Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1607 Abandoned Son of God (10)

The castle of the Duke of Normandy is composed of thick walls and looming towers from the outside, but the inside is extremely luxurious.

There are traces left by several generations of owners here, French, Spanish, Baroque and English, they play different roles in the long-standing castle, if Georgiana hadn’t lived in Hogwarts Castle before, I’m afraid it would be Be dazzled by the decor inside.

When there was a wake-up ceremony in France, the Duchy of Normandy had already perished, and there was no room for the wake-up ceremony in the Duke's bedroom, and the "State Chamber" still retained the style of the Viking age. Napoleon was so leisurely as to accompany her on a tour, and stayed for a while on the outer wall of the castle, from which you can overlook the whole of Rouen.

It was a wealthy commercial city, and an ancient one at the same time. What knights defend in battle is not only love, but also country and faith.

Compared with the oppressive and dark interior of the castle, the air on the city wall in the evening is very good, and the bells of evening prayers are heard from a distance, refreshing and refreshing at the same time.

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkles on the stones of the church, and the stained glass reflects the colorful light like jewels. Although the Corsican was not very handsome, when he propped his hands on the edge of the castle and overlooked the city, there was an indescribable aura spontaneously.

He owned the city, and even he owned the old and mighty French Republic, she thought she was daydreaming.

"Did you find it?" He asked suddenly.

"Found what?" she asked back.

"Synagogues, there used to be many here," said Napoleone. "Now, they're all gone."

Georgiana felt an unspeakable sadness.

Many people yearn for freedom, but no one likes wandering. So what is the difference between freedom and wandering?

If a person does not eat the forbidden fruit of the Garden of Eden, he will not be expelled from the Garden of Eden.

If you want to return to Eden, you must abide by God's rules, provided that people believe that both heaven and hell exist.

If people don't know good and evil, if they don't reward good and punish evil, then why should I do good deeds? You won't go to heaven if you do good deeds.

Why can't I do bad things? Anyway, there is no hell. If you do bad things, you can get away with it as long as you don't get caught, and you don't have to worry about any punishment.

It was not only the old order that was overthrown with theocracy, but something else that hid beneath its apparent harmony, like the surface of a calm sea, hidden turbulent undercurrents.

"Do you believe in retribution, Leon?" Georgiana asked.

"What about you?" He asked while looking at the distant scenery.

"I believe it," she said.

He smiled and said, "I don't believe that eating a few pieces of cake can ascend to heaven, but I believe that doing charity will save our reputation. Is this considered retribution?"

Georgiana heard something in his words. If he goes to the military parade tomorrow, she can stay in the city to do charity, such as giving candies to children. By the way, she can also meet the ladies in the city, especially Wife of a wealthy Jewish merchant.

She had figured out how to say it, because she didn't support slavery, so she didn't eat desserts made of cane sugar, she only ate honey and sugar extracted from beets, and Halloween said this is the perfect time.

This is related to Belgium and a series of problems once Britain and France resume war. The Dutch are very pro-British. It is justified not to withdraw their troops in order to maintain the smooth flow of the sugar trade line. With the garrison, the French can continue to borrow the credit of the Netherlands.

She just thought of the poor Queen of Denmark, Princess Caroline of England, no matter how true or false her relationship with Strunzer was, her final ending was sad, and the British Royal Navy bombarded Copenhagen It can be regarded as revenge for her, who said that the King of Denmark is a drunkard and a libertine.

"What were you thinking?" he asked.

"I'm wondering if the reform is too strong." She said softly, "Minister Strunzer of Denmark has carried out a large-scale reform."

"You'll see Henry Petty tomorrow, and he'll talk to you about shipping." He said like a prophet. The United States will pay for it."

She still remembered that France still owed Victor Dupont a sum of money. No wonder they sold the equipment for making gunpowder to Dupont, not only because the second son of the Dupont family was a student of Lavoisier.

"Aside from furs, they don't have any other gifts to sell?" Georgiana said dissatisfied.

"Do you want to know what they gave Josephine?" he said with a smile.

"Jewelry?" she asked back.

"They're not as rich as you think."

"Then what did they send?"

"Some live animals, and precious flowers and plants."

"What!" Georgiana couldn't help shouting.

"She is a good woman," said Napoleoni.

"Do I look unkind?"

He didn't speak.

Georgiana wanted to jump off the wall, but she was regarded as a bad woman by others.

"There is a hill called Montello outside Milan, which controls the height of the entire Lombardy plain. In May and June of 1797, we stationed our base camp there." He looked at the distant scenery and said, " The dignitaries and ladies of Milan went there every day to greet Josephine, as well as the Austrian envoys, representatives of the Pope, and representatives of the King of Naples, the King of Sardinia, the Republic of Genoa, the Republic of Venice, the Duke of Parma, and Switzerland. , this castle is the same, you have to take care of those guests, can your head maid be busy?"

