Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1609: Son Abandoned by God (12)

In the book of Hosea in the Old Testament, the prophet Hosea once condemned the Israelites who used gold and silver to make golden calves to worship, saying that what they sowed was the wind, and what they reaped was a storm.

The most feared thing on the sea is the storm. Under this majestic force of nature, no matter whether it is a novice sailor who has just boarded the ship or an experienced captain, the chance of survival is the same. Napoleon Bonaparte was luckier than Alexandre Dumas in that he did not encounter shipwreck whether he set out from Marseilles to Egypt or returned from Egypt by boat.

John Newton was born in London, England, the son of a Mediterranean trade captain. He and his father sailed near Venice since he was 11 years old. He often had a dream, in which he dreamed that he was pacing back and forth on the deck, and then a man came to him, and he handed Newton a ring, and the soldier specially asked to keep this ring carefully , as long as he can keep that ring well, he will achieve happiness and success, but if he puts it elsewhere, he will experience trouble and pain.

Newton was very happy to accept this gift. He believed that he could keep this gift well, and he was very happy that happiness was in his own hands.

Then another man came up to him, and he said contemptuously to Newton that he would believe such a lie, and then he told Newton that he had better throw away the ring.

Newton was skeptical at first, but he decided to take the ring off his finger and throw it into the river.

The moment the ring touched the water, an astonishing flame erupted from the snow-capped Alps not far from the city of Venice. Newton knew he was in trouble and wanted to save it, but it was too late. Tell him that this ring, which contains all the mercy of God for him, has been thrown away at will, and that Newton will be consumed by the fire with the seducer.

Just when he was thinking that he was about to die tragically soon, the person who gave him the ring came back again. He asked Newton why he was so sad. Ask Newton again if he would like to keep the ring properly, and when Newton didn't know how to answer, the man had already dived into the river and found the ring back.

The Governor of Venice will always drive a golden boat and throw a ring into the sea. Georgiana thinks this is his gratitude to the mermaid princess for saving her life. Although the "prince" finally married a human bride, he is still grateful to her.

However, John Newton’s later experience was not so romantic. At the age of 18, he was transferred to West Africa, traveled back and forth between North America and the Caribbean, and engaged in the slave trade. On the way back to England in 1748, he also sailed to Ireland. There was a storm.

Just when he was desperate and helpless, he shouted "God, help me", but the cargo on the ship slipped to the side of the ship and blocked the breach. Although the ship lost control, it docked to a safe place. Let John Newton stop drinking and gambling. Even though he was still engaged in the slave trade, he began to sympathize with the suffering of slaves. It was not until 1764 that he began to take up the priesthood of the Anglican Church.

In 1779, he combined African spiritual songs to create the hymn "amazing grace", because it was so popular that even non-Christian believers heard it.

This song is perfect for a cappella, especially without a band around her.

Georgiana's biggest advantage is that she doesn't fit in, and I haven't seen her participate in any social activities, so people have a sense of mystery about her.

Cosimo de' Medici of Florence once said that in order to avoid envy as much as possible, in addition to concealing huge wealth, one should stay away from the crowd.

This civilian consul, who had never had a high reputation since the birth of Rome, appeared to be approachable and charitable on the surface, but he was actually the most powerful person in Florence.

Georgiana was not a Puritan, and she certainly liked what ordinary women liked.

Parisians call the executioner "Mr. Paris". This profession is generally open to the public, but it is customary for the son to inherit the father's business. From the time the previous successor took office, the name will not be announced until someone takes over. Wearing a black hood.

Charles Jean-Baptiste Sanson was forced to take over the job of executioner when his father died suddenly when he was 7 years old, although someone took over the task before he came of age, but he did it for a few years after he came of age Then there was the French Revolution, where he executed the king and queen and participated in the reign of terror. In 1793, he couldn't take it anymore, so his son Charles Henri Sanson replaced his father at the age of 15 and became "Mr. Paris".

Georgiana shuddered at the thought of Madame du Barry's "wait a minute", and Napoleon often stayed in Marie Antoinette's small drawing room. As long as there was a sword of Damocles hanging over her head that could fall at any moment, she couldn't be jumping around on the sleigh bed and shouting for a dog sled like she was a commoner.

The crown of thorns is not easy to wear, even if the crown is made of gems or gold. The Louis XVI couple wasn't that bad either, their dying interaction was tender, but the townspeople only remembered Marie Antoinette as a deficit queen.

Georgiana is worse than her, at least Marie Antoinette has a clean background, not to mention she is an English woman, so don't even think about crowning her for the rest of her life. It would be nice if she didn't fall into the reputation of Mrs. Simpson .

Thankfully it's just a dream.

It probably didn't occur to Albus that there were witches who sang hymns.

But she was relieved after thinking about it. Every Christmas, there are choirs singing hymns on the streets of Hogsmeade, even if people just regard them as background boards and don't care?

