Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1608: Son Abandoned by God (11)

There is a Roman amphitheater under the Normandy castle. According to the castle steward, it was built on the site of the Roman amphitheater after Philip Augustus destroyed the original Normandy castle after entering Rouen in 1206. own castle.

At about the same time, the old Rouen Cathedral was destroyed, and the Gothic Rouen Cathedral began to be built. In 1791, it was listed as a cultural relic by the Architecture Museum established in Paris, but it was looted in 1792. Sold out, it later became the office of the town hall of Rouen, where the welcome ceremony on Halloween will take place.

The welcome party held by the businessman was in the newly established art museum, which exhibited as many works of art as Venice, if not as many as the Louvre. When businessmen become rich, they often buy a large amount of art to make themselves appear aristocratic. They dress up as Renaissance women in galleries full of Renaissance works, as if the people in the paintings have come to "reality". It would be even better if it was held there on Halloween, but unfortunately, merchants have to rank behind the city officials in holding welcome parties. Even after the bourgeois revolution, the social status of merchants is generally low, and Napoleoni also has So it means suppressing businessmen.

The bodyguard who was rumored to have an affair with Josephine has a businessman background. Regardless of whether Josephine really asked Charles to inquire about the news for Napoleon, the misunderstanding has already occurred anyway.

The citizens like her, maybe besides the fact that she accompanied Napoléoni to talk to the workers on the street like a show, but also because she doesn't spend money extravagantly, although even if she wants to squander, it is Napoléoni's money, treasury and taxes It doesn't matter.

Yes, they understood the demands of the people, but they could not change the status quo of the workers. Although the guilds are being dismantled gradually, new forms of exploitation have emerged again. The laborer must bring a certificate that records his work situation, which needs to be filled out by the previous employer, and a letter of introduction is also required. If there is no such thing , then it is difficult for workers to find new jobs. This shows how much bread and time workers have to be exploited in order for employers to write good reviews on them.

The pillar industry in Rouen is the textile industry. In contrast, the most popular industry in Paris is the construction industry. Looking at the underground ancient Roman theater, she couldn't help but think of Les Les in the Pere Lachaise Cemetery in Paris. The Trange family cemetery.

There, Leta Lestrange was burned to ashes by Grindelwald's black magic, but did not rise from the ashes like a phoenix. Sometimes it is like this, people are dead after death, resurrection, rebirth, and reincarnation are just a dream, and when you wake up from the dream, you still have to look at the dull and boring "reality".

"How about singing a song here?" Napoleoni said to her, laughing.

"I'm not an opera actress." She muttered dissatisfied.

"You don't need to sing an opera, just sing a song you like." He gently pushed her towards the center of the stage. "Go."

She looked around at him and the Frenchmen whom she became more and more familiar with, and Rapp waved at her as if to encourage her.

So she pretended to be brave and walked towards the center of the opera house.

On the way down the steps, she looked up at the ceiling. The circular opera house in Rome used to be open-air, but now it is covered, and the upstairs seems to be the circular hall that entered the door.

She couldn't imagine what effect her singing would have in this place, but when she stood still and turned around, she found that Leon was staring at her intently.

She suddenly understood.

There were a lot of people off the stage, but the actresses didn't care about them at all, the "goddess" who got everyone's attention just looked at him.

He fell into the love affair born of fantasy again.

This dream is so intoxicating, everything is so beautiful, and it is too far from the "reality" that depends on the boss's face.

Napoleon is like an ancient man, he lived in the age of swords and cloaks, knights and myths, crowns and roses.

"You can sing with me if you don't sing so out of tune," she teased, standing in the middle of the stage.

"It wasn't you who told me to stop singing for God's sake!" He also responded with a smile in the audience.

"I don't think he can hear it now." Georgiana looked at the top of her head and said, "Anyway, I have seen a lot of scenes where thousands of people 'sing' the Hogwarts school song at the school banquet every year."

"What did you say?"

"How about singing the onion song together?" she said with a big laugh.

"You sing first." Rapp looked uncomfortable, as if he had eaten something bad.

Then she started remembering which song to sing, and when she found the song, she suddenly realized that she hadn't sung the French version of the song.

What if it sounds weird?

