Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1685 The Secret Words of the Goddess (Thirty)

Most of the buildings that define public areas in Roman cities are for living people, such as squares, baths, and arenas, while public areas in the East are usually cemeteries. Pharaohs did not build pyramids for their own use. Non-nobility and civilians, livestock are buried inside the pyramid.

In addition to the underground palace, the mausoleums of Chinese emperors also have huge above-ground buildings, which are used for sacrifices. In addition, there are large-scale buildings for worshiping the sky and the land. Every year before the spring plowing, the emperor will take the lead in offering sacrifices to the sky. In addition, the altar of the country will also be used in the enthronement ceremony.

Large-scale public service buildings in Rome are often charitable, and their names will be permanently recorded on certain visible stone carvings of the building after the rich donate.

It was the highest class of society who built the buildings, but not necessarily those who used them. Gladiators could also be slaves. They competed in the arena and became part of the "entertainment" of Roman citizens.

The church is also a kind of public place. In theory, people need to donate money to build it. However, with the Pope and taxes, the church becomes richer than the country. They can choose their own architects, and they can also make requests according to their own ideas, which is very detrimental to the Free Masons Union.

For example, the Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral in Florence, the world-famous octagonal dome is neither Baroque nor Gothic, but the bishop of Florence asked the architect Brunelleschi to build it. There is no central support inside the dome, and the octagon is also irregular without a real center. At that time, many architects chose to refuse and did not challenge the whimsical design of the bishop (Party A).

The person who finally took on this task, Brunelleschi, was neither a stonemason nor an architect, but a goldsmith and watchmaker. This is equivalent to asking a Mongolian doctor to treat a disease. Although he is also a craftsman, his specialty is not suitable. Lots of architects and masons were watching, waiting to see when the dome would fall.

Unexpectedly, he really came up with a solution later. The Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore is composed of a huge brick arch and an inner and outer shell made of interlocking stone arches and wooden arches. The brick structure must support each other during the construction process. To do this, Brunelles arranged the bricks in a herringbone pattern, which they put in a circle once a week to give the mortar time to cure, at which rate the dome grew at a snail's pace of a foot a month, while The ropes used as coordinates are pulled from the flower pattern on the work platform,

The fact that the masonry dome of Santa Maria del Fiore remains the largest masonry dome in the world 500 years after it was built raises other questions. Investors believe that what a layman can do can't be done by systematically educated experts. Why do architects charge such a high price and have such an arrogant attitude?

In a capitalist society, of course, the gold master has the final say, and it is natural to keep prices down. Of course, a shrewd businessman hopes to get cheap and good products, but the problem is that the masons below also have a way. They will cut corners in order to gain profits. It is impossible for the stonemasons to do this based on their own conscience and morality. Before the introduction of relevant laws and standards, the guild must maintain the industry's common interests and maintain the rules.

Originally, Florence built a church of Santa Maria del Fiore, and Siena also planned to imitate one to compete with Florence. Later, because of the Black Death, the municipal finances were unable to make ends meet, and the size of Siena's church was forced to shrink.

Before the church was built, Siena signed a contract with the stonemasons. If the Republic of Siena could not afford so much money to pay for the later expenses, the stonemasons could choose to leave the church unfinished. There is more than one unfinished church in Europe. The most famous one is the Sagrada Familia in Spain. This building was designed by Gaudí.

However, no matter who designed it, no matter whether it will become the eternal glory of Barcelona after it is completed, if the funds are not in place, it will not be built. Many churches in history have been completed for hundreds of years, not just because of the amount of work. Between the unfinished project and the redesign, Siena chose the latter. The Church of Our Lady of Siena, which was built in the end, was not as magnificent as the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, and did not meet the original purpose of the investors.

The gap between dreams and reality can sometimes be achieved by ingenuity, and sometimes it cannot be achieved. In the Middle Ages when theocracy was higher than secular power, the center of the city was generally a church, even in Florence, while the center of Siena was a palace representing secular power. Siena's loss to Florence seems to be a win or loss between the two cities, but it is actually related to the decline of the secular imperial power.

