Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1597 Life and Death Snipe (28)

The tree house was first discovered by the Guards, and they obviously didn't see anything when they passed by during the day.

The owner of the house didn't seem to have been away for a long time, and the lights and candles inside were still on. There was a fence behind the tree house, and there were many strange small animals in it. They danced towards the moon like crazy.

The guards didn't dare to continue the investigation, so they set off fireworks. Georgiana didn't enter the tree house, but looked at the animals kept in the enclosure, and found that they were all moon idiots.

The feces of the Moon Crazy Beast are very good fertilizers. There is a small wooden house next to the fence, which is filled with processed fertilizer bags. In addition, she also found a large kennel. The dogs in the kennel Has disappeared.

Then she came to the door of the tree house along the wooden ladder, and tried to open the door with the Arahor Cave Curse, but the old-looking door didn't move at all.

She observed the door carefully for a long time, and found two wooden boxes on the door frame.

"This is an anti-theft method spread in Mesopotamia." Georgiana said to Leon and Rapp, "There will be runes in it, and even if the holder dies, the runes will still work."

Neither of them understood what she was talking about.

"I think I probably know what's going on." She said helplessly.

"Can you open this door?" Rapp was concerned about another matter.

"Of course," Georgiana said, and cast an Explosive Charm on the door, blowing it open.

The furnishings in the tree house are simple and warm. There is a copper basin in the room, which not only provides heat source for the room, but also can dry the clothes. There is a simple single bed in the corner. The sheets and pillows are very clean. There is a large experimental table full of various instruments and equipment.

"This is the home of the werewolf." Georgiana said to the two. "The concealment spell cast after his death will be invalid, so you will see this house."

Then she went to the lab table and found a bottle containing silver powder.

"What's that? Silver dust?" Rapp asked.

Georgiana didn't speak, she looked at the things in her hands, and all she could think about was Severus.

"What's that?" Leon asked.

"Powdered horns from the mythical beast, which feeds on the mooncrawler." Georgiana put down the bottle. "That animal has a pair of horrible red glowing eyes, and looks like a dog."

"You mean, the hellhound that the villagers are talking about is the animal called the mythical beast?" Leon asked.

"The werewolf raised it because of its terrifying appearance, so the villagers dare not approach the ancient battlefield easily." Georgiana said sadly, "The battlefield and the surrounding woods are big enough, and he doesn't have to worry about it when he transforms. would hurt anyone."

For a moment Napoleon had nothing to say.

"Here are some papers," said Rapp. "They're all in English."

Georgiana hurried over.

"There's another ring." Rapp handed her the ring. "It seems to be his family's crest."

"It's not a family crest." Georgiana looked at the ring. "It's a graduation ring from Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

It is like a blooming rose with the logos of the four colleges on it.

"He was an American named Kanake Gray," said Georgiana, "who came to Europe from the New World because he did not want to hurt anyone, and settled on this ancient battlefield, raising a hideous-looking animal that would kill the nearby villagers. Frightened away, he was living a life of isolation until we passed by here."

"I thought the New World had enough land for him to hide in," said Napoleone.

"Mountains don't meet mountains, but people always meet. He is a good man." Georgiana said sadly.

No one answered her, and Rappo Napoleoni continued to search in the cabin, and later Napoleoni found a pocket watch by the table of the laboratory table.

He opened it, and then a magical scene appeared, projecting a dark blue sky from the surface, many stars floating in it, some connected by very thin rays of light, which looked like a constellation map.

He probably felt amazing and opened his mouth wide to watch.

It's really just a regular planetarium, although it's a deluxe version, making it a great gift for kids.

"Will you give me back Attila's ring," Georgiana said to him.

"What?" Leon asked a little dull.

"Give me back Attila's ring." She held out her hand to him.


"I'll give you a present in exchange."

Napoleon sneered.

"Get someone to clear this place," he ordered.

"I think this falls under the responsibility of the Ministry of Magic, the First Consul," Georgiana said. "There are some issues of authority. I think we should make a clear distinction."

Napoleoni stared at her.

"The Ministry of Magic also has Aurors. They can deal with the werewolf problem. They don't need your soldiers."

"It is my duty to protect the residents." Napoleoni said in an unquestionable tone.

"You sound like a lord when you say that," she teased.

"What on earth do you want, Georgiana?" he said with some displeasure.

"This is exactly the topic I want to discuss with you, the division of duties, I can let the staff of the Ministry of Magic erase the memory of the soldiers tonight, so that you don't have to worry about mysticism and witchcraft in the army, and the International Statute of Secrecy was maintained."

He looks very impatient.

"The religious inquisition often receives false accusations." Georgiana said helplessly, "Copernicus' mother is an example. It is not easy to identify whether it is real witchcraft. Most of the priests of the church are ordinary people. You Persecution in the name of witchcraft should be decreed against both the people and the Church."

"And what if the wizard really did it?" asked Napoleon sharply.

"The Ministry of Magic also has a Law Enforcement Department. We punish wizards who misuse magic. We cannot deny, Leon, that witch hunts are part of the Dark Ages..."

"How do you do in England?"

Georgiana rolled her eyes, "Mary II and William III refused to enact provisions to recognize and protect wizards in Muggle law."

Napoleoni smiled "Why?"

"Admitting that there are wizards in the world may make them feel like madmen in the eyes of the public."

"And you asked me to enact laws to protect wizards?" he said strangely.

"It's not to protect witches, and they are not minors, but to prohibit the use of witchcraft accusations to carry out persecution." Georgiana corrected, "People can't throw her into the water and drown her just because they suspect that she is a witch."

He smiled silently as if listening to an incredible joke, showing his neat and white teeth.

"Venice was one of the few countries that remained reasonable during that time, and they dismissed these allegations of witchcraft as 'bullshit'..."

"I don't want to hear that," interrupted Napoleon. "Why do you like Venice so much?"

Since Venice was the engine of the Renaissance, where was there freedom of press and speech?

Georgiana could swear that if she said that, she would forever lose an audience.

"The Venetians were the first to stop all witch trials," said Georgiana. "Some of the so-called witches were actually mentally ill. For a noble, rational politician and ruler, accusations of witchcraft were a hindrance to order and stability." , creating chaos."

"I'll think about it," said Napoleon. "The Carolingian Code does not approve of the Inquisition."

"Not an inquisition, but an accusation of witchcraft, which would be the case in secular courts."

"Let's talk about it at that time." He said irresponsibly.

"Are you playing tricks on me?" Georgiana said in disbelief.

"We need to discuss and think. Do you think the law is promulgated casually?"

Georgiana was visibly unhappy.

"Why don't you like gems like other women." Bonaparte complained exaggeratedly.

Georgiana smirked sweetly, then left the small tree house with a cold face.

"Put back the things that don't belong to you, Leon!" She said without looking back when she went downstairs. "If you like, I'll buy you a new one. Don't touch the evidence at the murder scene."

She didn't know if Bonaparte would listen or not. Anyway, she had already said what she said, not to mention she had more important things to do. She wanted to prevent Gray's body from being taken to Paris for autopsy. Cremation might be the best thing for him. Destination, he does not need to continue to pay to satisfy human curiosity, he has done enough, it is time to rest in peace.

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