The new "wizard" was burned at the stake.

The prohibition of witchcraft persecution began after the 19th century, when witchcraft beliefs were replaced by the achievements of the industrial revolution and technological progress, railways, roads, and automobile services, as well as newspapers, radio stations, etc., disintegrated closed villages, and allegations of witchcraft began become less.

Prohibition of witchcraft persecution is one of the great achievements in European history, and it is a sign that Europe has moved from the ignorant and dark Middle Ages to modern civilization. But this widespread public execution was over, and there were still a few who believed in witchcraft and the need to punish those witches. It's just that there were no inquisitions at that time, and they used lynching instead.

The Inquisition allowed those who didn't want to get into trouble to keep a low profile, and those who dared and openly mixed with those with "rebellious thoughts" were very few people.

Compared with Napoleon Bonaparte, Joseph Bonaparte has almost no sense of existence, but he was named the chief teacher of the French Freemasonry by his brother. After Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo in 1815, Joseph Bonaparte fled to the United States, claiming to be the Count of Sulivier Liere, bought a large piece of land in the suburbs of Philadelphia, and lived a semi-reclusive life.

After the fall of Charles X, Joseph Bonaparte returned to Europe, hoping to help Napoleon's son return to France.

Unfortunately, the child died very early, and then his mother, uncle Fish and sister Caroline also died one after another, but it was Lucien's death that hit him the hardest. This time he suffered from hemiplegia. Accompanied by his wife Julie, he took his last breath in Florence.

After his death, he was moved to the Invalides and placed on the left side of the church entrance, only a few tens of meters away from his great brother. There is a door in the middle, and there are two giants standing on both sides of this door, each holding something in their hands, one is the crown and the hand of justice, and the other is holding the "apple of the king", A royal orb and a sword.

"Don't you think it's funny?" Severus said to the huge ocher sarcophagus behind him. "You've been dead for almost two hundred years, and I never thought that one day I would have a grudge against you."

Of course no one answered Severus, only his voice echoed in the luxurious tomb.

The structure of the church often causes echoes, and the choir sings in it to produce a pleasant and ethereal sound effect. This luxurious cemetery was originally used as a church. Not only are there twelve windows on the dome, but there is also a baroque canopy upstairs. The little dot is almost indistinguishable from the canopy of St. Peter's in Rome.

There are 12 goddesses of victory around the coffin, and the painting facing the top of the coffin is "The Glory of Heaven", which shows Louis IX offering his sword to Jesus, although the guide said that the image of St. Louis in the painting It is Louis XIV, but the most conspicuous thing is the T-shaped true cross, which makes the whole picture very similar to the scene where Heraclius will be robbed of the true cross by the King of Persia and carry it back to Jerusalem.

The Glory of Paradise is surrounded by twelve figures, much like the 12 Apostles previously seen in the dome of St. Francis Xavier's Church, if no one has introduced them.

"In the wizard's fairy tale, there is a Muggle king who was easily deceived by charlatans, which caused some people to despise Muggles. If you want to impress those pure-blood wizards, you can find them. Why? Where are you looking for me?"

Still no answer.

"I know what kind of man you are," Severus said. "If the coalition forces destroy a historic city or two in France and give you a million troops, you'll secretly pray that they do, victory, power, and The military is what you value, and you're not really that into women or Cupid."

"You're wrong," someone said.

Severus turned to look over and saw that it was Eugene Beauharnay, dressed like a court squire, with a Mamluk sword at his waist.

"You're his gravekeeper?" Severus asked.

"It depends on what you want to do." Eugene said.

"You know what I want?" Severus asked with a smile.

"I can feel your anger." Eugene asked, "You want to destroy my father's coffin?"

"No." Severus said in a drawn-out tone, "I'm curious."

"What are you curious about?"

"Is there really Napoleon's body in this coffin, or is it just a clothes tomb?" Severus asked Eugene "Also, do you know what happened in 1870?"

"Why should I tell you?" Eugene asked.

"If you don't answer my question, I'll destroy his coffin." Severus took out his wand and pointed at the ocher coffin.

"You threatened me?"

"You didn't give me a way out." Severus said in a low voice, "You forced me."

"Are you blaming others for your crime?"

Severus continued to smile "That's what an old guy taught me, I didn't want to do that."

"What did he force you to do? Kill him?"

"That's right," Severus hissed. "Enough questions, now it's your turn to answer."

"You can try it." Eugene pulled out the Mamluk sword while speaking, and the sound of metal friction echoed in the church, producing a chilling sound effect.

"What kind of person are you, kid?" Severus said tut-tsk loudly, "Accomplice to evildoers?"

"You are wrong." Ou Ren said again, but this time he seemed not so confident.

"What do Italians think of you?" Severus said. "I remember you helping him with his Italian estate."

"That's none of your business."

"You've taken other people's stuff, of course it has something to do with it," Severus snapped.

"He brought changes to that country and the world." Eugene said firmly, "It was he who abolished the Inquisition. If you are a wizard, you should know what kind of place it is. You should have a good time now." Thank him."

"Don't talk to me like that." Severus aimed his wand at Eugene.

"I told you, I won't be so polite next time we meet." Ou Ren said with a sneer, "You are asking for your own death."

"That's better, so I can meet the shorty sooner."

"You will go to hell when you die."

"I don't think a man like him will go to heaven." Severus sneered. "No, look around here. Did he sell his soul to the church?"

"You stupid..."

"It's so pitiful, he finally knelt down and begged the priest for forgiveness." Severus clicked his tongue sarcastically, "No wonder he chose to surrender in the end."

"You said he was a coward?" Eugene asked angrily.

"Did I say that?" Severus asked back.

"You don't know anything." Eugene narrowed his eyes. "He is the bravest person I have ever met."

Severus snorted. "Why didn't he come out in person and send you to talk to me?"

"He's not in this world."

"Which level of hell is he in?"

"He's not in hell!" Eugene said angrily.

"I think many people want him to go to hell. No, they curse him. Hell is where he belongs."

"It is true that his soul has not rested, but it does not mean that he is in hell." Eugene said.

"Where is that?"

"You want to talk to me?"

Severus took the dagger out of the Pensieve. "He gave me this in the hope that I'd go find him and not mind my own business, boy."

"When I die..."

"No wonder he didn't pass the position to you." Severus said disappointedly, then put down the wand aimed at Eugene, and turned to face the stone coffin.

"And what do you know!?" Eugene said.

"Octavian is Caesar's adopted son, what do you think is the difference between you and Octavian?" Severus said without looking back.

Eugene didn't answer.

"Your character is like your mother. After Caesar was assassinated, Octavian recruited Caesar's old army to expand the army, but you took care of the soldiers who were in trouble because of participating in the war."

"Shouldn't it be done? Don't forget where you and I are now?"

"My godson, like you, is taking care of pure-blood nobles who have been in trouble because of their participation in the war." Severus said, "But for some people, what they really need is not charity."

"You want me to continue waging war?" Eugene asked.

"You need to think about what you want to do in the future."

"You don't know anything at all." Eugene said disgustedly.

"I know exactly what I'm going to do next, but now you've taken my wife and are in my way."

Eugene didn't answer Severus' question, he seemed to be thinking.

"They need to live, not live." Severus said impatiently. "Do you think I'm a threat to you now, or a victim?"

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