Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1613 frogu0026fog (1)

Do you remember when Draco was attacked by that hippogriff in third year? "

As if he thought Pomona's relaxed and carefree look was an eyesore, Severus said suddenly.


"Lucius gave Draco a ring, that would keep him safe, but the ring is useless against 'physical' attacks." Severus stared at the little one hanging on her chest. Dog Model "Maybe this is the same."

"Aside from the coffin, there are sculptures here. Where did the 'physical' attack come from?" Pomona couldn't help but rolled her eyes. "Could it be that the mummy can come back to life like in the movie?"

As soon as her words fell, there was a crisp sound in the quiet exhibition hall, like the sound made by glass marbles falling to the ground. She was so frightened that she shrank her neck, and the arrogance just now was gone. .

"What are you afraid of?" Severus said slickly. "You should think this is a good opportunity to experiment and see if this new amulet you got works?"

"What was that noise just now? Did you make it?" Pomona asked Conseil in a trembling voice. Count Leroy shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he had nothing to do with this strange incident.

"Let's go back." Pomona tugged on Severus' sleeve "I'm scared."

The old bat laughed smugly.


"Let's go~" she said in a sweet and pleading voice.

"Ahem." Gong Saiyi coughed a few times in discomfort.

The smile on Severus' face melted like a wax figure in the hot sun.

"I remember I said at the time that there is a statue of Memnon near Luxor that makes a sound every time the sun rises." Gonseil said dryly in his living room, next to him was a statue of Memnon. Looking at the Pensieve, Severus cast a little charm on it, so that everyone could see the picture without sinking their heads into it. "Then we saw the Senet board and pieces."

"It's a trap." Severus said calmly and with restraint. "He made me focus on playing chess."

"You asked me what the bet would be. I said soul, body or something." Goncey also said calmly, "Obviously what he wants is not our soul."

"It," Severus corrected, "we don't know yet if it's a man or a ghost."

"Is it possible that someone used an invisibility cloak to cover themselves." Crimean said, "Even Muggles can use some alchemy props."

Severus looked at him.

"The sun of Austerlitz," said Crimean, "that's a famous quote from Napoleon."

"And then?" Severus asked drawn out.

Crimean pointed to the map of Paris, "There is an Austerlitz train station in Paris, it is now being renovated into a new office, the powerful Dark Lord also has servants like Wormtail, will the Louvre's office be Is there an internal answer?"

No one said anything.

"The Austerlitz railway station was built by Napoleon III to link the railway station to Orleans. Maybe we can find some clues there."

"It's up to you to find the clues," Severus said. "We've got to keep untangling the thread."

"You mean clues?" asked Conseil.

"You can interpret this as 'the fog of the battlefield', where Napoleon Bonaparte deliberately confuses us and makes us waste time on useless news." Severus said, "Tell me, the Louvre and Auster What's the connection with Ritz railway station?"

"How can there be any connection between Hogwarts and King's Cross Station?" Crimean said, "The students of Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry all get on the train at Austerlitz Railway Station?"

"In fact we don't go to the Pyrenees by train," said Gonceil.

"Then how do you go? Take the rune horse carriage?" Crimean asked.

"Have you never been to Beauxbatons?" asked Conseil.

"I study at home."

"That's right, you are a student of Nico Flamel." Goncey nodded knowingly, and asked after a while, "Didn't he tell you?"

"No." Crimean said indifferently.

"There will be a grand dance every year at the beginning of school." Gong Sei had a stomachache on his face, "Before I started growing taller in the third grade..."

"No one cares about your miserable school life." Severus said bitterly. "Well, as you said, those two chess pieces were thrown by Muggles wearing an invisibility cloak."

"The Louvre has just been refurbished, and the Austerlitz railway station is also being refurbished." Krimian said, "And I remember the oil painting you mentioned, the wedding in Garner, in 1810 when Napoleon wanted to make room. Marrying the Austrian princess also changed places, and I think that's how they're connected."

"Wait." Gon Seil frowned. "I remember that the Mona Lisa was moved from another hall to the current location on April 4th, when the Hall of Nations was being renovated."

"April 4th." Severus sneered. "Is this a coincidence or a clue?"

"Napoleon abdicated for the first time on April 4, 1814," said Gonceil. "Where were you on April 4?"

"Venice," Severus deadpanned. "We were on our honeymoon."

"Is it true?" Crimean said, "the fire in the Alps has nothing to do with you?"

"No." Severus said firmly.

"What about you?" Crimean looked at Felix.

"I haven't known them for long, how would I know where they were in April?" Felix said warily.

"Napoleon first abdicated at Fontainebleau," said Conseil. "We will go to Fontainebleau to meet his descendants."

"Not his descendants, but Jerome's descendants," Severus corrected. "Napoleon's direct descendants are dead."

"It's a legitimate child, and his illegitimate child is also his child." Gong Saiyi covered his head, "What exactly is he trying to express?"

Severus sneered.

"What did you think of?" Crimean asked.

"Let's go to Austerlitz station," Severus said, standing up.

"Didn't you say you were wasting your time?" Crimean sneered.

"Does it make a difference for Muggles to spend time on the road?" Severus said.

"Wait!" said Felix. "Have you got that key of hers?"

All eyes were on Felix.

"I don't want to Apparate anymore," Felix said white-faced.

"We can do this by first investigating which company is in charge of these two projects, and who has worked on both sides." Gonceil said.

"I think Gianluca can help with this." Crimean said to Felix, "You go."

But Felix took out a mobile phone and called directly.

"The boundaries between Muggles and wizards are getting smaller and smaller." Gong Saiyi said with some emotion.

"If the Pope had a phone at that time, he wouldn't think that Napoleon was dead just because he saw a shooting star, and he would be able to confirm it by making a phone call." Krimian said with a smile.

"And the dog amulet." Severus said coldly. "Is that stupid dog protecting her?"

Everyone followed Severus' gaze to the dog-shaped amulet on Pomona's neck in the Pensieve.

"I thought the British should consider dogs to be unlucky," said Gonceil.

"It was the one who led me that day at St. Luke's Palace." Severus gritted his teeth and said, "I might have found her."

"Will you trust him next time we meet?" Conseil asked.

Severus didn't speak.

"Found it." Felix put down the phone. "The man's name is Pierre Bronniard, a cement supplier."

"So fast?" said Conseil in surprise.

"He was also surprised how you connected the two places," Felix said. "But do you think he'll be waiting for us at the Austerlitz train station?"

"If Napoleon said it was his plan to destroy Paris, his loyalists would carry it out," Severus said.

"Are you going yourself?" asked Conseil.

"I'll go." Crimean said, "Go ahead and check."

With that he stood up and Apparated.

"Have you ever used Floo powder?" Severus asked Felix.

The latter shook his head.

"Let's look for other clues first." Goncey said, "We will act after we are sure. I don't want to fall into his tricks like the Tsar."

After he finished speaking, he put another piece of memory into the Pensieve.

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