Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 163 The First Meal

Hermione Granger didn't leave.

Although she will ruthlessly abandon Harry and let him face the roar of the dragon alone, she will always have white moss on her body. If Harry is injured, she will bandage him as soon as possible. To be honest, Harry sometimes Being picked up by Snape was his own fault. Like his father James, he liked night travel, and the invisibility cloak made it even harder to find. His other two little friends, Hermione and Ron, didn't have this habit.

The castle at Hogwarts is very dangerous, especially in the second year, Hermione was once petrified by the basilisk, and she almost became the second crying Myrtle in the girls' toilet on the second floor. Myrtle was very unhappy before, crying and screaming at the slightest things, but she was much better after being transferred to the bathroom of the "male" prefect. Even a ghost is interested in the boy's "warm body". When the two of them were having fun and the herb professor was hugged by the potion professor from behind, Hermione happened to witness that scene, and her expression was quite exciting.

She has an excellent mind and is calm when things happen, but she tends to be in a hurry when encountering unexpected situations, but this panic and self-disorder are mainly due to Ron Weasley. In that situation just now, she continued to stay in that room not only could not help, but would even add to the chaos. Now that they have reconciled, she can chat with Professor Snape again.

Although Severus never stopped by the Order of the Phoenix headquarters, he was punctual for every meeting, and he would have a moment of free time before waiting for everyone else to arrive, which was when Hermione asked questions. She really didn't want to be pulled down by Harry and become his burden, so she worked very hard. In addition to potions, Slytherin's old bat is also a teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts. There are no defensive spells such as the Muggle Repelling Curse in textbooks. , had been taught to Hermione by Severus, and had come in handy during their Horcrux-destroying adventure.

Hermione's favorite is Charms, and Felix is ​​often chased by her. After the fifth grade, she stopped asking the half-goblin, but chased after Professor Snape. In the sixth grade, she and Harry In the advanced potions class, because of the old textbook of the half-blood prince, she was "beaten" by Harry, who was not very good at potions. She was very unconvinced, and it happened that the fool Weasley and Lavender were busy kissing. For the purpose of being able to confide and think about Ron, he deliberately agreed to attend Slughorn's Slug Club party with McLaggen.

McLaggen is the same egomaniac as Harry Potter's father, James. She regretted it after dating him once. Severus used the excuse of passing Dumbledore's message to Harry Potter at the party Looked for Hermione everywhere, led her away from the party, and found an excuse to punish McLaggen for a month of confinement.

He didn't like Miss Know-it-All raising her hands too enthusiastically in class, but it didn't mean he didn't like her. Looking at the back of Hermione and him talking in a low voice, Pomona really hoped that her daughter could be like Hermione.

"Professor, dinner is ready, should we eat in the kitchen?" Kreacher came over and asked.

"Thank you, Kreacher, for preparing dinner for us." Pomona stroked its bald forehead, and it immediately laughed.

"The hostess often praises that Kreacher cooks the best dishes among all the house elves. Unfortunately, I can't get in the Hogwarts kitchen. Today I invite you to taste Kreacher's cooking."

"You can cook?" Hermione yelled in surprise when she heard their conversation while she was busy.

Displeasure flashed across Kreacher's face, but he didn't call her a Mudblood anymore.

"He's the best of all the house-elves," said Pomona affectionately.

"Robby would be sad if he knew you said that."

"It's married, isn't it?" Pomona walked to the table and sat down next to him. "Sit down, Hermione, you can eat with us today."

Hermione looked at Kreacher with lingering fear, and Kreacher also stared at her. After a while, she leaned over the dining table to Pomona's ear and asked, "Will it add something to my food?"

It seems that she still has lingering fears about the box of maggots that Kreacher sent.

"Kreacher, do you add anything different to Hermione's food than what we eat?" Pomona asked.

"No." Kreacher said in a bullfrog voice with no expression on his face. "Kreacher serves Miss Granger as if she were a guest of honor."

"You heard what it said, sit down." Pomona put the snow-white napkin on her lap, and with the help of the house-elf, at least the two of them spent an afternoon tidying up the kitchen and dining room.

"Just like before." She looked around the small dining room, which was as clean and tidy as Molly's ever been.

"No, it's different from before." The person sitting next to her suddenly came up to her and kissed her with unexpected enthusiasm, Hermione was stunned.

This person is like a gray snake egg placed in an ice bucket. There is a fire-like enthusiasm under the cold appearance. Once the spell is lifted, it will start to burn violently, glow and heat.

It was still snowing outside the house, but she felt hot all over. Maybe what he gave her was not rune snake eggs, but fire ash snake eggs. Her mind was not stimulated to respond, but it was the same as taking a love potion A strong desire arose.

