Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1616 frogu0026fog (4)

To renovate and renovate an old house, it is often necessary to remove the original decoration. At this time, the rotten and dilapidated house structure will be exposed after the surface is bright.

The traditional stone buildings in Paris during the period of Napoleon III are made of stone on the outside and wood on the inside. After more than a hundred years, some may have problems with the foundation, and some may have problems with the supporting columns, such as damp rot or termites. The house is bored, and the owner has two choices at this time—repair or tear down and rebuild.

There is no doubt that the Louvre will choose to restore, even if the cost of restoration is higher than that of reconstruction, the restoration process requires professionals to be carefully repaired a little bit. At this time, they will replace the original wooden structure with reinforced concrete. Anyway, most people outside the industry only look at the surface. As long as the appearance does not change, there will be no objection.

Other ancient buildings were not so lucky. They were directly demolished and rebuilt without budget and coincided with municipal projects such as subway construction. The Austerlitz railway station is the lucky one. Its station functions have been shared by five other Parisian railway stations, and the remaining vacant parts will be used for other purposes, such as anatomy and paleontology galleries. Yes, it is full of various animal skeleton specimens. These animal bones are not classified artificially like the human bones in the Catacombs of Paris. They are arranged in geometric shapes by the priest according to leg bones and skulls, but they basically maintain their appearance when they are alive, similar to the dinosaur skeletons in the British Museum. .

The cement provided by Pierre Blonniard is certainly not the kind of cheap concrete. This kind of high-grade cement does not require plastering, ceiling hanging, wallpapering and wall painting, and can be formed at one time, which is a relatively complicated project. , From the organization design, to the arrangement of construction and project supervision, strict control is required. Many architects in the world have a soft spot for fair-faced concrete. The stock exchange in France in the 18th century has been transformed into a gallery by artists, and this kind of fair-faced concrete is also used. Technology.

Forty-five-year-old Pierre Blonniard is also considered a minor celebrity in the art world, but the works of art he participates in are not paintings and sculptures, but the museum itself, and the cement he provides has a similar Bone-like bone gray, this color is like white paper, it will not interfere with the viewer's vision, and achieve the effect of highlighting the work itself.

Now the artist was "kidnapped" by Crimean to Goncey's home. Severus was sitting on the sofa opposite him. The weird boy who grew up in Spider's End alley in the past has grown into an adult. Because he has been the head of Slytherin for more than ten years, his demeanor has added a kind of aristocratic coercion, and no one can see his shabby appearance when he was wearing his mother's shirt in the past.

If he doesn't speak, no one will make a sound, even though this house belongs to Count Leroy, Pierre's forehead is covered with beads of sweat under this invisible coercion.

"Is it hot?" Severus asked softly.

"No..." Pierre said habitually.

Then Severus waved his wand lightly, and a cool breeze blew in the room immediately.

"How did you do that?" Severus lowered his wand.

"I didn't do it," Pierre said in accented English.

"What didn't you do?" Severus asked.

"I did not let the wind blow," said Pierre tremblingly.

"So, you admit that you lost the pawn?" Severus said in a drawn-out tone.

"Yes." Pierre replied firmly.

"Who told you to do that?" Severus asked.

"He won't let me tell you his name, but he wants me to bring you a message," said Pierre. "Would you like to hear?"

"Say it."

"As long as you are willing to give up, he can tell you where the 'treasures' are hidden, and they are enough for you to live like a king."

"What treasure?" asked Conseil.

"I don't know, I'm just in charge of delivering the letter." Pierre wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve.

There was another moment of silence in the living room.

"Do you know who you're serving?" Severus asked.

"I know," said Pierre.

"Speak up and listen."

"Some dangerous people."

"I can 'make a little joke' with you, you'd better not play tricks, Mr. Brunnier." Severus said slickly.

Pierre sneered and looked at Felix.

"I used to be like you." Pierre looked at Felix and said, "Then someone asked me on the street if I would like to change my destiny. I didn't choose to say no like everyone else, and then I became Me now."

"What price did you pay?" Felix asked.

"I have undergone a ligation operation, and I will not have my own children in the future." Pierre said, "In the future, the industry I run will be handed over to my 'nephew', just like my 'uncle' handed over his industry to I am the same, I have no relatives or friends, do you think the price I paid is worth it?"

