Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1595 Life and Death Snipe (26)

People often see strange things, especially on the battlefield. In August 1914, during the First World War, the combined forces of France and Britain were attacked by the Germans in the small town of Mons. Just when they were about to retreat, the Archangel Michel suddenly appeared in the sky and descended from the sky. The Angel of Jehovah rode the legendary white steed, dressed in white, and held a flaming sword in his hand to stop the Germans from attacking. Attacked.

Harry Potter's great-grandfather, Henry Potter, once advocated that wizards intervene in World War I. Although the Minister of Magic, Archer Evermond, in order to prevent the "International Statute of Secrecy" from being violated, many wizards responded to Henry Potter. Potter's call to participate in the First World War, "maybe", the strange celestial phenomenon that Muggles saw in Mons Town was forged by these wizards.

If British wizards can take the lead in breaking the "International Act of Secrecy" to participate in the war, why are wizards from other countries prohibited from violating the "International Act of Secrecy" and participating in the war?

The French pure-blood aristocrats will not stand on the side of Muggles like Henry Potter, and they call people who cannot magic vermin. But this situation is not absolute. Anyway, Georgiana knows that the wizards of the newly established French Ministry of Magic will obey some of Bonaparte's orders. After all, they need a new social system and order to recognize the legitimacy of their property. Many of these wizards are old nobles during the Bourbon dynasty.

A good quality of life is not just slaves like house elves, but also other things, such as houses, furniture, and the scenery outside the window. In a luxurious house, wear decent clothes, pour a cup of coffee and black tea, and enjoy the scenery of Paris is a treat.

And all that the nobles enjoyed was snatched by the soldiers with blood on their hands. The environment they lived in was as bad as what Georgiana saw in front of them. Not only was it deserted, but there were also monsters.

Muggle warfare is an art of coordination, and keeping pace with different people is difficult. If there are two commanders who cooperate tacitly, then the battle will be relatively easy. If it is two commanders who have their own ideas, then there will be a very "dramatic effect". Moreau looked for Juul everywhere on the battlefield. , During World War II, the French suddenly surrendered, which caught the British off guard and had to leave their luggage and retreat from Dunkirk.

Napoleon had been rude and callous just now because he was commander-in-chief now. He is not a person who gives up and retreats lightly, and he will not shout to retreat when his adjutant is smashed into blood by shells like Dopp. Of course, this style is similar to those in the salon who wear wigs and carefully speculate on girls' minds. , The literati who talk sweet words are different.

Hussars are very suitable as scouts. When the sky was still bright, Napoleon had already seen the terrain of the Ivry battlefield through a telescope. His detachment was not aimless, but was searching for places that were easy to hide. The trouble is Let the scouts conquer their fears and explore the places where people can hide.

Intelligence is also needed to formulate a battle plan, and one cannot act blindly. Many people think that Napoleon is jealous of Moreau, not only because Moreau is very famous in the army. Moreau will collect wounded soldiers on the battlefield. Because Moreau was a staunch republican, Napoleon rejected the republican, advocated dictatorship, and returned the church.

It is written in The Prince that it is unreasonable to expect an armed man to obey an unarmed man voluntarily, or that an unarmed man should stand between armed subjects, because one is contemptuous and the other is contemptuous. The other party is suspicious, and it is impossible for them to work well together.

Georgiana is a woman, and she is not Joan of Arc, why should she let armed men listen to her?

It's good that she can't be despised and jealous. Love can sometimes make men fascinated, but when they "get rid of distracting thoughts", love can't be counted on.

Although Medea gave birth to two princes for Jason as heirs, she had no dowry, unlike the young wife Jason married later, and Jason could get the inheritance of a kingdom by marrying her.

This is what happens to women who abandon their country and family for love.

The Russian noblewoman who followed the French probably died in the ice and snow in the end.

Women are born this way, because marriages come from one family to another, and if she disregards the interests of her birth family for the benefit of her husband's family, then one day when her husband bullies her, her mother's family will not help her.

If a woman only protects the interests of her natal family and disregards the interests of her husband's family, then the husband's family will never be able to accept her into the husband's family. If she can't even give birth to an heir who maintains the common blood of the two families, then this This kind of marriage is almost the same as no marriage.

