Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1594 Life and Death Snipe (25)

There is a fountain on the Saint-Michel Square. The sculpture standing in the center of the fountain is the Archangel Michel. He holds a sword in both hands. A dragon with wings opens its mouth, and a stream of water flows from it. Mouth sprayed out.

Crimean stopped when passing the fountain, and the others also stopped.

This place is a famous dating site in Paris, also known as the "Heart of Paris". Unlike the spacious Haussmannian avenue, the alleys near the Saint-Michel Square are narrow and winding, and there are many tourist buses and subways. Those who come out will walk to the fountain to gather.

"What are you looking at?" asked Conseil.

"That dragon." Crimian said, looking at the fountain sculpture, "it looks very similar to the dragon that Grindelwald summoned."

"What?" said Conseil, surprised.

"Grindelwald once wanted to destroy Paris, and in the underground opera house at Cemetery Lachaise, he used some kind of black magic, and my teacher at the time, along with Newt Scamander, and the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic, stopped Killed him." Crimean looked at Conseil, "Sometimes the spirits of animals are attached to substances such as flames. The fire dragons created by Muggles are often far from the real fire dragons, and the director of the Archangel Saint Michael With war, Grindelwald not only gives speeches, he also often holds salons where he prophesies, and predictions about wars.”

Crimean looked at the sculpture fountain again, "For the sake of all mankind, he encouraged the wizards to create a brand new world in a way different from the 'old way'. If the wizards don't stand up and resist, and bring the world we hope for, it will be a mess. The Muggles will destroy the world, and not just to stop them, sooner or later the Muggles will turn the weapons they have developed on us, and our real enemy is their arrogance, lust for power, and barbarism."

"Magic only blooms in a very small number of souls," Severus said. "It seems that he believes that magic comes from the soul rather than the body."

Conseil and Crimean watched him together.

"The relationship between Dumbledore and Grindelwald is not just 'old friends'." Severus laughed teasingly, "They have also studied the origin of magic power."

"What was the result?" asked Conseil.

"As a result, I told you just now." Severus said blankly.

"You mean the soul?" asked Conseil.

Severus ignored him and turned to look at the statue of the angel Michelle.

"The prophecy is destined to happen, and no matter how much mankind desires to change the prophecy, it will still happen." Severus said slowly, "If the Dark Lord ignored that prophecy, Harry Potter would not be the prophesied savior, Grindelwald used the desire of wizards to bring a new order to the world to make a speech. He is a prophet and a liar. Only when he fails will people not continue to believe his lies. This is also Albus Reasons not to trust Pomona."

"Because she is easily deceived?" asked Conseil.

"Because she wants to build a better world," Severus said.

"What?" asked Conseil, perplexed.

"You saw the winged man Michelle was stepping on, who do you think he is?" Severus asked.

"Do you need to ask? Of course it is Satan, the fallen angel." Conseil said.

"What was Satan's original sin?"


"Have you ever seen a woman as beautiful as Pomona so lacking in self-confidence?" Severus laughed sarcastically. "That's the crime Dumbledore committed. desires, and make a mixed Veela obedient and humble.”

"I don't think humility is a bad thing," Krimian said.

Severus smiled helplessly.

"She does not believe that you love her because she is not confident," said Conseil.

"She needs the affirmation of others, and cares a lot about other people's opinions." Severus sighed, "We live in his 'kingdom', obeying the order he created, until another half-breed Veela Appearing, let us understand that we can live in another way."

"Fleur Delacour," said Conseil.

"By the fifth year of Harry Potter, Dumbledore was kicked out by Umbridge, and no one could maintain the order he established. The school was in chaos, especially after George and Fred left, everyone They all want to be their successors, and these successors don't intend to restore order, they want to continue to challenge the authority to destroy order, until Umbridge is driven away, and then the school returns to its former tranquility, because Dumbledore is back .”

"The old order established by him has also been restored," murmured Conseil.

"I instituted a new order at school to replace Albus's," Severus said, "but no one followed it because I killed the 'Beloved King'."

"I have heard of the reforms you have made..." said Conseil.

"It doesn't matter anymore." Severus said relaxedly, "The crux of the problem is why the Elder Wand didn't choose me, but chose Draco Malfoy."

"First come first," said Crimean. "Draco Malfoy was the first to defeat Dumbledore with the Disarming Charm."

"You know a lot." Severus looked at Camillian.

"I saw it in the crystal ball." Kemilian said. "Superb acting, Professor."

"That's the rule, however ridiculous it may seem, but the Dark Lord is a serious man, and he doesn't believe that the Disarming Charm can accomplish what requires killing."

"Are we going to continue this discussion here?" asked Gonceil. "I thought we were here to meet people."

Severus pulled out the dagger from his belt, which belonged to Kamos I.

"The warrior returns with vengeance and soars through the water," he whispered.

"And the dagger?" asked Conseil. "The dagger you got from the Louvre."

Severus found another dagger from the shapeshifting lizard skin pocket, "Are you worried that I was picked by the thief just now?"

"What did you just say?" asked Conseil.

"That was the prophecy of Tyco Dodonus in the 16th century. Grindelwald was very popular in that era. It is said that the prophecy said Joseph Karma and Rita Lestrange." Severus explain.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Conseil.

"Nothing." Severus took one last look at the sculpture of Michelle, then left the square and walked towards the winding alleys of the Latin Quarter.

==================================================== ==============

Although Napoleon led his troops sometimes to take the lead, but this time he came to a tree full of red maple leaves and used this place as his base camp. The other cavalry were fan-shaped and divided into 10 teams to search on the ancient battlefield. Another group of people went to the village near the ancient battlefield.

