Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1687 The Secret Words of the Goddess (32)

There was once a box in this world that wasn't supposed to be opened.

However, there was still a woman who couldn't help being curious and opened it.

The woman's name is Pandora, and the box she opened is named Pandora's Box. She released greed, emptiness, slander, jealousy, pain, war, plague, etc. in the box, but kept hope in it. .

If the human body is a box, then cutting the skin, fat layer and muscle with a scalpel is equivalent to opening that box and exposing the ugly internal organs.

When a man praises a woman, he always says that she is like his heart, but no one will say that she looks like his pancreas.

Adam and Eve tasted the forbidden fruit and were eventually driven out of the Garden of Eden; Pandora's box shouldn't be opened, but people still opened it. In many cases, the warnings of the elders are completely ineffective, because children always feel that they have grown up completely, have their own judgment, and they know very well what to do and what not to do.

Gonceil came to the French National Museum of Natural History, the paleontological anatomy and comparison exhibition hall.

This exhibition hall is not like a large museum gallery. There are colorful and modern lights, and only the moonlight outside the window shines in.

There are no specimens such as giraffes and elephants here, only countless animal bones and a blood-red mannequin. The man whose skin had been peeled off to reveal the subcutaneous muscles held his left hand high. This bloody thing was very conspicuous among the white bones, and it looked like he was leading the army of bones behind him.

Of course, this mannequin is not a specimen made from a real human corpse. Even after being processed, the muscle tissue will change color after many years. Keep this bright color.

Next to this wax figure was a white bust, the face of which belonged to Cuvier. Conseil looked back and forth between the blood-red body wax face and Cuvier's face, as if making a comparison, but after the skin was peeled off, the bloody face became unrecognizable.

"You may not remember me, I have changed a lot." Gong Saiyi said to the portraits and wax figures, "When I was a child, my mother used to take me here to visit. Other children, they are making a lot of noise here, and I scolded them."

No one answered him.

"Bitch," said Conseil, "that's what I call them, and my mother heard it, and she asked me where I got it from, and I didn't tell her, and she said to me, 'Your mother It's what you call a bastard. If I were a bastard, others would call you a bastard's child. I'm not like Longza. If anyone dares to say that, he will beat that person. I live in a boarding school. Very unpleasant, I didn't go to school much after the third year, my father hired me a private tutor, he taught me a lot of things that I couldn't learn in the magic school, my father hoped that I could become an alchemist Warlock, but I chose to be an appraiser."

It was quiet in the showroom.

"I always thought I was the disappointing child in the family." Conseil drew his wand.

"What do you want?" a woman said suddenly.

Conseil turned his head and found that it was a well-dressed woman with exquisite make-up.

She also held a wand in her hand.

"Who are you?" asked Conseil.

"The intruder actually asked the owner's name?" The woman sneered, "Aren't you with him?"

"Have you seen him?" asked Conseil.

"Who are you talking about?"

"I don't have time to play dumb with you. You say you are the owner. Do you own this museum?" Conseil asked.

"This is public space, owned by every tax-paying citizen," the woman said.

"What?" asked Conseil, perplexed.

"I choose to live in the Muggle world, so I have to pay taxes like Muggles. Wizards don't seem to have the concept of paying taxes. Do you think I'm right?" the woman said, "You are just parasites in the world of ordinary people."

"I don't want to discuss this with you." Gonceil looked back at the wax figure and murmured, "Where is that 'little bug'?"

"You think I dare not cast a spell on you?" the woman asked angrily.

"Don't miss the shot, baby." Conseil said frivolously, "Remember to keep your eyes open when you fire."

A red light flashed from the end of the woman's wand, and Conseil swiftly dodged it, but the spell only hit Cuvier.

"Don't hide!" the woman said angrily.

"Do you think I'm a fool? Stand up and let you hit me?"

Gritting her teeth angrily, the woman raised her wand again, and Conseil dodged again.

This time the woman's spell hit a skeleton, but it didn't fall apart, but came back to life. The skeleton left by something unknown looked like a human being, but it was short in stature. We called it a dwarf. Barely, it only reached the height of the tibia of an adult man, but its head was so big that it looked like a little monster.

"Catch him!" said the woman to the skeleton, which, like a deft monkey, climbed over the skeleton of a gigantic animal and rushed at Conseil.

"Crazy woman! Do you think you can recover?" cried Conseil.

"It has nothing to do with you," the woman said, and then "resurrected" a skeleton again, which seemed to be a cousin of the previous one, but instead of attacking Conseil, it hugged the woman's leg, its teeth chattering. Colliding with each other, it looks like they are talking flattery.

Conseil shattered the skeleton that was falling upon him with a spell.

"You don't seem like a good citizen with a sense of civic virtue." Conseil looked at the woman's clothes. "Did you just come from the ball?"

"It has nothing to do with you." The woman kicked away the skeleton that was clinging to her leg with a spell.

"There's no dance around here, it seems like you've gone by the wrong path." Conseil shook his head, "How did you know I'd come here?"