Then she looked at Napoleoni again. No matter how badly she sang, she could not sing worse than him, at least it was all in tune. Thinking of this, she felt at ease, so she let go of her voice and started to sing.

==================================================== =============

Severus appeared in the catacombs of Lestrange's house, to be exact, the underground opera house where Grindelwald gave a speech and almost destroyed the whole of Paris with a fire.

The flames produced by this black magic crystallized the opera house, and the ground was covered with obsidian-like black glass, especially the core area, which was like solidified black ice, covered with swirl-shaped lines, like the whirlpool in the sea.

Severus' leather shoes made a crisp sound as he stepped on them, and the black glass cracked with his steps.

It was as if a certain seal was being broken.

He raised his wand, cast a spell on a rune on the ceiling, the entire catacombs were enveloped in an unpleasant green light, and then he rolled up his sleeves, revealing the Death Eater tattoo ...

"Don't do that." Crimean's voice echoed in the empty space.

Severus looked up.

"How do you know I'm here?"

Crimean hesitated, "I saw it from the crystal ball."

Severus laughed, showing his yellow teeth. "Is there a date on it?"

"I just have a feeling it will be today," said Crimean. "Don't be silly, Snape."

Severus stopped smiling.

"I hate when people push me," he said in a dark, furious voice.

"No one is forcing you."

"I've been duped," Severus said petulantly. "I agreed to the old fool's request and helped him out of his pain, but what about me? I ruined myself."

"Promises bring pain." Crimea said after a pause, "So don't make promises lightly."

"You really look like a sensible person."

"Have you ever thought about what promises you've ever made? Especially to..." Crimian pointed to the top of his head.


"I just heard from that person that you used forbidden techniques to save her." Krimian said, "I know people sometimes use unscrupulous methods."

Severus looked calmer.

"I said I was going to marry her," Severus said.

"this one?"

"And find Wormtail and cut him into pieces." He gasped. "Three of them are dead. There's no reason he can live alone. I'm sure Sirius Black doesn't mind my help." He's busy."

"This is your mission." Crimean said excitedly, "You..."

"He carries the last Horcrux." Severus interrupted Crimean. "The Horcruxes are destroyed to prevent Voldemort's resurrection."

"There is still one?"

"Harry Potter is not the last Horcrux, and if the Dark Lord knew he was, he would not have destroyed him." Severus said slowly and in a low voice, "In order to make up the 'seven' Horcruxes, he will come again To make one, making a Horcrux requires murder, and Cedric Digory is the sacrifice. Wormtail sacrificed one of his hands to make him a body, and the Dark Lord made him a silver prosthetic hand, that prosthetic hand Strangling Wormtail, Wormtail became a ghost controlled by the Dark Lord."

Then Severus laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Crimean asked.

"I'd be happy to carry out the mission," Severus said with a smile. "There's one more thing."


"Leroy once told me an Egyptian story. An Egyptian priest wanted to know how long he could live, so he asked a ghost. He cast a spell on the ghost. The ghost told him that he could only live for 40 days. In order to pay for his burial, Qinglian priest Wei began to compete with other priests for a sum of money. He won, but he was also denounced, so this short-lived priest was indeed killed by the governor after 40 days as the ghost said. Executed, like I told Voldemort about the prophecy about the savior, if he ignored that prophecy, he wouldn't go to Godric's Hollow, wouldn't get killed by Lily's spell, also, we don't know about flames Where is the Goblet of Fire, if you go to find the Goblet of Fire, it will bring Voldemort back to life, knowing the result in advance will not change anything."

Crimean said nothing.

"We had a fight about Sirius Black that day," Severus said bitterly. "I left the house and when I came back everything was ruined."

"You said Sirius Black would be glad you did him this favor."

"I hate that stupid dog." Severus cursed in a low voice, "Why are those dead people dead and not clean?"

"Or, it's you living people who keep disturbing the peace of the dead." A voice suddenly rang out, "What are you going to do this time?"

"Who's talking?" Severus asked.

Out of a crow sculpture suddenly emerged a pearly white ghost, robed half-hidden by a hood, holding a book.

"You can call me Mr. Gray," said the ghost. "For God's sake, please don't make such a big commotion like last time. Our home almost disappeared."

Strange sounds like strange, and then there's this weird story

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