Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1684 The Secret Words of the Goddess (29)

No, there is no subway,

Nothing from July to September,

You buy a ticket, spend a lot of money, but the car just won't drive,

It's useless to come to the station,

It's hot as hell in the car,

Might as well find another place to cool off,

Only two lines will open,

Suburban trains are a thing of the past,

I want to go to Sevres for the weekend,

Go in your own little wreck, oh,

No, there is no subway,

Oh, even if it doesn't work, go protest

Maybe the law will pass.

Not far from the entrance of St. Francis Xavier Church is the subway station. There is a street performer playing and singing with his guitar.

"You know, that direction is the Rodin Museum." Conseil pointed to the side of the Invalides and said, "There is a sculpture called the Gate of Hell."

Severus ignored Gonseil. He looked around and found that there was no one around, so he turned the doorknob, and the side door of the church opened easily.

The Saint Francis Xavier Church in Paris was built in 1861. It is an annex building when Ottoman transformed Paris. Like Notre Dame Cathedral, it has two towers and rose windows, but there is only one entrance on the facade, and there is no Such a beautiful relief.

After the door of the church is opened, the layout inside is quite satisfactory. St. Sulpice has at least the Rose Line, and the Church of St. Francis Xavier does not even have this, but there is a pipe organ in this church, and a clock is hung below the pipe organ. , this clock is very common, and it is sold in any grocery store.

There is a coffin-like thing on the main altar of the church, and a glowing figure can be seen through the altar, which should be Saint Francis Xavier, the patron saint of this church.

Saint Francis Xavier was a Portuguese missionary who went to Asia to preach in the 16th century. He was the first missionary to go to the "East".

Originally he was born in a wealthy aristocratic family, lived in a castle since he was a child, and often came into contact with those martial knights, but he joined the Barbey Seminary in Paris to receive a comprehensive education, including science and geometry.

During his missionary work in Japan, Xavier realized that in order to convert the local people to Catholicism, Buddhism must first be defeated. If he could not refute those Buddhist monks, he would not be able to establish the prestige of the church.

Later, he planned to go to India and China to preach. However, it was difficult to enter China. At that time, China was in the Ming Dynasty. Because of the pirate issue, a sea ban was imposed along the coast, and all foreigners were forbidden to enter except for the official envoys.

Unable to enter China smoothly, it strengthened Xavier's determination to go to China to spread the gospel. Later, he worked hard to find a seat as a tribute envoy and entered BJ together with the country's mission.

However, he finally arrived in China, but he suffered from malaria like Caravaggio, and finally died in a foreign country and was buried in India.

He was canonized by the Church in 1662, and his cemetery has become a shrine of worship because his body is said to be immortal. During his transfer from China to India, Xavier's body was consistently displayed.

In the East, there are also many eminent monks whose corpses did not rot even after they passed away. These are called Bodhisattvas in the body. Like relics, they will attract believers to come to worship.

Severus has been to the Church of St. Anthony in Padua, where St. Anthony's incorruptible tongue is enshrined. The "incense" there is more prosperous than the Church of St. Francis Xavier in the center of Paris. too much.

The cemetery of St. Francis Xavier is in India, and some remains are scattered in Japan, Macau and other places. This one in Paris is just a tomb with nothing in it. It is estimated that only locals and residents living nearby will come here to pray do mass.

There are murals on the altar, which depict the picture of believers kneeling to receive the Holy Communion. When the priest in white consecrates the Holy Communion, Jesus opens his arms and blesses. 12 portraits of the disciples.

"Look." Conseil stood near the altar, looking around. "These chairs are curved."

Severus looked over, and the rows of seats in front of the altar were indeed arc-shaped, while the seats behind were arranged straight like a normal church.

"Napoleon III built this church in memory of his uncle," Severus said. "His body hasn't decomposed either."

"I'm glad you can speak so calmly," said Conseil. "Don't shout and kill."

Severus smirked at Gonseil, his teeth clenched, looking "happy".

"Have you been to St. Mark's Basilica?" Severus asked, looking at the dome.

"I have been," said Gonseil, looking at the dome. "I think it is of the Sienese school, not of the Byzantine style."

"She loves Venice," Severus said, "though she was reluctant to go at first."

Gonseil didn't take Severus' words, he followed the central axis of the church to the end, and the innermost circular chapel enshrined the sculpture of Mary.

This sculpture is snow-white, conspicuous against the golden wall. The semi-arc behind her is cut into three pieces, and four windows are opened on each piece. There are 12 images of disciples.

Everything looks very ordinary and has no special features, maybe it is because there is no special feature. There is a small scene made of Lego blocks in the church, which looks like Mount Sinai. There are small houses on the mountain, and there are many small plastic ones. People are placed in various poses as if living in it.

Compared with those magnificent cathedrals, the Church of St. Francis Xavier can only be described as sad. There is a donation box next to the Lego blocks. It seems that the church is raising money to find a professional team to change the Lego blocks into a better one. The set was made by a professional team, and there were a few euros scattered in the donation box, and they were all coins.