The woman looked at Conseil.

"Do you know Napoleon Bonaparte?" asked Conseil.

"Who doesn't know him?" said the woman.

"I mean there is a connection, like you are related or something?" said Conseil.

"Prince Napoleon is a relative of Bonaparte," said the woman.

"Do you know where the 'music' is hidden?" said Conseil.

"What sheet music?"

Conseil carefully observed her expression.

"Do you really know nothing, or are you pretending to be ignorant?" asked Conseil.

"You can guess for yourself." The woman said with a smile, that smile was extremely mysterious, very much like the Mona Lisa.

==================================================== ================

"Your activities are not limited to the Louvre?" Severus asked Eugene.

"How far do you think the Louvre is from here?" Eugene said.

"That Egyptian goddess..."

"She is angry, a human being lied to her." Ou Ren said with interest, "He will be in big trouble soon."

"Do you know what happened in 1870?"

"War," Eugene said.

"It's not a Muggle war," Severus said. "There's the Northern Lights over Paris."

"I didn't see it." Ou Ren said firmly.

"Hugo wrote it in his diary."

"He is a writer. Writers make up stories. How do you know if he made them up?" Eugene said.

"The siege of Paris is to be left as a historical material for future generations. Will he scribble in the historical material?"

"As long as it is not officially included, it is unofficial history. Of course unofficial history can be written casually." Ou Ren said coldly, "Many women have fantasies about my father, and they have written a lot of 'historical materials'."

"You arrogant..."

"Even if he's not the emperor, he's still a charming man. You said he doesn't like women and Venus, why is Venus still so obsessed with him?" Eugene interrupted Severus.

"It's funny, it's ridiculous," Severus said with a smile.

"Let me tell you a funnier story, have you ever been to the Chapel Brancacci in Florence?" Eugene asked, but he actually didn't expect an answer from Severus so much, and said to himself Go down "In that chapel there is a fresco of Adam and Eve being expelled from the Garden of Eden. They were both naked and looked like two people being paraded. Adam covered his face and Eve covered his face with his hands." Cover your body, just like Venus of the Medici, what should you do in that situation? Should you cover your face like Adam or cover your body like Eve?"

Severus said nothing.

"My father likes the Venus of the Medici more than the Venus of the Louvre, but no matter how much he likes her, he doesn't touch her. Instead, it's the Pope. Do you know what he did?"

"You mean to say that you won't be robbed if you obey him like the Grand Duke of Tuscany?" Severus sneered.

"They made the statue of the Madonna weep, the statue of the martyr bleed, and then declared it an 'apparition', and the cardinal declared that Romania, Liguria and all of Italy would be turned into Vendée."

"I don't care about that." Severus said flatly, "You just have to tell me where he is."

"I won't tell anyone who threatens me, and you should have known that before you did!" Eugene said.

"You say the church has fooled the world, so what about you?" Severus said slowly.

"Let me tell you something." Eugene said, "Do you know where Line 13 of the Paris Metro passes?"

"I'll let you know when I've seen the map," Severus said.

"This line passes through many places, such as the Church of the Netherlands." Eugene said, "If the Netherlands is the royal tomb of the Bourbon royal family, then this is the royal tomb of the Bonaparte family."

"Not all the family is buried here," Severus said.

"Do you know what happened to the Church of the Netherlands during the Revolution?" Eugene asked.

"You mean, it's just an 'empty box' out of fear of the same thing happening to you?" Severus said, looking at the stone coffin.

"As you said, there are many people who want him to die and curse him to hell." Eugene said, "But he didn't take any guards in Bologna. Under his rule, the city has completely changed. Anyone who can change the mentality and customs of the people as quickly as he does, all non-religious people wear military uniforms and swords, and the Vatican panics because they know that these people were liberated by my father from the hands of their 'fathers' In front of the real light and nobility, these hypocrites have nothing to hide, they only dare to do some conspiracy behind their backs."

"True light and nobility?" Severus laughed. "That's how you understand submission to violence?"

"Extortion doesn't have to be through violence. You just said that an old man forced you to kill him. Did he coerce you with violence?" Ou Ren asked.

Severus didn't answer.

"I sympathize with what happened to you, but..."

"You know what's the saddest thing?" Severus said. "We don't always feel like we've become the person we hated the most."

This time Eugene didn't speak.

"I sympathize with what happened to your father, but I am not his soldier, or a nobleman who is afraid of the king's power, or someone who asks him. If he comes back from Egypt, he will not engage in a coup, but find the hussars to fight him. You won’t have to suffer so much humiliation, all the things you said to prove his bravery are useless in my opinion, just tell me, where is he?”

"He is very important to us, and we are willing to give our lives to protect him," Eugene said.

"She's important to me too." Severus said without a word, "Please don't push me."

"You want him to pass me first." Eugene pointed the tip of his sword at Severus, "Do you dare to fight me?"

"I can't attack your body, how will you win or lose?" Severus sneered, "I'm not a tireless undead."

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