Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1659 Goddess' Secret Words (4)

In Harry Potter's first year of school, the teachers set up a checkpoint game for him. It is indeed a bit dangerous for 11-year-old children, but it is still within the controllable range. The secret room incident in the second year is a bit out of control Then it was the third year, the fourth year, and the fifth year. Things became more and more uncontrollable. In the sixth year, even Death Eaters entered the magic school through the disappearing cabinet.

Few people know, even Leta Kiester does not know that there is a mirror of Erised in Hogwarts, and the mirror can reflect the most desired things in the heart of the person looking at the mirror.

But how did the Sorcerer's Stone that appeared in the mirror end up in Harry's pocket?

There is an inverted pyramid in front of the glass pyramid of the Louvre, and its direction is opposite to that of the glass pyramid. After escaping from the National Tennis Court Museum, they actually ran to the inverted pyramid of the Louvre. Now Alejandro stopped with fear when he saw the beautiful Louvre as if he had been bitten by a snake. When he got down, Haji stopped as soon as he stopped. Mrs. Loris took advantage of this opportunity to jump to the ground, and then rushed to a nearby tree.

"Thank... thank you for saving my life," Alejandro gasped.

"You're welcome." Felix rubbed his ribs. Although he was hugged by Haji and didn't have to run by himself, being hugged and run like a sandbag still made him "injured".

"What did you encounter just now?" Haji asked.

"A horrible beauty," Alejandro said to Haji, and then briefly told Haji the "story" that Hathor told him, before asking "Do you believe what she said?"

Haji thought for a while, and said after a while, "It's better for outsiders not to get involved in judging this kind of thing. No matter which side you help, when the two of them reconcile as before, you will lose their friendship. Some things are not like the earth is round. It's still flat, it can be proved by sailing, and it doesn't matter whether there is evidence or not, the important thing is 'It's not because you lied to me, but I can't trust you anymore' .”

"What?" Alejandro asked.

"Friedrich Nietzsche," Haji said.

"You still read these?" Alejandro asked in surprise.

"I have nothing to do in prison, except for exercising, I can only study." Haji stared at Alejandro and said, "Is there a problem?"

Alejandro looked elsewhere.

"I think this makes sense." Felix said, "Because the British framed Josephine, the navies on both sides will stop fighting when Josephine transports roses to France. They feel ashamed."

"If they were really guilty, they wouldn't have come up with such a wicked idea," Alejandro said in disgust.

"How do you not know it's a woman who's lying?" Hage said. "I've often seen them lie about anything to get away."

"It's not like a woman would do that, let alone my cousins," Alejandro said.

"Where did you see that woman?" Felix asked Haji. "A woman other than my mother?"

"Women are born to be actors, but some are good at it and some are bad at it. Your mother is not good at lying." Haji said to Felix. "The lies in their mouths can be told perfectly. Be careful of them, my son."

"Damn it," Alejandro said, looking at his phone. "It's broken."

"Electric appliances fail when it comes to magic," Felix said.

"Use mine." Haji threw his phone over. "This is a disposable phone, so don't worry about being tracked."

Alejandro quickly placed a call and it wasn't long before Gianluca's voice rang out.

"My phone is broken, do you have a backup?" Alejandro asked.

"Yes, but how do I give it to you?" Gianluca asked.

"I have the key." Felix said, shaking the key in his hand.

"What happened to you?" Gianluca asked.

"You won't believe it," said Alejandro, leaning on the back of the bench. "I'll tell you when I get back."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

The three fell silent together.

"Do you believe in 'karma'?" Haji asked after a while, "It is this karma that brought us together."

"I don't know," Alejandro said. "I just know that I want to get away from that place and have a quiet rest."

"Many people think so. The French Admiralty is going to move to the outskirts of the city." Haji said, "You believe that there are really secret passages underground."

"We did see stairs going down," Alejandro said.

"As the sages said, a woman is good at lying, and she can tell her lies perfectly, even if she is a goddess." Haji said, "Maybe that's what got you hooked."

"Who is that sage?" asked Alejandro.

"Me." Haji said with a laugh.

Alejandro shook his head with a smile, and took out the contents of the backpack.

A golden mass bell, a golden incense boat, and a golden mentioner.

5 is not a meaningless number, but Venus, a giant Eros symbol drawn on a map of Paris.

"Aren't you asking where your cousin's next location is?" Haji asked.

"Wait," Alejandro said, putting his things back in his backpack. "I just want to rest now."

"I'll get the phone and see how Leroy is doing," Felix said, with the tone of a grown-up, and it's strange that no one blamed him.

"Go." Haji said, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the Arc de Triomphe of Caruso not far away under the afterglow of the setting sun like an old man.

==================================================== ==============

"Do you think it's pointless to discuss Machiavelli and the military?" asked Pierre.

"I didn't say that," Severus said.

"Well then, let's talk about Da Vinci, do you know that he met Machiavelli in Florence?" Pierre asked.

Severus smiled quietly.

"Compared with my soul, I love my country more." Pierre said, "And a certain genius admired by the world, he does not love his country so much, he even thought of serving the king of France who invaded Italy. Rong, I think a real man should be a patriot."

"Then you are wrong, Napoleon is..."

"French!" Pierre interrupted Monica, "Don't forget that Napoleon once led the French to invade Italy."

"Do you think it makes sense for us to argue about this?" Severus said dryly.

"We are businessmen, but patriots don't believe in our businessmen's ways." Pierre said, "Even today, Napoleon's prestige in the French army is unshakable."

"So they're okay with your ticket sales?" Severus asked.

"The foundation can't just go in and out, not to mention that we can let more people know the real Napoleon Bonaparte, rather than the history written by the victor." Pierre said arrogantly, "This is to restore the truth of history. "

"Is it the truth or the truth you have beautified?" Monica asked.

"I thought Venice was neutral," Pierre said.

"I think we should go." Severus put down his glass and said, "We're not welcome, are we?"

"I also have British friends, but they are different from you. They also like Napoleon." Pierre pointed to Severus and said, "But you, sir, you are more like a poisonous snake in a chicken coop. I don't know." Know what your purpose is, but please forgive me, I hope you can leave."

"Not even business friends?" Severus asked.

"Unless you're a businessman," said Pierre, "but you're a scholar, aren't you?"

"Just because I've seen Dante?" Severus sneered.

"It's just a feeling that you are not our kind." Pierre stretched out his hand and pointed to the door. "This is a private party, please leave."

"One last question, do you know where Saturn and Jupiter are?"

"To me, Cronus ate all the children to protect his throne, and Zeus imprisoned his own father in order to take the throne. Father and son cannot live in peace in a world." Pierre Er said.

Severus smiled and tilted his head, then turned and left.

Monica followed closely behind.

"I told you, don't take what these people say seriously," Monica whispered to Severus.

Severus ignored her, and when he walked out of the banquet hall, he suddenly poured a glass of water on Monica.

"Don't worry, it's the water from the Burglar Spring." Severus looked at Susan, whose hair was dripping in front of him, and said, "By the way, where is my assistant?"

The little monk went down the mountain to Huazhai, the old monk had an explanation

The woman at the bottom of the mountain is a tiger, if you meet one, you must avoid it~

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