Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1655 The Battle of Fire and Water (Part 2)

Monica hung up the phone. At this time, President Pierre had finished dealing with those members who had no actual losses in this theft, and walked towards them.

The shaggy-haired Pierre Asmodeus looks a little crazy, while Severus keeps his expressionless face. In the eyes of others, the scene is like a child who ran to the zoo to watch snakes and a child lying on a tree branch Among the motionless snakes, one was full of curiosity to observe, while the other was full of vigilance and remained motionless. This weird atmosphere did not disappear until Pierre stood up straight again.

"Hello, Mr. Edgar Smith." Pierre reached out to Severus. "Do you want to cooperate with us too?"

"I heard that you have held dozens of tours in the US and Canada, why not the UK?" Severus asked with a smirk.

"I think everyone has a different opinion about this famous man of the old days. Talleyrand found him a rough and uneducated person, and I believe that friends who are really interested in him will come to us. said Pierre with a smile.

Severus' smile deepened quite a bit. "You worship a vulgar and uneducated man?"

"He's a soldier, and I think there's a lot of swearing in the armies of all countries," Pierre said, "but he also said this at Toulon, soldiers, if I charge forward, follow me, If I retreat, kill me, if I sacrifice, please avenge me, greatness and absurdity are only one step away, I think, so you should understand what I mean."

"Interesting." Severus smiled. "You think it would have changed the tide of battle if Napoleon had led the French soldiers?"

"At least not so many people have jumped out and said that Napoleon Bonaparte is Italian and he is French. This is what he himself admitted." Pierre said, "As long as you have the spirit like him, I don't think he has a soft heart even if his favorite color is pink."

Severus laughed.

"My God," Monica murmured, "Napoleon's favorite color is pink?"

"I had the same reaction as you when I first heard about it, princess, do you like pink?" Pierre asked Monica.

Monica took a sip of red wine and avoided answering the question.

"Why aren't you wearing pink?" Severus asked Pierre.

"I'm just an ordinary person, and I still need to dress up to leave a stereotyped image on others." Pierre said with a smile.

"Did you lose much this time?" Severus asked.

"If you say you mean a few pieces of silverware, no, if you say a few pieces of cultural relics, my security captain is investigating with the police." Pierre said, "I really shouldn't have brought them back to St. Hena Island, perfectly recreating the mass of that year."

"Silver?" Severus asked.

"The objects used by His Majesty Napoleon himself, and those used by members of his family, are to be gold or at least gilded, and those connected with the Church are to be silver, and, as he said to Portalis, to be of the cheapest I bought the cross at a low price, I remember that the price of silver was much cheaper than gold at that time, and these utensils used for consecration had to be made of precious metals.”

Severus leaned closer to Monica's ear, "Was the Mass bell they said they found just now gold-plated or pure gold?"

"Pure gold," Monica whispered.

"Is there a stain on it that looks golden? It's actually silver." Severus asked.

"Does silver rust?"

"What do you think?" Severus asked with a smile, tilting his head.

"Maybe it's been smoked," Monica said. "Sometimes the silver jewelry turns yellow, too."

"Call him to confirm." Severus said coldly, then turned his head and continued to look at Pierre. "Did we meet somewhere?"

"My face is impressive," said Pierre. "If we met, how could you forget me?"

Severus looked into Pierre's blue eyes.

They look deep and still, like a pair of deer's eyes.

==================================================== ===============

"What? Of course it's pure gold!" Alejandro said in Italian after receiving a call from Monica.

"Of course, of course, I can be sure, it must be pure gold." He repeated impatiently, "Quickly ask him, what shall we do next?"

Then the phone was hung up again.

Alessandro sat down directly on the grass by the fountain, and Haji came back not long after, holding three paper bags in his hand, and gave one of them to Alessandro.

"Let's eat." Haji said, "I don't know when the next meal will be."

Alejandro, who said he was not hungry, took the paper bag, which contained two vanilla waffles, a can of pomegranate juice and a can of sparkling water.

"Drink like me," Felix told Alejandro, pouring canned mango juice and sparkling water into a paper cup and gulping down.

"He likes to drink carbonated drinks." Hadji said helplessly to Alejandro, and he opened a can of non-alcoholic cold beer and drank it.