They brought Belle. The education level in the countryside in the 19th century was very poor. Many people could not speak French. Belle, who knew multiple languages, might come in handy.

"You are smarter than Moreau." Napoleon did not get off his horse, but said to her immediately, "you also know how to signal and tell us where you are."

Georgiana smiled dryly, apparently recalling the battle that Moreau, Bernadotte, and Jourdan fought in Germany in 1797.

"Have you read The Travels of Marco Polo?" asked Bonaparte.

"There are many versions of "Marco Polo's Travels", which version are you talking about?"

"Marco Polo said that the Priest King John is the lord of the Tatars, and the Tatars will pay him one-tenth of their domesticated livestock every year." Bonaparte said, "Genghis Khan wants to marry the daughter of the Priest King, and the Priest But the king angrily told the messenger that he would rather throw his daughter into the fire and burn her to death than let her marry him, so Genghis Khan decided to declare war on the priest king, and before this epic battle began on the vast plain, Genghis Khan ordered him The astrologers predicted the outcome of this battle, and the astrologers said that he would win a big victory, and the battle started two days later, and both sides suffered heavy losses in this battle, but as the astrologers said, Genghis Khan won, The Priest King was also killed in this battle, and his territory, Tian Dezhou, was the homeland of Genghis Khan and the descendants of Priest King John, and Genghis Khan still married the Priest King's daughter as a princess."

"You want me to predict the outcome?" Georgiana asked.

"Except for those few refugees, there is no living person here." Napoleon said, took something out of the pocket of the gorgeous gold-embroidered saddle, and threw it to Georgiana.

Georgiana took it, and by the moonlight, she found that it was a metal product, but it was not only covered with green rust, but also covered with mud, and it could be vaguely seen that it was covered with characters.

"What's this?" Georgiana asked.

"From the vagrant you tripped over with a rope," said Napoleon. "There is another one, from the one who ran away."

"What's it for?" Georgiana turned over to look.

"I don't know, don't you know the Freemasons?" Bonaparte said, "Many craftsmen have Protestant tendencies. You can also ask the British to help you find out."

Georgiana raised her wand and flashed lumos on the plate-shaped object.

"I feel like I know this thing," Georgiana whispered.

"What is it?" Napoleoni asked indifferently.

"This is a cipher disk." Georgiana said, "It's different from the Caesar cipher I used last time. The key is not a word, but this disk."

"Do you still think you are not a spy?" Napoleoni said flatly.

"If it was found on the battlefield of the War of Religion, it has nothing to do with the treasures of the Netherlands. It was cleared once in 1645."

"But it might have something to do with the Burgundy Mansion." Napoleoni said disappointedly, "Don't forget, it was renovated around that time."

"Oh, hell!" exclaimed Georgiana.

"Every king intends to erase the traces of his predecessor after he is stationed in Paris." Bonaparte said calmly, "And then establish the traces left by himself. Paris now is completely different from Paris in the Roman period."

"The ship of Theseus," said Georgiana.

Judging by Napoleon's expression, he seemed to understand.

"I discussed an issue with Archbishop Caprara, about the issue of the father's forgiveness of his son in the New Testament, as well as the later voters and deserters." Georgiana said, "I thought..."

"I don't really want to hear a woman preaching," said Napoleon, "especially on the battlefield of this religious war."

"I think you should understand one thing, Leon." Georgiana said softly, "In a confused society, women can find a regular job so that they can find a sense of security. We don't have to rely on men to live. No need to be a 'yes' woman like Miss Sally."

"I rarely hear you say 'yes'." He said impatiently, "Even Lucien knows the value of diamonds, and a small pocket can be exchanged for a lot of money."

"He got a lot from the Spanish royal family, didn't he?" Georgiana asked.

He turned and glared at her.

"Are you still thinking about the heir?" Georgiana asked.

"You're explaining to me why you don't stay with women." Napoleoni said calmly. "You want to work?"

"At that moment, when I faced those refugees, my strength made me feel safe. If I wasn't a witch, I wouldn't have rushed into such a dangerous ancient battlefield." Georgiana said seriously, "I think this I still have judgment."

"what do you want?"

"I want to be your Merlin, even though I'm a woman."

Napoleon laughed.

"King Arthur doesn't exist at all, it's a fabricated story." Facing her gaze, he said in a sword-like sharp language, "Of course there are Knights of the Round Table and Merlin."

"And what did you just see?" Georgiana asked.

He didn't answer, but turned to look at the ancient battlefield shrouded in mist.

"Oh!" She exclaimed in disbelief, "Do you think that werewolf is just a bigger wolf like the big buffalo that Charlemagne hunted?"

"I don't need religious fanaticism to boost the morale of the army, and I don't need mysticism and witchcraft." He said sharply, "You said that my encounter with the Black Death in Egypt was God's arrangement. Almost going to hell."

Georgiana suddenly realized how much the guards who were hunting were like the Templars protecting civilians on the pilgrimage road, except that they were protecting the villagers of Brittany.

As for the Mamluks, they probably haven't realized this yet. They follow the orders of the sultan, and hunting makes their blood boil. The purpose of the soldiers' training is to quickly annihilate the target. As for the result of the action, it is beyond their control.

It's like a chariot, rumbling and whizzing by, destroying the good and the bad together, leaving only ruins in the end.

Seeing the destruction of their hometown and the city they love, some Italians do not regard the French as "liberators" like the Milanese.

But Napoleon didn't give such encouragement to those soldiers. They were timid before fighting. Such a team would definitely not take the initiative to face darkness and fear.

"I'm sorry..." she whispered.

"I will tell other women to have faith. I hope you will not be superstitious. Do you also want the title of a devout?"

Georgiana shook her head.

Then he turned his head and ignored her.

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