"I have Alice to help," she said with a smirk.

"I don't know many friends, and I can't find anyone when I need help. We won't stay in Rouen for a long time, and we will go to Brussels in Belgium after that. We will live in the Château de Liège."

"What?" she asked stupidly.

"what? What?"

"How rich are you?" she asked, tilting her head.

"Guess." He asked with a smug smile.

What is there to be proud of?

Georgiana ignored him.

"What will I wear tomorrow?"

"You can wear whatever you want." She said indifferently.

"Including wearing stockings?"

Georgiana fell silent again.

Rouen was not Paris anyway, and no one would whisper after seeing what he was wearing.

"I'm going to wear Renaissance clothes, too?"

"Are you ready?" she asked back.


"Do you know what is the biggest characteristic of the Renaissance? It is tolerance and integration. No one will think that it is inappropriate for you to appear in the venue in uniform."

"You are very different from Josephine, you are not suitable for the court." He said suddenly, "The people like you very much."

"I don't think they like me much." Georgiana sneered. "They always feel that I am working for the interests of Britain."

"During Rouen, you can go shopping the same way you used to in Paris, remember to be safe."

"I think everyone in Rouen knows me." She said hesitantly, "When I entered the city today, the whole city might have been mobilized."

"So you don't need to go to the vegetable market." He smiled and said, "Do you know where to go?"

She shook her head.

"Universities, workhouses, and trade zones, you don't want to go first."

She nodded quickly.

"I'm worried about you, you idiot." He reached out and pinched her nose. "Be vigilant."

"A lot of people want me dead?"

"Not everyone wants Britain and France to continue at peace."

"do you want?"

He looked at her as if trying to discern something from her face.

"The president of the Rouen Chamber of Commerce intends to give you a gift." He said, "Do you know that Cleopatra once bet with Anthony?"

"What bet?"

"She said to Anthony, believe it or not, I can consume 10 million Sestals in one meal."

Georgiana opened her mouth.

It is enough for her to hear that 10 million is enough, and a complete set of royal diamond jewelry is less than 1 million francs. Although she does not know how much the currency Sestals can be converted into francs, ancient Egypt and Rome used What is more important is gold, the gap will not be too huge.

"She has a pair of pearl earrings." Napoleon reached out and fiddled with the pearl earrings on her ears. "One pearl is worth that much. She put one in vinegar and drank it, and the other was preserved."

"Then the chairman of the Rouen Chamber of Commerce managed to get the only remaining pearl and gave it to me?"

"Would you prefer a crown or a necklace?"

"I don't even like it." She said seriously, "You are Caesar, not Antony."

"What if I want you to accept it?"

She looked unhappy.

This "beautiful talk" is known by the people, but they don't know what to say.

She became Madame du Barry, and he became Louis XV. She didn't want to shout "wait a minute" when she went to the guillotine in the future.

"Help me with a divination, Georgiana." He turned to her and said, "Have you got your tarot cards?"

"In the luggage."

So he ordered a guard to get her tarot cards. Not long after, the guard ran over and handed the tarot cards to Georgiana.

"Shuffle the cards?" he asked.

"No need." She put the cards in front of him, "Draw one."

Without much hesitation, he chose a random card, but the face of the card startled her.

That was Little Akka's ace of swords, the mountain of mountains came out of the clouds with one hand, holding a sword tightly, the tip of the sword pierced through the crown and laurel crown.

This is a neutral card. The sword can hurt others or oneself, and can save others or oneself. The impartial sword represents the power of wisdom, and at the same time, it also means that a little carelessness will cause a kind of bad luck. Consequences, like love and hate, can build or destroy.

"You draw another card." She said sweating.

This time he hesitated, and drew another card, this time the moon.

Although the moon, like the stars, only appears at night, the stars represent hope, while the moon represents the power of anxiety and darkness.

Many people think that black magic represents negative emotions. Bella is very happy every time she sabotages. Her laughter is rampant and evil, but those who are hurt by her are extremely painful.

The forces of darkness come from the depths of the heart and are the terrifying facets of desires such as destruction, killing, and conquest.

At the same time, the moon card also represents the link with another world, and the howling of the wolf dog represents the arrival of visitors from another dimension, which is also a warning card.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

Georgiana shook her head.

She actually knew exactly what this card meant.

But she needs to be quiet now, or seriously think about jumping off the city wall, because she is really a complete idiot.

10 million sesterces converted into RMB is 200 million

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