Alejandro shrugged indifferently, and just opened the can of pomegranate juice, the liquid inside kept coming out as if boiling, and he sprinkled it on the grass in a panic.

The pink liquid kept emitting white smoke like some kind of chemical, and made a hissing sound, and then a beautiful woman in an ancient Egyptian white dress sat on the fountain without water.

"You are calling me?" the beauty asked Alejandro in Italian.

"Summoning? No!" Alejandro shouted. "Who are you?"

"They gave me many names." The beauty said leisurely, shaking her slender legs, "The most famous one is Hathor. You can understand that I am the Egyptian God of Love."

"What?" Alejandro said in disbelief.

"You seem to be in trouble, maybe I can help you." The woman who called herself Hathor smiled charmingly.

Alejandro looked dazed for a moment, but he recovered quickly.

"How can you help us?" Alejandro asked.

"How about getting the contents out?" Hathor glanced back at the fountain behind him. "You need to get some water."

"Don't you understand?" Alejandro complained. "Fountains are supposed to spray water."

"You don't understand." Hathor curled his hair, "You need to hold a ceremony to awaken the power of the gods."

"What ceremony?"

"My priestess told me that love and wisdom can defeat death, but she needs to gain strength through familiar attire. When she feels beautiful and charming, she has shared my light. You should find some perfume and put it on Perfume is poured into this spring as an offering," Hathor said, "and then it will open."

"What's in it?" Alejandro asked.

"Fragrant boat," Hathor replied, "I think you know what it's for."

Although it is rare in France, it is still common to see evangelical parades in Italy. Priests sometimes walk in the front of the procession with smoking stoves, throwing incense according to etiquette norms.

In an era when it was widely believed that plague was spread by miasma, it was believed that aromas and pungent smells could drive away diseases.

It is not always effective, especially when the Black Death spreads, the aerosols produced by infected people through coughing are still contagious even in the air, at this time, wear a doctor's mask or cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief or a mask It is the most effective method of epidemic prevention.

Bird beak masks are usually made of silver. People dressed as beak doctors can often be seen at the Venice Carnival. These people are not agents of death. They dress like that to protect themselves. They are covered with imitation oilcloth coats from foot to foot, with gloves on their hands, their eyes are protected with transparent glass, and their "beaks" are filled with herbs.

In fact, people have never really left the Dark Ages.

Someone has to take responsibility for the disaster, many of the "witches" who were tried by the Inquisition were innocent, but people need to be convinced that killing them will make their lives better, just like getting rid of those harmful creatures , as if once they were gone, the threat would cease to exist.

The sudden disappearance of the Black Death in Venice was not a miracle. It was because women stopped holding banquets and dances and stayed at home to pray that the plague would disappear as soon as possible.

They not only achieved self-isolation, but also reduced group gatherings, which is the best way to prevent airborne diseases.

Even ants know this, but unfortunately more people go to Poveglia Island in Venice out of curiosity. Excessive pain and terror will make people secrete dopamine, that is to say, stimulation will make people feel hapiness.

The crazy laughter at the carnival and the weird costumes of tourists from all over the world turned Venice into a world where demons danced wildly, and all kinds of ghosts gathered together.

When you can feel the temptation of the devil, your heart is already bright.

Alejandro looked at the sword that appeared at some point in his hand, raised it and slashed at Hathor. The Egyptian god of love screamed and dodged, and the sword finally hit the fountain.

A huge stream of water spurted from the spring, and a wooden box jumped out.

Alejandro dropped the sword and took it with his hand, but before he could open it, there seemed to be someone pointing to the east in front of him.

"Hello, hello!" Monica's voice came from the microphone. "Are you listening, Sonny?"

When Alejandro came to his senses, the pomegranate juice in his hand fell to the ground, and a group of ants surrounded the puddle of sweet drink.

Then he looked at his left hand side, where there was a wooden box, exactly like the one he had dreamed about in his dream.

Alejandro opened the clasp of the lily-patterned box, and inside was a pure gold incense boat for frankincense.

"It's pure gold," Alejandro said, before hanging up the phone and lying on his back on the grass as if he'd been through something exhausting.

I heard that the French Airport Red Cross has used the right of withdrawal


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