Because of Venice's calculations, the capital of the Byzantine Empire was also the bridgehead against the Ottoman Empire. Constantinople was robbed by the French Crusaders, and the Eastern Roman Empire perished in 1453. The emperors that Siena once supported are gone, so they naturally have no strength to resist Florence, which is supported by the Papal State. The Medici family itself also made a fortune by financing the Papal State.

After the church of Santa Maria in Siena was cut down, it was no longer able to match the size of the Madonna of the Flowers in Florence, but the architects took a different approach. The sidewalks of the church were gorgeous "frescoes" made by artists using mosaics. The tiles and mosaics of more than 400 years ago were inlaid by hand little by little, telling beautiful fairy tales.

Similarly, the stained glass windows of the church are also purely handmade. Among the ordinary exterior and interior decoration of St. Francis Xavier Church in Paris, there are two stained glass windows that are very special.

One of the two painted windows is blue, the other is rose, the blue one is a monk, the rose one is a nun, these two windows are located on the left and right sides of the altar The two sides seem to be "equal" before the open arms of Jesus.

There are still some works of art in this slightly shabby church, such as Tintoretto’s Last Supper. There is a sculpture in front of the stained window of the friar, which should be in the hands of famous masters. Vaccio's painting.

Florence, as one of the triple cities of the Renaissance, has countless treasures in the city. Napoleon asked the Pope to "demand" 21 million military expenses, and there are more than 100 works of art. In addition, there is news that the disturbance in Pavia has spread. Therefore, in 1796, when he heard that Napoleon had crossed the Apennines to Pistoia, the Grand Duke of Tuscany panicked, and he immediately sent Prime Minister Manfredini to the French base camp.

Napoleon was not there at the time. He was in Leghorn, a port city with a prosperous business and an important seaport for Florence, but it hit many French exiles who had close ties with Corsica.

Even war has a lower limit. Wounded soldiers living in hospitals cannot be killed. When Napoleon captured Mantua, there were still a large number of Austrian soldiers in the hospitals in the city. There are also a large number of wounded British soldiers in Livorno. They are no longer able to organize resistance, but the commander of Livorno and his pro-British, French consul and British have a lot of controversial business cases. Napoleon needs to go to these things in person. It was dealt with, so Manfredini was received by another person in charge of the base camp.

The person in charge informed the prime minister that the French army was only going to Siena via Florence. The Grand Duke of Tuscany breathed a sigh of relief, agreed, and invited Napoleon to Florence as a guest, and let Napoleon live in the Pitti Palace.

In the past, Florence relied on the Papal State, but Napoleon, who led the French into Italy, made them see the fact that it was impossible to rely on the Papal State's army to control the situation in Italy. The Grand Duke of Tuscany led Napoleon to visit Florence. .

Some things are more famous than the real thing. Due to technical limitations, the geometric center of many places in the Church of Our Lady of the Flowers is not accurate. It looks crooked, like a child built with building blocks. The same is true for the regular octagon.

However, the collections in the Loggia of the Mercenaries and the Florence Gallery are quite amazing, and Napoleon especially admired the "Venus of the Medici".

One of the three treasures of the Louvre Museum, Venus with Broken Arms is the Venus of Milos. It is an ancient Greek sculpture. It is said that Venus's arm existed when it was first unearthed. Her right hand Facing down, the left hand is raised above the head, holding an apple in the hand, as if just received the "laurel crown" of victory from Prince Paris of Troy.

At that time, the French consul wanted to buy the statue, but due to lack of funds, the locals planned to sell the statue to a Greek businessman. The two sides fought for the ownership of the statue. During the fight, the sculpture became what people see today. Look, Venus's arms are gone.

"Venus of the Medici" still has both arms, but unlike the Venus with Broken Arms and the sculpture of the Goddess of Victory, she has no cover all over her body, and only uses two small hands to cover her private parts.

From an artistic point of view, Venus with Broken Arms is smoother and more elegant than Medici’s Venus. Michelangelo’s sculpture of David is good, but the women he carved and painted are like those with breasts. man……

At any rate, the Florentine anatomist, Ventana, led him again to the Las Spekra Observatory to see some extremely fine mannequins.

