Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1657 Goddess' Secret Words (2)

Mirror, mirror tell me, who is the most beautiful woman in this world?

--Grimm's Fairy Tales

Today, the Naval Palace is still the Admiralty of the French Republic. Although the facade is being renovated, there are still people standing guard in front of the door. Alejandro walked around the Admiralty before he found a side door through which some high-ranking officers went to eat at Maxim's restaurant across the road.

Through the glass window, you can see that the restaurant is full of seats, and many people in uniform eat there, as if it is their "canteen".

Through the open side door, you can see the atrium of the French Admiralty. The ground is painted with white lines. It looks like a parking space, but there is no car now. The lobby on the first floor and some rooms on the second floor were lit with warm orange lights, while the rooms on the third floor and the top floor were pitch black, as if these "civil servants" had already returned home from get off work.

Alessandro regretted it very much. He originally thought that the Navy Mansion had been abandoned. If he was caught here, he would be imprisoned.

So he picked up the phone, and just after finding out Monica's phone number, a burst of fragrance hit his nostrils. He turned around and found that it was the beautiful Egyptian God of Love, Hathor.

"Need help?" Hathor asked.

"Do you have an invisibility cloak?" Alejandro asked hopelessly.

Hathor nodded his chin with his index finger and thought about it, then shook his head, "I don't have that kind of thing."

"Then how can you help?" Alejandro said impatiently, and planned to pick up his mobile phone to make a call.

"But I know the secret passage to the inside, just under the square." Hathor said, "Didn't you see it? There are stairs under every city sculpture."

"Where does that lead?" asked Alejandro.

"Secret passage, Louis-Philippe will not be trapped in the palace like Louis XVI, he will find a way to escape."

Alejandro was a little shocked.

"He needs the navy to escape to England. If the situation is not good, these admirals will flee with him. I can tell you the passage."

"My purpose is not to sneak into the Navy headquarters and steal secrets," Alejandro said. "What I want to know is, where is that hidden thing?"

"I can tell you." Hathor waved to Alejandro, "Come with me."

Then Alessandro really followed her away. During this period, Mrs. Loris kept meowing in her backpack, but Alessandro was unmoved. It didn't take long for them to come to a place in the Louvre. in the room.

"Here we are," said Hathor, stepping on the polished marble surface with his bare feet.

"This is it?" Alejandro asked, looking around, and saw that there were five huge mirrors in this room, and in the center of the mirrors was a marble table on which stood a censer of pure gold.

"These mirrors were originally in the Admiralty Headquarters, and the Germans moved them here," Hathor said. "Some people say that they saw the ghost of Marie Antoinette in these mirrors."

"What?" Alejandro said in surprise.

"She said, 'Take me back,' and the German naval staff were terrified, so they put the mirrors in the Louvre and moved some of the royal furniture over there," Hathor said. The walls of a corridor on the second floor of the Navy House still retain their positions, but they are replaced by wooden boards with the names of the five most important naval ports of the French Navy. The Hall of Mirrors in Versailles is made up of more than 400 lenses. These mirrors are all in one piece, and they are very valuable given the craftsmanship at that time, and they were all facing the guillotine in the square, which is where the obelisk is now."

Alejandro looked into the mirrors, and there was only his own reflection in them, not Hathor.

"Poor people, they are always restless," Hathor said. "We in Egypt use polished metal plates as mirrors. When female customers put on jewelry, put on perfume and makeup, and admire themselves in the mirror Feeling happy, just like them."

As soon as Hathor finished speaking, there were suddenly many women dressing up in the hall. They gathered around a pool, combing their hair with combs, or using emerald green balm to draw eyeliner. They wore transparent The fine linen dress, the slender curves are looming, making people imagine. There is a strong fragrance in the air, but it is not from the burning of spices, but the smell of perfume. A woman playing the harp is softly humming a love song .

"You are very tired, my little pigeon." Hathor whispered to Alejandro, "you can sleep peacefully here with me."

It took Alessandro all his strength to release Mrs. Loris from the backpack.

"Get someone to help!" He said exhaustedly to Mrs. Loris's back, and then fell to the ground.

==================================================== ===============

"Besides Paris, where else have you been in France?" monsieur Asmodeus asked Severus.

"Burgundy," Severus said, "and the Loire Valley."

"Have you ever been to Brittany?" asked Pierre.

"No." Severus said.

"What about you, lady honorable?" Pierre asked Monica.

"You still called me princess just now, but now you call me honorable lady?" Monica asked.

Pierre smirked and continued to look at Severus "How much do you know about Machiavelli?"

"I've read his books," Severus said.

"And what about his life?"

"I don't know much about it."

"Machiavelli only made business trips, first because he had no money, and second because he was happy to work. Venice was the first place he visited in his life, but he did not leave a line to write about Venice. On the contrary, as soon as he took care of his work, he immediately started discussing the international situation with the ambassador of the Holy See. In addition, he bought some lottery tickets in Venice and won a small prize, but he always Lack of money, if he wins the big prize, he will definitely tell others and have a big feast for the guests."

Severus listened silently.

"Even though he lacks restraint in spending money, Machiavelli is a man with a long-sighted vision. It is true that laws, contracts, and agreements between individuals will make them keep their promises, but only force keeps those in power. Times will change. The sword is not necessarily reliable, the French Foreign Legion has actually become the main force, I think Napoleon is right, we should rely on the army composed of our own people, not on the Foreign Legion.”

Severus was too wise to answer.

"On the night that Piero Soderini died, Machiavelli was writing the second volume of The Ten Years, in which he wrote that Piero Soderini's soul came to the gates of hell, and Pu Lu Tong yelled, "Stupid souls also come to hell? Stop talking stupid things, go to that Limbo prison." Do you know what Limbus is?"

"That's the place where unbaptized or unbaptized babies go, between heaven and hell," Monica said.

"Glad to hear that." Pierre said with a smile. "Which university did you graduate from?"

"I didn't go to college." Monica said a little unhappy.

"Please forgive my faux pas." Pierre bowed towards Monica, "But you know, it's not a pleasant thing to be in front of models all day long, they don't understand what you're talking about."

"My sister is a model." Monica said again.

"I'm beginning to understand why your girlfriend left you." Severus said with a cheerful smile. "Times will change, but the important thing is that a man like Machiavelli may not be reliable."

"Then what kind of man do you think is reliable?" Pierre asked.

"I know you'd expect a man I said would make money," Severus said, "but making money isn't as reliable."

"So..." Pierre tilted his head, looking at Severus carefully.

"Why should I tell you?" Severus said.

Monsieur Asmodeus looked like he was choking on anger.

This made the old bat feel very happy, the smirk on his face was much more sincere, Monica had a relieved expression on her face, and she held Severus very affectionately, but she soon stared at the old bat's death Xia let go of his hand, and stood up properly, not daring to act rashly.

Voldemort is in Limbo, that is, the train station covered in white mist

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