Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 164 Follow-up

Harry loved his godfather Sirius very much, but he never entered Sirius' bedroom before Sirius died. It still remained the same as when Sirius left home at the age of sixteen.

He used to live in Potter's house with James Potter, and the Potters treated him as their own son, but this kind of good times didn't last long, and soon James would marry Lily, and Sirius could no longer live in Potter At that time, Walburga had already removed him from the family tapestry, he himself had no job, and he liked things like flying motorcycles. Your son spent money like water, except for James Potter’s funding, Bo Mona also gave him some, she doted on Sirius just like she doted on Draco, who told her she had money but no place to spend it.

Grimmauld Place is home to many magical animals besides people. The Hippogriff Buckbeak used to live in Walburga's bedroom on the fifth floor. ghoul. The Weasley family mainly lives on the fourth floor, two rooms on the third floor, one for Ron and Harry, one for Hermione and Ginny, the second floor is a very luxurious living room, and the first floor is the Phoenix The end of the corridor is the basement, where the kitchen is located. The kitchen is connected to a small dining room. Unless Pomona is willing to live under the sink like Kreacher, there is really no place for her to live in the old Blake house. .

One month after she was grounded by Dumbledore, she lived in the study on the second floor, and there was actually a Boggart in the drawer of the desk. Later, she didn’t know whether he found it in conscience or felt it was unnecessary, so she moved in. 15 Guihua Street, the bachelor's dormitory where Lupine and Sirius lived.

Granger was very smart, but she didn't live in the old house of Black's for a long time, so she didn't know many things. She thought that Sirius had a room in Black's house, and he would live in his own room. Compared with his family, he prefers to live with his friends. Because of his status as a werewolf, Lupine is living in a homeless place, and his life is not good at all. So he took Lupine to his home, or Pomona's house for him. live.

Rich people often have no concept of money. They are friends, money can be shared, and it doesn’t matter where they live. So Pomona lives in a two-story apartment building with two men.

This apartment has a garage, which was used by Sirius to store his flying motorcycle before, and was later borrowed by Hagrid. When he took Harry Potter to escape the pursuit of Death Eaters, Tobias's motorcycle After being hit, Hagrid had to switch to another motorcycle. The motorcycle that finally sent Harry to Privet Drive belonged to Sirius.

As much as Tobia liked motorcycles, Severus hated motorcycles as much. He and Sirius Black were natural rivals. Their identities were like a prince and a pauper. Young master, Severus is the mud who was bullied, and when they reunited many years later, their identities were completely reversed.

Many people complained about how unfair fate was, but Pomona never thought that Sirius would be one of them. He used to be the kind of young master from a rich family that everyone detested, but when he came back from Azkaban The tramp is not as good, he wholeheartedly wants to avenge James and Lily, and wants to catch Wormtail and restore his reputation, but it just doesn't work out.

He hunted down Wormtail after Lily and James died, and in order to get rid of him, Pete blew up a Muggle street, let thirteen Muggles die in the explosion, left a finger for himself, and faked that he had been blown to pieces False, he not only made his own life sad, but also made the lives of others sad.

In Harry's eyes, his godfather knew his father, and they could talk a lot about his parents, but Harry didn't really understand Sirius.

"This is where you live? Why does it smell like a pigsty?"

From the fireplace in Grimmauld Place to Pomona's quarters, Head Slytherin commented on the Gryffindor common room.

Sirius and Lupine live on the first floor, the room closest to the fireplace connected to the Floo network. Pomona's room is on the second floor. There are usually no people living in it. She has tried her best to clean it up, but Sirius and Lupine still have Way to mess up the room.

She kept a lot of things after they died, because no one but her would take them anymore, and they kept where they had been.

"No one has lived in it for several years, why do you smell it?" She sat down on the sofa angrily.

"That's right, it smells much better than the real Gryffindor common room." Hermione agreed, "Especially after I offended the house-elf, no house-elf except Dobby would clean up the Gryffindor common room." room."

"Living under the same roof with two men, one of whom is a werewolf, are you crazy?" Hungarian Tree Peak continued to breathe fire.

"What does it matter, we are friends."

"Ha! Friends." Severus laughed as he shook his head as if he had heard something funny. "We were friends before, Pomona, but what is our relationship now?"

Pomona looked at Hermione, who was wandering around the room as if she hadn't heard anything.

"They are very well behaved and never visit my room."

It's not like someone knocking on a lady's door casually.

She didn't speak out.

"How long have you been in the same room with them? I have been working with you in a castle for twenty years. The rules are like chains, which lock people's desires. Sooner or later, they will break free, damn old fool." He was so angry Walk around the house.

"Don't do that, they're all dead!"

"There are two things in this world that cannot be shared. One is an heir and the other is a woman. If he has no money, I can lend him..."

"It's impossible for Sirius to ask you to borrow money. If he really got to that point, he'd rather die." Pomona interrupted him exhausted, "Hermione, how about we chat here from now on? "

"I'm fine." Hermione flashed her an eight-toothed smile.

"If you are in a bad mood or have a fight with Ron in the future, you can come to me. The door of my house is open for you at any time." She stood up, walked over to Hermione and hugged Hermione distressedly, "How much money is in your vault?" ?”

"I don't have a vault," Hermione said cautiously.

"Oh, that's okay. I'll prescribe one for you. Money is a woman's power. Only when you have money can you speak with confidence."

"No!" Hermione directly shook her head and refused, "I can't take your money."

"My dear, you don't have to care about these things. Lily Potter, Harry's mother, was also funded by me. Hufflepuff spirit Hannah told you, do the right thing because it is right, maybe there is One day you will part ways because of disagreements with the Weasley family, the money I put in your private treasury will help you tide over the difficulties, and I have a treasury, and I plan to support you in the ministerial election..."

"The little money in your coffers may not be enough, honey, the campaign will cost a lot of money." Severus interrupted her, "but compared to such a long-term problem, the immediate priority is to prevent the goblin rebellion, that article How are you doing with the bloody dragon, Granger?"

"Call her Hermione."

"No!" Hungarian Tree Peak glared at Hermione, "Desire for freedom is also a desire. You were out of control at the time. The idiot Weasley and the egomaniac Harry Potter didn't know what they were doing. What were you thinking? Gran Jie, didn't you think that the dragon would come back to take revenge after recovering?"

"I..." Hermione looked at the two in bewilderment.

"You have to hold on, Granger, you are the pillar of the Iron Triangle, use your smart head, think about how to clean up the mess you made yourself, hell, why should I care about you after you all graduated! "

"Talk slowly, I'm going to take a shower." Pomona yawned, and went up the brown stairs to the second floor. If Ginny wanted to live in the old Black house, she could live in it. Anyway, there were plenty of houses, as long as she lived in Everyone inside is fine.

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