"Isn't it too early to say this to a 13-year-old?" Conseil whispered.

"What do you think, boy?" Pierre asked, staring at Felix.

Felix didn't answer.

"How did you find me? I remember you didn't even notice me that day." Pierre turned to Severus again.

"Know what that is?" Severus motioned him to look at the Pensieve.

"I know." Pierre said, "When the Tsar entered Paris, he also searched for Napoleon's treasures everywhere, except for the oil paintings, which he robbed back from Italy."

"It clears things up, and we've had some pointers," Severus said. "I didn't think we'd find you. What else do you know?"

"I am an abandoned piece just like those pawns. Even if I die, there will be a dedicated team of lawyers to transfer the property under my name to the name of 'nephew'. My task is similar to that of a child who delivers a letter. Do you think I will How much do you know, sir?" Pierre finally asked in French.

"Are you French?" Severus asked.

"We all know that Prince Napoleon has a branch in the United States. Charles Bonaparte and I are classmates. We can both speak French fluently, but we are not French." Pierre said with a smile, "I say so." Are you satisfied?"

"Aren't you married?" Severus asked.

"You mean married to a French woman, no, but I was married to an American woman."

"Why did you break up?"

"She told me she was pregnant."

Conseil was drinking water when Pierre's words nearly choked him.

"You didn't tell her about your surgery?" Severus said with a smile.

"We were still children at that time." Pierre said helplessly.

"Can you leave the contact information of that law firm," Severus said.

Pierre asked Conseil for paper, and wrote down the lawyer's contact information on the paper with the gold pen he carried with him.

"Keep in touch," Severus said to Pierre, after letting Goncey collect the paper.

Well-dressed Pierre stood up.

"Divorce isn't the end of the world," Pierre said to Severus. "You see, I'm doing fine now?"

"I have my own judgment on whether a person's life is good or bad, Mr. Brunnier, since you think you are doing well, then I congratulate you." Severus said with a smirk.

A momentary astonishment appeared on Pierre's face.

"I'll take you back to work," Crimean said, and he apparated while grabbing Pierre's arm.

"Are you going to accept it?" asked Conseil, "and there is definitely a fortune hidden in that."

"Alexander I should have transferred the wealth in the treasury to other places before Napoleon invaded Moscow. It's not worth it." Severus said decisively and resolutely, "When Crimea comes back, we will go Get that lawyer."

"Can you take the key first?" Felix begged.

"I'll go," said Conseil. "I know the place."

Severus didn't speak, and Gonseil took it for his acquiescence, pointed his wand at the fireplace, and flooed out of the living room.

"Am I an outcast to you too?" Felix asked Severus.

Severus sneered, "I'm worse than an abandoned child. I'm a piece of toilet paper for wiping my nose. Someone dirty me to make myself clean and then threw me away after using it. The white wizard has a hobby of transforming people. He always wanted to Can turn a Slytherin into a Gryffindor, Sirius Black's whole family is Slytherin, and he got into Gryffindor house."

"Then he succeeded?"

"Black entered Azkaban, and then I became his target, but I was still a Slytherin after all, he was extremely disappointed, but what disappointed him even more was Pomona, because she slept with me Together." Severus said with a triumphant smile, "He disgusts me, and Sirius Black is a better choice than me, but it's a pity that Black was killed by his kind godson."

"Why does he think Sirius Black is better than you?" Felix asked puzzled.

"Handsome, rich and easy to control, Blake tried to murder me when he was studying, but unfortunately he failed. In the eyes of him and James Potter, I am the real 'Mudblood'."

"Because of your humble origins?" Felix asked.

"Because I'm poor and ugly, my mother is also an aristocrat, and Lily's parents are just commoners."

"Lily's a girl," Felix said. "Girls are always different."

"That's right, they always put on airs in front of girls, but they don't show their true colors in front of boys." Severus smiled sarcastically. "Do you think Gryffindor is an academy for warriors?"

Felix shook his head. "That sounds like an academy for a simple-minded person."

Severus laughed.

Then Crimean returned.

"What's so funny?" he asked with interest.

"You remember the Oblivion Curse on Pierre?" Severus said with a smile. "Be careful not to violate the International Statute of Secrecy."

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