In the 1970s, a robot expert pointed out that when a robot or humanoid is very similar to a real human being, humans will feel disgusted with it, even if it is a little bit different from a human being, it will be very dazzling. Therefore, no matter how high the restoration degree of the wax figure in the wax museum is, people will feel that it does not look like it.

The Las Pequera Observatory, where the wax figures are not as "lifelike" as in Madame Tussauds or Grevin's Wax Museum in Paris.

Severus had seen the wax figure called "Venus" at the Anatomy Opera House in Padua. The beauty was cut open from the neck down, revealing the heart, lungs, liver, and stomach under the tender skin. , Uterus and other organs, these are for medical students, corpses are not always encountered, especially female corpses. What's disgusting is that the disemboweled wax figure is still posed, painted, and wearing jewelry, just like those artworks placed in museums and art galleries.

In the Laspike Observation Hall, there are human anatomical models restored to real-life scales similar to "Venus", as well as scenes restored according to wars, plagues and other disasters. Some of these "corpses" are incomplete, and some are incomplete. Highly corrupted, it turned into a green color different from normal skin color, like hell on earth.

Anatomy restores the truth. The reason why the museum is called the Observation Museum instead of the Wax Museum is because it focuses on observing science rather than admiring wax figures, allowing visitors to compare with the wax figures themselves. The Pompidou Center in Paris looks ugly with exposed internal pipes, but it's real.

Beautiful visual effects can bring pleasing happiness, but the "beauty" after removing makeup may make this happiness disappear. How to choose between happiness and truth?

Socrates chose a very pungent woman as his wife, and Zhuge Kongming of the East chose an ugly woman as his wife. A wise man looks at the world differently from ordinary people, but the wise Napoleon Bonaparte is just Just like most men in the world.

He also likes beautiful women, and he is also blinded by the illusion of people pretending to be false, but compared with his colleagues, Napoleon in 1796 was still loyal to Josephine. He originally had great expectations for women, but was utterly disappointed by Josephine, especially after hearing the news in Egypt.

No, there is no subway,

Nothing from July to September,

You buy a ticket for a buck...

"Putain a fait chier! Tais-toi!"

Gonseil opened the church door and roared out, but just as he closed the door, the busker outside began to sing again.

Severus sat on a chair, looking at Bernadette's cenotaph, and beside the cenotaph stood a wet man, he was Monica's father, a man who didn't look like going to heaven no matter what undead.

In fact, in most cases, when a person sees something that others cannot see, others do not think that he has seen the apparition of the Virgin Mary, but that he has gone crazy, just like Nash, the discoverer of game theory. Splitting, this is also one of the "little annoyances" that plague geniuses.

"You said Napoleon brought wax figures back from Florence, where did you hear about them?" Gonseil came over and asked Severus.

Severus looked at the wet man, who held up a finger to his mouth, as if signaling him to be quiet.

"From Siena." Severus pursed his lips. "The wax figures we're looking for are not Florentine anatomical wax figures."

"Damn it, you told me he brought wax figures back from Florence," roared Gonceil. "Besides the medical school and..."

Severus looked at Conseil, who stopped abruptly in mid-sentence.

"I know where there is more," said Conseil hastily. "Quick, come with me!"

Severus didn't move.

"I know what he wants to do." Severus paused, "The basement of the church will be used as a tomb, and he will replace the wax figures in it with real people."

"I do not understand what you say……"

"You know what I mean, he wanted Pomona to be buried with him."

Conseil glanced at Bernadette's tomb. The petite nun was indeed about the same height as Pomona.

"You're thinking too much, get up, Snape." Gonseil said calmly

"It's a trap. Don't forget what we met in the Louvre," Severus said. "I don't want to be led by them."

"What do you want?"

"I'm going to think about it, go find that wax figure." Severus said, "I'll wait for you here."

Conseil looked at the Son, whose arms were outstretched.

"Tell me what I did wrong," Gonseil complained to him, and left the church, where he Apparated at the church door.

It's a pity that I can't post pictures. The two windows are very beautiful. The window of the nun is almost purple, and the window of the monk is sea blue.

In addition, the French in the article is not a swear word if you don’t understand it

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