Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1658 Goddess' Secret Words (3)

Alejandro woke up from his sleep, he was still by the pool full of fragrance, but the women were gone.

"Do you know why it's five?"

Before he was fully awake, said the beautiful Egyptian goddess.

Alejandro was still a little confused, Hathor waved his hand towards the pool, and a bird's-eye view of the Place de la Concorde appeared on the surface of the water. It seems that there is no big difference between the satellite picture and the gods looking down on the world from the clouds.

"Look, if you connect them like this, like this, like this, it doesn't look like a pentagram."

As Hathor said, he left a flashing line of fire on the water, 8 city sculptures, except the three with double-headed snake rods in their hands, the remaining Brest, Lille, Stella Fort, Bordeaux, and Marseille just form the five vertices of an irregular pentagram.

"Do you know what the pentagram stands for?" Hathor asked Alejandro.

"Venus, the goddess of love," said Alejandro.

Hathor was obviously much happier, and stretched out his hand to pinch Alejandro's cheek, "Good boy, you didn't learn from those monks who said that the pentagram is a symbol of the devil."

Alejandro looked at Hathor in fear, as if he had a beautiful devil in front of him.

"Only love and wisdom can overcome terror. The king drew a pentagram magic circle on the square, and he also moved the obelisk of Ramses II, hoping that its magic power can deter those haunted ghosts. Not because it would work if some dark wizard messed it up." Hathor tilted his head and said, "I think his name is Grindelwald."

"I've heard the name before," said Alejandro.

"His magic has disrupted the order of the city, both underground and above ground." Hathor said, shaking his head. "It's really annoying."

"What do you want me to do?" Alejandro asked in a cold sweat.

This aroused Hathor's interest, and she put her face in front of Alejandro, "Do you know why Napoleon invaded Egypt?"

"Fulfilling his personal ambitions," Alejandro said.

"After occupying Egypt, he can continue to move eastward, and even occupy India. This was proposed by the Duke of Choiseul, the prime minister of Louis XV. When he assembled in the port of Marseilles, the navy assembled in the port of Toulon. Let the British believe that the goal of this army is to occupy the port of Cadiz and rescue the Spanish navy. At most, the French army going northward and the port of Brest will be at sea, and the worst case is to attack the British mainland. This is why the British There is no reason for people to stop the transport fleet from Marseilles to Egypt." Hathor said, "But his victory in Egypt was so brilliant that they all thought that this army would be the same as the army that accompanied the king's expedition hundreds of years ago. disappeared into the desert like our army, so they thought of another way.”

"Form a blockade to cut off the French supplies," said Alejandro.

"No, they told my lion that his wife was with other men in his absence." Hathor said grimly, "you know what a commander can do if he can't keep his head on the battlefield." Serious consequences? Anger and pain will make him lose his judgment. When they handed him the British newspaper, those rumors also reached the ears of his cronies. Those who are loyal to him will tell him, and they will tell him by their own people. It is easier for him to believe the news from the enemy than the news from the enemy."

"It's impossible," said Alejandro.

"Confused him, messed up his mind, made him lose the ability to adapt, and his wisdom is emotional, but my lion is not as weak as they think. When women are emotionally lonely, they will choose to satisfy themselves with material things, while men will choose power. I can heal his wounds, this is what I want you to do." Hathor pointed to the bronze sculpture on the ground and said, "Put it in the Tuili Palace."

Alejandro was panting, and after a moment he asked, "Can you tell me what happened?"

Hathor was upset, and she walked quickly up and down in front of Alejandro.

"I had nothing to do with that," Hathor said excitedly. "I was welcome here."

"What's all right?" Alejandro asked.

"The thing about the reservoir," Hathor said. "I'm not involved in revenge."

Alejandro was shocked again.

"You've been to the Montsouris, haven't you?" Hathor asked.

"How do you..."

"The Suez Canal happened to be opened that year." Hathor continued without waiting for Alejandro to finish. "Do you know how many people died to build that canal?"

Alejandro didn't answer.

"I don't know who prayed to the gods for revenge. They planned to turn all the drinking water that Parisians drink red and make it undrinkable."

"Like the ten plagues of Egypt?" Alejandro asked.

"The designer who designed Montsouris Park committed suicide in order to calm the anger of the gods, because he had participated in the construction of the Suez Canal." Hathor said, "All sculptures and cultural relics related to Egypt were also removed from the Tuileries Palace. My residence was transported to the Louvre at that time."

"So you escaped being burned down with the Tuileries?" Alejandro asked.

"How can it be said that I escaped a catastrophe? Do you think fire is useful to me?" Hathor said dissatisfiedly, "Those mirrors on the wall, they are very fragile, but when the Germans want to destroy them, no matter whether they use machine guns The cannonballs were useless, and they finally planned to burn them in the fire, but they only burned the wooden box outside, and ordinary fire has no effect on magical items."

"The fire in the Tuileries was really an ordinary fire?" Alejandro asked.

"Why do you ask that?" Hathor asked.

"My grandmother said that the fire was Fiendfire, filled with anger." Alejandro said, "This fire consumes everything that can burn, and destroys everything it can, including your house. "

Hathor did not speak, but looked at Alejandro.

"I'm not going to help you put your head in the Tuileries Palace, although I personally don't like Napoleon that much, you want his soul, don't you?" Alejandro said "If he is really killed People were framed, so wouldn't I be the same as those villains by doing so?"

"I got the Hallows for you," Hathor said.

"Have you ever caught a fish? Goddess." Alejandro said with a smile, "Even the most skilled fisherman will encounter empty hooks when casting bait, because there are always cunning fish under the water."

"So you think you're a cunning fish?" Hathor asked.

"Although I am not the most cunning fish, I am not a stupid fish either." Alejandro said briskly, "I remember your kindness, and I will repay you in other ways, but I will not help you." Frame a man's soul."

"You think you can go?" Hathor said, his eyes began to shine brightly, looking like two burning flames.

"It's not that I thought I could go," said Alejandro, looking at a mirror that was beginning to crack. "It was that I was sure I could go."

Just as he finished speaking, the cracked mirror shattered, and a cloud of black smoke rushed in.

The black smoke destroyed wherever it went, and at the same time the water in the pool began to burn, and the illusion began to collapse, all of which were caused by Hathor's Eye of Ra.

Alejandro immediately built his backpack and the golden censer on the altar, and ran towards the shattered mirror as fast as he could.

The black hole behind the mirror looks far less charming than the wonderland behind, but that is the real way out.

The moment he jumped into the darkness, the cloud of black smoke also came out of the hole, and Alejandro felt his feet were empty, and then fell to the ground.

There was a strong burnt smell in the air, but there was a baroque mirror hanging on the wall in front of them. The mirror was dark green and couldn't see people clearly at all. When Alejandro and Felix were together When it appeared, Haji hurriedly pulled the red velvet curtain to cover it.

"What kind of mirror is this?" Alejandro asked.

"I don't know what that is." Haji said with lingering fear, "Let's get out of here immediately."

After speaking, he picked up Mrs. Loris with one hand and Felix with the other, and left the Tennis Court Art Museum as if something was chasing him behind him.

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