Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1612 God Abandoned Son (15)

After the fog, looking at Rouen from the city walls, it was like being in London, at least in the eyes of M. Dumont.

He is a typical British gentleman, and he told Georgiana what he had seen and heard during his travels. When talking about Naples, he suddenly remembered something, and took out a black velvet bag from his jacket pocket and handed it to Georgiana.

"What's this?" Georgiana asked as she opened it.

"Gifts for you," said Mr. Dumont cheerfully, "although they are not as expensive as the ones Mr. Monroe gave you."

Georgiana opened the pocket, and by the light of the full moon, she found a very old compass and a small black female sculpture.

"This was found in the ancient city of Pompeii." Mr. Dumont said, "The compass two thousand years ago is not much different from the one we use now. The basalt sculpture is the weight used by the Pompeii. If you look carefully, you will find her ears. There are hoop earrings made of grain, which can be used to pass through the hemp rope, and can also represent the goddess Astemia."

"It's impressive." Georgiana couldn't help looking at the small sculpture.

Astromea is the daughter of the goddess Themis. The sculpture of Themis can often be seen at the gate of the court, that is, the woman with her eyes blindfolded and holding a sword and a scale in her hand.

Themis is in charge of the fairness of the heavens, and Astemia is in charge of the fairness of the human world. She also has a sword and a scale in her hand, but it is used to weigh grain, meaning the goddess of fair trade.

Although these things are everyday items, even after thousands of years, they were found in the ancient city of Pompeii, they are still far less valuable than Cleopatra's rare pearls, but Georgiana still does not want to accept them.

How can fair trade be so easy, and now is a sensitive period.

"It was discovered by Emma's husband, Sir Hamilton, who was a frequent visitor to Pompeii when he was an ambassador in Naples, and Emma often accompanied him." Dumont said, "When I saw them together, I couldn't believe them. They are husband and wife. Sir Hamilton is a collector. He married her into his house as if he were collecting a wonderful work of art, and he showed her to the high society in Naples as if he wanted to show off his collection. You know the Mediterranean Is 'living painting' very popular in the area?"

"I haven't heard of it." Georgiana said tremblingly.

"She will be dressed in the same way as in those famous paintings for Sir Hamilton and his guests to enjoy, and she can speak fluent Italian and French, plus her lively nature, the whole high society of Naples is very fond of her, even including Queen of Naples, Marie Antoinette's sister Maria Carolina, the Austrian princess who swore to avenge her sister and brother-in-law. I have never seen a woman as dangerous as her, she is like a nemesis , she had said in front of Emma that she would make Naples a match that would light a prairie fire even though the match always burned out first, and she had instilled this hatred in her daughter and son, to make them Married to the Spanish royal family, we removed Sir Hamilton from Naples not only because of Nelson, but also because Sir Hamilton, who loved art, could hardly cope with the future situation."

"Who will be the new Naples ambassador?" Georgiana asked.

"I heard that you also dressed up as the characters in the painting for His Excellency Bonaparte's appreciation. This is what your husband taught you?" Dumont asked.

"No." Georgiana said with some displeasure.

"Then where did you learn it?"

"No one taught me, I thought of it myself." Georgiana said, "It originated from a poem by Shakespeare. Napoleoni used to think that Shakespeare was nothing special."

Dumont raised his eyebrows in surprise, but he tried his best to hide his smile and asked, "Excuse me, can you tell me which poem it is?"

"You can read Shakespeare yourself," said Georgiana stiffly.

"I heard that Napoleon used to like the poetry of Ossian of Scotland. Did he read it to you?" asked Dumont.

"No," said Georgiana dryly, but he did tell her about Shakespeare.

"That's terrible."

"What's wrong?"

"I thought you would bring him creative inspiration instead of spending energy on planning wars."

"I'm not that great," said Georgiana dryly.

"No, do you know how much British steel companies miss the days of zero tariffs? Emma and Nelson didn't get together as soon as they met. In 1798, in order to prevent Napoleon from continuing his expedition to Egypt, after the naval battle of Aboukir, Nelson He once recuperated in Naples. Because of the loss of his right eye and arm, Nelson’s life was affected to a certain extent. Emma took care of him for a while. Nelson was also a commoner, because he was indifferent to his wife because he was away all the year round. His care for Emma The care is very grateful, and the sincere respect and love for her made Emma, ​​who was abandoned by her lover and regarded as a collection by her husband, aroused love in her heart. Although Stone lovers and mistresses are very common in the upper class, married men and women Cohabitation is intolerable, even playboys will be accused of moral depravity, His Majesty the King is very strict in this regard, not only his own sister, but even Nelson can hardly tolerate it, and it coincides with the resignation of William Pitt Jr. Their political opponents took this opportunity to use newspapers to attack him. For the public, they are more willing to attack Emma, ​​and those newspapers that attack you are bribed by those steel tycoons. You are now Cleopatra of England Terra."

Georgiana stopped in her tracks.

"The jingling of gold coins and the sudden end of bad words are Rothschild's family motto." Dumont said, "I heard that you met Fox some time ago."


"He seems to have said a lot."

Georgiana nodded.

"May I know what he said?" Dumont murmured, though Georgiana's maids were standing at a distance.

"Why don't you just ask him?" Georgiana said.

"Because Henry Petty was a friend of William Pitt Jr.," said Dumont. "The relationship between Senator Pitt and Fox is very delicate now."

Georgiana hesitated and said, "He told me about soda and Joseph Priestley."

"How do you understand that?" Dumont asked.

She bit her lip, stared at Dumont, and then said, "If I want to leave Europe like Joseph Priestley and settle in the United States, I can't treat the United States too much, otherwise the world will hardly have a place for me .”

Dumont breathed a sigh of relief, "You think you can't go back to your country?"

"Princess Caroline was rejected by King George. She is still his own sister. France is much more open than England in this regard. As long as I am not as extravagant and wasteful as Louis XV's mistress..."

"The old Marquis believes that land is the mother of wealth." Dumont interrupted Georgiana, "Do you understand what this means?"

Georgiana looked at him in amazement.

"Charles Fox believes that the United States can no longer take it back, but quite a few people in Congress still believe that America can take it back. Do you know how Americans solve their property problems now?"

Georgiana shook her head.

"National debt, their collateral is slaves, these 'people' can not only become the agricultural labor force of the New World, but also can balance the balance of payments, when a slave owner is insolvent, he can sell those slaves for wealth, avoiding a lot financial conflict."

"I thought we were talking about something interesting." Georgiana said blankly.

"The abolition of slavery is not only a moral movement, Georgiana, but also economics and politics. You can see that the lord is not just planning to inherit the title of Marquis. A mediocre person after entering the Privy Council. Since you have made Napoleon like it Shakespeare, can he also..."

"Oh I see!"


Georgiana remembered the reason why Napoleon was so calm after she sang that beautiful hymn.

Because John Newton is still alive now, and he was a priest dedicated to freeing slaves.

"This is a complicated question." Georgiana said calmly, "Let's talk about Nelson and Emma. Does she still perform live paintings for him now?"

"Can you tell me which poem made Napoleon fall in love with Shakespeare?"

"Secret." She said with a relaxed smile, then opened her arms and continued to sing the song of grace on the city wall.

Sometimes it is not the parents who abandon their children, but the children who leave their parents, just like the young son in the Bible who separated his family and took his wealth to live a luxurious life far away. His father still welcomes him back, but unfortunately he You don't want to go home until you become a pig herding slave. Is this kind of younger brother forgiven in the eyes of the elder brother?

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