"I've wanted to do this a long time ago," he whispered on her lips. "You belong to me, not Sirius Black."

"When did Sirius cry?" Pomona looked at the half-blood prince in front of her. How could Sirius say that his fate was unfair in front of the kid in the slums.

"When he lost to me in the duel room and knew that you were with me." The Half-Blood Prince cried and laughed and said, "You chose me, and I almost made a mistake again."

"We all have moments of trance, don't we, Hermione?"

"Oh!" Hermione came back to her senses, the table was already full of food, just like the freshman banquet.

"Can I have another kiss before dinner?" Severus asked.

"Of course." She hooked his neck, pursed her lips and kissed again, this time she tasted soot.

Whether it is the ashes of the phoenix's nirvana, the ashes of sage for fortune-telling, the soot of cigarettes, or the pair of smoky eyes, she is her favorite.

There seemed to be a big black dog lying under the dining table, its fur was so soft that it tickled her calf, she opened her eyes and pushed Severus away, their enthusiasm was a bit too much, Hermione Gran Jay's face turned red with embarrassment.

After a full year of separation, the reunion night was nothing more than that, but they still remembered that they could no longer challenge the limit of the white wizard in the castle of Hogwarts, so they set up a tent in the Forbidden Forest.

Appropriately relieving stress is beneficial to physical and mental health, especially double-faced agents like Severus Snape, the brain will be overloaded when the pressure is too high, and the Death Eaters also used his godson Draco that year. Unleashed he would be overwhelmed quickly.

Love can make people happy, and temporarily forget the pain, especially for those who have been imprisoned in Azkaban for a long time, surrounded by despair and cold, he needs happy memories to fill his empty heart.

Sirius Black was once such a shining star, but he behaved like a stray dog. Albus Dumbledore ruined his life. He could be like the Death Eater Severus Snape To save Sirius, he did not betray Lily and James.

"I used to live with Wormtail in the house on Spinner's End, I think that's the saddest memory in my life." Severus panted as if he had run a long way, "Even if I really It may be the master, and I don't want him to be my servant."

Pomona looked at Hermione.

"I told the professor what we deduced in the office before, except for the three of us, he and Pete were the only adults present at that time who were still alive." Hermione said embarrassingly while eating pumpkin pie.

"How did you live with Wormtail?"

"The Dark Lord doesn't want to see him, he thinks he's too disgusting." Severus cut the steak in front of him blankly, "Let me deal with what he doesn't want, it's disgusting."

Pomona thought of Pete who had turned himself into a mouse and hid himself in the Weasleys' house for twelve years, but enjoyed the Merlin Medal, and suddenly lost his appetite.

It was that mouse that caused Sirius that star to suffer so badly, how could she kindly pick him up and take him home.

"Kreacher, come here." Pomona waved to the elf. "I think Hermione has a lot of questions for you."

"Yes, why did you leave Hogwarts?" An embarrassed Hermione asked immediately.

"I am the house elf of the Black family, and this is my home." Kreacher grabbed the locket around his neck, and looked at Pomona affectionately, "Professor, is what you said true? Regu Master Les is still alive?"

"It's very slim, almost equal to zero." Pomona looked into its bloodshot eyes and said, "Don't have any hope, maybe it's just my wild imagination."

"How did you get that idea?" Hermione asked sadly.

"Potions, Hermione, your second grade was petrified once, you didn't eat or drink for several months, your fourth grade sank to the bottom of the lake, and you didn't breathe for an hour, all because of the potions." Pomona sighed and grabbed the potion genius. "Can you repeat that opening line you said to the freshmen?"

"No." He said with a good-humoured smile.

"Why are you like this?"

"Because it makes me happy." Severus looked around the abandoned headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, which had already grown a lot of vixens. "Eating here feels better than I imagined."

"Is it because the haters aren't around?" Hermione asked.

"No, it's because it's finally quiet." He closed his eyes and let out a long sigh. "That's what I want."

Pomona and Hermione looked at each other.

"Where do Ginny and Harry live now?" Pomona asked Hermione.

"The Potter family's old house." Hermione said blankly, "Godric's Hollow is not as prosperous as London."

"Which floor do you live on?" Severus asked suddenly.

"I won't tell you." She said deadpan. "This will be Harry's home in the future. Put away the dirty thoughts in your head."

"We searched Sirius' room, it seems that he hasn't lived there since he left home, it's full of things he used when he was young, where does he live?" Hermione murmured in deep thought.

"Hermione Granger!" Pomona yelled, raising her voice, and Hermione recovered, but it was too late, and Severus Snape's face was as blue as iron again.

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