Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1598: Son Abandoned by God (1)

The Guards were chasing the Red Cap with sticks.

Georgiana couldn't bear to look away, she didn't want to see that scene, she just told them the content in the book, when you encounter goblins like red hats, you can beat them with sticks, and the guards laughed and put them in the saddlebags on horseback. The baguette was brought out.

As we all know, this kind of bread will become so hard that it can be used as a murder weapon due to drying and dehydration after two days. Its principle is similar to that of mummies. Napoleon and the others encountered this dilemma when they were in Egypt. Wheat is fried or boiled, of course the taste is very bad.

Then they invented this kind of hard bread. When they want to eat it again, soak it in water, and then bake it by the fire for a while, and it will become soft again.

The nearby villagers were very happy when they heard that the passing army had eradicated the terrible hellhounds and wandering refugees for them. They took out fine wine, barbecue, and cheese to entertain them warmly. Their dinner was finally not as simple as before. Only grilled chicken.

These villagers knew about Napoleon, but they didn't know that it was Napoleon who was drinking and chatting with them around the bonfire. Some people went to watch the cremation of the Cerberus dogs, and some people walked towards the cemetery with rakes and other agricultural tools. .

The people of Brittany lived perhaps two centuries earlier, and they were not opposed to lynching, which is also a kind of "local customs". When refugees and robbers gather in groups, in order to prevent the village from being destroyed, the villagers will agree to the demands of the robbers. Now that they have a large number of people, it is their turn to seek revenge from the refugees and robbers.

This shows how well Bernadotte has done in suppressing the West.

The repression by republican generals is somewhat different from that of nobles in the Middle Ages. All rebels would not have their heads chopped off or hanged, and they would have to go through the trial process. Some people's crimes were not very serious, so they just was locked up, and this prison turned out to be the Mont Saint-Michel Abbey in Manche.

During the French Revolution, especially during the Reign of Terror, because there were not enough prisons, even schools such as the Scotch Church College were converted into prisons, but Georgiana never imagined that this symbol of the victory of the Allied forces during World War II and the relationship with Jerusalem, The Vatican's eponymous holy site was turned into a prison, and it's still in use.

This monastery was not contributed by Britain during the Hundred Years War between Britain and France, nor was it captured during the French War of Religion. Instead, it was captured by a group of civilians whose military quality was far inferior to professional soldiers during the French Revolution.

Victor Hugo once said that Mont Saint-Michel is as important to France as the Great Pyramid is to Egypt. Mount Saint-Michel was not an island at first, and there were forests around it, but it was later swallowed by some inexplicable force When the tide is high, it will be surrounded by sea water, and when the tide is low, it will become a mud flat. Mont Saint-Michel has been a center of pilgrimage since the eighth century.

Georgiana has learned that the people of the Directorate once turned the Church of Our Lady into a gaming center, and they turned the Holy Land into a prison. No wonder Caprara insisted on asking the opposition priest to apologize.

There is a church in Rouen commemorating Joan of Arc. Joan of Arc was originally a girl in a remote village, but she is not a village girl with nothing like Charlotte who killed Marat. There are 50 acres of land, but when she was 16 years old, she claimed that she met the Archangel Michel under the big tree, and asked her to lead troops to recover France, which was occupied by the English at that time, after receiving "God's revelation".

Mont Saint-Michel was originally a place for Celtic sacrifices. In the 8th century, a priest had a dream, and the Archangel Michel pointed to the priest's forehead with his finger amidst lightning and thunder. All of a sudden, the priest woke up from a dream and touched the depression on his forehead, and then began to build a church on Mont Saint-Michel.

Dreams were a way of meeting the gods in ancient Egypt. Spices were not only used for seasoning, but also used in god-worship ceremonies. Josephine asked Lenorman to prophesy, and saw a crown of cloves, which was once the spice that triggered the bloody war.

Josephine is very feminine and elegant, and her lilac crown is so poetic and romantic. Unlike Georgiana, it is actually a boat-shaped saucer with bear paw flowers. Now she knows that the boat is the worst symbol of Paris.

If the priest dreamed of the Archangel Michel in the midst of lightning and thunder, then even though Georgiana was bathed in the light of the full moon at this moment, she still felt as if she was in the midst of lightning and thunder.

This feeling was different from the feeling that haunted her before, feeling that she was being aimed at any time by a gun, but an uncontrollable feeling like trying to control a ship sailing in a stormy sea.


She first saw her Valais sheep "Sean", a black-faced lamb walking towards Mont Saint-Michel on the green grass.

