Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1615 frogu0026fog (3)

After the Revolutionary War, both the American people and the government fell into a serious debt crisis.

Slavery distorts the normal class division. The normal class in capitalist society is based on the amount of means of production and wealth that a person has, but in the United States it is based on the number of slaves. For slave owners in the American South, slaves are both means of production and wealth. It is profitable capital again.

The Portuguese used this model in the 18th century. The faster the slaves died, the more demand there would be for agricultural estates. The slave ships used trade goods as collateral, loaned on credit, and then went to the slave market to meet For those slave hunters, once the slaves arrived in Brazil, credit became the driving force again. Often the agricultural estates would have a lot of debts, and the plantation owners had to continue to buy slaves to produce sugar, cotton, tobacco, etc. to repay the previous loans.

Whipping these are still trivial matters, mainly because slave owners will not spend money to treat slaves when they are sick, and let them die, because the money spent to treat a slave may be more expensive than buying a new one.

How can people not get sick? How can a man feel sick when he is strong? The heart level of a sovereign country is not based on the actual wealth of the country, but on the country's repayment ability, gross product value, foreign trade and other conditions. The UK has to pay back the money it borrowed, so its credit rating is high. The US also spent money in the War of Independence. At present, its gross production value is completely maintained by agriculture, that is, planters in the south.

With the end of the War of Independence, it came to the stage of dividing property. At that time, the United States signed a "Peace Treaty" with Britain, which was a little different from the "Treaty of Paris" signed by Louis XVI. Henry Lawrence stated in the seventh clause of the treaty There was a ban on the British "removing any slaves or other property" after the war. This clause was proposed by the slave owners, which meant that the British should return the slaves who escaped to the British territories during the war, or pay compensation, while the British claimed that the former slaves were freed after crossing the British border.

Slaves = money. The more slaves a slave owner owns, the richer he is. Large plantation owners have huge wealth and political power. Small and medium slave owners are self-cultivated farmers. Most ordinary people who are not slave owners have an underground economic status. The slave owners group spanned the upper and middle levels of American society. Ordinary non-slave owners would not be equal to slaves and then incite them to rebel. They would work hard as advocated by the American spirit and strive to become slave owners themselves.

Wealth, status, prestige, and future prosperity are all based on slavery. The direction of social mobility is to expand wealth and improve social status through slavery. The elite, such as lawyers, teachers, doctors, and government officials, do not care about their own Whether they hold slaves or not, they all want to provide services for the slave-owning class. Interests drive lawyers to serve the slave-owner’s property and will, bankers provide funds for the purchase of slaves, and the middle class in cities and towns join the camp of slave-owners, and even And there were priests who preached to slaves and slave owners that slavery was legal.

Compared with this group of people, speculators who resell national debt are the black sheep.

There is also a man named Hamilton in the United States, Alexander Hamilton. This man was the first Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. He was George Washington's aide-de-camp and the founder of the Central Bank of the United States, but he was a staunch abolitionist.

There are many ways to interpret Article 7 of the "Peace Treaty". For example, if a slave has escaped to an area controlled by the Commonwealth and became a free man, should he be caught when he returns to the United States to visit his relatives, and then again What about being a slave?

When he came back to visit relatives, he not only came to see the house, but also took away the wife and children at home, so that they could also obtain free status. If the free slave gave the slave owner compensation, then there might be some hope, but if the slave owner If the lion opens his mouth, or does not give any compensation to the slave owner, and takes away the slave owner's "property" as a husband and father, then the slave can only become "Django Unchained" and take away the slave owner's family. Exterminate the family, and then take away his wife and children.

Otherwise, the free slave will be captured and enslaved again by the slave owner and his thugs. In 1785, New York established an "Association for the Promotion of Slave Emancipation" to protect those freed slaves from being enslaved again. Fate, the slave owners at that time were so bad that they kidnapped dark-skinned free people on the streets of New York and took them to the point where they were sold in the slave market.

Henry Petty’s abolition of slavery was not based solely on morality, and even the loans of the United States would become a problem. The United States has actually gone bankrupt. The major stock exchanges and investors in Europe are very suspicious of the creditworthiness of the United States. Selling U.S. bonds at prices worth their value.

With the federal treasury empty and with no money left to pay debts or build America's overseas credit, creditors abroad would not, if domestic creditors were patient, and Hamilton argued that if the federal states could not unite, sooner or later domestic creditors would Start selling treasury bonds. As for counting on the 13 states to "voluntarily" pay taxes, let alone expect it. The American Revolutionary War broke out because they did not want to continue to pay taxes to the United Kingdom. The final result was that riots broke out in Massachusetts in 1786. Thousands of people Indebted farmers protested skyrocketing taxes and the foreclosure of their land.

