Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1654 The Battle of Fire and Water (Part 2)

Champs-lysées (Champs-lysées) "champs" means pastoral, "lysées" means "Elysium" or paradise, the earliest street is not a street at all, but a damp open space, when the Queen Regent Mary De Medici decided to transform a swamp and field outside the Louvre into a boulevard, which was named "Queen's Boulevard" after it was completed.

In the middle of the seventeenth century, Louis XIV ordered the expansion of this street in order to overlook the sunset scenery of the magnanimous avenue in the Louvre. There are always a few days in late May and early June every year when the sun is just right. In the door opening of the Arc de Triomphe, it was a magnificent scenery that Louis XIV had never seen. Now that it is late June, the sun is not so well framed in the door opening.

The Accademia Bridge in the water city of Venice is also a good place to enjoy the sunset. The scenery there is completely different from what Alejandro saw at the moment.

The son of a gondola boatman came to Paris. It is hard to say whether he came to the city from the countryside. After all, Venice was an important town during the Renaissance. At that time, the French not only learned the dress of the Venetians, but also learned from them. style and technique. The French Renaissance was slower than that of Italy. Firstly, it was because of the Hundred Years War between England and France. Second, except for the south, the inland of France was far away from the Mediterranean Sea. However, the metal movable type used in the Venetian printing presses were all provided by French craftsmen.

The time when Nico Flamel was forging the Philosopher's Stone was also just before Leonardo da Vinci arrived in France, where alchemy was flourishing. Modern people generally believe that alchemy is the predecessor of chemistry. The French chemist Lavoisier believes that breathing is the slow burning of carbon and hydrogen in the body. This is his inference from the carbon dioxide and water vapor exhaled by human respiration. The roadside trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce the nutrients they need through the photosynthesis of their leaves. This was originally a harmonious cycle, but it was broken by the greenhouse gases emitted by industry and automobiles. The surface temperature is higher every year. At the same time, sea levels are rising year by year, and Venice is also facing the threat of being submerged.

There is a serious lack of green space in the center of Paris. The circular square divides the Champs-Elysées into east and west sides. The west side is a commercial street, where luxury stores from all over the world gather, while a few "pastoral" scenery remains in the east side. Neo-Renaissance buildings are hidden in the shade, and there are paths in the woods, where only a few passers-by pass.

"Hey, come and see!" Felix waved to Alejandro.

Alejandro ran over quickly, and at the moment they were standing in front of a small stone house with a statue of a woman sitting on top of the house, and Nantes was engraved below the sculpture.

"Look at her hand," Felix said to Alessandro, "in her hand is a staff of two snakes."

Alejandro looked over and found that the left hand of the sculpture did indeed have a staff of two snakes, which even a poor student like himself knew that it represented alchemy and medicine.

"It's not just this one, but that one, and that one." Felix pointed to several sculptures on the square.

Alejandro looked in the direction Felix was pointing at, and he suddenly found that there were evenly and symmetrically distributed around the oval square the same small stone house they were in at the moment, with statues of women sitting on them.

When Felix ran around the square just now, he thought it was a child who was full of energy. Now he followed Felix's example and looked around these sculptures. The bases of these sculptures were engraved with words, namely Nantes , Bordeaux, Marseille, Lyon, Strasbourg, Rouen and Brest, each sculpture has a different shape, and the sculptures of Nantes, Lyon and Rouen all hold a double snake staff in their hands, None of the other sculptures are in hand.

He looked at the fountain in the middle of the square again, then took out his mobile phone and started calling. The call was quickly connected, and Gianluca's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Can you see the satellite photos of the Place de la Concorde?" Alejandro asked.

"Of course," Gianluca said.

"What shape is this square?" Alejandro asked.

"Uh, it's an octagon on the outside and an oval on the inside," Gianluca said.

"Aren't there two sculptures at the corners of each octagon?" Alejandro said.

"I can't see it clearly, I only have a top view here." Gianluca said.

"That's right!" Haji exclaimed. "There are two city sculptures at the corners of each octagon."

"What comes to mind when you think of the Fountain of Neptune and the Fountain of Neptune?" Alejandro asked.

"Salt." Gianluca said, "The evaporation of the sea water takes away the water, and the salt remains in the sea water. The water vapor turns into rain and falls and becomes fresh water, which then flows into the river..."

