Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1611 God Abandoned Son (14)

If we talk about the most obvious landmarks in France, I believe that most people will choose the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame and the Louvre, and very few people will choose the Bastille Square, but Lyle Meyer is so Taking an unusual path, he asked Nadia to take Felix Young to the entrance of the Bastille Theater, leaving a message to the waiter in a nearby cafe as he left, if Severus remembered to look for the lost Children go there to find it.

Felix, who originally planned to have a good time in Paris with a few hundred euros in his pocket, had no choice but to accept this arrangement, because Severus was pressed for time and couldn't delay too long, but he only waited at the entrance of the theater for about ten minutes I ran to the scenic spots to go shopping.

Although it is said that the Bastille has been demolished a long time ago, there are still some cornerstones left. They were discovered when the Paris Metro was being built. There is a Korean barbecue restaurant built on it. If it wasn't for the tour guide's introduction, it would be impossible for independent tourists to find this place.

Fortunately, Felix returned to the entrance of the opera house after looking around, otherwise Severus might have to go to the radio to find someone like those parents whose children got lost.

Although it took some small twists and turns, he managed to find Felix relatively safely, and then the two returned to Gongseil's house together. At this time, Crimean was already waiting for them in the living room, and Gong Sey's desk is also covered with a map of Paris.

"Have you gone to a barbecue?" Conseil asked.

Severus grimaced and didn't answer, pouring himself a glass of wine.

"We're going to the Place de la Bastille," cried Félix, and both Conseil and Crimian changed countenances.

"You dug up the July pole?!" Conseil was the first to ask impatiently.

"What?" Felix asked inexplicably.

"No." Severus said, "I'm not going to tear down the symbol of freedom and the spread of light in France in broad daylight for an urban legend."

"The sirens have not sounded." Crimean reassured Conseil. "It's a good sign."

Conseil's expression was very complicated.

"What were you talking about?" Severus asked.

"Why did he choose the cemetery of Père Lachaise instead of the Invalides as the center of the circle?" Crimean said, "Also, we checked the records, and the Pope wrote to Napoleon on November 13th, not November 3rd. He only read it on January 7, 1806."

"I can't believe it," whispered Conseil, "that the Pope's letter has become a secondary matter."

"That's because we are no longer in the dark Middle Ages. If we were to change to that era, the king would have to put down other affairs of state and even personally lead troops to serve the Pope." Severus said with a stiff face.

"He also led the troops himself," said Gonseil. ""The Battle of Austerlitz is the famous Battle of the Three Emperors.

"Have you said enough?" Severus said aggressively.

"If Napoleon died on November 13, who is the one we remember alive?" Crimean said.


"People in that world think Napoleon is not dead, right?" Crimean asked again, "Just imagine, if Napoleon died in the Battle of Marengo, what would the world be like?"

"Know yourself." Gong Saiyi said helplessly, "We must first determine whether we are really alive or just like the people in that world, just his memory."

"That's ridiculous," Felix yelled.

"Why does the Pope make such a judgment?" said Conseil, slapping the table. "What is his basis?"

"Because the battlefield is dangerous?" Crimean asked uncertainly.

"Not bad," Severus teased. "Is that how you talk to people, Mr. Sphinx?"

"I thought the sphinx was only female," said Gonceil with a smirk.

"Shut up!" Crimian yelled in a bad temper.

"You adults are crazy." Felix looked at them and said, "What is there to discuss?"

"Napoleon is a master chess player. You have to see through his moves before acting, otherwise you will fall into his trap and be led by his nose." Gonseil pointed to Severus, "This guy is one of them, otherwise you Why do you think Archduke Charles is so afraid of him, and wants Austria and the Tsar to conquest himself?"

"Not all Muggles are the same as the ones you met on the street before." Crimean said calmly, "Grindelwald's vain attempt to rule the world with magic will not work."

"And your power too," Severus said.

Felix was so dissatisfied that he sat on the sofa.

"Let me put the pensieve here," said Goncey. "It will be useful for us to sort out the memory of that day in the Louvre later."

Severus had placed the Pensieve in the shapeshifting lizard pocket in the Conseil's living room.

"The Battle of Austerlitz took place in winter, and you said he was caught in an avalanche?" Crimean said.

"I just hope so." Severus said, "Napoleon has been marching in the mountains and forests during that time, no one knows his whereabouts, and Mia may be misjudged as dead."

"I'm trying to find those letters," said Gonseil. "They should be in the archives."

"The Pope actually gave Napoleon a sculpture to decorate his tomb." Krimian said incredulously.

"What sculpture?" asked Conseil.

This time no one answered.

"These two things can't be confused," Severus said, "just as the moon orbiting the earth and the heliocentric theory have nothing to do with each other. They are two isolated events. Moving a sculpture to that place is not the same as writing a letter from the Pope. .”

"I still think we should go to the archives," Gonceil said. "Evidence speaks for itself."

"Let me put it this way, Napoleon didn't choose the tomb at Les Invalides himself, but Louis XVIII chose it for him." Severus said, "Perhaps Napoleon made the Père Lachaise cemetery so beautiful because he hoped that he would also like it after his death." Buried there, there is a kind of bird that likes to squeeze out other people's eggs and lay its own eggs in other people's nests. The Lestrange family cemetery is magnificent. I don't believe it was built by wizards. Just like the Hogwarts railway, it was built by Muggle workers, and then the wizard used a concealment spell to hide it, and used a collective forgetting spell on the people involved in the construction to forget about this place, but Muggles can still Go in, I remember a Muggle named Jacob entered the venue."