Massachusetts is the fiefdom of the British king, and trading there requires the king's charter. When the "Paris Peace Treaty" was signed, the British king and his heirs gave up the rule of Massachusetts.

Compared with the southern plantations, slaves in Massachusetts were mainly domestic slaves. Generally speaking, because of the trade blockade during the war and the excessive issuance of banknotes by the Continental Congress, the War of Independence dealt a heavy blow to New England, which was dominated by industry and commerce. After the war It didn't get any better. In Puritan thinking, the family was the foundation of social life and the basic factor of social stability, and slaves were part of family members, not just protected economic investments. The mother of each family provided unpaid services to the family, slaves ate and lived with their owners, were cared for when sick as part of the family, and central and northern slaves worked with their owners.

This makes it easy for slave owners and slaves to develop feelings in the process of getting along. The slave owners also feel empathy for the situation of the slaves, and the bondage of the slaves is relatively gentle. Slavery came to an end in Massachusetts by punishing slaves for their intrinsic benefits.

This also led to Massachusetts becoming the most indebted state in the United States.

Sheth also participated in the War of Independence, and returned home to farm after the war. Massachusetts was the hardest hit area of ​​the economic depression. The state's agricultural products were seriously unsalable, but the state government increased taxes. Many farmers had to go to jail or mortgage themselves because they could not pay taxes. soil of.

The input of money is necessary to activate the economy, but coins need to be made of precious metals. Relatively speaking, banknotes can be printed in large quantities. Farmers in western Massachusetts put forward relief payments, postponement of debt repayments, and the abolition of debt imprisonment, but all were rejected. The governor refused.

So after the autumn harvest in 1786, Shays, who had rich experience in war, launched an armed rebellion. They still followed the method in 1776, pinned the pattern of hemlock branches on their hats, and started the "War of Independence" within the United States.

In 1787, the Shays Uprising was quelled. At that time, the uprising army grew to 15,000 people. It once occupied the city and destroyed the court. This uprising impacted the rule of the federal government and promoted the adoption of the 1787 Constitution.

In fact, the banknotes issued by the Continental Congress have long lost their role as currency due to severe depreciation. The problem is that Massachusetts doesn’t even have banknotes. Civilized society can’t use the same way of bartering as the Indians did when they interacted, right?

The slave trade is not as simple as human trafficking. If a slave trader is willing to open a trading company to sell the sugar, cotton, and tobacco provided by the plantation owners, he can also make money. A slave bought for $50 in Africa can be bought for $400 in America. Selling, some slave owners don’t have that much cash, so they exchange it in kind. Cane sugar is very popular in countries without tropical colonies, and the price will rise. Generally speaking, the slave trade can make them 100% to 1000% profitable, even if it is transported There will be "loss" on the way, and as long as one of the three slave ships reaches America, they can get huge profits.

These losses usually refer to shipwrecks and plagues. With this primitive capital accumulation process, some slave traders began to specialize. This is how the famous British steel tycoon Anthony Bacon started his business.

Who doesn't want to be a kind and lovely, pure and noble person?

Georgiana really envied Lily, who could die before knowing the evils of this world.

But she is still alive, living in the memory of Severus Snape, she is still the beautiful girl with red hair, green eyes, who can use magic to make daisies bloom.

At this moment, the door was suddenly opened without a sound, and a person came in from behind the door, and she saw the medal on his chest from a long distance away.

"Why haven't you slept yet?" Leon asked.

"Look at the information, Dumont gave it to me, do you want to read it?"



He walked to the desk, stretched out his beautiful hand and casually flipped through the document, then dragged her up and walked towards the bed.

"Sleep, this is an order." He said after tucking her into the quilt.

"What about you?" she said lying on the bed.

"I have to find someone who understands English and read those materials to me." After speaking, he turned and left.

Georgiana grabbed him by the sleeve.

"Lie down with me for a while, and you can leave when I fall asleep." She said softly.

Leon agreed easily, dressed neatly, and hugged her through the quilt.

"Shall I sing to coax you?" he teased.

"Then I won't be able to sleep even more." She also said with a smile, and then closed her eyes. "Good night, my lion."

"Good night, princess, have a good dream." He kissed her forehead, then patted her gently, coaxing her to sleep like a child.

What's even weirder is that she was able to sleep after reading such a terrifying document, and soon she fell into darkness.

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