Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1617 frogu0026fog (five)

For competitive people, nothing is more difficult than keeping victory in moderation.

After the War of Independence, the United States has been trying to establish its own manufacturing industry and get rid of the status of an agricultural country, but it is impossible for Britain to give them that opportunity.

In the words of Napoleon privately to Gaston Martin, the so-called free trade of Britain is nothing more than, through protectionism and restrictions on navigation, pushing its own manufacturing industry to a level that no one can compete with in free competition. After reaching this level, it is justifiable to ask other countries to open their markets and spread the benefits of free trade to those countries. It's like getting on the roof, but pulling out the ladder. No matter how much the people standing on the ground jump, they can't exceed the height of Britain. After gaining economic hegemony, they build more warships and gain greater maritime hegemony.

In 1760, a ship surveying association was established in London. This is a non-governmental organization that maintains technical standards for the construction and operation of ships and offshore facilities. Its usual job is to ensure that the navigation equipment meets the specifications by supervising ship construction and regular inspections. Those who pass are given corresponding certificates. , to ensure the smooth progress of maritime activities.

The convenience of having the certificate issued by this association is that it is convenient for shipowners to buy insurance. Shipping insurance is an indispensable insurance item in the shipping process. In the 19th century, there were not only Berber pirates, but also privateers, and shipwrecks. It also often happens that no one will insure a broken or leaky ship.

Whether the ship conforms to the standard should be determined by the engineers and technical committee members of the "British" Royal Ship and Design and Manufacturing Association. Even if the French-built ship meets the standard, as long as these people judge that it is not allowed, it will be difficult for French shipowners and cargo owners to buy. to insurance.

This is not a big deal. This organization also supervises the construction of offshore facilities. Offshore means that shipping ships leave the port. At this time, some floats and lighthouses are needed to remind sailors to be careful of reefs and eddies. This is also to protect the safety of shipping in theory. .

However, some lighthouses can combine the functions of turrets and bunkers, and they are still ordinary towers in appearance.

The U.S. Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton established the U.S. Customs. Customs tax is an important income for a country. Smuggling was popular when the British ruled the Americas. It was regarded as a "just cause" at that time. Now the United States is independent. It's time to pay taxes.

This is of course impossible, especially on the east coast, where smuggling is so rampant that customs duties are unbelievably low, so Hamilton told a reporter that he planned to set up a patrol fleet, not only to escort merchant ships, but also to strictly investigate smuggling.

Hamilton believed that in the U.S. public credit system, a basic principle runs through, that is, debt-raising measures should go hand in hand with debt-clearing means, and tax and postal revenues will be injected into the fund storage pool.

The lighthouse will remind the direction of the port for ships coming and going, but sometimes the smugglers ignore the advice and will use the moonlight to stop at a distance from the lighthouse near the sea, and then the smugglers on the shore will row the smuggled goods away in small boats.

Sometimes in foggy weather, even in the daytime, the lighthouse will be lit, and the insurance companies have various reasons for refusing claims. In addition, there are standards for navigation platforms and buoys. Hamilton designed a navigation system along the Atlantic coast. And it has the power to review these navigation equipment contracts. There are many voices in the United States about the "Jay Treaty". There are pros and cons. During the presidential election, Hamilton, Jefferson, and Jay were all popular candidates. Yes, it helped Hamilton a lot by getting it through, while the current president, Jefferson, was less enthusiastic about the Jay Treaty. In the process of supporting the treaty, the Federalists’ greatest resource was George Washington, and Jefferson was a Republican. The Republican media had intentionally or unintentionally linked the President’s executive branch with the British Monarchy. Some reporters even said that Washington was Wants to promote himself as king through the Jay Treaty.

In short, joining this association has more disadvantages than advantages for internationalization. Napoleon didn't even read the documents Georgiana put on the table. This involves the "central issue" of Napoleon's diplomacy.

The rail system is vast and complex, transporting armies and facilitating the exchange of food and goods, and it's not just a matter of local governments. Frederick the Great believed that the more developed a country's transportation, the easier it would be for the country to be occupied. There are coal mines and steel in northern France, which has a strong industrial foundation.

Although the French industry is more than a little worse than that of England at this stage, establishing a unified and orderly railway system can become part of Napoleon's "continental system" and even a part of diplomatic means. Without this advantage, unless England abandons the natural danger of the English Channel now, digs an undersea tunnel, and establishes a connection with the European continent.

That was what Napoleon Bonaparte had been waiting for.

This is how the butcher knife of civilization is wielded. While establishing a new order, the old order is also being destroyed. When the core problem that restricts railways-the technical problem of steam engines is solved, the horse-drawn railway will gradually withdraw from the stage of the transportation industry. However, in the field army, at least before the invention of automobiles and internal combustion engines, horse-drawn carriages are still very useful.