At first it was one, then a flock, and then she saw the sheep turned into people, wearing black and white striped prison clothes, pushing a huge wheel with a diameter of 5 meters, which looked like a wheel of fortune.

However, this wheel is actually just a winch, and its function is to hoist the pulleys loaded with the daily necessities of the prisoners along the slides outside the church. In the past, it was the monks who pushed the wheel, but now the monks have been driven away, and it is the prisoners who push the wooden wheel.

"what's on your mind?"

"I was wondering, do the prisoners wear black and white stripes?" Giorgiona asked Napoleoni.

He looked at her like he was looking at someone strange.

"Azkaban's prison clothes must be black and white striped." Georgiana said again, "What color are the prisoner's clothes now?"

"How did you get there?" asked Napoleon in wonder.

Georgiana wanted to say that she had seen a "vision," but if she did, she would probably be sent to an insane asylum.

"I heard that the high tide under Mont Saint-Michel is the highest during the new moon and full moon." She pointed to the moon in the sky. "I think it must be beautiful to see the high tide of Saint-Michel under the moonlight."

"At today's speed, we will have to ride for two days to get there." Bonaparte said, "Then it will take another two days from Saint-Malo to Rouen, and after arriving in Evreux, it will take us another day to get there." We're at Rouen."

"I know." Georgiana said, looking into his blue eyes. "I don't want you to be Pepin either."


"The army is waiting for you. The church is actually not that reliable. You don't need to abandon your established goals and go on a pilgrimage so far in order to show your piety."

Napoleoni was impassive.

"Give Caesar what is Caesar's and God what is God's, but Caesar is Caesar because he has an army behind him."

"What were you doing just now?" asked Napoleoni.

"The lamb you gave me, do you think it is a black sheep or a white sheep?"

He laughed. "That's why you're afraid of it?"

"And it's a goat." Georgiana boldly twisted his ancient Greek nose. "Why did you give me such a troublesome gift?"

In the end, he laughed and picked her up and circled her on the grass.

When he was dizzy and out of breath, he put her down, and then he hugged her and kissed her.

"The whole of Europe can't stop me from getting Valais." He panted heavily, as if he had climbed to the top of a mountain with thin air, "but there is nothing in that place except snow mountains and glaciers, so I can only give you sheep .”

Georgiana hoped that she was not mistaken. Could it be that he wanted to give her the best things in Europe?

"I think everyone is equal before the law. Everyone wants a fair judgment, just like when we received the final judgment. God will not show any favoritism or favoritism because of our different origins and rich or poor." She said a little sadly, "This may be harder than the equal distribution of wealth, Leon, it is precisely because someone has committed a crime and does not want to be punished to go to hell that he bought the atonement roll."

"The Nantes Pardon was issued by Henry IV in 1598. He forgave the freedom of belief of the Huguenots. In 1560, he brought these Huguenots and the Catholic army to fight here. That promulgated the expulsion of the Huguenots. The decree of the Christians was signed by Louis XIV in Fontainebleau, you remember wrong, teacher." He held her face and said to her, "Louis XIV issued the decree to abolish the decree of Nantes, these Protestants Artisans fled to England, and they became the force of the British Industrial Revolution."

"You persuaded the Pope to allow Protestants to marry Catholics for this reason?"

"No." He said with a smile, "It's us, the Prince of Wales also has a share, and he also wants to marry a Catholic woman. I heard that according to your Protestantism, drunks are forsaken by God, right? Not only can they not hold weddings, but Baptisms cannot be held."

"But we couldn't help but drink," Georgiana said with a smile.

"Don't think about being saved and going to heaven." He whispered in her ear, "How about carpe diem with us?"

Georgiana looked at the people holding the bonfire party over there, and couldn't help shaking her head, "It's crazy."

Then she was dragged to dance by the campfire.

Brittany was once occupied by the British, and the country people danced in a very British style, and the musical instruments used as accompaniment were bagpipes and lutes.

But she still prefers the music of the third class on the Titanic, how should I say it? That kind of rhythm is strong enough, the current music is still too slow, and it is not enjoyable enough to dance.

Then she thought, hey, those musicians were Irish, so she left her partner behind and started teaching them how to play "real Irish music."

The musicians couldn't understand what she was saying, but they just stared dumbfounded at a woman pointing fingers at them, and then she was caught back dancing by a laughing Bonaparte.

They looked at each other, shrugged helplessly, and continued to play the music they usually played in the harvest festival on the edge of the ancient battlefield.

Sean, you lived so long because you were skinny, don't eat too much and gain weight and become a fat sheep, otherwise you will be killed!

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