"Why did they do that?" asked Conseil.

Severus glanced at Felix, and then said, "The opera house can also be regarded as a gladiatorial arena. Letting Muggles in can chase them down for fun. This is the entertainment method of pure-blood nobles."

There was another silence.

"It's a good thing my father doesn't intend to stay with them any longer," Conseil murmured. "Crazy."

"So, the Lestrange family cemetery is actually a cemetery built by Napoleon for himself and his family, but it was taken by the Lestrange family?" Crimian said.

"We saw a lot of urns." Severus said, "If you want to move the tomb, what is more suitable than ashes? What's more, after Napoleon abdicated in 1814, he probably didn't care about the cemetery. His coffin was moved back to Paris." It will be decades later, and Louis XVIII will not know his plan for his death, so he will be buried in the cathedral of Les Invalides according to the emperor's specifications."

"But Napoleon III probably knew," said Crimian, "and he remodeled Paris later on."

"But at that time, the Lestrange family had already taken that cemetery as their own." Gonceil said, "Without Napoleon, all Muggles are like ants in the eyes of the pure-blood nobles headed by the Lestrange family." .”

"It's common sense that magic can't bring people back from the dead," Severus said, "until the Dark Lord was resurrected, but by then the Lestrange family in France would have disappeared."

"Then what does that mean?" Felix said impatiently. "There's no point in discussing it."

"Napoleon was a forward-thinking guy, maybe he was doing an experiment to see if he could come back from the dead, and I'm sure he'd have burial objects too, even if his coffin wasn't in that cemetery, the burial objects were already in the It's inside." Severus said, "That Pensieve, among other things, is the cemetery that Grindelwald left after casting that black magic of fire."

"That's why her sculpture is in that cemetery," Krimian said. "He wanted her to be buried with him."

"It's logical," said Conseil with difficulty, "but I still can't believe it."

"The most famous sculptor in the Napoleonic era was Canova. Is it possible that Canova carved the statue?" Krimian asked.

"Stop asking people questions, Sphinx," Severus hissed.

"That solves it. Canova asked for art for the church, and also worked for Napoleon. At the same time, he also worked for the Tsar. There is a sculpture of Canova in the Louvre, which he brought back from Russia, 1812 After failing to attack Moscow in 1999, Napoleon was forced to retreat. He knew that the ancient weapons, cannons, treasures in the Kremlin, and the cross of Ivan the Great he had looted in Moscow could not be taken away, so he ordered them to be taken away. Sinking into the lake of Samliob, but he still brought back the work of a living sculptor." Crimean said somewhat tit-for-tat, "The Russians wanted to find this treasure, but the treasure's His whereabouts are still unknown.”

"Is it possible that this is what the priest wanted?" Gonseil asked Severus. "He wanted the Russian national treasure that Napoleon took from him."

Severus said nothing, as if lost in thought.

After a while, he said, "Before we left Venice, the kid named Gianluca told me about the great comet in 1811, which could be seen throughout Europe at that time. Can you find out if there were any astronomical wonders in 1805?"

"I'm afraid it's going to the observatory."

"Why can't you use a computer to check?" Felix asked. "And you also know a very good hacker."

"Go and find out," Severus said to Felix, who quickly left happily.

It wasn't long before Felix returned.

"I found it. Comet Billa was discovered on November 9, 1805, but no one named it at that time, and no one knew that it was the one that appeared in 1772. Now it has disappeared. The Andromedid meteor shower is all caused by its wreckage."

"Well, the Pope saw the comet, thought Napoleon was dead, and wrote a letter of condolences." Conseil exclaimed in disbelief. "What a superstition."

"I think he's right." Felix said, "All emperors have their own star. When King Charles II of England returned to London, the main star of Canes Venetian was particularly bright."

"Napoleon's fall was indeed related to the expedition to Russia. The great comet in 1811 was a warning, and he should have listened." Severus said.

"So who does the 1805 star represent?" Crimean said.

"Battle of Trafalgar, Nelson," said Severus, "I remember he died on October 21, 1805, when Napoleon was on his way to Austerlitz, and part of this army was Napoleon took away from Boulogne, ready to cross the sea to capture Britain, they marched from the westernmost side of France to Austerlitz, the Tsar thought they were a tired army, and Napoleon kept dividing his troops, so he rushed to Brunn French attack."

"How did you come up with that?" asked Conseil, startled.

"Nelson is the soul of the British navy. Without him, it would be hard to say whether the British Royal Navy could resist Napoleon with the natural danger of the English Channel." Severus lit a cigarette. "This is my new enemy."

"He's a Muggle." Crimean said with some teasing.

Severus smiled contemptuously, "I told Harry Potter that his father was blessed, how long do you think the wealth accumulated by the Potter family on hair smoother will last?"

"You know, Prince Paris took Helen away, but he wouldn't lock her up somewhere like Theseus did," Crimean said.

Severus smiled at him.

"I know what you're trying to say." Severus exhaled, and the smoke covered his face like a mist. "Sometimes when we wake up, we forget everything that happened in our dreams."

"Can you forget that, Snape?" Crimean asked.

"It's too early to discuss this now." Severus said, pointing his wand to his head, taking a silvery memory and throwing it into the Pensieve "We have other things to do .”

As his words fell, the memory fell into the "water" in the basin, and a magical animal that looked like a baboon appeared in it. It was roaring with its mouth wide open, showing sharp canine teeth, which looked terrifying.

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