Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1596 Life and Death Snipe (27)

Regarding the treatment of werewolves, the Muggle government in the early 19th century and the wizarding Ministry of Magic did not seem to have negotiated, but Georgiana still let the newcomer, Christa, who kept her safe, contact Coraline.

There was really nothing to say to Miss Georgiana of the Lestrange family. She said that she would rather replace Georgiana in Paris and watch the staff of the Ministry of Magic work hard than travel to the Northwest.

As for Louvre Truman, Georgiana hadn't seen her for a while, and as she came into contact with more and more secrets, it seemed that it was no longer suitable for an English wizard to stay by her side.

Josephine's hometown is in Martinique, which is close to Santo Domingo. If Josephine's father and uncle were capable, then Josephine's situation would not be as difficult as it is now.

Georgiana didn't know what she was doing at all. When Napoleon received Fournier, she went to look for the Mamluk cavalry Allah who shot an arrow, killed the werewolf and saved her life. Apologizing to Allahah as Napoleon told her.

Hufflepuff was never stingy with apologizing, but Allah seemed to be frightened and didn't recover for a long time. Later, it was Rapp who helped her out, and he threw Allah a heavy Allah took the money bag with a smile, and then returned to Mamluk's side like a normal person. I don't know what he said, and the Mamluks who stayed in the base camp cheered together.

"Gold coins are better than an apology." Rapp said to Georgiana with a smile. "Come on, Georgiana."

Georgiana was in a mixed mood. She sympathized with the werewolf, but she felt like she had just sold it like a fur dealer.

"Look at this." Rapp took out a small dirty bag as he walked, and poured out the trinkets in his palm. They were all made of gold or similar metals, including crosses and amulets. It is inlaid with a small gemstone "This is found from the refugees who were captured by Forgnier."

Georgiana took out the brass cipher disk, which of course seemed worthless compared to gold, unless it really concealed some secret.

"How come Fournier is in the west?" Georgiana asked.

"He was going to flee abroad, but fortunately he met us."

Georgiana doubted this statement very much. Could it be such a coincidence that he just ran away with a rifle?

Napoleon usually rides in a carriage in the city, and it is rare to see him riding a horse. This time he left the carriage far away, just like the Xueyue assassination.

"Soldiers who fall behind will always find the team." Georgiana said insincerely.

"Hey." Rapp looked around and said after confirming that there was no one around, "At least Fournier knows that Napoleon is not the kind of person in power where you are cannon fodder at the front and I fall in love at the back."


"You know what I'm talking about. When he came back from Egypt, he heard the scandal between Josephine and that boy. That kid can't fight, but he's very good at it."

"My God." Georgiana couldn't help but stop. "Do you think it's a good time to tell me this?"

"Why do you think the ancient monarchs needed military power?" Rapp asked, but he began to talk without waiting for Georgiana's answer. The same is true for leadership, as long as the pope is not crowned, no one will obey his rule. Francesco Sforza of Milan also accepted the canonization of the pope. The power belongs to the church, and when the power of the king exceeds the power of the church, the power of canonizing bishops belongs to the king, and the archbishop of Rouen is the younger brother of Cambacéres, the second regent."

She tilted her head to look at Rapp.

"If you want to have a religious wedding, I think he'll be willing to do it for you."

Georgiana tried to pass out.

"He's serious," said Rapp gravely. "I've seen you guys have a good time together."

"I'm not……"

"Many people call Napoleon 'modern Attila'. He was like Attila when he was young. He studied military in French schools and prepared to fight for the independence of Corsica in the future. But he fell in love with France and became a You can do the same with a Frenchman."

Georgiana was still shaking her head.

"Montesquieu said in "The Rise and Fall of Rome" that Attila's only goal was to conquer, not to possess. He was feared by his subordinates, just as the policies he adopted made the Romans fearful, but he was not. Subjects hate, he is vain, scheming, irascible, and at the same time wise enough to forgive or postpone punishment until he has drained the offender of his use, if peace would do him greater good, Then he won't start a war, his subordinates are loyal to him, but he himself adheres to the customs of the Huns and advocates simplicity."

Georgiana looked at him blankly, "Do you think Fournie will be used to drain him?"

"It's better than him doing nothing, isn't it? This time it happened because he was drunk."

"And my use value will be drained because I offended him?" Georgiana asked back.

"You think you offended him?" Rapp asked back.

Georgiana shook her head and smiled wryly.

"Leon is quite different from the public opinion in the UK. I thought he was a tolerant person." Georgiana said helplessly, "Obviously I was wrong again, right?"

"What I want to say is that you performed very well against the 'Whip of God', although Napoleon himself said to Pius VI that he was not 'Attila'." Rapp said, "He is the one who can make the whole of Europe tremble. .”

"I want to ask you a question," Georgiana asked.

"Please say."

"Napoleon burned cities and villages like Attila, leaving corpses everywhere along the way?"

Rapp didn't answer.

"I'm not speaking for him, but I think Napoleon is not the kind of person who takes pleasure in killing. If he tells the Pope that he is not Attila, he should obey what he said instead of questioning him." Georgiana stared said Rapp's eyes.

The Theory of the Monarch once said that soldiers like a monarch with martial spirit, so that they can get double military pay and let their greed and cruelty succeed, while civilians prefer a gentle and humble monarch, because the people love peace.

He doesn't need more persuasion to solve all problems by force.

"Do you know why Napoleon reconciled with the church?" Rapp asked with a smile.

"Not many rural people participated in the revolution." Georgiana said blankly, "Except for the peasants who were incited by the priests, it was mainly urban residents who were making trouble."

"That village is almost isolated from the rest of the world." Rapp motioned Georgiana to look at the brightly lit village not far from the ancient battlefield. "In this kind of place, the spiritual gathering point of people is the church and religious activities. When we went there, preparations were underway. Funerals, local people's birth to death, all important events must be held in the church, and the passing buskers and festivals are also held in front of the church. For those ordinary people without culture, the church is their only spiritual resting place , I really didn’t expect that witches would reconcile with the church one day.”

"Leon told me he didn't want mysticism and witchcraft to spread in the army," Georgiana said.

"I don't want a God who keeps warning me about going to hell. This sentence is said by Milton. His "Paradise Lost" is said to be the Protestant "Divine Comedy."

"Have you read it?"

"Napoleon can read in the car. Although I don't like reading, I like to see him like this, not with the women introduced by Marmont and Junod. It was the same in the last assassination. Josephine must pull him Going out with her, not only Napoleon was almost killed, but I was also almost killed, I heard Dillock said that you also accompanied him to chat with the workers."

"It's nothing special." She said blankly.

"You know what's bothering him?"

Yes, the heir thing.

Georgiana did not speak out, and at this time Rapp said again, "He was afraid that if he died, the reforms he made would come to an abrupt end, and then France would fall into chaos again. Have you heard of that? ?”

"Which thing?"

"If one day he dies, put his body on the bed for eight days, let everyone think he is alive, and then Cambaceres finds a way to get rid of those who will threaten the successor. On the list of getting rid of others, or on the list of getting rid of?" Rapp asked.

"You think I'm a threat?" Georgiana said in disbelief.

"He's still Caesar." Rapp said blankly, "As long as..."

There was a "pop" gunshot, and everyone looked in that direction, and found that a firework exploded in the southeast of the battlefield, and it seemed that there was a discovery there.

Georgiana glanced at Rapp, said nothing, and went to find her horse.

Milton's original text is: Even if I go to hell, such a God can never compel me to respect

The church of that era was "severely punishing heresy and forgiving sinners"

Milton is almost a heretic

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