Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1656 Goddess' Secret Words (1)

Observation satellites for different purposes have different heights from the earth's surface.

Meteorological satellites and communication satellites are the highest, followed by resource detection satellites, and spy satellites have the lowest orbit because they want to see the targets on the ground as clearly as possible, only more than 100 kilometers from the surface. This is because the top half of the atmosphere is set to 100 kilometers, so it is impossible to have a long-term satellite with an altitude below 100 kilometers.

But you don’t need to be 100 kilometers above the ground to overlook a scene. There is a Ferris wheel on the Place de la Concorde. It is made in imitation of the London Eye. However, because Parisians feel that it hinders the city’s appearance, they strongly demand that it be removed. to dismantled, so it is usually towed out in the winter for a bit of service.

This thing is like a temporary playground, only children will play it. When Alessandro found Yang and his son, they were having fun on the Ferris wheel. They saw Alessandro on the ground , Felix was still waving to him on the Ferris wheel.

After they had almost enjoyed themselves, Alejandro went over and showed them both the golden incense boat he had obtained.

"They should come as a set," Alejandro said. "There should be a lifter nearby."

"I know, it's the one with a censer on a chain, right behind the officiant?" Haji said.

"That's right, and we believe it's in the east." Alejandro raised his phone, "The Alps are rich in a kind of platinum salt. 250 million years ago, the Alps were under the sea. Henry the Lion once demolished the bridge." Already, forced to change the salt road."

"So, which city?" Felix asked.

"Strasbourg, they also drew a picture or something, related to Victor Hugo, Balzac and Dumas, the female sculpture model in Strasbourg is Victor Hugo's mistress Juliet Drouet, let's go," said Alejandro.

The three of them walked together to the Strasbourg sculpture on the northeast side of the Place de la Concorde. The door under the sculpture was closed. Alejandro looked at the door and said to Felix, "Inside There are stairs, can your key open it?"

"I don't know," said Félix, stepping back and looking up at the statue, a model of Juliette Drouet, of a Strasbourg woman holding a sword in her left hand and a key in her right. , Ms. Lear next door also had a sword in her hand, and she carried it on her shoulder, looking eager to try.

After the end of the Franco-Prussian War in 1871, because of the cession of Lorraine, the sculpture in Strasbourg was covered with a black veil for a long time, and this sculpture happened to face the National Tennis Museum.

The Tennis Court Declaration is the prelude to the French Revolution. After the three-level parliament was held in Versailles, the third level held a meeting in a tennis court and vowed not to formulate and pass a constitution and never to disband. For example, the tennis court was near Versailles, but It is impossible to verify exactly where it is. Paris has completely changed over the years, and people in the past had no awareness of cultural relics protection. The National Tennis Court Museum was an indoor tennis court during the reign of Napoleon III.

The building symmetrical to this indoor tennis court is the Orangery Art Museum. Napoleon III cultivated a lot of oranges and lemons in the Tuileries Palace in order to entertain the Spanish princess, and that house became a greenhouse. In the 20th century At first it became an art museum, which houses Monet's water lilies, and is a pilgrimage site for Impressionist painters and collectors.

To enter the Tuileries Park, you need to go through a fence. It will be open until 11 pm after June 1 every year, but the National Tennis Court Museum is about to close, and they can only sneak in if they want to get in.

"Look at her." Haji tucked her waist in, looked up at the Strasbourg sculpture like Felix and said, "Is it like when your mother was angry?"

Alessandro also couldn't help turning his gaze from the Tuileries Garden to the sculpture. The "Lady of Strasbourg" is like an angry woman with one hand on her waist and her head stubbornly turned to one side.

He turned his eyes to other sculptures, and saw that although the "ladies" in other cities turned their heads slightly, only Strasbourg turned their heads completely to the side, and the direction of her sight happened to be the Navy Palace (hotel de la marine).

Alejandro took out the travel magazine he just bought. The introduction of the Naval Palace in the magazine was just a brief introduction. Even people living in Paris have only seen the facade of this building, and few people went in to visit it.

It was once built under the auspices of Louis XV. At that time, the French navy was still a good army. It fought with the British navy. Louis XVI also won the War of Independence by relying on this navy. The expeditionary army would not be like Napoleon's army going to Egypt. Because they were cut off from supplies, they not only had to figure out their own way, but were almost forced to the point where they ran out of ammunition and food.

This building witnessed the scene of the king being sent to the guillotine during the French Revolution, and the scene where members of the Paris Commune burned the Tuileries Palace. Established in the Navy House.

After being occupied by other countries, the interior of the Naval Palace will not completely maintain the appearance of the 19th century. The Germans will change it to their liking according to their actual use. Maybe they found it hidden in the wall or under the floor during the demolition process. secret, and then sent it back home.

"How about we split up?" Alejandro said. "I'll go to the Navy House and you guys to the Tennis Court Gallery."

"Can you do it alone?" Felix asked.

"I still have her to help." Alejandro said, pointing to the bald Mrs. Loris. "That's a nice cat."

"Here you are." Haji took a walkie-talkie from his backpack and threw it to Alejandro, "Keep in touch."

"I will notify you if I find anything." Alejandro said, and then walked towards the Navy Palace under repair.

==================================================== ================

"Are you married, Mr. Smith?" Pierre looked at Monica and said, "Is this your wife or daughter?"

"Neither." Severus smirked. "She's my personal assistant. Are you married, Mr. President?"

"There was a chance once." President Pierre said, "But my girlfriend thought I was too obsessed with Napoleon and asked me to choose between her and Napoleon."

"You chose Napoleon over her?" Severus asked.

"No, I chose her," said Pierre, "but that broke our relationship."

"Why?" Monica asked.

"How should I put it? Boring, plain." Pierre said, "We became a very ordinary partner, and she even hoped that I could change my appearance so that it didn't look so..."

"Wild," Monica said with a smile.

"I don't think I can become like her good sisters, husband and boyfriend. They are just like a mold. They dress themselves according to the instructions of the designers and have no style of their own. I think it's good that I am like this. Then we started from Talking to each other turned to strangers, and finally we were done."

"What are you talking about?" Severus asked, frowning.

"I guess it's my privacy." Pierre took a sip of his wine. "We all have a little secret or two."

"That's right, that's right." Severus said with a smile, "Mr. Asmodeus."

"No, please call me monsieur." Pierre corrected, "Mr. Smith."

"Mr." Smith was blue-faced and looked eager to punch Asmodeus, as if he wanted to test whether Asmodeus could pronounce the sound "monsieur" if his teeth were leaking.

Asimodeus is the devil in the seven deadly sins, one of Solomon's seventy-two pillar gods, and also the devil in Tobias' book who intends to monopolize the human woman and kill all the men who marry the woman. Medieval magic books call him Nemesis, Lord of Hell, etc., but also the keeper of secrets

The curator of the Louvre in the Da Vinci Code is named Jacques Saunière. I think the surname Saunière is related to the treasure of Rennes in southern France - the Holy Grail and the Holy Blood

The moment I saw the Hufflepuff Gold Cup, I thought of the Holy Grail, and accidentally fell into the cliché of looking for the Holy Grail ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

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