"Whispering," Alejandro said, "Nantes, Bordeaux, Marseilles, Lyon, Strasbourg, Rouen, and Brest, which of these cities is related to salt?"

"I'm going to look it up," Gianluca said.

"I'll wait for your news." Alejandro hung up the phone and walked towards the two fountains in the middle.

This time he observed carefully, the Sea God in the Sea God Fountain held a conch in his left hand, and the River God didn't hold anything in his left hand.

"What do you think they are holding in their right hand?" Alejandro asked.

"According to the guidebook, these two fountains were built to commemorate the maritime and inland navigation of France." Hadji said, looking at the travel magazine bought from the newsstand, "I think they really used oars, not guitars. .”

At this time Alejandro's phone rang, and Gianluca's voice came from the receiver, "There is a thousand-year-old salt pan area on the south coast of Brittany, where there is natural sea salt formed by natural crystallization, and many Michelin restaurants are still using it." The salt produced there, and Henry the Lion destroyed the bridge controlled by the bishop, forced to change the salt road to extract salt tax, I think it has something to do with Strasbourg."

"Where in France is Brittany?" Alejandro asked.

"Northwest," Gianluca said.

"Wait, don't hang up." Alejandro said, and then walked quickly to the two sculptures in the northwest corner of the square, one was Rouen, the other was Brest, Rouen was holding a double snake staff, And Brest is holding something that looks like a paddle (maybe a guitar).

"Is there anything to eat? I'm hungry." Felix asked listlessly while holding Mrs. Loris.

"There's a food truck over there," Haji said. "What would you like to eat?"

"Are there restaurants around here?" Alejandro asked Gianluca over the phone.

"There is one, in the Champs-Elysées Park, by the way, during the Second Empire era, the Champs-Elysées is lined with cafes and restaurants."

Alejandro walked straight towards the green space in front of him.

The trees in the park are not like the street trees on both sides of the Champs-Elysees Avenue. They are built in a square shape and still maintain their natural growth. After passing through the not particularly complicated path, Alejandro found that There is a very small fountain, which is not really a fountain because it no longer sprays water.

The fountain is entirely made of bronze and is located next to a tree. Three goddesses stand on the base, holding the cover high, and it looks like they are dancing.


Mrs. Loris ran over, jumped onto the base with agility, and pulled away the fallen leaves at the mouth of the fountain with her claws.

Alejandro looked around the fountain to see if there were any scratches like last time, but the fountain did have a lot of reliefs, but they were all plant patterns, without snakes or swords.

"Can you put a spell on it? Or knock it a few times like last time," said Alejandro.

"Can you speak Parseltongue?" Felix teased.

"What's that?" Alejandro asked.

Felix pouted and took off his coat.

"I'm hungry, buy me something to eat," Felix ordered to Alejandro.

"Then what are you doing?"

"Study this fountain," said Felix sternly.

"Don't listen to that boy," Gianluca said. "He's making excuses to get you."

"I'm not free, I want to make sure we're in the right place," Alejandro said. "Also I have to call my cousin, maybe your mentor knows how to do it."

"Let me go." Haji said, "What do you want to eat?"

"Thanks, I'm not hungry," Alejandro said, looking at Felix with unfriendly eyes.

"Send me your coordinates," Gianluca said.

"How?" Alejandro asked.

"Stand still," Gianluca said, and a few seconds later, Gianluca added, "You're right where the line with the statue in Brest is parallel to the Champs-Elysées, Sonny."

"That's right?" Alejandro asked.

"I'll help you contact Monica." As soon as Gianluca finished speaking, a beeping busy tone came from the receiver, and Monica's voice rang soon after.

"We found it, but the boy doesn't seem to be able to open it," said Alejandro.

"I'm working on it!" cried Felix.

"Tell us what to do," Alejandro continued, ignoring him.

"Wait." After Monica finished speaking, the other side was quiet for a while, and then hung up the phone.

"What did he say?" said Felix, not very cheerfully.

"The phone is hung up," Alejandro said. "Where can I get that Parseltongue you were talking about?"

Felix did not answer Alejandro, he carried Mrs. Loris over the spout of the fountain, and fed her a piece of dried fish.

Brittany produced sea salt 2,000 years ago. Although Britain is surrounded by the sea, salt is still taxed. In medieval table manners, the salt shaker should be placed at the top of the host seat.

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