In the 20th century, Halloween is basically regarded as a ghost festival. Most English-speaking countries will dress up as various scary images, but European Halloween is very different. This day is not only for the Celtics. In the New Year, some people will visit graves to express commemoration and mourning. In French, Halloween is toussaint, which means the festival of all saints. Halloween is similar to Christmas Eve.

After this day, the Celtics are considered to have entered the dark season of winter and need the power of light to contend with it. They light bonfires not only to commemorate their ancestors, but also to scare away evil spirits and perform divination. The cheerful popularity will scare away uninvited evil spirits.

That's why she thought it was appropriate to sing this song at this time. She hoped that the sound of nature would dispel the cloud of war over Normandy, and she hoped that the evil slavery would be abolished.

In fact, not only cane sugar, but cotton is also grown by slaves. If the cost of raw materials rises, the advantage of "cheap" British goods will be reduced. In order to make profits, British goods will also have to increase in price. Freed from the vicious circle of competition and scrambling for market share.

At least there is a chance.

This was the inspiration she got when she sang the hymn.

In fact, her voice is not very pleasant, at least Fei Liwei didn't ask her to join his choir, but in such an empty place, it sounded so clean and holy that even she couldn't help being intoxicated .

After singing, she was extremely embarrassed, many people were watching her, it was really easy to get on stage and hard to get off.

Fortunately, Rapp helped her out again, and after the crowd was silent for a while, they began to applaud her, and the others followed suit, so she took this opportunity and trotted off the stage in a very unladylike way, as if she had left the spotlight, Then ran to Leon's side.

He was much younger than her, but at this moment he looked at her very maturely, with his hands behind his back, keeping a social distance from her, anyway, it was different from the warm welcome or smug smile she imagined.

Seeing his indifferent reaction, the others gradually stopped applauding. When everyone fell silent, he left the ruins of the Roman Underground Opera House without making a sound.

"What did I do wrong?" Georgiana asked Rapp passing by.

Rapp spread his hands towards her, followed with a bewildered expression.

"Strange." She said in English, and followed the crowd to leave the place where she had just sang.

==================================================== ==========

On the square in front of Notre Dame de Paris, there is a landmark of a copper octagonal star. This place is called "the origin of France, the heart of Paris". unfolded.

And the location where this origin is actually used to be a sculpture, a man in a robe, holding a book or something like that, because his face has been washed away by the rain, no one knows what he is When it was erected there, how many years has it been erected, whose sculpture is or who carved it. The Parisians at that time called him "Mr. Gray". Later, when the Notre Dame Square was expanded, the sculpture was removed, and the pedestal under his feet became the heart of Paris.

"Look!" The ghost who suddenly appeared in the underground opera house pointed to a sculpture whose face could no longer be seen clearly, "Do you think it should be called 'Mr. Gray' or 'Mr. Black' now?"

The sculpture has also been baked by Fierce Fire, and its surface has also been glazed. It looks like a black marble sculpture.

But Severus and Crimean didn't pay attention to the old ghost's complaints, they watched another sculpture in the "temple" together.

"It looks like it was made by a famous artist," said Crimean dryly.

Severus grimaced and said nothing.

The sculpture in front of him was life-size, wearing a hooded cloak, in line with the etiquette of an aristocratic woman, covering her hair, and she spread her hands as if to hug someone.

The folds and curves of the clothes have a touch of velvet, and there are patterns of wheat ears and grapes on them that represent the harvest. Except that the sculpture’s face looks exactly like Pomona’s, it can be called a work of art, and it can be placed in the Louvre. Palace Exhibition.

"When was this statue placed here?" Crimean asked.

"I was here first!" Mr. Gray protested. "Someone moved it to me later."

"About what time?" Crimean asked.

"Wait." Mr. Gray began to flip through the book in his hand, as if it was his diary.

"The Pere Lachaise cemetery is like Saint-Germain-des-Prés," said another wig-wearing ghost to Severus. "If that dark wizard destroys the cemetery, we're going to squeeze in the catacombs!"

"Can you believe they've got such a lousy name, catacombs," a Bourbon dame complained, rolling her eyes while fanning the wind with a feather fan.

"Snape, resting place!" Crimean exclaimed. "Catacombs are named after the Latin word for rest (cumbere)."

Severus ignored Crimean.

He looked like he was about to gnaw his teeth out.

"January 13, 1806." Mr. Hui turned to a page of the book at this time and said, "The Pope of Rome thought that Napoleon died on November 3, 1805, so he gave this sculpture to decorate his tomb."

"How could they think he was dead?" Crimean asked suspiciously.

"The Battle of Austerlitz." Severus said calmly. "He should have been in Austria on November 3, 1805."

"I still don't understand," Crimean said.

"It should have been snowing that day," Severus said. "He should have been buried in an avalanche there."

"Why haven't I heard?" Crimean said.

Severus curled his lips and smiled at Crimian, "That's how I 'guessed'."

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