This time Napoleon came to Rouen to discuss these matters. As long as there is no steam engine, the Northern Railway will not be repaired for the time being, and the inland water transportation in Rouen will not be affected.

As for what the British Steel Group wants to do, many people know that the fragile French industry needs tariff protection, and many businessmen in Rouen hope to restore the low tariffs of 1789. Gaston Martin is worried that the hot-tempered Bonaparte will fight against The confidential officials of the Rouen government quarreled.

Some things are difficult to explain clearly. The Enlightenment thinker Montesquieu said: Paying taxes is to use part of the money to protect another part of the money.

There are not many businessmen who can figure it out. Tax evasion and tax avoidance are the business rules throughout the ages.

Business needs order, and speculators like chaos. At present, speculators are everywhere in the United States.

The national debt of the United States in the early days of the founding of the United States was almost a piece of scrap paper in Europe, and it was sold everywhere. However, with a series of policies of Alexander Hamilton, the national debt of the United States gradually improved, but those farmers who bought the national debt in the early days did not know it.

In order to know the content of the "Public Credit Report" about the economic plan in Hamilton's mind, speculators tried their best to find out. Farmers sold their bonds at the reserve price, and securities dealers bought them. It didn't take long for government bonds and bank stocks to rise in price because of credit support. In Jefferson's words, the wealth of true patriots was being cheated by these The excessive exaggeration of speculation disgusts all citizens, and the crazy atmosphere hurts the government and the entire public credit system.

This financing method has brought a wide range of social benefits, but it also distorts the value orientation of some people. The new bank is becoming a money-making machine. A monster is being awakened. The terrible thing is that no one can stop it. Wealth is being concentrated in the hands of some people at an extremely fast speed. These people have money but refuse to pay taxes. Not only is the federal government unable to pay the huge arrears of the Revolutionary War, Hamilton's report on manufacturing is only on paper.

More time, members of Congress are keen on infighting. Manufacturing is not mentioned in the Constitution of the United States, which is also a goal of the government. If Hamilton's plan is passed, then Hamilton will gain more power than the Bank Act. At breakfast, Jefferson mentioned this plan to Hamilton, which he feared was a loosening of powers by Hamilton under the guise of encouraging manufacturing.

Jefferson feared that the United States of America would become an autocratic government like the French First Republic, and the customs business gave Hamilton incredible influence in the US monetary system, because of the amazing amount of gold and silver that flowed through his hands.

The disgust and resistance to taxation has penetrated into the bones of Americans. Resistance to the corrupt British government’s excessive taxation is one of the root causes of the outbreak of the War of Independence. The other is the debt problem. The southern slave states have money, and they not only bear the main burden Debts, and paid off, Madison believed that "in the case of each doing their part," the South should not share the debts of those states that did not do their part, which was unfair to them.

Prior to this, Congress voted to treat creditors differently. Jefferson hated those speculators very much. He believed that they used fraudulent means to obtain creditor's rights from true patriots and thus became creditors of the government. Hamilton's financing plan would Let these people be followers of Hamilton.

Compared with these two issues, whether the capital is New York or Washington is a small issue.

"Jefferson always thought of himself as a simple, down-to-earth man, a man unaffected by outside influences, but that was not who he really was," says Gaston Martin. Debts, his slaves in America had to pay for the French furniture, clothing, books and paintings, and he also got to know a British female painter, Mrs Cosway."

"They have..."

"It's not the two of them. It's Angelica Church. I heard that both Hamilton and Jefferson were obsessed with her." Mr. Martin said with a smile, "I believe there will be a good show on Capitol Hill soon."

Georgiana shook her head helplessly, "People will not be loyal to those who cannot protect themselves and are unable to correct their mistakes."

"That's what the Führer said too?" Gaston Martin asked.

Georgiana was about to say no, but Machiavelli said so.

But she didn't explain it, because people don't worship a grassroots.

"Louis XVI could neither protect himself nor correct his mistakes. No wonder he lost people's loyalty." Martin whispered.

"Not everyone, there are still nobles who are loyal to him." Georgiana corrected, "Based on love."

"He's a good man, but a bad king," Martin said. "What have we got from the Revolutionary War?"

"Opportunity." Georgiana said with a smile, "an opportunity to overthrow the old order and establish a new one."

"You still don't want the Führer to wear the crown?" Martin asked.

"It's easy for him to wear the crown, but it's hard to stay in the Tuileries." Georgiana put down the knife and fork, indicating that she had finished the breakfast. "Come on, Mr. Martin, let's go for a walk, while Walking and talking helps brain activity, people are often wised up by seeing the dangers of their neighbors, but not by the dangers they face themselves, it's time for us to take a look at ourselves."

"Yes, Ms. Sevres." Gaston Martin stood up and said, and he accompanied her to leave the magnificent dining room and go for a walk in the small garden of the castle.

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