Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 165 Feeder and Eater

"So, you live here now? My father's study?" Sirius walked to the desk and sat with his hands propped on the table, looking lazy and chic, with all his gestures full of energy, as if the troublemaker from the student days had returned.

"I don't want to talk about that," Pomona said listlessly.

"What did you get grounded for this time?"

"Foot grounding?" Pomona sat up suddenly, "Do you know how old I am?"

"I thought women cared a lot about being told they were old." Sirius said with a smile, looking a little nervous.

How terrible is Azkaban, how can a person become like this?

"Buckbeak is in my mother's bedroom, would you like to go for a ride with me?"

What was he thinking about keeping magical animals in a woman's bedroom?

"I'm grounded, you know that." She lay down on the sofa angrily again "And you don't ride your flying motorcycle anymore?"

"Since it brought me back, it hasn't been out very much. It stays at home all day. I think it needs freedom just like me." Sirius said here and suddenly turned to look at the photos hanging on the wall, "Yes Sometimes parents always give you what they think is good, and they don’t want to think about whether those things are what the child wants. This kind of life makes people just want to stay away.”

Pomona could hear something in his words. Maybe he wasn't talking about Dumbledore, but about her parents.

"I ran away from home, maybe you can try it too." Sirius encouraged.

Pomona considered the possibility of elopement with Severus.

"I don't want to run." Pomona said lazily.

"Why?" Sirius asked.

"You've been running, Sirius, first from home, then from Azkaban, but now you're trapped here, and I can tell you're not free at all." Like a trapped beast, full of attacks Sex "What day is it?"

"September 1st."

"School has started." She murmured, "I don't know how the meals in the kitchen are going today."

"That's it." Sirius suddenly said excitedly, "I know what's going on?"


"You are the owner, and we are the ones who eat the food. You told me that there is a sleeping animal in everyone's heart, which is our most primitive form. The thirst for power is like hunger, driving us Shapeshifting, yes, that's right, I'm going to see Harry, seeing him is like seeing James, and I'm going to send him to Hogwarts."

"Are you crazy? You're still being wanted!" Pomona reminded him, but Sirius didn't pay any attention to that, and just Apparated.

"Remus!" Pomona immediately left the study.

"He's in the safe house, not here." Molly's voice came from downstairs. "Keep it down, honey."

Pomona immediately returned to No. 15 Guihua Street through the fireplace in the living room. As soon as she stepped out of the fireplace, she found Lupine and Tonks hugging.

"Morning, Dean." She was so embarrassed that she separated from Remus. Tonks is a disguise magus who can change his appearance at will. The color of her hair can reflect her mood. Recently, she has been pink , Pomona wondered why she was so happy, and it turned out to be because of this reason.

Remus is a little too old for her age, and a werewolf, isn't this girl being too sloppy?

"What's the matter? Knox?" Lupine smiled and stepped forward, keeping Tonks behind him.

"Sirius may have gone to Platform Nine and Three Quarters to meet Harry, who just Apparated."

"How are you sure?" Lupine's expression became serious.

"He wants to breathe the air of freedom, Remus, and he wanted to take me for a ride on Buckbeak before. Why did he go out after he came back from Africa? Dumbledore said that he can only stay at home and not go out. .”

"I don't think it's an indoor or outdoor issue, Pomona." Remus pulled the cloak off the shelf over his old, whitish coat. "He's an Animagus, you remember?"

"What's going on?" Tonks asked inexplicably.

"The body reflects the madness inside. How much do you know about the madness inside?" Remus got dressed but didn't rush to leave. He looked at his little girlfriend, as if he wanted to teach Tonks something.

"Is Sirius crazy?" Pomona asked blankly.

"No, he's just had enough of waiting, he waited twelve years in Azkaban, so now he can do whatever he wants." Remus wiped his face "Maybe that's why Albus asked you to come back Why, Pomona, you can help him clear his mind."

"I almost don't know who he is?" Pomona bit her nails, Sirius looked really bad now.

"Then help him recognize who he is. I'm worried that if he goes on like this, he won't be able to change his Animagus transformation. You taught him that, so you have to be responsible to the end." Remus looked seriously. said Pomona.

"Are you blaming me?" Pomona heard the malice in Remus' tone.

"You know who Sirius told me he spent the most time with at Hogwarts? A ginger cat with an ugly face. It belonged to Hermione Granger. What were you up to? "

"I was protecting Neville Longbottom, and if your memory serves you, it was you who guided him to make his Boggart look like Severus, and make him dress like a woman."

Lupine laughed like he heard something ridiculous.

"Severus? Not Professor Snape?"

"We've been working together for twenty years, Remus."

"No, Pomona, you didn't feel it yourself, you were protecting him!" Lupine said a little excitedly, "Compared with your friend going crazy, is it necessary to care so much about a joke?"

"Okay Remus, let's go find Sirius," Tonks said, grabbing his hand.

"It is impossible for Sirius and Snape to coexist peacefully. You have to make a choice. Do you want friends, or continue to waste time with a man who doesn't love you? He will do anything for Lily Potter. You can make What is he doing for you?"

Pomona looked at Tonks, why is she still here?

"It's just delivering the materials. It's fine to let a student go. Why do you always deliver it yourself? Sirius became friends with a cat when you were talking and laughing with him in the office. Are you worthy of your conscience?"

"Enough, Remus!" Tonks hugged Remus tightly.

Pomona looked at Remus' green eyes that were full of bestiality, seven days before the full moon, could he not help but want to transform now?

"Why did you forget to take your medicine that night?" Pomona replied not to be outdone, "You almost killed him! This is the second time!"

The ferocity on Lupine's face quickly disappeared, replaced by confusion and guilt.

"At least, don't make cruel jokes on the people who help you." Pomona wiped away her tears. "Don't you think sometimes your jokes go too far?"

"We've been delayed a lot, Remus, let's go to platform nine and three quarters." Tonks whispered in Lupine's ear.

"Do you need help, Tonks?" Pomona asked.

"No, I can do it myself." Lupine regained his composure, grabbed Tonks' hand, and apparated together.

"What are you doing?" Severus asked with a smile of interest while drinking coffee at No. 15 Guihua Street in the early morning.

"I'm thinking of Hermione's cat, Crookshanks." Pomona stroked the folded clothes in her arms, which its owner would never wear again, "That's really a nice cat, even though it's ugly. "

"Didn't you say it was a cat and raccoon?"

"It's a magical little thing, it can actually see an Animagus." Pomona put aside the old robe, "It stayed with Sirius for a whole year in Harry's third year. "

"That's Lupine's clothes?" he said, looking at the robe, wondering.

"He and Tonks moved out after they got married. He forgot about it when he left." Lupine, bitter memory, even the morning couldn't cheer him up, only Tonks could, he found new owner.

"Do you want to talk?" The Death Eater came over and sat down next to her.

"Hermione told me that she didn't want me to open a treasury for her. Sirius once told me that he was so rebellious because his parents gave him what he thought was good. What he wanted was not These."

"What are you thinking, what does Hermione want?" he asked tentatively.

"Help me find her parents, Severus, I know they're traveling the world, if you're not going to help me I'll find them myself."

"Have you asked her opinion?"

"No, but I want to give it to her as a Christmas present."

A dimple curled up at the corner of his mouth and gave her a big hug, "As you wish, my lady."

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