Gonceil returned to the main hall again, only to find that Severus had walked to the side of the aisle, and a golden coffin was parked in front of her, and a nun could be seen lying in it through the glass window of the coffin.

Conseil went to the commentary board next to the coffin and looked at it.

Lying in this cenotaph is Bernadette Subihu, who was born on January 7, 1844 in the French Pyrenees, a small town in Lourdes.

Her family is poor, her father is an ordinary worker, and her mother is a laundry worker. She is the eldest of nine children in the family, so she has undertaken heavy housework since she was a child, not only to take care of her younger siblings, but also to go out to earn money.

When I was young, Bernadette's family of 10 lived in an old mill. Later, because of too much expenses, the whole family could only live in a place called "The Dungeon", because it was originally a basement converted from a prison.

What was even more unfortunate was that Bernadette was infected with cholera and became weak and sick. Her height was only 1.4 meters, and she stopped growing after that. However, although she was thin and short, she was very delicate, just like a beautiful and weak flower.

Due to poor health, Bernadette couldn't keep up with the progress in school, her academic performance was poor, and she couldn't even master standard French, which limited her social skills. She had to rely on herding sheep to subsidize her meager income for her family.

On February 11, 1858, 14-year-old Bernadette, her sister, and a friend named Jenny went to collect firewood. The three of them came to the foot of Marsabie Mountain to collect branches in front of a cave. A small river, my sister and Jenny crossed the river directly. Bernadette was afraid of getting sick, so she chose a place with relatively shallow water, and then took off her shoes and socks to prepare to cross the river.

At this time, she heard the wind, but the surrounding trees did not move, only a rose was blowing by the wind in the cave behind her. Then appeared a beautiful woman bathed in radiant light, wearing a white veil, a blue sash around her waist, and a yellow rose on each foot.

The beautiful woman was still wearing a rosary. She smiled and stretched out her hand, as if inviting Bernadette, but she never spoke. Bernadette was fascinated by this woman, and the woman disappeared after 15 minutes , and apart from Bernadette, neither her sister nor Jenny saw her.

Three days later, on February 14, Bernadette came to the entrance of the cave again with another sister and other friends. She saw the mysterious woman again, but no one else saw it except her. .

The other girls saw that Bernadette was in a trance, knelt on the ground to pray, and couldn't get up for a long time, so they threw stones into the river and made a "plop" sound to calm her down.

Later, Bernadette came alone, and every time she met the mysterious woman, the woman told her to persist for two weeks. Bernadette believed her, but her parents stopped her, because they all thought that Bernadette was lying, but some people believed what she said was true, and they thought that what Bernadette saw was Maria.

Accompanied by her mother, Bernadette went down to the cave on February 19, along with the doctor from the town. The doctor wanted to judge what happened here based on scientific investigation.

When Bernadette was talking to the woman, the doctor checked her, and everything was normal, but this time, after recovering, the doctor asked her why she was sad for a moment, and even shed tears. Bernadette said, "Because the woman Sadly looking into the distance and saying, Pray for those poor sinners and this troubled world."

The incident was later reported to the police, who threatened to lock Bernadette up. Because her father was afraid, he promised the police that he would not allow his daughter to go to that cave in the future.

Bernadette still had to go to school, but she couldn't help but go to the cave when she got to school. In the end, her father didn't object to her. At this time, there were more than 200 people watching her. Later, Bernadette met again When seeing that mysterious woman, the other party asked Bernadette to drink a sip of spring water, and let the spring water wash her body. But the surrounding caves had no spring water beyond the small river, so Bernadette had to dig a hole in the ground under her feet with both hands. When she dug a small hole, the spring water burst out from the ground, and the spring became a spring.

A few days later, Bernadette met a mysterious woman who asked her to find the priest and asked her to build a church in the cave. And this place is the well-known sanctuary, Lourdes Cave.

In 1866, Bernadette became a real nun. The "Holy Spring" of Lourdes attracts 5 million pilgrims every year. After Bernadette died in 1879, her body did not rot, and she was not as dry as a bodhisattva in the flesh, but She was so lifelike, as if she had fallen asleep, but her muscle fibers were still soft and firm. She lay there peacefully for more than 100 years, as if she would wake up at any time.

"I've heard of this nun," said Gonceil. "Some say her body has been saponified, and that she doesn't look decayed because what we see is a mask made of wax."

Severus didn't respond.

"Snape?" Gonseil called again, patting him on the shoulder.

Severus looked at Goncey as if he had recovered.

"How are you?"

"It's empty inside." Severus looked at the clothes in the coffin and said, "Where's the wax figure?"

"I think the nuns should be in the Pyrenees," said Conseil.

"I'm not talking about her," Severus said dryly. "I'm talking about the wax figure Napoleon brought back from Florence."

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