Those who should fight should continue to fight, and those who should assassinate should continue to assassinate.

Babies are easy to die. Five of the children born to Napoleon's mother died in infancy. He did not set Louis Napoleon as the heir immediately after the birth of Hortans' son, but after returning from this journey, this The question still has to be faced, Joseph, Lucien or Louis Napoleon?

Lucian is greedy for money, there is no need to doubt this, he does not know how many diamonds he received from Godoy in Spain.

Is he a republican? Not necessarily, anyway, he often confronted Napoleon.

Making Joseph the heir would be tantamount to restoring the hereditary system. The country that Henry IV made on this battlefield was lost in the hands of Louis XVI. Louis XVI can also hunt on horseback, but he is more interested in geography than military affairs. A monarch who does not understand military affairs is extremely unfortunate. .

Georgiana looked at the metal plate in her hand, only thinking that it was a clue to some treasure.

People worked hard to dig out the gold from the ground, and tried their best to hide the gold coins and gold and silver utensils, so that Pluto became extremely rich.

Will someone go to the underworld to take risks for these gold, silver and jewels?

When Theseus was old, he and Piritos took the risk to snatch a marriage. They first snatched away the famous Helen, and later planned to snatch the Queen of the Underworld to compensate Piritos for not getting Helen by lottery.

But this plan failed, and Theseus and Piritos were imprisoned in Hades forever...

Georgiana heard the sound of hooves, and Belle and Sadie rode back together.

At the same time, a middle-aged villager was sitting on the horse next to them. He was almost kidnapped and brought in front of Napoleon.

Napoleon was still wearing casual clothes at the moment, but he already had the air of a commander in chief. The villager knelt on the ground as soon as the horse stopped, muttering a strange language in his mouth.

"He speaks Anglo-Norman." Bai Lier explained, "He said just now, my lord, Nayam is a loyal French subject, he pays taxes on time every year, and has never taken in traitors..."

"Ask him something about this battlefield." Napoleon interrupted Belle. "Has he seen anything strange?"

Bai Lier translated the words, and the villager named Nayam immediately spoke tremblingly.

"He said that every full moon night, people in the village would see a big dog with red eyes haunting the ancient battlefield."

"Only one?" asked Napoleon.

Belle translated again.

Nayam recalled, shaking her head with a pale face.

"He said he didn't know, since his great-grandfather's generation, no one dared to come to this place casually."

"Ask him if he knows there are refugees in this area?" Napoleon said.

Belle translated, and Nayam spat on the ground and said something with hatred on her face.

"He said that if these people were eaten by hell dogs, they deserved what they deserved." Bai Lier said.

"Cerberus?" one of the guards asked.

"You have seen the eyes of lions and hounds." Napoleon said calmly, "Their eyes glow green in the dark. Can the eyes of that monster glow red?"

Georgiana looked up and found that everyone was looking at her.

"No, as far as the werewolf species I know, their eyes, like humans, don't glow in the dark." Georgiana said.

"Known species?" Rapp asked in surprise.

"There are many types of werewolves, and they will deliberately hide to prevent humans from discovering them." Georgiana said helplessly.

A picture kept appearing in her mind. On the ancient battlefield filled with thick fog, there was a huge dog with red eyes wandering in the place where the corpses were once strewn.

The animal wasn't like Fluffy, Hagrid's furry three-headed dog, but more like a nightmare from hell.

"Forgive me..."

There was a cry in the distance.

Everyone followed the voice and saw that the fleeing refugee was being pushed and shoved towards this side by a soldier.

The guards suddenly made a noise like booing.

"Look who's coming," said Rapp with a sneer.

"Who's that?" Georgiana asked Rapp.

"Twelfth Hussar, Colonel Fourgne." Rapp raised his hand, and the two guards immediately rode over and brought them over.

"Don't surrender his weapon." Bonaparte shouted to the Guards who were about to take away the weapon from Forgnier. "A soldier will only lay down his weapon when he surrenders."

Georgiana wanted to remind him that it was not safe to do so, but she said nothing.

In this kind of male drama, she should be the background board.

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